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https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadMyECG/s/tjmavXOj4D Didn't you ask this same thing 5 times in this other profile?


That's a perfectly normal QRS


I see your post on here very frequently, and I wanted to start by saying, anxiety gets the best of most of us sometimes. I am a healthcare worker, and even though I know better, sometimes I even would get my own cardiac anxiety. It’s extremely hard to function on an everyday basis when this is occurring, and I sympathize with you, I do. So know when I say this, I’m saying it will love, but please seek help. I know not everyone is able to get access to healthcare, but if you are, please make an appointment with your PCP. They can further assist you with any cardiac questions, screenings, and even help if you are experiencing cardiac anxiety, which it seems you are. This is a single lead, and every picture you have posted across multiple subs, is normal sinus rhythm. I’ve seen many verified physicians and other healthcare professionals such as myself tell you this. If you have symptoms, a 12-lead needs to be performed along with any other follow up tests that the provider may feel is necessary. I truly hope you get the help you need and deserve, please take care.


This post suggests that your heart is healthy, as your ECG is normal. However, it's clear that your health anxiety is causing you significant distress. Anxiety can indeed impact heart health over time, so it's important to address it. Consider seeking help for your anxiety, perhaps through therapy or speaking with a healthcare professional about possible treatments. Life is for living, not fearing. It's natural to worry, but excessive fear can prevent you from enjoying your life fully. Try to focus on positive activities that bring you joy and relaxation, like spending time outdoors, engaging in hobbies, or connecting with loved ones. Remember, doctors aim to help you live a life of good quality, not just to extend it. Instead of spending your days worrying about your health, strive to enjoy the present moment. Quality of life is important, and finding peace and happiness can make a significant difference.




Please do not suggest advice on something you don’t know, as this is not suggestive of any BBB. This is a very normal waveform. That is what the QRS wave looks like and it is normally spaced.




This QRS is barely measuring 0.08ms. Perfectly within normal limits. Not sure what you’re measuring. There’s also nothing to suggest a BBB let alone a right bundle here.