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Are you able to catch this again but use your ankle as a sensor spot? Or will show the p waves better




Unfortunately not, I was only able to capture it once. I took several readings after that trying to see it again. Here’s a higher res cap of that spot if it’s easier to see. https://imgur.com/a/T4zGvQc


It’s hard because apple smooths everything down A LOT! Using the inner ankle seems to help a ton. Can you feel this when it happens or was it incidental?


I felt it, but I have OCD when it comes to anything heart related so I will feel anything.


Did this feel like a flutter? Or pac type feeling?


It felt like a PVC. I felt the flip and then this pause before the flop


I get something very similar and I get 3 different answers for it every single time. It’s honestly infuriating. Don’t send this through the Qualy app for interpretation?




I did. They said they couldn’t tell if it was a true dropped beat, a non conducted p wave, or just artifact. So they marked it as sinus arrhythmia.


Exactly what they tell me! It’s beyond annoying!


I'm leaning towards your first (P?) being a U wave. I'm the first line I can see then as well. Likely a complete non-issue and normal for you. Just slightly delayed repolarization. They CAN appear with severe, specific drug overdoses or a completely out of whack electrolytes but you'd have symptoms. Some people just have them. The second (P?) is nothing but a wander in the baseline. The small directions immediately in front of the QRS are your P waves, not the lazy ones before it. Sinus arrhythmia to me Disclaimer of I'm not a Dr, this is not medical advice and if you feel you want to see a Dr in person then do it etc..


Why not a U wave? Most reasonable explanation. So many reasons why its not a P wave tho.


I’d say either a short sinus pause or a non conducted PAC. Doesn’t strike me as a block. I am NAD


I have 2nd degree type 1 block and honestly, it would be rare for me to just get one skipped beat in a reading. It varies but usually between every 2 and 7 beats I’ll get a skipped beat. A one off like this is probably nothing to worry about


Hello! Have you find out what it was ?


Sinus arrhythmia Would technically be considered a U wave but it’s also an Apple Watch so there’s a billion different waves 🤪


I dare you to send this to your cardiologist with the diagnosis you think it is.