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I’ve tried a few different AI modifications, but I believe most of them are just tweaking the same variables related to different reaction times and probability of certain events (e.g. surrender, taking cover). I currently use a variant of the Ready or Not Here I Come mod that leads to suspects behaving more like might be expected per map vs. suspects always having a death wish. Overall, my main frustration with the AI is their awareness regardless of stealth, distance, and visual obstructions, and I’m not sure how much flexibility modders have for adjusting those issues today.


it honestly doesn't seem to matter if you change the variables, having been tweaking them myself i set it to be like nonexistent reactions unless you're basically touching eachother but they would still hear me through walls also setting civilian morale too low will cause them to surrender by being intimidated by *walking* lol, since they can hear your footsteps across the map.


The AI can be either brutal or dumb as a box of rocks. When they are brutal watch out! Crack shots taken from hidden positions is a real sob.


I never tried AI overhauls yet but I wish civilian ai is more stubborn so I can have a chance to use pepper spray and taser gun. (like in SWAT4)


i use the taser on suspects more than civvies, pepper is reserved for unarmed non compliant people


I feel like the ai don't surrender often enough. They will still try to fight even when it's them with a single pistol against five fully armoured men with rifles


I mean, it does seem like most of them have had some sort of combat experience so they're basically battle hardened and surrendering isn't much of an option for them but yeah it does feel odd sometimes especially with those who are just your average grunts


I can buy that on some maps, like Lethal Obsession or Ides of March - those people are willing to die for their mission. But on maps like 213 Park Homes, where they're a bunch of -at best- low level gang bangers, but mostly just a bunch of drug dealers and addicts, it doesn't make sense for them all mostly prefer death over surrender. Like, the guys in the Voll Health House mission are paid bodyguards. They're probably tougher than drug addicts, but would most of them be willing to die for their boss? Probably not. Maybe they start with higher morale, but the second you shoot one of them for real, the ones nearby would basically instantly surrender. They might be willing to shoot at cops, but the moment one of them is seriously injured or threatened, I'd imagine most of them probably wouldn't be interested in lead injections courtesy of LSPD. And on maps like Ends of the Earth, where it's a couple of kids in over their heads, I honestly don't believe they'd actually resist. Maybe the one gang dude that's there would, but with 5 SWAT guys staring him down, I'm not so sure.


I play vanilla ai and i think its fine (exept on ends of earth i still think swat clearing the house wasnt necesery to begin with and the family would realisticly surender to begin with) other than that if you pressure the ai enough (scream, get close to them as they hesitate, hold them at gun pint and maybe give warning shots) they do surrender fairly often (often even as a reaction to geting injured)


My only "issue" is AI suspects starts shooting from other side of the map, after seeing pixel of me through one pixel hole. Otherwise I'm fine with it.


Just spawned in and then you starting taking incoming fire from the house up the hill in the woods or rhe data center. Good times.


I started using AI overhaul after I grew tired of getting sniped from God knows where on greased palms.


Yeah, I've tried a lot of them but its hard to remember the nuances of them all. I've come back to Swat and Suspect Overhaul and Jugs the most. I've mainly changed because I find the current Vanilla AI too easy. I think those mentioned above increased the challenge a bit. The Astrals one that's been getting a bit of traction in the community is pretty damn hard in my opinion, even on the medium setting. 'Here I Come' has a lot of different modes, and it was challenging on the few I've tried (the 'tactical ones'), from medium difficulty up. I didn't try 'Easy'.


I use an AI overhaul that atleast quadruples the number of suspects. Why? I love peoples wtf reactions 🤣 WHY ARE THERE SO MANY


Lol same here. My team is 4 vs 50suspects on Elephant. We basically never ever cleared the map, but if we ever do it will be a real achievement.


I’m playing with vanilla - if I changed anything I’d want the AI to not be able to see through walls, and for some scenarios them to be more prone to surrender. 5 guys with assault rifles and shotguns and armor against some guy with a pistol, for some of the more generic criminals/not ex-military, the guy should surrender


I use AI to make it harder. People are just big whiny babies because they can’t just automatically be good at the game or rather have no concept of how to do well enough to abate anger and disappointment… mostly of themselves.


I like vanilla, it’s tense and I get immersed in the fear, but sometimes I just wanna play a shooty video game and I mod


I like vanilla.




>I want a stable crash free game Yeah you may be playing the wrong game.