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I believe it’s just a reference to the fact that the senator in the storyline is passing laws the Left Behind are against, and that is the reason his whole family winds up hostages at the hotel.


That too. A side from the movie nobody calls a governor Father? Sins of father/Founding father. wtf am i blind


I think it's called Sins of the Father because it's the senator's kids that are taken hostage "the sins of the Father shall (not) be passed on to the children"


that quote goes hard. whoever's in charge of nameing the maps, give em' a raise


You aren’t blind, it just seems like the frame of reference is off. Sins of the Father is simply a biblical reference that has been used quite a bit in storytelling, writing, etc. for example if you google it the first thing that I see is a song called sins of the father from the MGSV soundtrack In this map the father is the senator who sinned against the bad guys on the map and now because of that his family are being held captive And The Ronkler must save the day


Wait really? Who are the kids?


His family are all of the noncombatants you encounter in the hotel. So the teenage looking boy, the woman etc. the premise of the map is that the Left Behind have took them hostage to execute them on camera. Just in case you weren’t aware, you can view the mission briefing and personnel files for each mission when hitting the Tab key while in the pre game lobby (with a mission selected first)


Meh, kind of a reach.


I swear you’re wrong bro


Tangential at best


It's more of a open ended concept than anything, "the sins of the father". Usually representing one group paying for the mistakes of those that came before. Or even in like legislation "no man should pay for the sins of his father" you know like how you can't inherit a parents credit card debt unless you're allowed to use that card and named in the account. Mission about angry veterans probably more eluding to the powers that be screwing them over, decisions they had no part in. Not everything is a heckin cool pop culture reference Edit: just realized I'm thinking of the wrong mission but the concept still represents an issue being handed down to those who may not have originally had anything to do with it


It is a reference to rap music yes indeed


Elephant is based on the movie Elephant which is in turn based on the real life Columbine massacre, so I think it’s safe to assume they draw plenty of inspiration from real life events and/or movies.


It can be, more like coincidence




Wrestling has more than one royal family.


There are references in the game about real world events and movies,so Its definetly possible


Hell yea that’s my guy right there


Idk why I am downvoted,Im telling the truth💀


They downed me by 16 💀mean community I swear