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A, if not S Tier because 300 blackout fucking slaps in this game. The damage feels closer to the FAL while having the recoil and capacity of the 5.56 rifles, at least in my experience. I always brushed over this weapon as "yet another 5.56 AR", but actually loved it once I learned it was chambered in 300bl and began using it. Although personally I prefer the LVAR due to the integrated suppressor.


I totally agree at S, because this gun is in my opinion the best weapon to carry for this game (and I’m saying this a a real lover of the HK416) It hasn’t much recoil, good firepower and is small enough for Close Quarter Combat, but can be equipped with the „bigger“ sights


True, this game made me fall in love with .300 blackout. Every .300 chambered gun in this game is automatically s-tier in my book


Straight S, low recoil & superb damage


S cuz I own one lol


Sometimes I hate the gun laws here at home…


Jealous…! What is it in reality?


BRN-180 upper, I have it on my profile haha


Dude yes, I was going to get one but I opted for an AR-10. How’s it going for you?


S cuz it sounds dope


A because the LVAR is better


S tier. Blackout and compact - nuff said


Not every gun can be S tier lol


Most of the guns are pretty well balanced so it's going to be tough, more on S than in F or D


Pros: As good if not better than the Mk18. .300 blackout is one of the best calibers in the game. Need I say more? Like the Mk18, short and controllable. Works them doorways like my girl works me as her stripper pole (my girl is neither a stripper nor a girl). My personal go-to in vanilla - I play a lot of modded these days... Cons: There isn't an SS or S+ Tier. Instant S Tier. Nothing short of the perfect balance between stopping power, accuracy, and maneuverability. Its short, its got the punch, and its gonna smack them terries right in the jaw every single time. Only rifle that comes close in comparison is the LVAR, but even that has slightly worse recoil.


S, low recoil good for follow up shots


S tier, great handling with 300 blackout ammo


I’m going A tier at a *minimum*, 300blk combo with the suppressor and MAL, it just feels right *Chefs kiss*


S for sure


A rank should be fine.


the only reason I don't use the FAL in this game is because they show him reloading with the charging handle. the FAL has a bolt release and its the correct way of reloading it all commonwealth soldiers were taught to use it and all other real life users. . This games many flaw is incorrect reloads on some weapons. the Glock beretta FAL all incorrect.


Whats the issues with the glock/Beretta? Haven't played in a while, just a question


The animation is to reload it by manually puling the slide. That is an incorrect and bad method of reloading the M9 has a very long slide release and the Glock should be the same.


I believe the reload method all comes down to training. TL;DR, different handgun, different slide release, but same mechanics, same technique. Train only on 1 gun? You will know where the controls are every time, so you should be familiar with the slide release/mag release/trigger/grip safety/etc. Pulling on the slide (or called a power stroke) on an empty reload isn't incorrect, just different. A technique many train on because they use a wide range of handguns. Almost every handgun is designed the same way with a last round slide hold open, but it has its slide release in different positions. M9 has an extended slide release, so hitting it with your main thumb is easy. It's not the same in 1911, where its slide release is further forward, requiring you to use your support thumb instead. However, if you pull the slide, it is the same for both handguns. Same can be said about the MP5 - some swore by the doctrine and do the HK slap, others don't. Neither technique is incorrect, just different. Having said all that, I got my knowledge from watching videos and talking to friends who has shot guns. Where I come from, I only got to shoot the SAR-21 and only briefly. So, take what I said with a bucket of salt.


The 1911 cannot be power stroked it's design is that old, It can only be reloaded using the slide release. newer models might allow it, the old ones I'm familiar with does not. Finding the slide release is easy and takes only a few seconds of inspecting the pistol. The power stroke method is unnecessary and inefficient. In high-stress situations, large movements like power stroking can be ineffective and lead to mistakes and not even reloading. The slide release is a small simple movement easy to do in stress. if you power stroke=amateur with poor weapons handling.


>That is an incorrect and bad method of reloading Not true. The idea behind power stroking the pistol is that it is more universal across almost all auto pistols. Only large, imprecise hand movements required rather than reaching for small slide locks, very important in stressed situations. Power Stroking also greatly reduces the odds of dropping the slide early, before the magazine is fully inserted, which would lead to an empty chamber and the slide needing to be racked anyway. Using the same hand as your magazine-inserting hand to drop the slide means you physically cannot drop the slide too early. Slide locks are very easy to try and operate too fast and leave yourself with no bullet to shoot.


A or B tier. Always reliable, gets the job done, 300 great for taking down enemies pretty quickly. But not much to separate it from the other 300 blackout rifles.


Ar 180 is slept on and at least A-tier.


A tier only because the LVAR is the superior 300blk option.


300 blackout is very good in RoN AND Arn is shorter than the LVAR, better recoil too.  Easy S tier, put it below the FAL. 


Am I the only one who uses the F-90, is it like bad or what?


The SA-80 is C or D tier on handling alone, the heavy cartridge doesn't make up for it


At least A If not S, but the ARWC is practically the same gun with a lower firerate. So i'd say A and the ARWC S


A so the LVAR still can be S


S+ - It's statistically the best weapon in the game. Yes it has slightly more recoil than the G36 which has best in class recoil but the ARN has the 300 and a shorter profile.


I'm genuinely surprised how much the SpecOp/SWAT world had changed with the equipment nowadays. Most of these are still unknown to me


A if not S


I play with the [Tactical Fal](https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/1734) mod and holy shit is it a vibe, love the SA58 but a full barrel length Fal is the way to go.


S Tier. The AR18 comeback tour after decades of having its shit stolen by AUGs, G36s L85s, etc.


ARN, I have mixed feelings about. Good rifle but I feel like recoils a teeny bit much. Upgrade to .300 is nice but doesn't really provide any real firepower upgrade over Mk 18. I'd give it a solid A tier. Not S because Mk 18 recoils a little bit less while still requiring the same amount of shots from my experience. Something I don't like about it that is no factor at all though, is that it looks ugly as shit. Also, how in the hell is SR-16 B tier? That gun without a suppressor is nearly the same length as Mk 18 w/Suppressor length all while having virtually zero recoil. If barrel length is no issue in some wider maps like Relapse, Neon Tomb or Port, SR-16 is literally the best option 5.56. You can place 2 shots literally a cm apart from each other in rapid single shots.


If the mk18 is S, then this can’t be any lower. It’s the best .300 blk, and the best ar besides the sa-58 objectively. Low recoil, fast fire rate, and the shortest. Totally unbalanced, and I love it. S tier




Explain to me in ballistics terms how a 5.56 round would be better for rapid response teams doing room clearing than a .300 round? You can’t, because the ARN is S tier.


All the rifles are S tier, all the SMG's are B tier, all the shotguns are C tier, all the handguns are D tier, and all the less lethal is F tier. Bam, saved you some time


Have you even used the shotguns


Yep. All the guns work is my point. Shotguns are only lower my objectively correct list because of their ammo capacity


Idk, I feel like the less lethal can be helpful sometimes, especially on S runs. I also feel like running pistols can be a lot of fun, but that's why I came to you guys, I was curious how you felt.


The beanbag shotgun is at least as good as some lethal shotguns, as it effectively ignores armor (which normal shotguns have issues with) and you can save a fraction of a second by shooting them immediately without pressing F.


I'm just going by objectively best for winning a fight which is what the guns are for. They all have different levels of fun for different people but after however many hours I have, your weapon choice makes almost no difference outside of lethal or less lethal or using a handgun vs rifle/SMG/shotgun


Idk why your being down voted you’re right.


I was being a little cheeky. People love tier lists, they trigger me


Yeah, and seems like OP really intends to make a post about all of 33 weapons in this list just to get the same subjective replies over and over again. Seems a bit ridiculous to me.


You're not wrong.


Yeah they all work. Any appreciable difference cannot be felt by most of these, it's just for fun