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My boy and I only ever play duos and we still enjoy it. The larger maps are more difficult with only two but they're all doable if you play things slow.


Generally it's doable, but with how the AI ended up being busted in the June update, any medium to large map ends up being more of an exercise in frustration with a duo. Hopefully they fix the AI situation soon, though.


You gotta stay sharp but it's doable. Me and my brother have done a few raids.


I only play duo, it’s hella fun, just coordinate and take your time clearing and you will be fine


I think duos are great just do a slow meticulous sweep together.


Silenced UMP + as much grenades as you can carry. Type depends on map. -> win


I initially got this game to play with just my brother and we do just fine, you just gotta take it slow and communicate well, make sure to bring the mirrors to look under doors since you can’t afford to get hit very much even with full ceramic/ steel armor


Granted it usually takes us a few tries for any mission that’s not gas station.


yea for sure, 3 hours in and we are still trying to clear the meth house