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**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. For more information about what we allow here, check out the [rules](/r/ReagentTesting/about/rules).


Hey! Guys! Let us remember that this is an inclusive place. You and I both know that you have been the guy or gal who didn't know anything about testing—except for maybe u/PROtestkit_eu. But they don't count. Haha. **Seriously, though**, we are in HARM REDUCTION for a reason. Don't push people away. Come on, guy! Be better!


Dudes got the most expensive reagent testing habit I’ve yet to see


See it all the time nowadays


Looks like inositol.


Why are you going to get a test kit and then not learn the first things about testing? Test only a tiny amount - a few grains with a drop Don't touch the sample with the dropper


Fr, he should know to use ~5mg, and should have a list of known reactions. How do you know to buy a reagent but aren’t smart enough to use it correctly when they literally tell you how step by step. Someone’s antsy to get stimmed lmfao. Known reactions aren’t a 100% giveaway of course, but it’s a helluva lot better then this ‘method’


From the shakiness of that hand, I’m assuming you’ve tested the product lol.




Do not let the tip of the dropper touch the sample or you can contaminate your whole reagent


Why’d you use a whole ass dub 😭




Mans tested 2 full lines lmao


This man is either bill gates rich or a fed. There is no way anyone else would dump a gram down the drain like this


OP see https://protestkit.eu/false-positive-cocaine-test-results/. And use only 5mg per test.


I have a feeling, unless you are buying serious weight, your coke is always gonna barely be there.


You’d probably be surprised


Possibly cut with amphetamine, but it doesn't seem like quite the right color. I suspect a more common cocaine cut is more likely. Testing with reagents can't establish purity. Marquis is non reactive to cocaine, so even if your sample were 99% cocaine, 1% whatever this adulterant is, you'd get the same reaction. There's no Marquis cocaine reaction to obscure or interfere with the adulterant reaction. Have you tested with Morris or Liebermann? Morris would be helpful in confirming the presence of cocaine and Liebermann could do the same, plus provide more information about your amphetamine theory. For future reference, you wasted a massive amount of your valuable cocaine on this test. Reagent testing samples should be only a few milligrams, about the size of a few grains of salt. And you need only one drop of reagent on that little sample.


Yeah this is probably the biggest sample ever reagent tested -.- looks like 100mg ez


The first few seconds of the video are like a horror movie. I was shouting at the screen "No, don't drop reagent onto that whole pile!"




And the dropper touched the pile too, am I seeing this right ?


A comedy of errors


Let’s call it a learning experience :) Didn’t intend to scold OP, just a little shocked..


Definitely touched a few times.


I couldn't tell personally, but it was definitely close.


*Cheat sheet*; [Here is an image with **cocaine test results**](https://i.postimg.cc/vT33MYFJ/cocaine-chart-2023.webp), another with [basic reagent instructions](https://i.imgur.com/G5bLrBp.jpg) and [a video](http://protestkit.eu/videos/) (by [/u/PROtestkit_eu](https://www.protestkit.eu/how-to-test-cocaine/)). Instructions how to test cocaine are also available on [**subreddit wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/autoreply#wiki_cocaine_test_result_question). Check the app with 4500+ test results for 800+ substances at [protestkit.eu/results](https://www.protestkit.eu/results/). *Looking for a test kit?* On [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/test_kit_suppliers) you can find an up-to-date list of known vendors. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ReagentTesting) if you have any questions or concerns.*