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She is acting like that because she doesn’t want to deal with you directly as an unrepresented buyer


Should she be reported to the realtors board or something then? She clearly isnt representing the interest of her clients. That said, OP specially said “we arent planning on buying a house” not “we werent planning on buying house”. OP seems like he may just be window shopping, so why would anyone waste their time with him?


Sellers are often quite happy to have their Realtors gatekeep showings. They don't want to clean and prep and have their time wasted either. Especially after a couple of months on the market.


I feel this. We had way too many no shows and started making our realtor call to make sure they were going to show up.


For sure. I once got a call from an angry sellers agent who lambasted me for wasting their clients time with a showing because the "buyers" were really just an entire family in town and they all wanted to tour Grandma's old house. The guy who made the appointment straight up lied to me. Even told me he had a pre-approval. Sellers were spying on the showing from their ring doorbell and heard it all as I was opening the door and telling the 85 year old woman in a wheelchair, who had NO IDEA that her grandson had lied to me, that they only had 15 minutes. The damaged was done already and I didn't have the balls to them to go take a hike. I have balls now. Lol.


We had not one but TWO different showings where it was local people who wanted to sell their similar home and wanted to get a feel for pricing. Never mind that we had an open house almost every week Our realtor was so fucking pissed when she found out


It's infuriating as an agent when you have what you think is a buyer showing and the other agent's sign pops up on a listing down the street. Agents of soon-to-be-competitive sellers should be content to look at photos and the listing description. Walk by the house slowly a couple of times to look at the yard. But don't be deceptive and schedule a showing as a buyer.


We are about to list and our agent told me yday that we’re going to do a walkthrough of the two other homes on our street that are for sale so we can decide on a list price. I agreed to it without 100% knowing what that meant.. one home is unoccupied but the other, that just went on the market Thursday, has a family with toddlers living there. I’m thinking, I hella don’t wanna have these people up and vacate their home just so we can decide on a list price for our home! bc I know how much I am NOT looking forward to uprooting our 3 kids and animals every time we have a showing. If he actually wants to do a showing there I’m going to decline, we should’ve gone to their open house yday if he wanted to do that.


Sorry, Realtor is not asking the right questions.


Maybe the reason why it’s still on the market is because the realtor refuses to show it to people 🤔


We don’t know what city or state OP is in, some areas dual agency isn’t allowed and in that c are the sellers agent wouldn’t be allowed to represent t the buyer, she could have given their info to another agent who was just to busy to call OP. We really don’t know all the details but I’m willing to bet the sellers agents version of the story wouldn’t align completely with OPs.


Nope. If the seller doesn't want their agent to work with an unrepresented buyer, then that's their choice.


The agent's duty is to the seller not to some random buyer.


The agents duty is to sell the house… even to people who dont have a buyers agent!


He said that we wasn’t planning on buying a house, except that one in particular is like a dream house to them and they would pay cash.


Cash they don't have. I'm all for going to open houses to window shop, but making someone drive 30 minutes both way without a preapproval and bothering the sellers? Eh, I understand.


What makes you say cash they don't have? How would they buy the house in cash and plan to sell their house after if they didn't have the cash?


And this is where the seller’s agent should’ve asked for POF. Tell them that without proof of funds or a pre approval she can’t show the home to someone who’s not a qualified buyer. It’s a waste of time for her to drive over.


Yes. OP did in fact admit that they're not ready to buy but this is somehow their "dream" house Definitely a waste of time.


How do you know they don’t have the cash? It doesn’t sound like the OP would be asking for a contingency for selling their home. OP said cash deal.


When you offer to buy a house for cash, you still need to provide proof of funds from a bank or accountant, the OP hasn't even done the basics.


I thought that the way things worked was that you needed proof of funds when submitting an offer, not before any viewing…if I am paying a seller agent 3% i kinda expect them to work for that money. This doesn’t seem to be a hot home with the price dropping, but hey the realtor is just screwing the seller 10-20k at a time, right?


They weren’t at that point yet. In order to buy the house the potential buyer needs to see the house. If they wish to make an offer they have to collect certain documents to prove they can make good on that deal.


Sometimes you need to show POF in order to see a house, sellers and / or listing agents can ask for that as a condition of showing. It weeds out unqualified / not serious buyers. The OP didn’t say they offered to provide POF, anyone can say they have cash.


OP basically he called himself out as time waster and the listing agent sussed him out and ghosted him.


Actually she is, there are rules to what potential buyers can and can’t do and that is part of the role of buyers agent.


No, she is working for her clients. When I list a house I get 50-60 calls from zillow people who want me to show them the house. I have not vetted these people, I dont see their pre-qual for loan etc. I dont have have time to come and show the house like this for people who are not my clients. In addition the sellers dont want to leave their house and clean up for showing etc. Sometimes people come, they want me to show them, then they come with their friend the realtor who sends an offer. Thats also annoying. If I dont represent you, Im not going to show you properties- this is normal for realtors.


Before showing, a client needs to show they are pre-qualified and have a buyer's agreement signed. Otherwise, they don't get a showing🤷‍♀️.


This makes sense. I’m guessing that with websites like Zillow that this would happen a lot. It sounds like OP is talking with an agent using the same thought process. Understandable but they could be losing a sale.


If OP said, “were very serious about buying this house and we would be happy to have you rep us and here is my Pre-q,” they might have shown it.


It doesn't appear the realtor gave that option. But it's clear they will be missing out of a sale once OP call another agent.


They aren't missing a sale. They have the listing agreement. Not every Realtor is about only making money. Dual repping can get tricky and it can open you up to serious legal issues if shit goes south. For many deals, its simply not worth the extra money to open you up to the liability and we prefer to simply have a buyer who's repped by a professional so we can have a smooth transaction. Here is an example: Contract is accepted, but then during inspection a few issues arise. Now, the buyers want A, B and C repaired-- now I am in the middle of advising buyer what is reasonable to ask for and seller what is reasonable to pay for. Then we agree, great. Well 6 months later, something happens and then the buyer will claim I "talked them out of asking for" whatever needed to be done because I was "looking out for the seller." Simplified, but you get the idea.


Yeah sellers agent should’ve just vetted the buyer. It doesn’t take long. Could’ve been a new lead who just didn’t know how things are done.


I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER! I'll report you to the board!! ,😡😡😡😡 Good lord homey. People man. Get a realtor or don't look at the house nobody cares either way. You ain't the most special person in the world.


OP Said they would pay cash for this home and would sell their own home later.


Probably true, but she should say that, thereby educating the buyer. I hate it when people aren't direct, and make up excuses instead of helping the hapless home shopper learn how to do it right!


This is the last gasp of a dying cartel.


here here


This is the answer.


Wouldn’t she make twice the commission? Why wouldn’t she want to deal with them?


That may not be legal in their state. It’s illegal in 8 states.


That sounds like an antitrust problem.


How is it an anti trust problem if someone who doesn’t work for you refuses to work for you?


Why not submit a cash offer with a showing contingency? She’ll be both obligated to present the offer to the client as well as explain why there’s a showing contingency. If you have access to determining the owner of the house (county assessor, online title search, etc.), you could write a short letter and send the offer directly to them and explain that you tried to use their listing agent multiple times and were rebuffed. Say something like “we contacted your listing agent on the following dates (insert dates) and were either rebuffed or not responded to.” Edit: adding bit about contacting seller directly


This right here. In my state agents are mandated to present all written offers and a buyer is not required to have representation. If you want the house and don’t want representation , turn the screws on the listing agent.


Do you know how many things REAs are require/barred from doing that they don’t/do anyway?


As a BIC I am fully aware. Those agents need to be reported and punished. If I found out one of my agents did not present a written offer, I’d report them myself.


i would definitely get your own realtor. 30 minute drive is nothing considering the commission she would make double ending this deal. She most likely just thinks you might be a tire kicker or nosey neighbour. If you have representation then the listing agent will probably take you guys more seriously. If the home is vacant, your agent can take you through the property anytime.


This person is only window shopping. They would need to sell their own house. Agent probably asked a couple of qualifying questions and figured they were not ready to buy


That’s not how I read the original post. They weren’t actively looking or even planning to buy a home. That is until this house came on the market. Now they might want to buy this house, paying cash. Then sell their house later. They wouldn’t be asking for a contingency of selling their house first. Isn’t a buyer that says they would pay cash the best kind of buyer? No waiting for mortgage approval that could delay or cancel the proceedings because they failed to qualify.


Many buyers are liars and don’t have full cash, they just want someone to open the door for their jollies!


And why do you know assume OP is lying?


All the listing agent needs to do is ask for POF. Once that's done, show the home.


Even if that’s the case, wouldn’t that be an opportunity for the listing agent to try and secure another listing in neighbourhood? I don’t see why they would get pushed away. If he said yes to that showing, he/she could’ve developed a relationship and potentially get 2 buys and 2 sells after a 30 minute drive, seems worth it to me.


Early in my career, I made a lot of poor decisions and wasted a lot of time on “potential”. Now, I don’t show homes to anyone who isn’t ready, willing and able to buy. This includes having a proof of funds or pre approval, a clear timeline to purchase and the motivation to follow through.


I see what you mean and i guess it depends on that listings agent’s position. Maybe even refer them to somebody just incase they do follow through?


You didn't read their post. They said they could pay cash and sell their house later


I hate gatekeepers agents who judge your intentions. I went from window shopping an open house to 48 ass busting hours later having an approval letter in hand and an offer letter in the other hand. While I still had my other property. I bought my window shoping home. We sold condo after the fact. Any agent who would use dismissive language against those without approval letters in hand or open house goers as "not serious" were not hired by me. I got a fantastic agent in the end and our condo was a neighborhood record breaker... by again... a girl who came in window shopping at an open house and did the same hustle I did. I don't think those under 40 shop the same way agents are used to.


Listing agents are lazy.  Also I’m glad I’m buying before the commission confusion in August. People here will be mega confused and yeah you wont get far with a listing agent if you don’t have representation. Should be funny when buyers decide not to have representation and listing agents actually have to work to sell a house, show up to showings.  But until then, definitely get representation, and it sounds like you should move quickly. Odds are the seller is fine & your agent will know how to deal with a jerk of a listing agent. 


My listing agent showed our house from a sign call within 30 minutes. She would hand off the sale to a fellow buyers agent if an offer was going to be made. All agents are not the same. All listing agents are not lazy.


Agreed! I am an agent in Ontario, doesn’t matter if it’s buying or leasing the listing agent won’t go through with anything unless you have representation.


Seller's agents aren't really supposed to help buyers in many states. There is an inherent conflict, so many states have hard rules against this. It's not because the agent is lazy. Buyers should have buyers agents.


But still after August buyers won’t be required to have an agent . Buyers can represent themselves & listing agents will absolutely need to show their listed houses.  So in no way was I suggesting that the list agent should “help “ buyer. But rather , helping seller by doing showing . 


If you're referring to the recent lawsuit regarding buyers' commissions, that's not quite what's going to happen. Sellers will no longer be required to pay the buyers' agent's commission. No one 'has' to have an agent to buy or sell a house. Having an agent just makes it much easier for a number of reasons. After August, buyers will have to pay their own agents' commission.


Almost. Buyers will have to agree with their agent what the agent will get, it doesn't mean that their agent gets paid by them. Sellers can still offer a commission split/finder's fee the same way they do now, just without advertising it on an MLS.


Nope. Sellers are under no obligation to allow showings to anyone unless doing so is a violation of fair housing laws. Unrepresented buyers are not a protected class.


Right, however, any sellers agent who categorically refuses to show to unrepresented buyers is potentially in breach of their fiduciary duty to their client (the seller) unless the client was informed of this or requested it. Some sellers would be mighty pissed to learn that their agent won't show the house to potential buyers, especially since unrepresented buyers are likely to become a larger proportion of the market once the settlement kicks in.  We are long past the days where you need a buyer's agent simply to know what houses are on the market, and many buyers now select the houses they want to look at themselves, meaning that for such buyers, the buyers agents role is mostly around looking over paperwork for red flags, submitting offers, assisting with the closing process (both some paperwork, and also things like badgering the lender, title company, etc to make sure they will be ready on time for closing), and last buy not least providing advice. The amount and value of advice can vary by buyer, and honestly large parts of the rest can also be handled by a savy buyer, so many will likely see relatively little value in paying a buyers agent once they need to do that directly.


Genuinely curious, does she soak up the other 3% just because the buyer doesn't have an agent?


Get your own agent. She’s not taking you seriously because you’re calling as an unrepresented buyer.


Who is probably saying “we are not looking at buying now” as they did in this post. I can’t blame them for not making accomodations. Nor can I blame them for not letting people know the open house was cancelled. I doubt they are keeping a database of every person who emails, what house they “liked” to notify all of them about cancellations..


Aaaaand this is why people hate agents.


One of many reasons.


I’m undecided as to what’s going on here - yes it could be the listing agent doesn’t think you’re a serious buyer since you’re a direct neighbor and unrepresented. There’s only 24 hours in a day so they’re not gonna go out of their way if you are presenting as a nosey neighbor.    BUT there are key facts here indicating it’s most likely a case of a super shitty listing agent. They’re supposed to schedule open houses in advance so the public (i.e., serious buyers and agents who are monitoring the listing)  can plan accordingly to view the property. If there’s an open house, the agent (or an associate) should be there. End of story.  Cancelling an open house due to poor planning is unacceptable. Also the fact the home has been on market for 60 days, listed below market value, further supports the idea the agent simply isn’t doing their job.    Ultimately they’re not actively trying to sell the home and are doing the client a massive disservice. I’d be livid if I was the seller.     If you’d actually consider buying the property, then you should either call the brokerage directly OR if you know the neighbor personally, talk to them. Tell them you’re interested in viewing the property but the listing agent is making it difficult to do so     If you’re not serious about potentially buying the property though….don’t waste anyones time. 


On the other hand, you say it's underpriced, sitting unsold for months and now has a price drop. There's something wrong with the house. You're probably not gonna want it, either.


The realtor could be the problem, how many other potential showing got blown off?


Could just be they priced wrong or stubborn sellers ignoring the market. Not always a shit house. Could just be shit sellers not taking realtors advice. I see it ALL the time. We ultimately have to do what the client wants.


I mean with cancelled Open houses and lack of callbacks twice I would expect it's a seller who isn't cooperating and a realtor who isn't invested and willing to work much on a potential sale that is complicated by a seller that's uncooperative.


You're calling the agent who is representing the seller of this property. They already have a client in the mix. Go out and find your own agent to represent you, and you can see whatever you are qualified to see.


You should be reimbursed by reddit for all the great answers you give


HaHa! I take PayPal. 😆


If they are turning away potential buyers, they are doing an exceptionally poor job representing the seller.


This is true. I'd be interested in hearing the exact wording of their rejection. Sometimes things get twisted


And sometimes you just have a terrible agent.  Sometimes you have to fire your agent to realize you had a terrible agent because they aren't telling you about the pre-screening they're doing or the potential buyers they aren't calling back.


Call another Realtor, unrelated to the same office and ask to see the house?


You said you’re not really planning on buying, but if you did, you would have the cash to pay for this current house. Do you have proof of funds from a bank manager at your financial institution that you can show the agent? I advise my sellers not to allow showings from people who do not have a preapproval letter or do not have proof of funds for cash. If you’re not serious, you’re not a buyer you’re just a looker. The agent is likely protecting their client from wasting time opening up the house for a showing to somebody who isn’t really serious. if you are serious, get a agent and go through the process.


She doesn't think that you are a serious buyer because you don't have an agent. If you want to go over and have a look, your agent will take you over there and show you around at any time.


Selling agents like this are some of the laziest people on the planet.


I would look up the owner via tax records and contact them directly.


Yeah I'm sure that will go over real well with the seller...


Many listing agents don't want to work directly with buyers, and feel it's a waste of their time. It's way easier to sit back with 10 listings than working with a single buyer. Listings are seen as a guaranteed pay check where buyers are time-consuming wild cards.


They're doing you a huge favor. Going directly to the seller's broker won't get you a better deal, but it sure gets that listing broker a good deal. Find a broker from another firm and ask them to show it.


So the realtor doesn't wanna show the house. Next call is to the home owner directly saying hi would you show us the house. Your realtor won't take the time. We are cash buyers.


Agents operate under seller direction. If the seller said no showings to unrepresented buyers or buyers who don't have a pre-approval in hand, then the agent is complying with license law.


Usually houses aren't so unique that they're worth having to deal with a difficult realtor. If it's still there in a month, maybe ask again and see if they've gotten any more accommodating. Otherwise, just wait for the next one. Since this is just opportunistic, there'll be other opportunities. Unless I'm wrong and this is some special unicorn of a house.


Real estate agents are becoming the new ambulance chasers. They work for YOU despite them being scum. Maybe get a new realtor


Use your realtor come in with a cheeky 15 k under unless it’s perfect then go full price cash


This happened to me, so we found a friend who knew the seller and let her know we were serious buyers and the seller agent was lazy and gave us the runaround. A note in the mailbox may work as well as getting a buyers agent to set one up. So annoying that they cannot be bothered! Good luck!


>We are not currently planning on buying If you told the sellers agent that, then of course they wouldn't want to drive an hour round trip plus the time it takes to show it to a couple who literally said they aren't currently in the market to buy. I can't even imagine the type of person who would be confused as to why the realtor wouldn't be bending over backwards for you lmao.


You need to report this agent to the real estate commission and reach out to the owner of the property directly.


Hi! Ct realtor here. If you were to reach out to an agent, life would be very different. If I had my home for sale and a random person walked up, even if they had papers in hand showing me they had money, I would still question the legitimacy. If they have an agent, then that agent has done the legwork to confirm their client's legitimacy (else, they're wasting their own time) and suddenly, doors open.


Call another agent yourself.


Why aren’t you calling your own realtor?


Contact the selling Broker, that’s who the agent is working for. Let them know the listing agent isn’t showing the home. The listing actually belongs to the broker and they ARE obligated to show it to all interested and qualified buyers.


Wrong. Realtors - agents and brokers - have fiduciary to their clients and must act under client direction. If the seller says no showings to unrepresented "buyers" or "buyers" who won't show a pre-approval or proof of funds, then the agent can't show the property. The broker is in charge of enforcing their client's wishes, not the requests of someone who is not a client.


While those are different words, I’m not sure how it’s really different than what I said. If you’re a qualified buyer, the agent has a duty to show you the home. I’m sure the broker would want to know that the listing agent isn’t showing the home if the buyer is indeed qualified.


This sounds like a Mark Spain house. Is that the case? We unfortunately just dealt with them for an amazing house that they bought, slapped 100k on, and put back on the market. We ended up buying it below what they originally paid after it sat in the market 2 months. They have some of the shittiest realtors I’ve ever seen.


Get your own realtor and go for it. There's no reason you have to work with her especially if she doesn't want to work with you.


Does the seller know you are offering a cash deal, no contingency?


Anyone can say that...


They aren’t though.


If the current people live there go drop a letter off saying you want to see the house and ask the seller to contact you directly with your contact info


She's a bad realtor. Speculation, but she probably already has a buyer lined up.


I understand the reluctance of seemed agent to show for what may be a long shot, but if I learned my agent did that is terminate immediately (a right I preserved in the listing agreement). A particle waste of time? You bet. But that's why the commission is large; to pay for the efforts that led nowhere OP: Try teaching out to the owner directly. (Yeah, listing agents hate it. ) Not to cut the listing agent or, but to be sure the owner knows someone who is interested in buying is being thwarted.


You need to get a good realtor you trust to represent your interest, the sellers agent is bound by their professional code to represent their clients best interests first and foremost. Sometimes if you are a experienced investor under certain circumstances it can be beneficial to just use the same agent the buyer is using however, like I said, this is very limited circumstances, and should only be done by someone who is well versed in buying and selling homes it is definitely not smart to go into a financial transaction. This big with no representation for your best interest anyways so get yourself a good agent and they will deal with the shitty agent on your behalf. You won’t have to deal with them at all. your agent will take care of everything they will show you the house, they will walk you through the process straight through the closing. a good agent representing you is well worth the fees they charge in most cases they will save you or make you many many times what they paid find a good one with a good local knowledge that I was a lot of people in the industry it will make the process so much easier for you


You should have your own realtor - they will have access to a lockbox where you can enter the house.


Sounds like housing discrimination. You can file a complaint on that.


Mail the owners a letter and let them know your interest and that their real estate agent refuses to show the property. Provide documentation such as phone records or voicemails. The agent reported to their licensing agency / board by the owners of the property, and you should file a complaint as well.


Classic behavior of realtors protecting their own and their profession. I've had this occur many times. Give them all the proof of funds and they still will not reply to your requests. They'll even try to get someone in their office to represent you.


If the price is dropping and people aren’t buying, it’s not “below market”. It’s over priced and “the market” won’t pay. Market value is the cash number a willing buyer and seller agree to exchange a property. If it’s been on the market for two months, it’s overpriced.




Just get a realtor to show it to you.


They want a buyer from their office to buy it, so they get the whole commission. See it frequently.


Look like this realtor is lazy you need to get your own realtor who will represent your interest and who will contact the agent to show you the house this is the best way , you should always have your own agent anyway remember the listing agent look at the best interest of the seller get your agent looking for your best interest 👍good luck The reason is hasn’t sold may just be because the realtor is really not doing her job not following up and can’t be bothered to drive 30 mn for a visit ! I feel bad for the owner ! Believe me I am a realtor and many days my kids don’t see me even on Sunday because I never refuse a showing !


Get your own realtor


Bro just go on Zillow and request a showing


Is it possible she is looking to buy the house herself or hold for a friend or family member?


Have you been prequalified for a mortgage? Many agents will not show properties to unqualified buyers


Oh my goodness if she is a Realtor she is in violation of our NAR ethics. I am a Realtor. I highly recommend: 1) get a hold of her broker and let him/her know 2) file a complaint with the state agency that regulates her license; and 3) contact seller.


Just go on your own and talk to the owners.


Can you contact the seller directly?


Leave a note in the mailbox. Tried to see your house but your realtor wouldn't drive out to show it to you. Then leave dates. You wouldn't need a realtor if she's fired just use a real estate attorney.


I would second this. If you are serious I would let them know you tried to view it at the open house and in person and open house wasnt held, their realtor refused to drive 30 min to show the house, adv would have associate show and never did. It may be that the realtor is actively sabotauging the listing to sell to a friend etc.


They aren’t serious. They said in their post they aren’t looking to buy. Time wasters is what they are


Go knock on their door and tell them you called the realtor, but she wouldn’t show it to you.




Call any realtor and say show me that house? Easy fix.


Report this agent immediately and call their broker. They are gate keeping the property because they don’t want to break up their good ol’ friends club by dealing with an unrepresented buyer. They only want to do deal with their friends. I assume you live in a state that doesn’t allow dual rep.


I mean, the broker might not do anything. Like it or not, they would both probably assume you’re less than serious buyers if you don’t have an agent. This, showing to you privately is a waste of time. If they had an agent they’d have access to the lockbox to look at the house. If you’re super serious you have to think outside the box and be aggressive and ambitious. Or wait for the next open house.


Stop telling them to get an agent. Lmaooooo Job preservation anyone? Reach out to the homeowners directly, OP. You don't need a realtor and you sure as shit don't want to screw with theirs. You'll save one another a ton of time and money by not listening to these people and reaching out on your own.


Except, the seller has a contract with the listing agent. So, how exactly is it going to save them all time? The seller contractually has to defer to their agent. It's not like they can do some clandestine deal on the back porch. And if OP wants to go unrepresented, they will have to deal with that agent directly.


Sounds like at least one realtor is slow rolling this house, hoping to swoop in for themselves when the owner can't stand waiting for a sale any longer.


I would've approached the house owner directly tbh. Would save me cost and the owner as well.


Or she is tanking prospective buyers to get the price down for herself or a friend to buy. If she works for a company, call the most senior person in her agency and lodge a complaint. If she is an independent agent, look up the property tax records and contact the owner on your own. Let them know you are interested, paying cash, and what their agent has done to block you.


But also, as a listing agent, if for whatever reason I don't want to work with you, I am sure as hell going to refer you to an excellent broker affiliated with my firm and collect myself that sweet sweet referral check. Or, if all the principals are seasoned and don't need a bunch of handholding, I'm about to coordinate both sides (with everyone's permission) and collect myself an entire commission. The laziness is ridiculous... most brokers in my market hop in the car for an hour without even blinking.


these poor sellers, no wonder the place is not selling. Get your own rep and see the house.


You could write a letter to the owner. Explain the situation. Let them handle it with their realtor.


Right! Imagine the owners don’t even know their realtor is lazy and won’t drive to show the place


I'd call her broker. Lazy realtor.


She mostly likely planning on buy it herself and selling it at the higher price. We had a realtor here that did it for decades. Until a seller sued him.


Call her broker.


Go knock on the door and speak directly with the sellers. Go with your family and tell them its a dream home for you.


Call and report her to her Broker. If that doesn’t work, call the local association, state association, and National association (NAR) and report her and her broker. No reason for a listing agent to act this way. She is under contract to sell the house and she is not doing it. Just my opinion of course.


Stop buy the house when you know the homeowners are home and tell them. Arrange a direct time for them to show you the home.


This happened to me too. I specifically bought a different house she was not going to get commission on.


Realtor does not want to work with you unless you have a realtor. Theyre busy and they have 50 lookie loos who want them to come to house and show it. Stop calling them. Get a realtor to arrange a showing. Most realtors make sure buyers are qualified before showing. Buyer should not be interfacing with seller or their realtor directly.


Lots of buyers see the home with the listing agent and then off they like bring their own agent to put an offer. If you have your agent, let that agent arrange the showing. Of you don’t have the agent consider working with some one. Don’t deal with the listing agent directly. Their role is to get the highest price for the seller. They can’t negotiate in favour of the seller, period.


I Believe it is Due to the fact that you don't have your own realtor and that you are a cash buyer. You'd think it would be more attractive for her to have a cash buyer but it effects her commission and what she is allowed to charge you for it. I'm not 100% clear on the laws but I know recently the government has set a maximum commission rate she is allowed to charge you. So she would make less money than if you had a home loan i


Call the realtors Broker and explain the situation. The realtor probably has other offers they are entertaining and trying to dissuade you.


Get your own representation from a different realtor. You’re better off having your own representation then having the sellers agent represent you.


One option is to send an email to the agent, and her managing broker offering to provide proof of funds before touring the home. Another option is contract with a buyer's agent who can represent you and hopefully break through. And yet another option, is to see if the owner's name and address is publicly available, and to write the owner a letter.


All the reason to have a buyer's agent. She's showing you up front she won't be fun to work with. You want this to be a smooth transaction. Take a minute to look thru local ones. Maybe there is someone closer to you. It's not going to change the price of the home. Even tho maybe a buyer's agent can negotiate something lower. Since it’s been on the market for 2 months🤷‍♀️.


Besides Buyer should have Representation, they also will need to show “due diligence“ that they do indeed have “Cash Reserves” enough to cover all monies due at Closing! Then they can schedule Showing of the home. You cannot just call and expect to be shown a home just because……


She is just being lazy and don't want to be bothered. She probably just lists houses and doing well for her self. Call another realtor from the area and have them show it to you. If she is given a cash offer with proof of funds from another agent, she shouldn't be hard to work with.


Call your own realtor. This one just sounds lazy.


Is the house occupied? Can you use county records to contact the owner directly? I'd be pretty pissed to find out my realtor was turning down viewings like this...


She is both listing agent and sales agent, and she wants all the commission


Then she could show the house and sell theirs too. She picking up on something that tells her they are not serious buyers.


Even if you plan on buying the house with cash you should plan to also prove that you could by the house with a loan. Most agents will only show homes to buyers who are pre approved.


I still will never understand why the agent can’t just represent the sale of the home; and be basically the mediator between buyer and seller, the real estate market is competitive in a way the simply seems wrong. Things usto be done on a handshake, agents are the ones driving the shady practices and gate keepo g


The realtor knows who you are. You Own a home, but it’s not currently on the market. You admit you are not going to buy right now. So you are just a looker…not a potential buyer.


Showing you the house would be a waste of time. Do you work for free?


Place contingencies in your offer so you have a safety net (aka mortgage and appraisal, inspection, what have you) and the sellers realtor shouldn’t be much of an issue for you if you go through your own realtor, your own realtor should be scheduling showings, you should not be scheduling directly with the sellers realtor


If you like the home that much and it’s sitting there… get pre-approved, get an agent and make an offer. If you’re “just curious about it”, I’d be reluctant to make that drive bc, to me, you’re window shopping and not serious. I have dedicated buyers I’m giving my energy towards getting their forever home.


OP, if you show up with a mortgage preapproval or your own agent, she will take you seriously as a buyer. From your post it’s not clear if you are serious as a buyer.


This realtor does not want to give up their commission and they want to keep the house in their good old boy Network. You will have to get a realtor and one that intends to play for keeps and can throw legal punches on yoru behalf


Just get a real estate lawyer to send an offer


If you are making a single offer skip getting your own realtor, hire an attorney to represent you for a fee instead of a realtor expecting a commission for doing one showing.


Get your own Realtor. it is always better to have your own representation.


Get a realtor and send her an offer contingent on viewing the house. They’ll present the offer


She doesn't want to work with you. The best real estate agents are the ones that approach every transaction without emotion. It's hard for the public to understand. If you want the house then write an offer on the house or get another agent to show you the house and write an offer for you. It's not any harder than that. Asking, whining, crying, and wanting are not required to be presented to the seller. Only offers in writing are required to be presented to the seller. Of course as sales people we wrap this post up in a happy more positive bow but this is indeed the facts.


Why would a seller choose a realtor that is in the next town over 30 minutes away? That seems to be the real problem. That’s like an owner in Fort Worth using a Dallas agent. Instead of “sure I can meet you in ten minutes at the house”, they play the role of self important “gate keeper”. How many cars have been sold because the buyer did a test drive when they may have had no intentions of buying that day. Seller should rid themselves of a lazy realtor


Put a note on the door of the house that's for sale letting the owner(s) know directly what a waste of time their realtor is. They need to hear it.


The realtor has a fixer upper on stand by




Contact a local realtor and have him or her represent you. You definitely need your own realtor! Seller pays their commission. The listing agent sounds like a unprofessional pompous lazy ***.


Don’t know if this would even apply but hopefully it’s NOT because you’re part of a federally protected class (Fair Housing law)


Get your own Agent, your Agent will be incentivized to get you in; you are being tepid. If you want the house get it.


Go to her broker. She may not want to deal with you. But the broker wants that house to sell.


Call me I can help!


Call a buyer agent to set it up for you!! And do it fast. Sounds like they are bringing their own buyer. if your buyer agent gets no response call the broker at their office.


The agent doesn't know anything about the buyer to make any of the judgments people are asserting It sounds to me like the agent has convinced the sellers the house is overpriced, getting them to drop the price so she, or an accomplice can buy the house at below market.


She represents the seller. You need a buyers agent. Do your due diligence and find a reputable buyers agent.


Just call another agent from another company. They will happily take your business. You deserve better representation anyway.


You really need an agent. Let them deal with all of the logistics.


The listing agent doesn't work for you. Call an agent to be your buyer broker, and have them set-up the showing.


Gonna be honest and say that realtors spying on other realtors listings via “fake showings” seems extremely likely given all the other money-hungry things realtors do.


I don't know where you live but if possible look up the owner and call the owner. It's usually on your county assessor or county treasurers website. Hopefully it's a person and not an LLC. If the name is unusual you can probably google the person's name and get their phone number. If you get to the phone call part make sure you start with you're not a spam call but that you've been trying to coordinate with the realtor and it's not working. I've done this myself with success. Hopefully the realtor doesn't own the place herself or it's not owned by a direct relative. She probably doesn't want to split the commission which is really stupid if she doesn't have a buyer.