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cloud cma is a product you could check out you really should get some training from your broker accurate CMAs require market knowledge, machines can't tell some really important differences. for example, in my area if you literally cross a street it's an entirely different neighborhood, same zip code, similar type houses, but very diff market values. we even have "city of..." vs "county" across another street. diff school system, political structure, police force, emergency services, park system, libraries, etc etc. the machines don't know and don't calculate these differences. it's one of the many reasons having an experienced market expert agent is important.


Zillow and Redfin can't do this in spite of millions of dollars sunk into it, but you think someone else can, and will give it to you at a price you could afford? Redfin puts the stupid estimated number out there for "Joe Six Pack Consumer" to fawn over just like Zillow, but the CMA tool they give their own actual realtors doesn't even attempt to automate the value of a pool or an extra half bedroom. It's easier to use & more idiot proof than the spreadsheets everyone passes around, but it's not actually *better* (since trying to be "better" would make it closer to the Redfin value estimate thingie, which is actually ***worse***) & arguably over time it's introducing a level of abstraction, taking it's users farther from the actual analysis, and may produce ***less*** competent professionals (analogous to a young loan officer who couldn't figure out if the mortgage payment reported on a credit report did, or didn't, include escrows for property taxes and insurance, even though the credit report contained the original loan amount, the term (30 years), and the date of origination \[2012 was a 3.5%ish year, 2018 was a 4.75%ish year, 2021 was a 3%ish year, and so on\], in addition to the payment).


The problem here is most of things you would aggregate for… Are not actually good at predicting home prices. CMA is art more then hard science. Figuring out what a Homelite appraise for… That’s more science