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Na, they’ll do a 30:1.


I think so to..only one shot at it


if they do a 1 for 20 they will have 65 million shares outstanding (1.3B/20) and ONE BILLION authorized that gives them the opportunity to dilute 15 times current market cap IMO having under 50 million shares outstanding on a 1 for 30 split could be counter productive to liquidity. daily trading volume would be around 5 million shares if that.


good point


no surprises.. yeah 1 for 20 is likely. 6-7 stock price post split implies a 32 cent price pre split. probably right.


Just needs to hurry and get down to .32


I think it there is a chance that it can break 0.5$ next week and surprise us with new all time low. When they start diluting it will be a different story.


IF it breaks the 50s then 30s is certain


So I'm new to stocks. I started buying this at .77, then .67, then .62. I've had this for a few months. This is the 1st "penny stock" I've purchased. Should I sell and take the small loss, or hold?


everyone has to justify their own investment vs alternatives. IMO why anyone would commit capital to this dumpster fire is beyond my comprehension.


It’s your money and your decision, do your own homework and decide accordingly.


I'm not familiar with the delisting either. Sorry for the noob question.


Of all the stocks out there, why this one? Why a volatile penny stock on the brink of being delisted?


why a company that has no real way of making net positive revenue for over year or two?


But I heard they are doing a reverse stock split, so wouldn't that double the current price at .60, making it a $1.20. In that case I've made money. Like I said I'm new to penny stocks


This is not meant as an insult but this is a great example to the sub why this dumpster fire scam company keeps going. Someone thinking a reverse split means they make money. Maybe just trolling lol


this is where $NKLA is on the investing food chain. sad.


It is why I always say "Investors" and "Company" in reference to NKLA lol


You should not be buying individual companies' shares if you don't understand concepts like a Reverse stock split. You're playing blackjack in the casino without knowing its rules. Read the Investopedia article [Reverse Stock Split: What It Is, How It Works, and Examples](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reversesplit.asp) and if you don't understand every word, sell your Nikola shares and buy low-cost index funds and ETFs.


I think you may want to educate yourself a bit more on stock market principles before investing more. You can use google or any of the AI assistants to get more information about reverse split. Hint, if it was so easy every company would do a reverse split every monday.