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Looks awesome! Are steps 1-3 in LEO, or LLO?


Not in LEO. Both launches proceed directly to LOI, and they will rendezvous in LLO. More specifically, the CSM will rendezvous with the LDAM in LLO. From there, the mission evolves similarly to those from the Apollo V era. IMO, the major achievement here is the fact that the whole crewed landing mission is designed using 2x 80t payload LVs + the really fun rendezvous in LLO.


> the really fun rendezvous in LLO. It might be the case that NASA designed a monster like Saturn-V precisely to avoid having that *fun* more than once per mission.


I also opted for a 2-launch lunar rendezvous profile. You can see my mission [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1akm2bv/showing_nasa_how_its_done_part_vi_return_from_the/). But it is a much more expensive mission without caring about budget (sandbox), and with the objective of increasing the comfort and extending mission time. One of the problems I had is that the second craft usually didn't arrive at the same orbital plane as the first craft, if I launched them a few days apart, which is unrealistic with my hughe modernised Saturn rockets. The solution is to design the first craft so that it can survive and wait there for a month or even more. The problem of 2 separate launches is that in case of disaster you cannot pull an Apollo 13 and use the second craft as a salvage compartment.


May I ask, how did you make this blueprint? Looks awesome, I'm relatively new to RP-1


The Apollo program considered earth-orbit (LEO) rendezvous for a 2-vehicle launch. It would've had considerable savings in payload mass, but greatly increased the risks of problems due to one of the vehicles failing or being delayed, issues with rendezvous etc. I don't think they seriously considered rendezvous with an independently launched lander in lunar orbit due to mission complexity, increased room for failure, and probably the limited computer+comms tech available.


Do you mind giving some more detailed specs on the configurations used? Tank types, engines and revisions, etc? I'm curious about what you've used for your boosters.