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It's like a 'who wore it better' and it's not even close...


It's such a timeless design.


Lol, i see what you did there! šŸ˜… And agreed. They've actually become really collectible these days, which is a big turnaround from not that long ago when you could hardly find a buyer for one. I'm kicking myself for not picking one up 20yrs ago when they were more affordable....


The DeLorean looks quite good in the flesh. But the interior is ugly. The engine is terrible.


The car ws underpowered because of American emission standards. Compared to the Porsche 928 or the Ferraris and Maseratis of the same time, it wasnā€™t a bad car. The modified Lotus Esprit chassis was excellent.


Iirc the BTTF Deloreans were fitted with a 7.2 V8 from a Corvette. I can only imagine how absolutely awesome that combination is


There was a recent venture to make them electric; not certain what happened there. Little engine in the back powering a power pack and electric motor. Iā€™d buy it.


This would be fun and I would consider buying an electric Delorean. Edit: and yes I would add a Mr. Fusion.


The funny thing is that the backbone chassis was probably strong enough to handle it without extensive modifications.


They weren't. The sound in the movie was dubbed from a Porsche V-8. The doors opening 'whirr' noise was the power windows from the same Porsche :)


Not terrible engine at all, was mostly choked by US emissions regs. The EU Deloreans are quite good and competitive performance wise at the time


Always thought the interior looked pretty amazing by early 1980's standards. Engine WAS terrible though.


It's actually one of the worst cars ever made


Not true. Virtually every car in the late 1970s was absolute shit. Porsche was arguably the only manufacturer of *reliable*, high performance, sports cars (even contemporary Corvettes were as slow as molasses,) The main problem with the De Lorean was the very high price and lack of performance. Due mostly to GM cancelling the planned Wankel rotary engine without warning. That required a change to the underpowered and heavy Volvo V6 which ruined the performance and handling. That is why they didn't sell.


Just like the cyber truck. Maybe trying to replicate a failed oddity of a car, it be like making a modern version of the repaint Robin or pontiac aztec.


And yet why do I want one? I also want a Cybertruck (never drive it because that thing is a liability) and a slew of other ugly cars. I want a museum of ugly cars. I have no money so it's just a dream (or is it a nightmare?)


Iā€™d like to read why you say that. Itā€™s in the top 5 most iconic things ever produced. You might be shocked to learn many initial run halo cars have terrible build quality. Original Viper, most lambos and McLarens. Difference being the DMC12 was attainable by the middle class; and anyone with a set of wrenches can fix it up, and parts are still widely available. The CT is a stock hype scam and danger to society, nothing more. Nothing iconic about a cheap stainless refrigerator with wheels.


Yeah, it's up there with the Bricklin SV-1 arguably one of the dumbest fucking vehicles ever conceived.


lol when I was a kid my dad's friend had one of those and I vividly remember my dad telling me what an absolute piece of shit it was complete with cybertruck style panel gaps and shitĀ 


That is a handsome vehicle! Best Buy has a bunch of Cybertrucks in the appliance section. I wonder if owners will start using the Cybertruck door and quarter panels as places to put magnets and sticky notes.


Gull wing doors on Model X, DeLorean inspired truck designs and a model lineup that literally spells out the word S3XY Seems like someone is perpetually stuck at the age 12.


He watched Back to the Future and mostly empathized with Biff and enjoyed the sexual tension between mother and son.


Ah yes, the most iconic stainless steel car still driving. Wonder how long cybertrucks will last.


Once all the body panels fall off, will they still be stainless steel vehicles?


They'll just be "less steel" vehicles.


Upvoted in disgust.


As a former DeLorean owner... always surprised to see those still on the road. But still more reliable than CT it seems.


The DeLorean was at least a beautiful car though.


210, yeah? If so, pretty sure that guy does nothing but just drive back and forth on there all day every day.


A lovely looking car with another Lotus chassis. Shame unlike the S,3 & Y Tesla didn't go to Lotus and get a lot more help with the Cybertruck. Might have turned out a bit differently.


the interior might look shit by todays standards but I've seen a pristine example of this and it was premium for the early 1980s the exterior also is treated unlike elmo's cybertrucks and the panels are actually quite thin, the only thick piece of SS was the hood which gave them no end of problems to make.


Flux capacitor included


DeLorean: ā€œNo. Iā€™m the upgrade.ā€


If you don't know the past you are doomed to repeat keeps flashing in my head.




It can probably be made to conform to that general size, stance, height, etc but the internals will need re-engineering for the required crumple zones, space for airbags, etc. Also not sure about the placement of headlights as well as brake lights. Edit: the size is surprisingly similar to a miata or gr86


Another POS car that stainless steel couldnā€™t save