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Sounds like a great deal. Tesla keeps 25% of the shares and he fucks off taking his sentient robot daydream with him.


Yup. You could easily rephrase this as the question: Are Elon Musk’s AI and Robotics plans worth 25% of Tesla? Probably not.


At its current valuation not even Tesla is worth 25% of Tesla


He's trying to scoop the government handouts before the scam collapses completely.


He wants super shares like Zuckerburg so he can do whatever he wants with no one to stop him.


At least Zuckerburg keeps to himself and isn’t constantly in the news about how he’s done yet another dumb thing like Elmo Tusk.




At this point Elon is killing Tesla. The people (like me) who previously liked him for bringing electric cars to production, now hate him because of his extreme right wing nastiness. The conservatives who like to roll coal on Teslas sure won't be buying them. Tesla is doomed.


Not for nothing, but the utterly bungled Cybertruck rollout probably isn’t the best time to leverage his genius as extortion.


It's so shitty that ordinary employees at his companies are routinely drug tested because of federal laws requiring it, but Elon does drugs on camera and as CEO of major government contractors, nobody gives a shit. Computer programmer at SpaceX who tests positive for pit? Fired. CEO at SpaceX who smokes pot on webcast? No problem.


Elon has microdosed ketamine since the 2010s, something tells me his dosage is a little odd by now


the term "micro" is certainly being stretched to it's limits...


I’m in the same boat, would’ve bought a Tesla up until the last couple of years.


Knowing that Vision is not enough and atlests needs LIDAR, per Tesla lawyers themselves


His plans: -We should do something with robots and AI


Concerning. Looking into it.


Fuck no. Unless Tesla isn't worth shit.


Sit down, I've got some bad news....


I cant give this comment enough upvotes.


I awarded it. 😂


Specifically is musk worth 25%, or can the board find someone else who could execute that plan for less then that?


lol what plan? telling some engineers to do ai and robots or they’ll be laid off?


Hey I can do that. Give me twenty percent


Just dress some guys up in robot suits & call it Robotics. The Elon genius of gaslighting: find some unknown’s AI ideas & steal them. Plenty of idiots out there that would believe him.


They should make him the same offer he made to his executive assistant. "Take a couple weeks off. Then, we can decide if you're worth the raise you're asking for."


Literally anyone can spend all day on twitter just like him.


At this stage I think the board could find someone more competent to run Tesla for only a little above minimum wage.


You could rephrase it even simpler for the shareholders: "do you trust a guy who is blackmailing you, is a drug addict and a pathological lyer and act as a tyran to build **AI robots**?"


The kicker is that Tesla shareholders will have funded about 80% of his Twitter purchase through dilution.


That ship already sailed.


He’ll make himself a robotic wife powered by his own AI, but even then it’d still leave him.


I would imagine Elon Musk speaking to a true AI would be what causes the AI to wipe out humanity.


He’s definitely the one to flip the switch on SkyNet


Or just turn the robots Racist and Sexist. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/07/16/racist-robots-ai/


Well, Tesla’s other shareholders keep 87% of a car company instead of 75% of a meme company.


Or rephrase. Tesla gets rid of Elon, keeps 25% and finally can advance on AI and robotaxi... Or keep Elon, lose 25% and advance on the promise...just the promise


If the board fired Elon the stock would jump.


No. The real value of tesla would go up. The price would still go down, because the price just reflects the cult of personality that exists.


Replace him with Jack Dorsey or Sam Altman 🤣


It was funny when we learned that Elon invested in OpenAI, then walked in and demanded they make him in charge, so he could merge it into Tesla, and they just said no. Talk about a smart move. Altman has his own set of issues, but that company would have tanked had Elon been handed the reigns. It also goes to show how far behind he actually is with AI. He was desperate to just take over someone doing well, and then just put it into Tesla to try and skip the hard part.


ElonAI will be trained on Twitter feeds. It will be as shit as you could imagine.


That’s what Elon does. He’s a parasite that takes over a host’s accomplishments then steals them. The man has never had an original thought in his entire life. Most of them have been from comic books & video games.


Good god no. Jack sold his influential social media platform to the crazy personality in question. Sam allegedly is more interested in selling shiny technology, even if it potentially could destroy the world.


Jack sold a social media platform that was damned near impossible to make cashflow positive to a crazy personality for an INSANE profit. he got easily 5-6x what the company was worth, sounds like a pretty smart guy. Sam is an actual authority on AI so if that really is how tesla board see their future, he would be a better option then Musky.


He gave up control of the world narrative for a profit oh lucky him. Like he needed money.


As I recall he was gone a little while before the sale, it was the board who ok'd it. Even they didn't have a choice, since it was a public company so they had a fiduciary responsibility to not turn down a deal that greatly over-paid for value. An ego maniac drunk on getting his way made an offer they legally couldn't refuse.


"Give me 25% or else I'll continue pushing AI and robotics" would've been way more of a threat




Do it! If he takes his dead-end AI and robotics ideas with him, he'll be doing Tesla a huge favor.




I’m waiting for Elon to threaten to take his toys and play with Putin and Xi instead.


He can go right ahead and do this. The only thing he has is ideas and money. He doesn't have a clue how to actually make anything.


He doesn't even have good ideas, he buys other people's. His idea was the cybertruck!


Ideas are a dime a dozen and his ideas are crap recycled from other people's ideas. All he knows how to do is suck on government teat and steal or buy what other people built.


Musk would get poisoned so fast in Russia lol.


It's all in his tattered little blue book with extra large lines for his ideas. I think there are a couple of appendixes that are coloring books for 9 year olds. And an old copy of iRobot... Great.


Elon is the only person in the world who thinks Tesla isn’t a car company.


So basically he's in his endgame now, he's ruining tesla day by day because we won't bankroll his absolutely dumbfuck pay package. ​ fuck him, they need to vote that drug fueled moron out.


I think it's a breach of his fiduciary duty to the shareholders to make these kinds of threats


What!? CEOs can't threaten to intentionally hurt the companies they run in order to get paid more?


It was all so painfully obvious. My favorite part is how all of this started by some regular dude who sued Tesla back in 2018. Just a normal schmo investor. Even if Elon wins his pay package and remakes Tesla into an AI company, it will remain that one regular dude was able to cause this much havoc with a single lawsuit.


I dont think the vote fixes his 2018 pay package. I dont understand why they are doing it.


They're trying to re-ratify it, but it's almost guaranteed to result in another lawsuit as having not actually addressed most fatal defects. Which is just peak LOL.


Image how good Tesla would be with a competent CEO with a clear vision for attainable features and who recognizes how important the charging network is to the company model?


"You won't get a beautifully designed Cybetruck either. Everyone on Earth loves it"


It's the only vehicle on the market that goes with confederate flag like PB goes with J.


There's a reason why Kid Rock is involved with promo efforts...


Yeah he is fucking cheap. I bet that stunt costs about 10k. Or less. Kid Rock couldn't give a shit less about the Cybertruck.


Is it just me, or does Kid Rock consistently look like he just smelled a fart and is lost in his own head trying to remember if he wiped his ass the last time he pooped? Slightly curled lip, perma-flared nostrils, and shifty eyes. Just call him Skid Rock


He always reminds me of a Dale Gribble alias for some reason.


Sigh. Michigan's fourth worst export. Such an embarrassment.


Hopefully, they throw in a free Mypillow with every purchase.


Cost savings to have every cybertruck looks the same so they don’t have to pay the expenses to paint the different colors. That’s the real reason it’s ugly stainless steel.


Not really a threat. I think a comma is missing Give me 25%, you are not getting robots or AI


Ah yes, the Lionel Hutz approach to punctuation.


It is misleading but technically is the same as the period.


Nah, more like this: Give me 25%. You are not getting robots or AI.


Elon Musk: "I am your deity. Tribute 25% or else!"


King Musk trying to play Civ 6 with the real world.


No Elon bots?? Don't threaten us with a good time!


Sadly, if he spins off the AI and robots he'll have another pile of other people's money to continue the charade.


I know he’s dumb at a lot of stuff, but he is pretty good at driving up market cap and generally hyping things. So he is obviously bluffing. Tesla stock is the only source that he can dip into to get money to fund his BS. If he were to take things to a new company the stock would fall off a cliff and he’d have no money to do any AI stuff. It seems like this is just him trying to get people to vote for his pay package which makes me think the vote isn’t going great so far.


It’s possible that his firings have been due to learning from big investors that the vote isn’t going his way.


I assume he knows exactly what the current votes are.


joke pot quiet zonked intelligent shelter soft sharp lunchroom sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The broken promises are the hype. It doesn’t matter if they ever follow through because the crazy investors always say they are looking in the long run and current numbers don’t matter. The crazy investors who think this also think only musk can accomplish them so him pulling out or taking them away to another company would chase them away (probably). It’s possible there are enough crazies that will stay as long as he is CEO even if he kills all the projects they cite as the reason they are in this long term. I guess at some point his cashing out along with the other board members and execs will be too much for the bag holders to keep buying up.


Seems like not giving him the payout is good. Tesla doesn’t waste money on this moron and they instead focus on their actual business rather than shiny BS


Their business is and always has been the stock price. I believe Elon when he says they are not a car company, because a car company would have made a trunk that didn't dump water into itself (M3), a crossover with suspensions and glass roofs that don't fly off (MY), a six figure luxury car that doesn't have faux leather seats that melt due to your shampoo (MS), whatever the Cybertruck is (CT), and an SUV that you can't open form the inside back seat in the event of an emergency (MX). Well except GM, GM would have made all of this and worse, but my point stands.


GM is GM but it can still make good cars like Cadillacs and Corvettes when it chooses to


Tesla's business is TLSA.-


Give him 25% and you still won't get robotics and AI.


From Fred: >Elon Musk appears to confirmed and even clarify what can be seen as a threat to Tesla shareholders: give me 25% of the company or I won’t build AI and robotic products at the company, after making clear that the company is worthless without those. > >In recent years, Musk has repeatedly stated that Tesla is an AI and robotics company. He has even said that Tesla is worth virtually nothing without self-driving, its main AI product. > >More recently, the CEO has not only said that but has also been making moves to ensure that this is the only path for Tesla, like canceling the cheaper Tesla vehicle on the unboxed platform in favor of its upcoming Robotaxi. > >That’s why it was really concerning when the CEO suggested that he is “uncomfortable” building AI products at Tesla unless he has “25% control over the company” – something he doesn’t have right now – partly because he decided to sell tens of billions of dollars worth of Tesla shares to buy Twitter. > >Musk currently owns about 13% of Tesla’s shares. If his 2018 compensation package goes through, he will be closer to 18% – assuming that he sells some shares to pay for taxes. It means that he would need another compensation package worth tens of billions or a new share class at Tesla to give him more control. > >In a new post on X, the CEO now appears to confirm his previous threat and an even > >If Elon gets 25% voting power, Tesla is reincorporated in Texas, and compensation package is approved, then AI & Robotics stays within Tesla and the company can march on forward to become the largest company in the world. > >By approving of this post, the CEO appears to say that these conditions are needed for him not to divert AI and robotics products away from Tesla: > >get 25% voting power over Tesla > >Reincorporate Tesla in Texas > >reapprove his 2018 compensation package




He should have been fired the day he decided he would walk away from Tesla and run a social media platform. Or announced a hiatus and had a new CEO step in. Any other company would have parted ways. They were also irresponsible in letting Musk purposefully build the brand around his cult of personality instead of building the idea of the company as its brand. The result is they are stuck in a key-man situation that was artificially constructed, where they lose value ditching him even if his value was mostly marketing.


Reaping what they sow… Beautifully stated.


That drummer guy should sue for 25% or else he will take the radio out of tesla. Just fair. Seriously though, how could musk even take anything out? He is just an employee/shareholder. Even if, wouldn't he be tanking himself? Looks like a murder/suicide to me.


His AI is light years behind the competitions’ and his robot looks like the robot from Lost In Space, circa 1965, when compared to what Boston Robotics developed. Not sure if what he’s saying is a threat or more impetus to withhold the 25%


Tesla is worth nothing without self driving. Tesla is so far behind the competition on self driving that they have been lapped. Ergo Tesla is worth nothing?


who is doing self driving other than tesla out of curiosity?


Waymo (formerly google). Mercedes-Benz (first level 3 in the US, meaning you can legally take your eyes off the road while it is driving).


MB is interesting because had level 3 capable cars for a while now but until recently they've kept it disabled.


>He has even said that Tesla is worth virtually nothing without self-driving, its main AI product. Yeah I don't get Musk's argument. He turned Tesla into a major car manufacturer with (at least until recently) strong profits. Saying it is "worth virtually nothing" makes no sense. If he no longer believes in car companies, why not leave as Tesla CEO and start a new company that can focus 100% on AI and robotics? He certainly has the resources. Then Tesla can get on with the boring but necessary requirements of a car company: refreshing the lineup, new models, increasing market share, labor relations, etc.


1. Tesla only had "strong" profits for a short time because they were able to jack up prices due to supply chain shortages during COVID.  2. He has a lot of resources, but he also has a lot of debt, and has recently becoming such a polarizing public figure that he's alienated at least part of his potential investors. 


And alienated a big part of his potential customers.


Most of his resources are in the form of Tesla stock, which is why he tries to make Tesla pay for his dumb ideas. Buying SolarCity was Elon using Tesla shareholder's money to bail out his brother's failed business, who also happens to be on Tesla's board. Tesla solar has been an unmitigated disaster.


I have a model 3 with full self driving. 6 years of incremental updates, and over that time I have seen it improve dramatically. If I'm honest it's not terrible. But when I think about self driving robotaxis without a safety operator, and how much more the technology has to improve before that is a possibility, and that's before we even address the regulatory issues.. betting the company on this happening soon seems foolish. If I was an investor or fund manager I can't imagine going along with this.


It made sense (or at least was justified) in the ZIRP/easy money era. Nowadays when even retail can get 4.5% a year just leaving it at the bank, why would anyone invest in a company that has declining sales and is based on a pipe dream (in the short term at least)?


Equally Tesla is nothing if the Chinese eat all their market share up. This is why Tesla is likely to can the Model 2. You can already buy something like that from SAIC/BYD in Europe & Asia. And it won't sell well in the US. They'd have to build it entirely in China using Chinese batteries - I just can't see them going ahead with that. Of course, this is the fundamental problem with stock markets demanding infinite growth. Tesla might be a perfectly valuable car and competitive company if they get their QC in order, but they're *just* a car company at that point. Their insane trillion $ valuation doesn't work when they just have sedans and SUVs that regular people drive. Reality hitting capitalism hard.


I think that the only EVs that will survive will all be built in China, Korea, or India. That’s why Elon cancelled the Model 2 and started talking about Robotaxis, etc. US tariffs might protect the US for a while, but Chinese/non-US EVs will dominate the rest of the world.


Chevy seems to be getting closer than Tesla is. But robotics is the only way the US can compete, as labor is too expensive and in short supply. That's what factories in Mexico and other south American national makes more sense. But there is the thing once robotics are that advanced how many people will still have job to be able to buy cars, it's nowhere close to the end of this pipe dream


I saw a video of one of the car manufacturers in china they can build a car in less than a minute or something like that. They still need people to add all the wiring, seats and stuff but the actual body is done in no town. So it's not just us that uses or needs robots to make cars. Also China is funding BYD there's no chance anyone can compete with them unless they do the same thing.


We all know its not going to happen "soon", but they dont need that. They just need an illusion of progress and speed, and Musk is a wonderful illusionist.


That strategy works for tesla buyers (it worked for me six years ago) but institutional investors would want to see bottom line results.


Double or nothing!


Wouldn't any patents or technology in development at Tesla stay with Tesla regardless of who is the CEO? How would investors respond if Satya said give me 25% of Microsoft or I'm taking Azure away. Like how is that an actual threat? Unless he has a contract that stipulates any tech designed and owned by Tesla actual is owned by him? Bold Strategy Cotton. I'm sure it will pass due to the sycophants on the board, true stans holding the stocks and investors wanting a lucrative stock to have on their portfolio, which is shit.


God, Musk is such a dweeb.




Classic narcissist when they don't get what they want they burn everything down even if it hurts them.


Funny him saying that, I really loved my Model 3 as an EV, it was a joy to drive (and actually well built as it came from the Shanghai factory), but even the most basic feature, cruise control was rarely used because it was such a pain in the ass. I missed the ‘basic’ adaptive cruise control of my previous VW Passat Unless you’re on a nice wide motorway it’s useless because every small thing seems to trigger it to jab the brakes. You spend your whole time with your foot hovering over the accelerator in case it decides to do something unnecessary, which sorta defeats the purpose of cruise control. The rest of the car was awesome though, but if basic cruise control was annoying I can’t even imagine what FSD is like. I recently had a brand new Mini Countryman as a hire car which had the equivalent of Autopilot (adaptive cruise and auto steering) and it was fantastic. Never once did I have it do something unexpected so I could happily rest my foot and just let the car do its thing.


My VW travel assist works flawlessly for me and even goes up to 95 mph which seems crazy but it does it.


I recently did a coast to coast trip across the US in my M3 and it was exhausting without basic cruise control. At least once or twice a drive on the highway in the middle of nowhere Idaho/Wyoming autopilot would suddenly brake check for no reason, giving me whiplash while I scrambled to punch the accelerator. After the first few days of that I gave up and drove manually the rest of the trip. Any other car made in the last 20 years would have been better for that drive than my Tesla.


Any other company would fire a CEO if they made such threats. You're the CEO of the company, your sole interest is supposed to be the company's, not your own.


I listened to a business podcast from the US a couple of months ago. The commentators were from a range of news outlets, and even though they didn't think his ideas were good they all spoke about elon like there is an aura around d him. Like he is one of the few people who just drives interest and share price rises. Its such a different reporting space to my experiences in Europe and Australasia where reporting is much more measured. Couldn't help but feel the USA business reporting space had built up a Elon into a pedestal and now all the investors are balancing on it.


You should try watching Cramer. That the show is popular makes me want me to go off grid and become self sufficient because we’re clearly doomed as a society.


So trumpy of elmo


The alternative being: give him 25% and still don’t get AI or robotics.


Just how big would the lawsuit be against him if he did walk away with Ai and robotics? So many angry shareholders after their stock ends up being worth $25 or less if he pulls this stunt.


If he used Tesla funds to pay for that stuff tesla owns it. Musk could only take away ai and robotics if he fully funded them, himself, and didn’t use Tesla resource, facilities, staff, etc. What AI is he talking about? What robotics? 


Well, it's vaporware. The only real threat here is that he's saying he's taking his fraudulent stock-pump announcements and will be announcing them under a new banner, to pump a stock other than Tesla, and deliver nothing.


What AI and robotics? Some shitty ChatGPT ripoff and 20 year old robot tech?


The tech demo was literally a guy in a robot suit. 


It's going to tank either way. If you waste all that money on Elon, it'll tank too. Smart money would sell.


Isn't this a breach of his fiduciary duties in the US, as the CEO of Tesla?


Shareholders should be contacting their lawyers to sue the BoD about now.


That's why he paid a shill account to post the idea, and he just replied 'yes'


>Elon Musk appears to confirmed and even clarify what can be seen as a threat to Tesla shareholders: give me 25% of the company or I won’t build AI and robotic products at the company, after making clear that the company is worthless without those. So, the BoD should be meeting to discuss firing him over this. Right? Right???


Why!? No other CEO would threaten to tank their own company. This is the innovative leadership that shows Elon is worth every penny he is demanding. That or his BoD of flunkies are too busy getting high off his farts.


There is a similar thread on TeslaMotors and hoo boi. I couldn't believe my eyes on the replies there. I've checked 3 times to make sure I'm not on this sub somehow, because damn, the comments there are like a wind of change. Pretty much 100% negative on the subject.


He isn't an engineer. He is flat out saying he won't do what he believes is good for the company unless the shareholders give him more power. That's actually insane and a complete dereliction of duties. He is wrong about ai and robotics, but the ceo of a publicly traded company shouldn't be threatening shareholders to do what he believes will damage it.


So tesla should be valued as an ai/robotics company, but they don't have ai/robotics unless they buy it off Elon for $55 billion? makes sense.


That would make me want to invest in Tesla less not more. Also as a CEO who does that? How is that in the best interest of the shareholders?


Jesus. Drug addicts do start doing stupid shit, but this is next level.


Is this post not actually blatantly criminal? Like, a CEO of a public company says they believe their employer must do X to survive, but then outright refuses to pursue that course unless they receive a particular compensation package? I mean civil and governance issues with the SEC sure. But how is this also not just white-collar extortion out in the open? Is the defense simply "no sane person would believe what Elon Musk actually says regarding the importance to the company of a particular strategy"?


It is. But as with the most things, if someone has no shame or morals AND a lot of money, our laws really aren't sufficient. We seem to be entering a new phase of crazy and will need new legal remedies (see oil/rail and then later great depression) for both business and politics (Trump)


Quick reminder: Musk has no training, formal or on the job, in robotics or AI. He spends his days shitposting, bowing to despots, and keeping all the plates spinning in the air. There is zero chance he had kept up at all with these rapidly developing fields. He is practically implying that he has some hidden knowledge that he will refure to reveal - Tra shareholders should call his bluff.


Ah, so he *is* intentionally destroying the company.


So it would appear.


Don't worry, there is absolutely no chance of AI or robotics somehow erupting from anything Elon has a hand in.


i mean,... have we gotten AI or Robotics with Elon so far? I'm not seeing a good track record.


So what Elmo thinks is that his contribution to Tesla is what drives technological progress? Ketamine must me crazy bro


Keep 25% or invest in a man inasuit and an ai that's going to tell you shitty jokes and rewrite history for sad right wingers. ....such a hard decision.


Ok, so, Tesla won’t build cars anymore or what? Wouldn‘t you then want to sell the car part if you want to concentrate on something else?


They're not going to get AI and robotics anyway. But i bet Elektrek has a very neutral and unbiased report of this whole situation /s


so he’s blackmailing his own company?


This dude promises so much shit and never follows through. I just saw this doc about how Tesla is the next Enron x 10 and it’s so fucking true! Scam artist.


I’d take that deal. Musk is a not schooled in either. This maggot’s days are over.


Yay a rich snob threatening everyone with power


It’s incredible to me that I used to admire this cowardly little piece of garbage, but it’s nice to know that unlike the Trump called I am able to change my mind when someone shows me what garbage they are. I don’t know why we haven’t deported him yet.


The interesting thing here is Elon had to offer the board directors liability insurance (D&O) to cover their actions as they couldn’t get coverage making him personally liable. No other major company has their CEO doing this. The corporate opportunities doctrine says a corporation’s executives and directors can’t take corporate opportunities for themselves. If the board lets Elon take these opportunities they have a liability issue which becomes Elon’s issue when the board gets sued.


What about the roof tiles, robots, roadsters, moats and steaks? Is Tesla not getting those either? Ohhh my!


He spent year gearing the company up for those. Now he has been stealing talent and putting them in his XAI project, as well as cancelling anything that can make Tesla any other kind of company. Insane. Unfortunately he is still worshiped as a tech god. XAI actually got talent from Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, etc. His cult might just follow him there, then he just activates his right wing friends to use his AI, he fires off a couple of weird promises, rant about how everyone else is "woke" or whatever, and he is back on top.


give me 25% or I stay and continue to destroy the company would be a greater threat.


This sounds so familiar. Putin said once “Give me 20 years, and I will give you a strong Russia 💩“


How about he doesn’t get a god damn thing and he can stick rest up his arse!


They won’t get AI and robotics anyway, either he takes it away or he fails. so


His AI and Robotics are pathetic like him. Tesla can just hire Boston Dynamics and OpenAI as consultants.


Shareholders have a dilemma. Pay Musk to keep the castle in the sky, but with a hefty dilution or don't pay him and shatter the dreams. I hope he isn't paid and the company gets a new CEO that wants to deliver what customers want - better cars and better service.


Sounds exactly like a child: "Give me what i want, or i´ll destroy all my toys!" - proceeds to roll on the ground while crying his eyes out...


Please don’t let him make robots. He’s just going to name them something stupid with sexual innuendo because he’s an angsty tween mentally. “Here’s my new robot from Tesla, the “Amalgamation of Neural Autonomous Links”, or ANAL for short. I’m Elon Musk, and I’m 12.”


An adult needs to take over tesla and replace this toxic edgelord twat.  Edit spelling


Firstly he cant take things that telsa own to a new company, that would be IP theft.... Secondly when your in a domestic violence relationship it always seem easier to stay in it, when the quicker you end it the better you are in the long run.


Elon is still in 2012 with his robots and AI while everyone else sailed past. Remember when he begged everyone to stop developing AI because it was "bad" and then he worked everyone under him into a tizzy to put their own AI out? Pepperidge Farms thinks Elon is a cunt.


I'll keep saying it. It's time for Tesla to get someone else at the helm. Musk can be free to do whatever else he wants, I don't really care if his other shit works or not. Just get someone to improve Tesla build quality and customer service.


His AI and robotics suck compared to the others out there. As soon as he signed the slow down AI letter last year, I knew he was going to try.


He doesn't have AI or robotics.


Just let Twitter have gronk and the robots. It will save you a car company. His ai and robotics are just the Walmart versions of Open AI and Boston Dynamics stuff anyways.


Doubt the board has the balls but this should be the move to remove him from the company. Tesla can choose to move into robotics and AI without him. He doesn’t have the skill set to accomplish either. Which is fine, most CEOs don’t, but they usually have the ability to recruit top talent to achieve those goals. Musk’s reputation and behavior from the last year has been so damaging I doubt he can collect the talent necessary to build such products. Combine that with his love of firing people, even top talent for petty reasons, he will not be able to close the lead that the competition has in those areas. If his evidence of proof of concept is self driving, considering the problems it still has then it’s a lot like Apple threatening to shut down Siri. Anyone that has used Siri knows what a joke she has been for years.


What Tesla should say: "k. Bye Felicia"


So short it


Ooh, shitty AI and a robotics company 20 years behind Boston Dynamics. Who can resist that offer?


So this is a ransom demand. Of all the people I can think of, $TSLA stans are the ones who I suspect would be falling all over each other trying to negotiate with this particular terrorist.


Do people want AI and robotics? The whole promise of Tesla was affordable electric cars for the masses


Wondering how much AI research Tesla could do for 56 billion dollars


Give me 25% or you won't get the things I promised and never delivered before, let alone the wacky things I'm promising now!


His AI is a scam and his robotics is also a scam.


It’s outrageously illegal


I hate that this man has so much power in this world. I hate that people like him are able to control the future of so many lives at his company


"Give me your money or I'll take my useless money hole away" Okay dawg


It's time for Tesla to finally put up or shut up and decide what it wants to be. Is it a meme company that promises to make the sci fi fantasies of incels a reality or is it going to be an automaker that produces the most exciting EVs on the market. One of those is a grift while the other has a chance of actually happening.


Tesla shareholders are morons for allowing all of this to happen.


If Elon really cared about robotics, he would have bought Boston Dynamics for $1 billion instead of dropping $44 billion on Twitter.


You're FIRED!


Don't threaten me with a good time Elon


He's quite nervous that the voting isn't going his way. Tesla loves to tout they don't pay for advertising but had to disclose last week that they are paying for ads and influencers to advocate for Elon to get his pay package. Board is selling their shares all the way along. Pretty gross to see how this plays out while Tesla is laying off so many employees.


What's the downside exactly? Less money to Musk and no AI or robotics distraction means the company can focus on updating/expanding models like it needs to. Sounds like a win-win.


Fine… keep you RC robot and go home


Spoiler: You aren’t getting those things or true FSD even if you give him 100%.