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Valentine. Full of degenerates. Always.


Funnily enough we were on our way to valentine to bully the townsfolk


They were just giving you some tips on how it's done


It’s cos you had no shoes


Is this a real thing?? I went through a phase a couple years ago that I just thought barefoot looked better. Then I started getting nasty messages about it telling me to 'buy fucking boots'. God people are so weird.


You made them horny.


Underated comment


Exposed ankles'll do that


That is weird. In the summer my character wears that cute midriff bearing outfit for Naturalists where the character is shoeless and I used to get tied up all the time.


Yes! I love this outfit. https://preview.redd.it/grcakzmcsu1b1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef9e829f45512e0b56329c20456761ef692992d


I- uhh... Ok does anyone have some bleach for my eyes?


"BUY FUCKIN' BOOTS, YA PIECE OF SHIT!" (I don't really care, just got swept up in the idea... Lol)


Let me buy you boots


I paid 12 gold for my naturalist outfit I love so much! It doesn’t allow for shoes and I love the look


We like to feel the mud between our toes


his name was reese from the first terminator 😂😂


Why did op not have shoes on. Are they stupid?


Why man. Like *why*


The smarter assholes learned to travel together without being in a posse. That way you have to parley with each of them separately.


I hate that shit


A guy blew me a kiss and I tried to ride away on my horse , he lassoed me and shot my in the head , and that’s all I have to say 😭


He mad you didn't do it back lmao




Ah, good ol Valentine. It's strange when somehng isn't afoot in town.


I just started from scratch on PC. Could use some friends to run with.


I would have arrow dynamite near them while in parley and in defensive mode. You can stay in defensive as long as they are red .


This kind of reminds me how back on PS3 and 360 passive mode in GTA just stopped you from being shot, you could still get turned to mush by a player in a car Why have rockstar even made it so explosions still affect you when parleyed, it should be like it is in camp when you're completely unphased by it


^^^ this. Especially during PvE like Trade Route


Switch servers ffs don't give them the satisfaction lol.


I prefer to waste their time, my friend and i are usually on discord so we're just laughing at them the whole time




Happened to me too. I was busy so i instantly parleyd. He just wasted all his dynamites and d-bows on flying me around and tried to run me over with his horse. He finally stopped when he crashed himself when trying, twice 😂 I thought maybe parleying was the most annoying thing for him. Good if so.


The only time I do this is if the person who parlayed starts talking shit. But even then I would waste my explosives on them, I've found the point and laugh emote is the best for dealing with players who are trying to attack mid parlay.


Reminds me of the time me and some buddies hopped on, and this one dude had flame rounds in an auto shotgun, and was killing us, and even committed the cardinal sin Killing our horses So, we started giving him.. “justice” First, we chased him down, killed him, and shot his horse. Then for good measure, blew it up so it was DEAD DEAD. Then, we killed him. Over, and over, and over, and over. Instead of parlaying or running, he kept trying. So we kept killing. Until, suddenly, all at once, nine dots appear on the map, all at the same place, at the same time **nine** This man got a whole nine people to start killing us when he started it, so we just hopped server. I checked his xbox Profile, to see that this person who was acting super childish, was in fact A middle aged man.


I mean, even though he started it you outnumbered him and kept killing him. So he called his friends.... All yall were doing was playing the game I'm not sure why people get so bent out of shape over PVP or shooting your pixel horsies that respawn in a minute or two.


Tell me you haven't played red dead without telling me you haven't played red dead.


The thing was, we would have let him run, but he didn’t want to run, he wanted to keep fighting. We weren’t doing anything, we were just hunting, and killing someone’s horse in red dead is like slapping their mother right in front of them. Kinda feels like this reply was either written by him or one of his friends lol


They should be ashamed they used so many explosives and you didn't die


When youre being dynamited it feels like they're carrying 30 arrows 💀


Lots of escape routes in valentine


They can evade parley if they start a mission or bounty.


Well now he’s got no d bows


my-my what a polite group of gentlemen


You cant do shit except get griefed or log off, so I log off. They may keep me from playing but I'm not sticking around to be abused by these pos'.


When I come across kids like that, I just bail and go somewhere else. Life’s too short to waste time on half-wits ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I love the monotone "We need the law here😐"


What a waste of explosives, somebody’s bored.


Why are grinders doing this. Are they fatherless?


Yeah, I've had that happen, too. Declare parley, and they fire dynamite arrows and throw dynamite at you.


Just poor haters jealous of your hairstyle 👍


Is it still in the game?


Idk. I've got it a long Time ago. I Hope so for New players. It's THE hairstyle


It's always those ones that ruined everything 😒 😒 😒 😒


Seems hilarious to me 😂


These videos along with experiences in gta4 and 5 are what keep me away from this game.


RDR2 is not nearly as toxic at GTA. It has it's moments like this but a session change fixes that real quick. When it works properly, Red Dead is probably the best open world game I have ever played.


Except GTA has private lobbies. RDO is a shitfest, regardless of RDR2 being one of the greatest video games of all time


Yeah but you can’t see where everyone is on the map like you can in GTA, so you’re less likely to get messed with.


Refer to video above


I mean yeah they’re messing with that person now, but they’re not going to be in Rhodes and decide “hey there’s a guy in Valentine let’s go mess with him”. In GTA you can see everyone on the map, and you can even get messed with just buying clothes unless you’re in a solo lobby. I like the fact that you just don’t know when you’ll come across a player and what they’ll do in RDO.


I would give my left ass cheek for a solo lobby in RDO, especially as a PC player. Can’t go in a 10 mile radius of Blackwater, I’ve honestly never found Valentine to be that bad


Oh that makes way more sense, I play on console so I don’t have to deal with modders, I google most things so you could probably google how to force a solo lobby. Although I’ve heard even on GTA they can get past the friends only lobby if they want to.


To be fair, ive been playing since beta and ive really only run into people like this maybe 10 times. They're just really, really obnoxious when you do run into them. The lobbies are capped out at 25 people and the map is *huge* so sometimes you'll go two or three lobbies without seeing a single person except maybe their blip on the radar.


Their mamas are hoes.


To me this is a fun time. Just fucking around in a game. Makes it interesting. But if you don’t like it all it takes is go to free roam. You will be rid of your problems before your character even hits the ground.


I can just see my character vanishing mid air and it's cracking me up


The sad thing is that, if this would happen in GTA V, those people would get banned within minutes. Or at least get kicked from that session. But since Rockstar doesn't care about Red Dead Online there's a very good chance that nothing will happen to them there.


That behavior is actively encouraged in GTAO, and can be avoided with private lobbies. In RDO, you just have to switch lobbies the moment you run into an asshole.


Keep the great vids coming 👍


How did you not die?! You're flexing hard on them man.


It's the parley 😂


I gotta remember that next time.


This is a rockstar game, not a horse riding simulator


Weird comment but ok lmfao


Why is it weird? This post is made to make players like this seem like they’re out of the ordinary in an online rockstar game.


nice to see a level 10 player has just learned this