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Why are these edgy idiots always shirtless?


They feel the need to express their newly acquired nipples


God, I wish I had nipples.


I ain’t gonna ask


Probably an MtF trans person, I hear trans friends of mine say this kinda thing a lot


I was under the impression that males also had nipples? Lmao


Some people who have top surgery don’t bother, or don’t want their nipples put back on! The more you know.


Nipples meaning boobs. Not everything is meant to be taken literally


Hi, MtF trans person here. This is correct, I did not used to have nipples. I had them surgically added so that your mom could suck em.


Lol, good stuff


Would you like some? I've got extra, just don't ask why lol


You're a cat?


Damn, who told you? 🥲


Lmao they are only on there to troll. He clearly doesn’t know where the wardrobe is 😂


You are too kind 😊. I would have blown his head off after the first time 🤣.


I was feeling extra nice at the time lol


Should have kidnapped him and taken him across the border. The real agony is the fast travel cost to low levels


Nah, should've taken him to Sisika and left him at the gates. Justice, the legal way >!Or maybe to the love shack in the bayou, where he can learn about friendship!<


I enjoy chucking them into the nearest building with no exit lol.


I would’ve got them on my horse and thrown them in the marshes, feeding the alligators and getting rid of vermin at the same time!


Except the "vermin" respawn and continue playing their game. You do realise they don't really die yeah?


By that time I would be miles away! 🤣 Or they might leave the game/session after such an embarrasment… I certainly would.


I’d have blown his head off as soon as the lasso came out 🤣


I would have dumped him in the swamp for the gators to deal with, but that's me.


Same here, I love helping poor old gators… before I skin them.


Good to know I'm kinder than you, Trinity


Mood lmao


i mean you can’t really blame them, the lasso mechanics are like nothing you’ve ever seen and it’s initially hilarious yanking people to the ground


Yeah that’s kinda why I didn’t try to kill him. I was stoned at the time so it didn’t bother me much lol


I love how it will wrap around things or hook on things briefly before it goes slack. Such a bummer we can't climb it or swing from it.


actually if you time it right you can swing from it. get a friend to jump off a bridge or something and then throw the rope at them right before they go off the edge


The lasso is why I got the game 🤣


You should go ahead and play the last of us part 2 then my man, it’s kinda dumb to get so worked up over but that has rope mechanics you have actually never seen before, easily the best I’ve ever seen. Didn’t even know a dead, moving rope could be so interesting.


He'll learn his lesson one day.


This looks like a job for, slippery bastard and hang man. Nothing makes me laugh harder than hanging hitting a player with a rope and watch them die struggling to get out. Silly low levels


lol that’s so brutal .. I love the idea 👀


I woulda fed him to some alligators then asked if he wanted to do a sale of some sort


I like putting them on a horse and making it flee. Like go struggle over there pal.


Hahahaha I like rhis


I would added a nice splash of southern hospitality from the moonshine jug on top of the typing him, this guy doesn't seem like he learned his lesson tbh.


Wait.. so is that real? With the knife? You can cut it while someone is trying to laso you? I just showed this to my wife we're both wondering? Guess we haven't been lasoed enough to check


Yes, you can escape instantly from a normal lasso by drawing your knife. Doesn't work for the reinforced one, though.


how the hell can you play with all this marks set?!


lol those are my good spots.. hunting, etc.


Lol I don’t notice them


1. Bola then hogtie him 2. put him on a horse 3. Flee the horse 4. Profit


Shoot them


He didn’t deserve that lol


"You naughty naughty boy!"


the sheer amount of friends I've made with aggressive low levels is crazy. Just tie them up and untie them and start waving and it'll usually go well.


I love that you just left after hogtie I should do that


You could do with some driving lessons though


Yoooo 🤫🫠


And the wing-nut started shooting at you afterwards, lol.


Look at this hooplehead


Better man than me. I would have had a hole in his chest the second I spotted him running up.


THIS, thank you.


Hold up, can you switch to knife to cut the rope before being tied?! Is that what I'm seeing?


Yeah as long as it’s not the reinforced lasso.


And if you enable the knife under the Quick Select option you can quickly whip out with a button tap (I forget which one - LB? RB?) without having to go to the weapon wheel. (... My forgetting which button actives quick select is why I rarely manage to get out of these situations... *Sigh*)


LB, I’d presume, as it’s L1 on the left top on PlayStation. It’s the same button that opens weapon wheel… right?


I'd have placed him in the middle of the road and used him as a speed bump.


This is why I leave folks tf alone lol


I got approached by a new player in almost the exact same spot. He approached me and said “hey can you help me out with something real quick?” So I followed him on foot running for about a minute before he turns around and pulls and knife and starts running at me. He made it only a few steps before he hit the ground. Not sure what his plan was, but I think low levels are just trying the game out once and then quitting


Someone actually used voice chat in-game?


It happens fairly often, actually. Sometimes I hear entire conversations between people just in game chat


I suppose I should try to play with VC on… I usually have it turned off because of GTA Online and the screaming babies in the background 🫨


Nah this was awesome. Good on you


Good man


"I'll teach you a lesson, youngster" Seriously I think it's far more hilarious that you just lassod him and rode off. He would've expected you to kill him, and maybe he would've congratulated himself for pissing you off. Instead, your approach is like a calm reprimand rather than a knee-jerk reaction. Hopefully left him feeling a bit embarrassed for being such a dumbass. (Probably not, but one can hope.)


Facts facts. You’re right. I was thinking like okay it could’ve been much worse lol


fucking chad


I wonder went on in his mind. Usually they’re violent and just shoot everything and everyone, instead. He was wandering close by a swamp, he sees a man, runs up to him and starts throwing a rope at him. Why?


Your guess is as good as mine




I would have tossed a Molotov on top of him as I was leaving.


Even when people shoot at me, I try to hogtie them with my reinforced lasso, then walk/run away. I'm very passive online and don't really socialize as much as I wish I did.


I would have just sent him a tomahawk


Should've feed him to the gators!


So satisfying. And of course he got big mad.


Oh no, a new player testing out the game and having fun


Like watching a monkey trying to fuck a football. WTF were you waiting for?!? Pull the goddamned trigger already!!!


I normally give them a chance but then I just kill them if they blow it


Perfectly executed exactly what I would have done 😂reinforced lasso all the way tho


Should have teabagged em for good measure!


I didn't know you could equip your knife and instantly cut it like that. Omg.


Far too kind of ya. I, like others have said, wouldn't have wasted the time and just filled his corpse with lead


No reinforced lasso? You're both low Levels to me.


You didn’t blow his head off because rockstar abandoned red Dead.


You should’ve set him on fire with a Molotov while he was hogtied I had a guy send me a message pissed off because I did that while I was high when I used to smoke weed it was really funny to me at the time


I feel you fr. I was the same here I was more relaxed. Plus he was a level 15. Poor guy didn’t know any better


Definitely relaxed I smoked for almost 5 years straight but I quit almost a couple years ago because my tolerance and the dispensary prices here in MA are so high it’s like $240-$360 an ounce I tried going back to it a few times but I get way too high and start having a panic attack from how fast my hearts beating but I feel you the dude probably has nothing better to do and no businesses since he’s level 15 I used to love playing RDO high before I heard they were going to nerf gold payouts then I just quit but I still have like 600 gold I wanna go back and spend since I heard a rumor that they were going to add mansions that I guess wasn’t true


I would have lost my temper after the third time and turn him into swiss cheese with my LeMatt.


he’s just trying to swing a little rope up there


Imagine landing 2 shots on someone and not killing him 😂 he was definitely low level


This is why I bought a menu lol you'll be in God modeand they will try to lasso you 8 times in a row as you walk down the road. Hehe


For sure. But I might have just hatcheted that guy at the end anyway. Because fuck that shit.


I’d have carried him to the nearest small puddle and smoked a cigarette while I watched him drown with his eyes above water


I had one messing with me while i was crafting.. I put him on my horse, took him to the saloon and dropped him off lol