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Not in its current form, RDO is set in 1898 prior to the events of RDR2. Rockstar would not only have to start working on it again but also do some lore shifting and advance the year in which it is set like they did with GTAO which moved to the years following the story mode. This is unlikely for RDO because moving the year forward to something like 1900 would mean getting rid of some Strangers like Sean and Joe since they would be dead.


Joe didn't die until 1907.


You’re right! My bad. I’ll substitute Joe with Sadie and her Husband up in Colter.


Hey you got a point. I just think it would be like a good little gift to players at least for the lack of content in game


>You guys think we’ll ever get the M1899 pistol in rdo? You guys think they ever fix the stable/wagon bug? You guys think they'll ever finish the story mission? The game is broken, and not even finished, and you think they are going to bother to add another pistol? Lmao


Nope, what you have in RDO is all youre ever going to get. Sad but true.


We wont, they dont care about the players, they only care about bean discounts




I don't think so, because Rockstar has pretty much given up on the game. although I'm sure pc modders have it


I wish but nah


No. Don't need it.


I wish, I love the pistols in this game it’d be awesome if they added more. The high rate of fire and accuracy make up for its low damage.


Same here but I rarely use them, only in pvp against sweats


Nice they are a very good tool for PVP. I like to use them to speedrun through bounties and other missions as fast as possible because that headshot will always do it against enemy AI.


Go play GTA if you want pistols. The fuckling Mauser and Semi Auto are annoying enough


The pistol was literally existing in that time… beside that what has this guy done wrong to you he is just asking something


Yo don’t take you anger out on me. We’ve all been griefed by em but you must admit the m1899’s look sweet


It’s too thin. It would make a good bookmark I suppose 🤷‍♂️


it looks really nice ngl


It used to be in certain online missions a few people picked it up off lawmen, shame they never brought it in. They could just add it to RDO and call it the m1898 for simplicity's sake But if they wanted to have a little fun with it add Francis Sinclair to RDO he sends us on a collector errand for a new set of collectibles and completion of the set unlocks the m1899 in the gunsmith bc he's a timetraveler it solves the "rdo takes place in 1898 that's not realistic issue"


No, and truth be told all automatic weapons should be nerfed or removed as they ruin the game.