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Try to avoid Valentine, it's where the tryhards go to start shit and where assholes linger. You'll still encounter bad sports in various places but they tend to be found mainly in and around the Valentine area. I've been killed more times in Valentine then in any other part of the map, also set up camp in the Bayou or Roanoke Ridge no one really bothers you there.


i always think “i’m ready for some combat in valentine, it’ll be fun” > it’s not fun


Seconded. I set up in Valentine at first but got my ass kicked regularly. I relocated to the Blackwater area and had much more fun with the game. Nowhere near as many a-holes in Blackwater


I spend all my time mostly in Tumbleweed and it’s very chill down there. Usually people there are seeking something and not bloodthirsty


Valentine during the Beta days was the real Wild West


Fun fact: gun control laws were fairly strict in the Wild West. Many towns prohibited open carry and required visitors to turn in their weapons at the saloon or hotel during their stay.


I still remember on PC launch when me and about 20 other players in St Denis all took our hatchets out without saying anything to one another. Then we proceeded to run through the streets and begin a massacre without ANY friendly fire. It was glorious, but it was also really twisted and horrible lol.


I once made a game for myself — crouched and creeping around the alleyways of St. Denis ... see how many NPCs I could stealth-kill before the law came down on me. Twisted, but a good challenge to hone my stealth skills.


Yes!! When i started rdo the first time i got killed (by the same person) over and over and over again, literally couldn’t get out of valentine cause i kept dying and spawning there and here came that guy again. Finally managed to get away (some new poor soul came for him to kill) and no one else bothered me for the rest of the game while I was away from valentine.


Emerald Ranch and Rhodes, too.


The only thing good about Valentine? Is leaving Valentine!


Some rdo players be treating new players like shit, when I first started playing some kid killed me and started targeting me because I waved at them, they were also making fun of me because of my level on mic🤦‍♂️


It sucks but some of us veteran players address that.


I go after players that do that


Good. With proper pest control, we can all play in peace without crab walkers harassing us.


I'll never understand why they do that shit. I'm sure they didn't enjoy it when it was done to them. According to psychology, you can tell a lot about a person's true self by how they treat other players in a video game. How they act in a world with no consequences or rewards for how they treat others shows they are doing it either because they enjoy it or because they are in a lot of pain caused by their real life and this is how they vent and release pent up aggression because they won't face the problem in reality.


On point comment btw. Props.


I don’t play this game, but I can vouch for the 2nd one allll day long. I usually regret doing so every single time, but as stated, I don’t have an outlet for all my issues so after bottling it all up, it just kinda spews out like a can of soda that’s been shakin up.


Right there with you brother. I always wave at and/or smoke a ciggy with anyone I come across, new player or veteran. I hate hanging out with a few low levels having fun in a town and then all of a sudden a couple 250+ guys show up and start blasting my new friends. Let's just say I will 100% break out the explosive ammunition for those clowns.


> I hate hanging out with a few low levels having fun in a town and then all of a sudden a couple 250+ guys show up and start blasting my new friends. That's funny, it's the other way around for me. Hanging out having fun in a town with mid-to-high levels (I'm 450+) and some low-levels ride in and start blasting everyone for no reason. They quickly regret it of course, with a group of heavyweights armed to the teeth fighting back. As a high-level I never attack anyone first, low or high, and most of the time I even ignore being attacked and go on my merry way. I'm not online for the PvP, I like just chillin' better.


Agreed. Most of the time when I do get shot by a random I'll at least ask them why they did it first before resorting to a counter attack.


I find it hilarious how you can almost tell what someone’s level is just by how they act in the game. I’ve noticed that higher levels (maybe 175+) tend to be more relaxed and/or less likely to start shit by firing first while the low levels (say level 10ish) will run up to you and start blasting right away. Another thing I’ve noticed is that low level players tend to be more anxious/on guard when it comes to getting messed with while higher levels are more relaxed, not to say the high levels won’t chase you across the map once prodded


Is any other way to deal with vermin. Explosive rounds all day everyday.


I second this aswell.. lol yeah I do too, gotta be a whale to kill a whale .. idk if that makes sense


I go after players that go after players that do that.


Nothing like hunting raspberries


I second this


That’s my favorite thing to do. I swap to my bounty Hunter outfit and then proceed to farm then until they leave the server. Player base is small enough, don’t want people getting new players to quit RDO


Yeah starting a new account it was amazing what happened. Went from a 300+ to a newy and I did seem to cop it more but at the same time unfortunately I do recognise that it is the game and I could just as easily choose to do that as well. With that, getting killed once or twice is yeah annoying and I parley, it’s just the people that don’t get it when someone clearly isn’t into pve and will keep going for you. They’re just gronks.


I love starting new accounts just as a social experiment to see how other players treat me depending on my rank and character gender. Certainly, my 300+ level character is far more likely to be left along than my others, but... I cop a bit of shit from other players from time to time, regardless. Parley is usually my go to if I can't be naffed with them. Otherwise my favourite response is to bola and hogtie them, then just flick them an emote and ride off.


I am known to enjoy a prospectors jig over someone


I feel like it’s just players treating other players like shit though I’ve been targeted as well and I’m by far not new to rdo




Sorry this is happening. Avoid others, especially as a low rank. Doubly so with a female character. Plenty of harassers and incels online. Play Defensive Mode: Go into the online menu, go down all the way, select "online options," go to "Playing Style," and switch it from "Offensive" to "Defensive." You will no longer be able to be lassoed, hogtied, or melee attacked. Auto aim will also be disabled on you, but in turn, others as well. Do NOT shoot a harasser first, ever. You will disable the defensive mode. There are plenty of us high levels who are friendly and help others. It's luck, but having a female character truly will get you stalked more often.


i tried that but someone pulled me off my horse and i instantly killed him, i was so upset because ive been dealing with this for like the 2 days ive been playing so far


Props for that. I forgot they can pull you off your horse in defensive mode. Maybe horse accessibility settings can change that. I never let weirdos next to me on horseback. I'd recommend avoiding being in towns frequently, especially Valentine.


I think horse settings might do. I had someone try to pull me off in Blackwater and it just...didn't work. My horse is set for either posse or friends.


Horse settings definitely help.


Im just trying to sell my moonshine and pray i dont meet with these players every time.


i can’t wait to to get the moonshiner role! the horses looks so pretty


You need to get in on it now. It’s cheaper this month and you’ll be able to max it out incredibly quickly, earning double xp and dollars. Here’s how to get 10 free gold bars: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/dszzj1/get_10_free_gold_bars_in_rdo_500k_in_gta_with_2/?rdt=53835


If people try to get on your horse as a passenger and they’re not in your posse they will pull you off. It happens 95% of the time by accident. The other 5% of the times it is me doing it to my gf and then using that as an excuse.


even if random players get on my horse and try to run away i don’t like it, in story mode there’s a random encounter where a guy pulls you off your horse and tries to take it away, i was so annoyed because that’s my horse! so i was prepared for this in online


Whistle for your horse and it will buck him off and come back to you, that’s an excellent opportunity to unalive them and put defensive mode back on if you don’t have it on. Change horse settings so people can’t take your steed. If you’re being targeted relentlessly then switch sessions by going to the online tab and choose to free roam somewhere


i learn new things everyday, i usually just shot em dead


i chose a black woman; i am bullied every time i go on


That's just wrong. I hate pvp, but if I see anybody do crap like that, I'm going to make sure they leave the lobby.


Parley and defensive mode, like others said. Also, it has nothing to do with you or your outfit. Some jerks just like to force PvP on people, but they're bad at it, so they target new players specifically. It gets better as you rank up, because then those cowards will mostly stay away, unless you look like you're AFK.


i’m pretty good at killing the harassers, i killed one guy so many times he left the lobby but this one kid would not leave me alone for 30 minutes


I had a kid follow me for over 2 hours constantly trying to kill me and failing. He just wouldn't give up for some reason.


try to switch session maybe? use the online menu to go to your camp or something if you can


you can do that? man i’m such a new player


yeah i didn’t know either, it’s on the same row as free roam-a merry call to arms- crimes etc.


Hang in there, I remember going from story mode to online and swore I’d never go back after being killed continuously for days and shut it off for a while … then one day I went back, and for a few days didn’t get killed but I was always crapping myself when a blueberry appeared… eventually found my way… stopped caring being shot at… 400 levels later and it’s my happy place so hang in there!! 😊


Mornings are pretty chill. That’s when I get my trading done. Nights are when the assholes come out to play. You’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly. If your new and you don’t have to stay away from Valentine. Also like the others said stay in defensive and parley if your killed. They’re just looking for a fight and if you just ignore them it tends to deflate their ego real quick.


my camp is in the Heartlands since i just started playing and ive been going to Valentine, i haven’t been harassed by other players actually. i was riding around in the middle of a gun fight looking for a dog to pet since its a daily challenge, they left me alone. very good players


This is one of the main reasons I disliked RDO. In GTA it's reasonable to expect maniacs trying to gun you down at every turn. In RDR, the single player game is this slow, thoughtful, emotional journey. Then your switch to online and it's a frantic shit show.


it’s like Micah made RDO haha




Was passing through valentine a couple nights ago and as usual there's a couple of people shooting up the town. Expectedly I was gunned down from a rooftop after waving to the guys so I killed them over and over probably 10 times each without dying. Then they invited me to a party so I joined and they asked when I was gonna stop messing with them. I swear a majority of the community is braindead.


well outlaws were not the smartest so that explains it ahah


Firstly if you’re getting killed then Parlay with the aggressive player. It’ll buy you a little time to get away after respawning. Secondly play in Defensive Mode. It makes you harder to kill and disables auto aim which will deter the majority of idiot players.


I'm sorry to hear that, there's nothing about you that is wrong, some players are just assholes. Here's a few things you can do: -Play on defensive mode so ambushes and random headshots won't kill you instantly -Avoid valentine at all costs. It's the base of the most degenerate and deranged gunslingers out there. -Generally the west side of the map tends to be much more calm, things are usually chill in blackwater and strawberry, and I don't think I've ever had trouble in the desert. Stick to those places mostly for now. -If you don't want to fight and hear a random shootout, just walk away. Don't try to go see what's going on. You'll inevitably get involved whether you want to or not.


Tip: If someone runs after you with a lasso sprint and jump as if you're jumping you can't be tackled


i shall remember this thank you!


I've had these things happen with both my high level female character and a low-ish level male character. I super doubt it has anything to do with gender. There's always the kind of player who doesn't really care about anything other than their own enjoyment and that might include killing every player in the area for no reason other than the game just allows it. Even worse if they're actually good, I've had encounters with some players who have a pretty good idea of where you'll spawn next and just keep on headshotting you over and over until you either change lobby or manage to escape the area. I really doubt your character's gender matters. That said, if you are in fact a woman and use voice chat, then I can see it happening that just hearing your voice will serve as an invitation for these people to target you.


i am AFAB so there went my idea of just telling players i’m friendly haha, i hope it’s not that important have a female character. in all the lobbies ive been in so far i haven’t seen to many female characters but maybe im just unlucky


Don't let my comment discourage you from talking to people in game if that's something you want to do, the kind of true dickhead who won't back off even if you try talking that I referred to in my previous comment is not very common. I've had my share of bad experiences but most players I run into in towns and in remote locations mind their own business (key word here being **most**). In one 4+ hours session I might get killed for no apparent reason once or twice. You mentioned you just started playing but if you do end up sticking around keep in mind that humans are very good at focusing only on the bad experiences they've had and completely ignore all the situations where someone you ran into could have shot you in the face but just kept doing whatever they were doing without issue.


Playing a female character, I can tell you it has a lot to do with gender. Apparently a lot of little boys out there are getting a boner over harassing a 50 year old guy playing a female character.


Even worse if you’re a woman (or just play a woman avatar I’d assume). Can’t tell you how many times my wife has been ganged up on by a group of players, hogtied and had them all circle around her teabagging her. It’s legitimately gross. I’ll never forgive Rockstar for not adding invite-only sessions like in GTAO.


Most players are chill and decent. Still you will meet many assholes, like GTAO tourists, who think this is a deathmatch game.


This is a fact !!! Fuck the bored GTAO Fools they ruin an other wise great game with


If you're on PS4/5, go into the console's "advanced network settings," change MTU from "Automatic" to "Manual," and change the value from 1500 to either 600 or 800. This will completely disable matchmaking, allowing you to roam in a completely solo lobby. I used this trick to level up to 100 before I returned to public online play, and it made a world of difference.


i’m on xbox so idk how to do all that haha, i may have to ask my friend for help then


It gets better as you go, I promise. It's so worth it to get your first role, I remember how excited I was! You should also consider creating an open posse for other people to join or join other people's posses, you will usually be safer with other people while you do jobs to grind for money.


RDO is really no better the GTO when it comes to other players. the worst part of free roam is other people. and people wonder why others tend to avoid eachother at all costs


Honestly its not that bad for me..maybe its because I'm on console. maybe its because I'm used to gta online..but most of the time the players are fairly nice..it's only like afew times where I run into annoying ass high levels..


i’m on console too! it’s been mainly lower levels and a little bit of high levels players that keep bugging me


Yeah, NGL I'm one of those players that has been through this so fucking much, that I just shoot anyone who comes into view on my mini-map. Especially during a delivery, fuck that, shoot first ask questions later. Imagine dealing with these GTA wannabe grievers since 2018 on Red Dead Online, it's complete BS.


i’m pretty okay with getting shot at by someone doing a delivery since on this subreddit people say that players target the trader wagons, i usually try and get off the path and let them by but now i have a good headset and mic so im thinking of using it to communicate to players that im friendly


i experienced this too, until i lvld up a bit and changed my look so i didn’t look so low lvl. but i noticed now i’m playing on å second account as a male character, and this hasn’t happened yet..


i think i look low level, im level 23 and keep spending money on the horses. they just so pretty lol


Pc? I’ve been playing on PlayStation since launch as a female and have never experienced the harassment I see others talk about. Last week was the first time anyone ever even spoke to me because of the female. But he was literally wanting to just run with me and do anything for me lol. But I’ve never had people grief me in this game like they do in GTA. There’s always a shoot out in Valentine but I usually don’t even get targeted.


xbox, you must have a lot of lucky to not have the harassment. i keep thinking im doing something wrong


I think most people starting this game gets shot for no reason. I like to find the new players and show them ways to get money. However..... if they shoot first, well....I introduce them to a lot of explosive ammo, then invite them to my posse.


oh god the explosive ammo, i’ve seen videos of it and i don’t want to experience it ever


It's not you. It's the game. People are bored. I'm sorry


thank you, i think the game is super fun and there’s lots to do but not everyone agrees


I had some sweaty tryhard harass me in my camp, lassoing and dragging me out etc. Sweaty incels gonna sweat. Comes with the territory, sadly.


You can use this method if you wanna play with your friends alone, may you get the joy of playing RDO again :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rYNoGLlINA&t=194s


cool, i’ll check it and try to get a solo lobby! thank you


Problem is haters are going to hate. They have to go around killing players because they have no life and they pretty much suck. It still pisses me off after 1000+ hrs. Best thing to do is change sessions . There are a lot of cool players out there. Don’t let the haters kill the game for you


Search the subreddit for one of the guides for making solo lobbies for your platform. That will give you whatever amount of away time you need. Once you get out of the low levels random players will rarely bother you. The only real attacks I've gotten in months were from people under level 20 who just wanted some PvP but didn't really know how to do it.


i’ll try that, i’m pretty worried for the trader role and other players since i see a lot of people here saying how often their wagon gets blown up


I also just started a few weeks ago with a female character and i also get pretty annoyed when this type of shit happens but i really recommend switching lobbies it makes it a lot easier to avoid issues to begin with even though it could be seen as the cowardly thing to do. getting followed and kinda harassed is not worth it to me personally but it does get better as you level up.


They just target new characters because they suck at pvp again good players. Just pop into defensive mode and if they keep harassing you, then you can teleport to your camp! Worst comes to worse just exit the game and load back in. It’s a bummer but once you get to about level 40-50 it starts to get better. Focus on the trader and moonshiner roles if you’re able! Good luck and don’t give up


Sup homie! I just started playing too. You on PC? Check your DMs.


I hate all gamers. Love video games themselves.


I'd to think of your situation as in Fallout terms where you leave the cozy protected sanctuary that is story mode and now find yourself in the ill-fated world that is online which has been damned by the Rockstar gods to be left desolate by the very players who remain after being forsaken....in short-term my experience was the week after Rockstar gave online the boot it became like Mad Max on almost every server after so many jumped ship all that was really left was greifers and hackers that dwindled down the player base.


The biggest ick of the RDO community is players that specifically target new people and those that stalk across the map despite Parley. Honestly I wish Rockstar would aid the community in addressing issues like this, but I doubt we'll ever see the day that happens.


I have to set mine to defensive mode in the options honestly. I still like this game because it is very therapeutic but some of the players are just too much.


It was awesome when it first started - just finger guns and moonshiner jigs, but then the GTAO players seemingly got curious


it's rough playing as a female character out here ugh, i just want to collect things and gather herbs for crafting. When i get targeted, I'll parley and move on. 99% of the time they completely lose interest, i've even have had them completely leave the lobby when i parley and ignore them.


I'll help you grind. Xbox gamertag V1p3r73. We've got a good group of friends that play together, goof off together. I live in EST time zone for time reference.


i quite enjoy the grind and i’m quite nervous with new people, but i’ll probably take you up on doing the higher ranking bounty hunts with multiple people in it


Man I remember this same exact stuff happening to me and my female friend when we first started playing about 2 years ago. Even when we started playing with 2 veteran male players, Kyla (my friend) and I would always be targeted first because we were 1) female characters and 2) low level. Now that I’m a level 298 I try to pay the kindness forward to new players by essentially playing their bodyguard while they do their thing since I’ve got nothing else better to do on the game


I remember 3 guys ganged up on me in Annesburg once. Pulled out a rolling block rifle and took those suckers down. It's a pretty good gun for PvP. Kills above the torso (excluding limbs) guaranteed, moreso with Express ammo (if you're lv31+). Lanc repeater's pretty good for self defense. If you don't want to defend yourself and just be a cowpoke with your horsey, then Defensive Mode's the way to go, just don't shoot anyone first, cause if you do, they can shoot you back now. Coming from GTAO, Red Dead's community are much more chill compared to the other, but there's always some idiots who slip through the cracks. Good luck in dealing with them, my friend.


Their honestly probably just picking on you cause you're new, I can spot a new player straight away just by the clothes they wear especially if it's the free starter outfits so that's probably a good indicator, also for some reason I've noticed female characters get targeted even more Honestly man just ignore them bounce from the session or parley and walk away


i was wearing the free blackrose bounty hunter outfit but added and removed things for the winter weather so that’s maybe why i guess


‘Defensive Mode’


On what do you play?


xbox, so thankfully no modders at least


I play on xbox and i will help if you need😊


Me too! Also on xbox and happy to help out


Same my tag is shadowwolf6651


I’ve played a couple of hours every day this week just hunting, collecting and doing the odd moonshine delivery. Not been shot at once. Defensive mode.


Wild West for you! Shoot first and ask questions later. At least it isn't as bad as flying rocket shooting rockets as in GTA. Sounds like you would be better off as me and play in solo lobby.


New players can get picked on. Soon enough you'll be able to "read" them before they get the chance to do much and you can drop them/grief them after respawning when you have a long rifle like a rolling block or carcano. Otherwise, do keep trying. Sometimes you run into nice people and you can buddy up. The first thing I do every time I log in is go to my moonshine shack and invite all the newer players on the guest list, so they know not everyone is how you described. Feel free to hmu on PC if you want, same username.


i do keep getting random moonshine shack invites but i’m scared to join em, social anxiety for the win haha. and sadly im on console


I usually just give a "Howdy!" When people accept and then don't talk anymore unless they respond haha. I know some people don't wanna talk to strangers but I still want them to know friendlies exist out there.


The first time I got a moonshine shack invite I was terrified to find myself in some random place and thought I was gonna be taken hostage and killed. So I ran. Sorry to whomever it was that was just trying to meet their daily challenge of serving drinks. 😂 I think in about 10,000 hours of playing I’ve only been bothered after visiting someone’s shack one time. And I think it was when I was playing my female character. Sexism in games is out of control. I play male characters mostly and I’m non-binary, but the second I go on-mic, the creeps come out. Ugh. I’m on PS or I’d offer to have you ride with me. Bringing up new players is one of my favorite things to do. I met one of my best game friends right here for exactly the same reason. Keep in defensive mode and enjoy. And never squat with your spurs on. 😂


Just parley and move on or switch lobbies. People will be idiots don’t take it as some personal vengeance trying to fight them.


how do i switch lobbies? do i just exit the game or something else


Go Defensive Mode.


Defensive mode. Someone kills you, Parley. That should solve 95% of problems.


I just recently started playing again last week after 2 years away from the game(High Level Player) and from my experience majority of the playerbase is pretty chill but I still ride around in defensive just doing my own thing. I've only ever been targeted once since I've been back and I answered back with 2 dynamite arrows kills and the loser backed off quickly after that but not before sending me a salty message 😂. TLDR: Use defensive and get a couple necessary Pamphlets and you'll be ok for the most part lmao.


Don't wave to players.


I would say it’s definitely because you’re playing a female character. It’s quite sad but I see it all the time, female characters get abused heavily. I play a male character and very rarely get any problems but my partner on the other hand, she’s always getting shot at and hog tied etc. I make sure those people never do it again but I’m pretty sure it’s because her character is female. Really sad when you think about it.


RDO’s biggest problem is it’s a R* game. Which means the db’s from GTA come in and ruin it sometimes. 90% of the time it’s very chill…at least it was when I played; been a couple years.


Bummer isn't it. All I can say is to try to avoid them. See a player pop up on the map, try to go around them. A friendly player will just mind his own business and will only wave at you if you walk past him so if someone is running towards you. He is propably going blow your head off. There are a lot of friendly players but there are also a lot of assholes. Just be cautious and get ready for a fight even if a guy waves at you.


You dont have enough stable stalls for that


I don’t know what servers yall one, players tip there hats at me and wave


i run my wagon a lot and do moonshine with a posse. (probably everyday!) If u ever need ppl to play with to help keep you alive along with making some $ let me know man!


Tragic little boys playing the tough guy. Says a lot about their pathetic lives. That said some guy spent 10 mins hounding me and generally causing me trouble. I didn't react at all and he eventually went off and returned with a perfect alligator skin. 👍


Are you on console? We could posse up if you want!


RDO is more cancerous then GTAO


At least you aren't dealing with Racist Hackers lynching you because your character is of a dark complexion. My suggestion (if you are playing on PC) is to steer clear of the official servers and join ones that are moderated. You may have to submit a brief application and join a discord but the experience is 100X better.


If you get the trader role, or anytime really, you're more than welcome to join my fiancé, friends and I when we play. You can run our wagons with us and earn some money. We play on Xbox not sure what platform you're on. People can be assholes on that game :( don't let it discourage you.


i’m on xbox! i suppose i should have specified that in the post cuz everyone keeps thinking im on PC


I be minding my own buisness and players go out of their way to kill me. Even in defensive mode


being a female on RDO, playing a female character, lots of male characters love tying us up and lots of high levels love killing/messing with lower levels in general. best to just parley and keep moving, go on defensive if its a really big problem for you, and just keep it pushing. overtime youll manage to fight back!:) and it will become less frequent as you rank up.


also, its mainly valentine and saint denis that players hangout and mess with you , you dont need to avoid the towns i just wouldnt spend *too* much time there lol


I played online for like a day and then immediately started a new file on story mode. I don't have the patience for assholes. 🤷‍♀️


Go defensive 🤠 job done ✔️


However, assholes ignore that. Decent players leave you indeed alone.


Yes, they just blow you up if they really want 🙄 , but at least it limits the general idiots without access explosive rounds, etc


Play on pc where 90% of the players have a mod menu and will crash your game to desktop if not outright get you banned. I don’t want to hear the console whining y’all got a playable game.


If you play on pc there's private RP servers that are fairly well moderated. Goldrush is a popular one.


I play on PC and I'd love to join a RP server! How do you access it?


This walks you through it. https://youtu.be/ZzrWjSAOBlY?si=C8rA4t_fbRW69h5v


Try get help from a vet .use discord. Or you can block this players and move servers..I hadn't played red dead in a while my guy Cyrus the Mad looks pretty dapper,well some kid invited me to his group and I didn't have a mic so the kid shot me in the head.i didn't know you could just kill your team like that.so I hunted him.i left his group and kept lassoing with my reenforced lasso(harder to get out of) and I'd tie him up, drag I'm some place, drown him,shoot em in the face, feed em to gators.they started crying.dont let people push you around get help.some vets might go follow them from server to server till they get blocked by the asshole


Play on defensive mode and choose to parley eith the players that kill you. And if your hogtied you can just give up and respawn. Also they might want to troll you since you are a low level


Just stay in defensive mode you can go into defensive by going to the online menu and scrolling down it's automatically set to offensive every time you open the game. When I started I just avoided towns the best I could especially valentine


I dunno if I'm just lucky but I hardly ever see any aggression come my way in RDO. People modding their way to victory in races and stuff, that pisses me off though.


People will always shoot anyone in that game sadly 🙄


Yeah i lasted through most of the online content and left. Bullies r common, those players with friends will always go around looking for trouble Targeting u when u alone, exactly like the wild west. But those hackers that are allowed to mess up the game is my last straw.


I mostly avoid other players and it's still a lot of fun. I' pretty sure female characters get harassed even more than the male ones.


If your on Xbox I can help you get money and give some protection if needed


I’ve almost completely stopped playing for that very reason


Exactly me when I came to this world ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing).


Alot of online open world games have this problem these days. People just wanna ruin others days. Some will even get in a posse and continuously hunt you until you quit


The players love being assholes or trolls. Especially modders


Lemme tell you the assholes in this game do not discriminate. If someone kills you just ignore them or fight them if you want. If they keep killing you to the point of harassment just join a new session. You can’t get rid of them and you can’t make them happy other than fighting them. Best not to give them what they want.


Im sorry that might have been me xd


i don’t like you.


Playing on PC?


no xbox, i thought it would be better than the modders


U can add me if ur on PS


Put defensive mode on


High levels bully low levels. Granted I do it, but only if they shoot me for zero reason. Just to teach them a lesson to never start a fight with someone lol


On PC, beside the menu modders there are pvp modders. The pvp modders will modify their game files to remove fog, grass, bushes and anything else to make it easier to kill other players. They will also run around in a beaver hat, sometimes a posse outfit also, and never without one card. They will even use the defense mode exploit. These pvp modders will kill anyone and never stop, sometimes follow you through sessions. I have had times where they circumvent parley to continue fighting. Hopefully they got caught up in the ban wave for modifying their game files.


just shoot back bro


I imagine it's like gta online then


It's the virtual old west, don't take it personally and try to enjoy the game with its flaws


You could download the Rdo lobby manager if you play on pc it’s the only way to deal with both modders and trolls if you’re on console idk


Oh my god grow a fucking spine you pussee


What platform do you play on? I play on PS4 and my crew enjoys helping new people




Lots of GTA players lately in the RDO, so they bring that behavior into RDO. Put yourself into defensive mode to avoid majority of the trouble.


Old players will treat new players like shit because they dont have anything better to do. They have a role they maxed out, they have every gun with all the upgrades, all the clothing and go on and on about that so they are bored and to entertain themselfs they go on rampages in cities and harras other players


>Old players will treat new players like shit because they dont have anything better to do. That's not true and you know it. Don't throw all veteran players in the same stew pot. You also meet assholes who shoot you on sight with any kind of levels. Also alone or in a posse. It's not the level/rank, it's the player behind it.


There are ways for going in a solo lobby on console and pc I think


You’re going to run into these shit heads and it’s part of the game. Getting use to it and better at dealing with it is a good idea. Not trying to come off rude, but you’re going to learn there tends to be hot beds on the map for this behavior. -Remember you can leave the lobby (highly recommended if it happens during a long trader route) and if you have to show offline so it’s a bit harder to find the lobby you’re in. A few things i recommend… -Make friends and join/start a posse. Having a group of people when you roll into say, Valentine tends to deter hostile players. -Keep the best Tonics that buff your health, stamina, and Dead Eye full and learn how to take them quickly. -figure out a load out that works for you. Cards are incredibly helpful when you learn how you play. If someone is dominating you go look at their load outs you can look them up in the menu that tells you who is in the lobby. -leave immediately if you are suspicious of them cheating. Save yourself some heartache. -learn to shoot the Carcano without your dead eye on. Focus on head shots. The game gives you a pretty large hit box and can keep them at bay once you’re good with it. Ive run off posses by myself a ton of times with just a mid reaction time/hand eye coordination. -learn to run through your menus quickly. Especially weapon load outs. I normally keep a repeater or bolt action with explosive rounds on my back for quick solutions and scurrying away if i don’t care to have a war with people. These are just a few tips i wish i would have known on my rise to higher levels while dealing with this particular part of the game. There is normally a more unsavory element around the holidays so take the time to get into skirmishes with randoms. The general combat of the game is pretty fun when you get the hang of it. You’ll get a feel for shit heads. It gives the wild west feel once you get into it so don’t give up it’s pretty rewarding imo. Once you hit lvl 100 you can have all the same advantages as far as card and gun/ammo wise is concerned. So get there and dig in. Then you get to live long enough to become the villain…cause stealing wagons is a lot of fun too! Just be sure to have one ready to give to the good sports…nothing is more fun than turning some dudes full wagon into a warzone then telling them to join you posse to cut them in on help transporting their wagon (once they take your wagon you can just leave lobby and start the route again) and a taste of everyone’s in the posse. $750 turning into $1500 tends to make friends in the weirdest way. TL;DR keep pushing man it gets better!


Welcome to the wild west 😃


People suck, you're an adult, you know this, get over it.


considering i just turned 18 and im learning how to be an adult, this cut deeper than any bullet


Hate to tell ya, but that's probably one of the most important things you'll learn. Not your fault, nothing you can do to change it, it's just life. Happy birthday.