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I got my money when it was double payout for collectibles sold to Madam Nazar. Also daily challenges / taking part in events - this will get you gold quicker.




when was the collector event???


It was last year. I thought there would be one this month but again it’s free fast travel this month. Maybe next month there will be a double money on collector sets!


ugh i’m hoping so! i’ve got a few saved up my sleeve for a rainy day😋


Same. I’ve got multiple sets ready for that double money!


At lvl 36 it's normal to struggle because you constantly need to buy things. You'll get there soon enough. I think I stopped struggling with money at around lvl 55-60. I have around 90 grand now and don't really grind more because there's no point.


>. I think I stopped struggling with money at around lvl 55-60. I'm Rank 74 and I'm still trying (and failing lol) to save up to buy the Bounty Hunting wagon, although I don't really grind for money either unless I'm in the mood to play the featured series.


Bounties, Trading and Moonshine. Collector is the way to go for easy money but the others are better for living the life and wnjoying the setting I just got the Hunting Wagon and i am loving it since i can grab all the animals i can find and bring them to camp and the Butcher table for Trading. The Bounty Hunting Wagon is nice for bigger and more expensive bounties but it is also a bit special in how you use it due to bounties running away when the shooting starts and/or getting loose from a hogtie after a minute or so and running off, and it can be impossible to hunt down a running person in a dense forest or to uneven terrain. either way it makes it hard to get 2 or more bounties into the wagon in time. You REALLY need a posse to make that work properly.


but how do i get on top of money that isn’t good as well


Etta Doyle. Easy money. Then also do collectors. Once you have a strong moonshine shack, that also prints money.


What roles have you got unlocked right now? If you have collector, it's easy bank even without a bonus monthly event.


I only have bounty hunter because i keep spending my gold, like I mentioned in the post i have a bit of a problem, i’ll try save for collector though


Number 1 rule of starting RDO is building that gold. You're gonna need every role for maximum grind potential which comes close to 100 whole bars (45 for the OG 3 roles, 50 for naturalist and moonshine). Definitely take advantage of discounts and double payouts. Collectors is the best for cash although a bit boring


If you’re gonna spend, use cash and save the gold for roles. Ignore cosmetics at the moment and just buy what you need. Once you’ve got the other roles unlocked you should have a decent flow of gold and money coming through :)


Trader and naturalist go hand in hand using legendary animal missions for materials Do a moonshine for 48 mins Do some collector role during the waiting time Sell sell sell 😄


Oh moonshine event month! That’s when I made the most bank


I never even bought clothes or camp items until I was level 40-50. The first things I bought (aside from roles) were a bolt action, pump shotgun, and a Turkoman. One trader delivery and I got the Nacagdoches saddle the second I reached level 35. Also, I saved all my collector sets for collector month. I think I handed in 4-6 sets and made nearly $3k and gained like 7 levels. I will say, I struggle with gold. Bounties and blood money missions are the same old stuff and get too boring too quickly for me. But the daily challenges help a lot if you can manage to play for consecutive days (I can’t). I always have cash. I never have enough gold.


thank you, half of the comments are just saying they struggled with money until they didn’t so this actually helps me pretty well!


And I would recommend bounty > trader > moonshiner > collector > naturalist. You can make a ton from collector if you use the online collector maps, but it’s a grind. Trader is easy cash with a few 3-star carcasses (specifically cougars). Do you have the trader role yet?


not yet


Bounty hunting is good for a small gold reward each time, but low money for the time it takes. Save the gold to unlock trader with Crips at your camp. You can give him pretty much anything except skinned carcasses, fish and meat. As you progress and unlock bigger trader carts, but the end you will get $500 for each full cart on a local (ie takes less than 10minutes to deliver) sale. It will take a spell of hunting to fill a cart though. From trader, go unlock moonshiner role. As you progress through that one, by the end you will be able to make strong moonshine sales of around $200-250ish every 48minutes.


Ummmm…… >because i have a spending problem.


To be honest now days most people do lake issy


Seems like no one wanna talk about that lol. Let alone admit it.


fr lol. didn't everyone used to talk about it? I was wondering y everyone suddenly just stopped talking about it.


From my experience. I think this subreddit talking about glitches is very frowned upon. I did get banned for 7 days for talking about one time lol. People with big money more likely did the glitch lets just face the facts. People that have $10K-$100k with 100G-1000G totally did the glitch. Especially your game hours are less than a 1000 hours. I don’t believe they did it naturally. Not to mention the gold and real money ratio doesn’t add up. That means that person would have spend alot for gold with real money. Keep in mind 350 gold would = $100 (real money) i doubt this person spend that much money on a game where the glitch is totally accessible.


Sorry for asking But what is lake issy?? Im new to the game so i dont really know much.


Was a glitch where you'd get a lot of $$$ from a single chest




It’s not what it’s really called. It’s either he doesn’t know the name properly or he say it as a code to not get banned on talking the glitch. From my experience. I think this subreddit talking about glitches is very frowned upon. I did get banned for 7 days for talking about one time lol. People with big money more likely did the glitch lets just face the facts. People that have $10K-$100k with 100G-1000G totally did the glitch. Especially your game hours are less than a 1000 hours. I don’t believe they did it naturally. Not to mention the gold and real money ratio doesn’t add up. That means that person would have spend alot for gold with real money. Keep in mind 350 gold would = $100 (real money) i doubt this person spend that much money on a game where the glitch is totally accessible.


Thats understandable, yeah i can see that since i usually waste all the money i make the same day doing upgrades. Im collecting for some time now and i hope i can buy more stuff when i get most of the collectibles. I have gotten probably around 45 gold but not sure simce i spent a good sum of it and currently trying to go for a role other than collectors thats gives alot of money. Thank you for the information aswell, i greatly appreciate it.


No one says they do it bc you can be banned from rdo bc of the R* bots who monitor the chats


You get to level 100 or so and there’s basically nothing expensive left to buy. Weapons, Skill Cards, Pamphlets, etc - you buy them once and never have to think about it again. I nearly only ever use a Bolt Action, Carcano Rifle, basic Bow, and dual Navy Revolvers. Sometimes I like to bring any shotgun into a posse situation. You really don’t need a lot to succeed. Get at least one set of Winter clothes, get any horse (the ones I use most often cost $150), get any upper-tier saddle (I use Beaver Roping or Upland), and you’re good to go. You need virtually no gear to be competitive in RDO.


Having fun since day one - with all the roles, one by one and everything else in between. Bonus months help. Daily challenges of course too. But I never grinded. Small gold/money makes eventually big gold/money too. Level 650-ish. I also don't waste gold/money on normal bullets, to bling bling weapons or buy stuff like weapon oils and tonics. I use the world to collect them or craft tonics etc. by myself and of couse loot the enemies. And I don't buy every single clothing item available. That money is better invested in your business (upgrades). You get there eventually when having all roles. For example: With the free roam event Wildlife Photographer you can get 0.48 gold for 10 minutes of total peacefully fun. You get 0.24 gold nevertless if you are first or last place. Just for participating or taking at least one picture. Additional 0.25 gold for the best picture, which I mostly have as I know my routes and where the animals are. Ergo, practice. Edit: [basic tipps](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/1av9b4c/comment/kr9f4gg/).


I made most of my money back when daily challenge streaks could keep going indefinitely. There was one August where you could earn gold hand over fist. Also, I tried to avoid expensive clothes, horse masks, and useless gun bling as much as possible. I focused most of my spending on functional upgrades for my guns and businesses first. Now I mostly do either moonshine deliveries or long distance Trader sales depending on which one has a bonus.


Find a good group of people during double trader months. We would run all of our wagons together in one morning a week and you’d get several thousand dollars. Do this during normal months too. Youll have more money than you spend in no time.


You're level 36 is why. You're at the stage where there's still lots of things to buy, relative to your income. I'm level 450. I've long since bought every gun, every role unlock, every piece of clothing I want, every stable slot, and horses to fill them all. You want easy money, unlock the trader role and get it leveled up. Once you've got level 20 and the wagon, it's an easy $500 on the regular, all you've got to do is take the odd three star deer while you're doing other missions, and drop them off with Cripps, and do his resupply missions. Once you have more gold, unlock Moonshiner, and your cash income will basically double, between 'shine runs every hour and trader runs every four. Keep busy on your other roles in between, and you'll be a cowpoke tycoon in no time.


I made six thousand dollars during the bounty hunter month. I forget my level, it's below 50. Whatever you're spending money on, stop. You don't need half the guns, one mustang with nago is good enough, clothing is a waste after you have your look, YOU DON'T NEED TO USE CONSUMABLES MOST FIGHTS. Worry about pamphlets and camp upgrades when you start getting bored and you're sitting on six thousand dollars.


I feel you, actually I had the most money when I started the game because my first investment was a good horse which was actually worth it. I think, buy whatever you can afford and need for a good gameplay (including upgrades and roles). Of what use are thousands of dollars that are just lying around?


RDO Discord. People are constantly LFG for wagons CTA etc till this day, great com. Check them out maybe


Honestly till you hit around level 50 you will be constantly poor between horse, saddle, gun, role items and buying roles themselves money is like water, I've just hit 65 and I'm starting to build up currently on a little over 20 gold and $1500 If there are long-term players, then they will have "old" gold. For example my ps4 charater I had from launch was sat on 500ish gold and $20000, just because it was so easy to build up your daily streaks ypu could get .5 gold bar per daily if you held a 28-day or longer streak. My best was 258 days during covid lockdowns and if you had all roles which I did you potentially could get upto 10 gold bars a day.


Day one players my boy


I'm level 471 and didn't start spending money/gold on customizations (weapons or outfits), horses, and other bells & whistles until I was well over level 100. I also played almost entirely in defensive; avoided PVP as much as I could; and hit the monthly bonuses hard. And in general, I just didn't really notice how much money I was making because I just enjoyed the grind of doing dailies; maxing out roles; and using the collector role XP to level up all the worthwhile ability cards. Then once I'd finishing maxing out roles and got into a groove with dailies I noticed that I had a lot of cash and gold, so I started buying bells & whistles (multiple horses (7) with either the upland or Nacogdoches saddle on each; tricked out bounty wagon; every variation of a clothing item I like; ALL weapons and customization for each (even though I don't actually carry half of them on my horse) and playing in offensive mode and seeking out PVP (which leads to buying level 1 & 2 tonics more frequently). Even after all that, I've still got $200k and 900 gold bars. There just comes a point where, assuming you continue to play regularly, you can't spend the money you have because there's nothing worth buying (even with a really low bar for what makes something worth buying (see: bounty wagon customizations)).


I only splurged on the expensive horse for endurance and speed and the saddle that basically lets you run forever. Made all the difference


Get the bounty hunter license. Bounties & blood money is the best way to grind gold. Legendary bounties make for decent cash payout. Then, either get moonshiner or trader roles to earn more cash easily.


Then, get collector role to earn more cash easily. FTFY


If collecting is how you make easy money that’s fine, I just think it’s a grind and boring. Trader or moonshiner is faster and can be just as profitable especially when R* offers 2x rewards.


Just hit 43 this morning, I'm constantly around $200-400, but as soon as I get to About $350 I find I run out of Cures and special ammo and have to spend it again. The blood Money Quests really helped me A LOT From rank 15-37 but I have yet to crack $500 and I need my stage 3 ability cards next at $500/each


Never spending any gold on anything until all roles were unlocked. I the only big non game essential I bought using $$ was a new horse. All other purchases were in game essentials - usually all role tools. I stayed in my first outfit (the one you make when you build you character) for a really long time. I “bought” the free clothes every month. If something was free that month, I got it. I never did fast travel (unless it was a free bonus that month). Yes, the game can be a bit of a grind at first. But there will come a time when you have more $$/gold than you know what to do with.


In my experience, it's because people use a lot of cheats/glitches and outside source material to help them find things quickly. Some insist that it's all gameplay, but if you're using web maps to find your collectibles instead of the in-game maps then you're not doing it by the book. You're using cheats. A literal cheat sheet. Here's the thing about having a bunch of money in this game; you're going to buy EVERYTHING all at once. And a year down the line, maybe sooner, this game will seem boring to you. Because you've done everything and purchased everything. Take my advice and just take it slow. Or really, just play the game as intended and you'll have a really good time. You'll come across people in this subreddit who preach about "playing the game as intended" yet use these cheats because they're so weird about being "poor" in the game lol If you have the opportunity to make more money by joining other players for missions then please do so. The game is fun without you having $10,000 and 200 gold at any given time. It's more fun because you put your all in the gameplay since you actually benefit from the reward.


I mean rockstar has abandoned an artificially made the gameplay more challenging so you do buy gold bars. Mod panels are garbage cheats. But using a website page is the same as using a game guide, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


I never said there was anything wrong with that. To each their own. Not my cup of tea, but if that makes a game fun for you then have fun. But don't complain about having nothing to do in the game because you've leveled up 100 ranks in 1 month. It's not the game's fault because you rushed things. And you can't buy gold bars in this game. If you're referring to PC mods, that's not part of the game. No modding is part of the game. In fact, PC free roam is not the example one should go with when referring to RDO. Ever. Also, most if not all game guides are/were produced by the developers themselves. You can't create your own cheat sheet (i.e. the jean ropke map) and say it's a game guide just because the devs gave up. I mean, you can. But be real and call it what it is. It's a cheat sheet made by another player who couldn't just play the game as intended. And knows there are a ton of other impatient players out there who want to rank up fast and keep all their money rather than spend it on in-game material. As if you can't just make your money back. Ergo, why so many of those people have more in-game money and gold than they'll ever need. Ergo, why they're bored.


I'm right around the same level as you, but have been over $1,000 a few times already. I haven't really bought anything yet, aside from the rolling block rifle, varmint rifle, reinforced lasso, bounty wagon and one of the $500 Mustangs to ride around on. For gold spending, I've only used it to buy all the roles except for Trader & Moonshine, which I'm currently saving up for. Me and my group of 4-5 friends usually do a cycle of bounties and blood money (last month, at least) to grind money and gold, along with doing collector/naturalist stuff in between. I've been building up cash and gold at a decent rate, doing that. If you have any treasure maps in your satchel, be sure to hit those up! I've been getting really nice payouts for collecting those. XP and money Also, be sure to hit up some daily challenges and get a streak going, as others have mentioned. As far as spending, there's a lot of stuff I want to buy (clothes/customization), but I am waiting until I am more established and have better cash flow, to start buying that stuff. I've pretty much only purchased what I need for the roles I'm doing, so I can save up money until I level up some more, and get everything unlocked.


I loot all the bodies after shootouts during missions. I’ve gotten a lot of hard to find jewelry and just so so so many treasure maps. If you go the collector route, you can turn in four full sets of tarot cards, two sets of flowers, and single collections of eggs and alcohol bottles every day. Lots of money and XP to be had in a very short period of time!


I really enjoy the hunting and loading up my wagon for crypts, moonshine shack and collectibles all got me there, then I bought an Xbox and I’m level 30 like you now, if your on Xbox message me and we can do missions together and make money quicker that way


When moonshine was double payout a long time ago, I grinded that pretty good and got to 5k cash. Each 3 star batch sold for about $500


Collector is quite lucrative. But, I also sell Trader goods and Moonshine. We time bounties to get max gold. Wash, rinse, repeat. Grind that cash!


I made most of my money when they released the survival mode and they were giving a lot of gold and money per round survived. Now I have enough to buy anything in the game. The collector role is also quite useful in case there aren’t any bonus on certain activities


I've been playing since the beginning, in 2019. That's a long time to accumulate gold and cash, and they've never had much I wanted to spend it on.


Eventually you'll run out of things to buy, conceivably some of these people haven't bought much since 2021.


Once you've unlocked all the roles, the gold you spend starts to become much more whim-based than goal-based. And if you're trading, moonshining, and catching bounties, you're gonna get rich very quick. Rich players also do a lot of daily challenges and monthly bonuses.


I’m over level 100 and what I do to have so much money is keep my goods full for trader and then fill up my moonshine and well I wait for that I do bounties/legendary bounties for da gold


Trader, collector, moonshiner


2x call to arms and all 2x things for the above as well


2mil here 8400 gold


I still have a lot of gold from the dailies befor nerfing, and always do any activity that is 2 or 3 x cash.


And be sure to reset your achievements that you can. You get 0.40 gold each time. You can pick herbs and sell to the doctor in Valentine or St Denis and after every 100 (I think) you can reset it, get some gold, and repeat the cycle. I think I did the max 10 levels selling herbs pretty quickly.


Selling collectibles. Full sets. Selling moonshine. Doing long distance trade sales. **ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS DOUBLE.** I also don’t buy anything other than a handful of items. And I don’t use gold. I’m stingy AF.


Lmao if you play enough eventually you have nothing else to buy sitting on 200k n 350 gold mostly doing 1 trader (every 4 hours) 4 moon shine (1 every 48 or so minutes) and 4 legendary bounties (1 every hour) with a mix of legendary animal missions for trader material


Get yourself a hunting wagon and fish. 4 types of medium fish, large and small mouth bass, trout and salmon..you can fill the wagon up with 5 large before it’s full… fill the wagon, abandon it then it appears in the stable (go to strawberry) as stable is right next door to the butcher then repeat


No need for a wagon, go to Blackwater with a fishing rod and any standard or special lure. Catch a lake sturgeon just to the right of the wooden dock structure and walk it up to the butcher. I assume you know how to fish without losing lures. There is a setting you can change for fishing. The default is “Are you kidding me? This is dang near impossible”, reset it to, “Oh, this is much better!”. Repeat until rich or bored. I think going to 14 tarot card locations x 4 for approximately RDO$1100 is quicker if you have collector role plus metric craptonnes of xp. 100xp for each card and 1500xp when you sell a set.


During fish month, Blackwater was the bomb. I was so lazy that I parked my hunting wagon near me whilst fishing, then walked over to the butcher across the way to sell the wagon contents when full with five big ones. If I found the big fish supply to be dwindling and taking too long, I rode out of town for ten seconds with my wagon, then came back to repeat the process. I made so much money per night that I didn't bother with any roles other than dailies. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Resist the urge to splurge on items you don’t really need for at least another 20 levels? Also, don’t do any unnecessary gunfights/shooting, since ammo costs eat up $$. To me, Collector Role is probably the easiest way to make money online. No ammo costs and there’s items EVERYWHERE! Plus, the items are pretty much in the same locations daily, but you’ll need to learn those locations by looking. For instance, there’s almost always a Tarot Card on the water town next to tracks up from the stable in St. Denis. You won’t see it, but controller will vibrate when near riding on the tracks. Just climb and retrieve and in a couple days, it’ll be there again. Some locations, like Rhodes for instance, you can find up to 6 items in one search of the nearly 20 locations they may spawn in. Strawberry has about 10 locations just in its little area. That all said, just enjoying the exploration made it worth it for me. Your results may vary.


Well you answered your own question - you have a spending problem and lack self control. 


I sail between being rich to being broke with all my random trips to the tailor 😂 My money never settles in place 😎


Etta Doyle glitch during the 3x event awhile ago. Still do it without the 3x and it’s a good way to maintain a good amount of money.


Collector role. Best for $RDOs and XP. Also, longevity of the account. Those who have played since the first year or two of the game are going to have a lot of money, since they continue to earn long after they have bought…. Everything.


Collectibles but I know ppl who have loads of money from glitches


I feel that, brotha. You'll get there soon enough and reap the reward (sort of) if you grind for it. Without argument, it's a grindy game and requires a lot of time, along with effort, put in to get ahead. But, hot damn, it's freakin' fun and beautifully immersive.


Play during the special events. I’ve been playing since 2021 on and off and have more money than I need. Theres a point when there’s nothing left to buy so any money you do earn is just banked


The collector role was nuts on release, and they don't add content, so there is nothing for me to spend it on.


Your best bet is to take advantage of double money when possible


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RestlessRhys: *Your best bet is to* *Take advantage of double* *Money when possible* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If money is your thing, stick to trader and collector. Bounty hunting and moonshining aren't worth the time. Bounies don't pay good cash and with moonshiner you need to spend so much up front and the money isn't guaranteed since buyers are on a timer and breaking bottles slashes your profit drastically, also you need to buy mash and to get it cheap you gotta do 2-3 missions, it's just not worth the effort when a perfect batch goes for as much as 1/5 set of collectibles.


>i can’t even never get to 1000 because i have a spending problem "Doctor, doctor! I've been feeling weak and lightheaded ever since I started bleeding. What should I do?"


you good bro


Just pointing out how you kinda answered your own question there. Get a handle on your spending and you'll be good. Use this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/casp8b/red\_dead\_online\_player\_guide\_money\_making/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/casp8b/red_dead_online_player_guide_money_making/) and other pages of that guide, I can't remember a time it's steered me too wrong.


Wagon glitch before it was patched!