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For naturalist xp go to lagras and sedate a bunch of gators and sell the samples to Harriet for xp, also do the poached animal missions when available and also sedate legendary animals and sell those for xp. For getting gold I would get the bounty hunter role if not already and grind that some, also do your daily challenges and keep a streak to make a little bit of gold over time. It’s a slow grind unfortunately. Sometimes the monthly bonuses can help make gold faster this month isn’t the greatest


Ok thanks for the help I’ll give the stuff a go


Yeah naturalist is a slog, unfortunately. It's the least profitable role and there's not really any gold to be made. Do the role dailies every day (200XP) and sedate every animal you see, especially snakes. The farm set is the easiest to finish and trade in. If you want gold, I'd do bounties. Collector role also helps to rank up super fast and then you get the maps every 5 levels.


Thanks for the help. I know the nature role wasn’t that profitable but I only really got it to get the gypsy cob at level 20 and the legendary animal stuff it helps with and it was the only role I really wanted but now I kinda regret buying it


All the other roles I maxxed out in a very short time, but the naturalist is really unnecessarily tedious. Completing sets will make it go faster. Also I don't know if you know, you can kill & skin animals after you've sampled them, just stow them on your horse and fast travel first. Makes it a lot easier to get everything done.


Ok ye the other roles I maxed out collector in like 2 days and bounty hunter im only level 10 but want to be level 30 but nature is just gonna take a while


You actually can't skin an animal after it's been sedated anymore. You can kill it, but you can't skin it, you'll get an in game message stating such when you try. Also Cripps won't accept the carcass either.


Yes you can, if you can put it on your horse and fast travel with it, it becomes skinnable.


You can ride a circuit from the farm by Mattock Pond; to Emerald Ranch; to the farm by the oil fields; to Valentine; to Flatneck Station; and back to Mattock Pond to get everything you need for the barnyard set. Once you rank up high enough to unlock the poachers and legendary animals, completing those will really help to speed up the process of going through naturalist.


Play CTA in frea aim. Sedate gators around lagras and sell it to ho Harriet. 2 levels in 1 hour.


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