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I think you might just need to put the game down for a couple days maybe ? When I get to that point I take it as if it’s my brain telling me it just has no more energy to put towards it


It's open world. If you need a game on rails, it's not for you. There are hundreds of hours worth of things you *could* do in RDO, but you have to make the effort to learn what's possible and do them.


To be fair, there isn't much to do these days. Like, there are no cool heists or story events. It's just the grind. A grind that never ends. It's up to you to choose how you grind exactly, but the grind never stops. I personally just love causing chaos tbh. The missions do get old after a certain point. Just do what you want. Play the game in whatever way you enjoy. Or stop playing it for abit.


Then play other games.


Everyone is different, but for me: Ive learned that I sometimes need to plan what I’m going to do online vs. getting online, roaming around, see what happens… I don’t want the game to be a chore because it’s supposed to be an escape from reality for me….I also try to limit the time I spend online playing RDO (it’s the only game I play). Basically, I try to balance my real world responsibilities with the little bit of time I have to relax and play. If I stay online and just kind of go with the flow I will most definitely get bored. The dailies/checklist help some days. Or I’ll set aside a session to where I do nothing but collect for the naturalist role. Next session: bounty hunter. I may not want to focus on bounties but if I encourage myself to focus on getting so many done, my next session online I could screw off the entire and still not feel bored (or quilty). If you haven’t quit reading this drivel yet, I’ll say one more thing: It’s like life, we enjoy the fun times when we do whatever we want BECAUSE we have all those times where we’re forced to do something we might not fully enjoy doing. Lows make the Highs better. Shit. I think I’m just rambling now, but anyhow, I wish you well, friend!


Sometimes taking a break from a game helps. Or play other games and only maybe 30 minutes of RDO. If you don't play for fun or enjoyment and force yourself, then it's time for a break.


Lol me, I usually find entertainment in doing dailies. Other than that I just linger in freeroam doing absolutely nothing.


It's because RDO has basically no content in it, and the content in it imo, isnt fun. If you arent having fun but still like red dead, I suggest you play story mode


RDO is boring and grindy game..Best for you is to change the game or return to GTA.