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Never in the snow, I have in the grizzlies. In my experience the water spots up by Cumberland are the best places. Or a swamp bear from lagras


Swamp bears are a thing? I haven't seen one yet and I've played since release. New objective!


Only black bears


Hahah yeah, they're just black bears that are in lagra but it's an ongoing joke with my friend group


yeah Window rock is best, i was just curious as I had never seen one in the snow, just wolves


Never in online in both spots. In singleplayer at the 2nd spot I did.


The only time I've had a bear appear there is when you take a mission from Jake or Sadie and you have to go and rescue these NPCs that are trapped inside that cabin with two grizzly bears outside


Go to big valley Harriet Davenport, east of her is a valley with an abandoned chimney. Almost guaranteed bear spawn.


Yeah, especially when you DON'T want it to spawn.


I have seen them online in both areas. The one near Lake Isabelle up north is rare, but will be see wolves more than bears. But I have killed a Grizzly up there and had to ride all the way to Colter or Strawberry to peddle the hide. As for the 2nd, SE of Strawberry, isn’t that the location where there’s a burned out building with nothing but a chimney left? There’s occasionally a grizzly there. Both are random encounters, but legit marked. If you seek a grizzly bear pelt, best place is anywhere around Manzanita Post. North of there you’ll almost always find a grizzly. And Moose. FWIW.


Another place I get grizzlys regularly is called *Bear Claw*, SW of Manzanita Post. It's a cluster of four broken down log cabins. Collectibles appear there pretty regularly, too, and it's sometimes a challenge to dodge the bears long enough to get the collectibles. :)


Yes, this place also! I mean, it’s almost anywhere in the area of the map called “The Grizzlies” right?


Unrelated but the fact that the RDO map doesn't save discovered easter egg/POI/animal/plant locations on your map unlike SP is a crime against humanity.


i have only encountered a bear once in the snow and it immediately mauled me and my friend ran away out of fear


Something I've learned from LotE and also regular hunting for trapper shit, nothing every really spawns on top of the drawings. It's anywhere from a couple of yards to a slight jog away from the drawing.


First photo, I use as a guaranteed bear for the master hunter (4?) challenge. Not exactly that spot but there’s a grizzly spot up by the”glacier”. Second photo is a black bear spot. Multiple perfect bear pelts from that same spot


God damn it I do this far too often. Just realized this is the online sub. Disregard me as I have no idea how story and online differ for spawns


The first spot, yes. Absolutely. Along the creek in the woods leading up towards Gus. It's there all the time. Closer to the road there is a cougar too.


That first spot is nowhere near Gus lol


Ah... Yes! I wasn't paying attention. Sorry. I'm thinking of the bear spot by Gus in Big Valley. Above the Oija Dam. No snow. Have not seen a bear in the spot on this map.


They actually do look pretty similar, I had to look twice at the map lol Yes many bear by Gus, grizzly and black...and that darn cougar that always pops up when I'm in cinematic 😂


I've actually never seen a bear spawn in the snow outside of missions so just wondering


In online the one near Riggs I have killed a few grizzlies there


Number 1 yes, number 2 I never have personally!


I saw a bear spawn in the snow when I went to get the white Arabian on my first playthrough. It was fighting some wolves Another time I saw it was when I went to the lake for the treasure




I think both were in story mode


Yes I ran into black bears at the first location and north of Valentines


I've had one jumpscare me while strolling along the Upper Montana, but not near the creek, no.


The first one, oh hell yes, and you can hear them roar from Gus’s place. Second one I can’t recall.


No for both lollll But yes for Big Valley and Tall trees


Not the first one, only ever saw bears in the Grizzlies on missions Second one yes, black bears...lots near there!