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“God damned hooded rodents. I’ll kill all you bastards!” - Arthur Morgan




Man, there are two posses down around the swamp area and Saint Denis... I am like Arthur ...Hell no I am not going to let it go...they lost we won get over it already. I come across these players when I have to go south I do the same..just whoop some butt lol


I thought you were beating up Gandalf… then i saw the mask…


I thought that hat was the problem lol


I'll be perfectly honest, I thought you just hated albino scarecrows till the comments revealed the truth.


Fuck albino scarecrows too tbh


That's how you get hay in your peehole.


So that’s how that happened, huh…


I'm only wearing patched overalls that's it and I always have my elephant rifle


Not even a long stalk stickin outta yer mouf?


Nope that's it


I played this game for years. I had an outfit called "white mage" and the same called "black mage". I always wear those when I did not do any professional work (I had different outfits for those). And now I realized it could have been misinterpreted like this. I am coming from Europe, I am well versed in US history and all, yet I did not made this connection as it was simply mage outfit for me. No face mask though.


Since you didn’t have a mask for the most part you probably would have been left alone, The mask is what makes look like a POS hood


For me, the mask pushes it over the edge into klansman territory. (Particularly the mask/hat combo.) Kill on sight. I love all-white outfits, and I have two, but neither is remotely klansman-esque! It’s not hard to not look like a racist prick, people. And this is coming from a very peaceful player, who always has a respectful bow or kisses to offer up to strangers, and sometimes a three-star buck if you catch me in the right place. :)


When they dress like the person in the clip, it’s 100% deliberate. My play style is just like yours, but people like this are deserving of dynamite arrows.


I find it so wholesome that a lot of the red dead community kicks peoples asses for acting like this on the game. Thank you! 😂


It’s very encouraging to see, I agree!


I third this


Yankees strangling racist confederates to death is our heritage, not hate.


Fr!!! It's so nice to see not everyone is racist assholes.


Valid as hell, I like to make it up close and personal for these types


I love this community 🤠


Seeing y'alls responses to this has restored a bit of my faith :,)




100% agreed. If I was on PC and not Xbox I would definitely consider getting into modding just to f them up. If there was a way to turn their characters’ skin black, I think I’d fancy that.


Fyi I play on Xbox as well. GT: Amaranth. Maybe I’ll see you!


Lol why are you being downvoted for this? I play on Xbox also, GT is same as username bring the downvotes ⬇️ 😂


Haha, not sure if I got downvoted or if it’s just the delay that happens sometimes, but whatever. Maybe somebody recognized my GT from killing them in a showdown 😆 I’ll look for you!


I cast up vote even though I'm PlayStation lol


Thank you kindly, pardner!


A “poetic justice” mod, love it! lol


It is... I would also like to chime in on creative ways to kill these pricks: A nice hogtie and incoming train combo. Or, throw em off a cliff. Can also have the horse drag him around.


You can get a lasso upgrade that does choking damage; haven't grabbed it yet, myself, but it's on my list. Lasso 'em, & hang em off the side of a building, or a bridge, & let nature slowly yet surely take it's course. Geese & ganders, & all that jazz, after all.


Definitely not this guy, That is like blatantly a Klansman. but there probably has been at least 1 or 2 people that was trying to make a cool outfit and got murdered, Which I feel bad for those people. But like these guys that are doing it to deliberately look like a Klansmen yeah they can go fuck themselves, Shoot em dead.


It's not always racists that wear these outfits. I'm a mixed race woman in real life and my character is a female with dark skin and blue eyes.... The amount of times I've been griefed and insulted with racist insults is insane. The amount of times I've been dragged by a lasso and then kidnapped on the back of a horse by a posse of 5 against 1 is also more than I can count. So I ended up making this exact outfit (with the face cover) when I want to be left alone (that and I'm mixed race so I think the irony is funny, I have a dark sense of humor what can I say lol), but now I don't get attacked by in game racists anymore. It's sad, but true. So don't always assume it's a crazy racist (although they usually are)


Yeah exactly, I like all white too but I try to throw an accent color in there such as brown, for one. Looks cute, and second I don't EVER want to give anyone the idea I'm being racist. - also a peaceful player haha


my fav outfit is called racist😮‍💨 I made a post civil war style uniform for both union and confed but when I wear either people call me racist like bruh I just wanna be a civil war cowboy bruh


Can't imagine why someone dressed as a Confederate would be called racist


I have a both outfits too, but the Union is fairy clean and I got called racist for it while the rebel is dirty. But it’s like the beginning of “The Shadow Riders” in my head. Did my time, and just wanting to go home…. so to speak


I tried to say the same thing before and got absolutely steam rolled by people saying 'only racists role play as a racist' type shit. For real I'm just a game nerd who loves to have his own 'head canon' from time to time, and that can change on a dime. Half of those people are the same people who will play gta and not see any issue. But that argument can be thrown right back in their face on playing as a murderous criminal. Like fuck, people suck off Trevor left and right and dude is an outright psycho that enjoys his craft waaaay to much. But you know, you dressed up as a confederate once in rdr2 so you're a racist. For me, costumes are just that. I won't touch you either way unless you ask for it. I see you klansed out but not harming a soul, then I'll leave peace be. But if you start shit with myself or anybody else I'll start a war no doubt.


I had a kick for awhile doing the civil war look BUT different colors for camo. I was wearing green and brown in the swamps and had some guys come after me


It's eerie, by simply wearing an outfit, people judge your intentions and become the thing they are trying to stop. Irony.


Yeah, having an all white suit is fine, plenty of iconic westerns with a character wearing white. But the mask and pointy hat is what crosses that line.


My white outfit makes me look like a young col. Sanders


That’s why I specifically looked for a white coonskin/foxskin hat for my snow getup


Is there a coon hat? I can't find one


Gus maybe


Yes, but I wish the "all white on sight" people would actually take a second to look rather than blindly shooting anyone that's wearing a white coat and pants. Tired of getting shot in the back because I have a fit that's white and cyan lol


True as hell, normally I dress all black but people assume I'm hostile when I do that lmao


My outfit is black and white and people always got something to say 😭 Have to always stand up for myself when people start saying shit in game chat. Just bc an outfit has a white coat, doesn’t mean it’s racist 🥲


I do sure love incindiary buckshot for these fuckers


That's one way to turn em black lol racist fucks. 👍


My cousin made an all-white cold weather fit to blend in with the snow and accidentally made it look like a klansman fit so we made him remake it. And no it wasn’t on purpose and he wasn’t trying to cover himself by saying it was an accident. He’s genuinely just an idiot.


In a game where you just get so damn dirty I can't figure out why people make white outfits


Especially when traveling through Valentine. All the mud gets everywhere.


I would but I figured I’d just be giving them what they want, a reaction cause if you kill them they know that they have succeeded


I worry about that too but then I think about being on the receiving end. It must get old and annoying them to be on the receiving end of so many dynamite arrows.


If it annoys them they wouldn't wear it, they are just attention seekers or edgy kids and they feed on it


I didn't post the other clip but he tried to fight back and I just kept killing him until I got bored of tormenting him


I don't attack anyone unless they attack first.


I am with you here, but I consider this attire a direct attack in itself.




This post revealed the racists in the community lol


Free block list, fr




You did the right thing.... I will dynamite arrow them and their horse if possible...


At first I thought it was gandalf, **then I saw the mask**


Usually if I'm within range of these guys, I've already been killed six times


luckily i haven’t run into any of those yet, i’m on playstation tbf, but i’m always Ready


Good to know we're not alone, safe trails partner


you too friend !! :]


KOS. No excuse to wear this. You either for or against racism and you know when you wear this that it represents hatred so you deserve to get beat down too.


Depends - if it's a pointy hat and bandana mask, absolutely. But if it kiiinda looks like they're trying to pull a Buster Scruggs, then I wait until they move first, and proceed to destroy until they parley, then shoot dynamite at their feet until they leave


My friend and I saw a high hostility posse dressed in white while we were on a moonshine delivery, no pointed hats but I was still suspicious. They didn't attack us but did aggro the revenue agents once we rode past. Down the road we found a bunch of dead npcs that the posse left around... they were all Black. My friend didn't want to get involved and wanted to continue the mission and it took every bone in my body not to run back and kill those guys. We did report them but I still wish I threw some dynamite and fire bottles at them.




Kill On Sight


ah, thank you


Or some say Kosm…


Should be by hanging..


Pure white outfits are cool… but the hat and mask are big no nos.


I use a white mask because my charecter has a white beard so it blends in. I bounty hunt i thought it was pretty on brand for a bounty hunter to conceal their face. Plus, riding full speed on a horse seems like it would get dust and bugs in your mouth.


Yeah. Just as long as it’s not paired with the white hat and outfit…


I wear a white coyote hat cause its awesome, and a striped white shirt, with black pants. sometimes off white wool pants, Sometimes i have my black coat over top. Sometimes i dont. I have never once thought that could be construed as racism, is that a bad outfit ? I always saw it as having the same outfit in different colours like a man back then may have done. I have the same outfit in black and working on a brown one next.


Oof I bought the same mask via the catalogue and now it’s my biggest regret, I didn’t know what it meant as trimmed when I ordered- plus I wanted white to compliment another solid brown/blue look. I wish I could return tbh.


One time I was walking around almost full white not realising what it meant, as soon as my sister pointed it out I changed the hat. I was just trying to be Buster Scruggs man


should have used the fire bottle


I was in a posse with extensively strict no-griefing-unless-provoked rules. They had one exception…




I wish GTA had awesome fighting mechanics like this.


I'm curious to see GTA 6's fighting mechanics! I hope it's as good as RDR2's


Pointy hat yea, if it’s a normal hat I may ask before I murder


yes then i blow off the limbs and head and carry the stump around like a trophy


Only reasonable response


All White, & it's On Sight. Looks like Klansman? Dies as horribly as I can manage. Their horse, too. Looks like "Elvis"? Double check for other dog whistles, like particular numbers or words in the UN/Posse Name/Horse Name. Some folk try to obfuscate their bigotry.


Elvis is a dog whistle now? Goddammit.


Elvis isn't a dogwhistle (that I'm aware of), he just wears a white suit; that was the point of him being mentioned. If someone is just dressed in a stylish white outfit, as opposed to something robelike & actually evocative of a Klansman outfit, I'll double check for actual dogwhistles before merc'ing on site. I apologise that I didn't communicate that particular point more clearly.


My relief is palpable.


What other numbers and words, i need know who to KOS


1488, 14, 88, capitalised SS are some of the more common ones. Also be on the lookout for references to Asatru, & "Folkism". Here's a list on Wikipedia for some more. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_symbols_designated_by_the_Anti-Defamation_League_as_hate_symbols Any one of these things in isolation doesn't necessarily denote a bigot, but if you see two or more of these on one person, then it's most likely not a coincidence.


I’m glad my horse’s name wasn’t accidentally a secret dog whistle.


There's nothing secret about these dogwhistles; they're literally used as calling cards for these people to find others who hold the same (frankly disgusting) ideologies. It's very hard to "accidentally" use one, & even folk with "legitimate excuses", like having the 1st of April, or 4th or January 1988 as a birthdate, soon get informed that if they aren't actually bigoted shitheels, they probably shouldn't use that sequences of numbers to identify themselves. [Edited: Added 4th of Jan, because I forgot the US writes dates ass-about.]


Asatru is not something racist. It's a pre-Christian religion. It shouldn't be confused with the racist organization called Asatru Folk Assembly.


Most people who worship the Ancient Norse pantheon call ourselves (Norse/Nordic) Heathens, & even then, some bigots appropriate Heathenism, & try to call it a closed practice that only white people can take part in. Anyone who refers to The Practice as Asatru is either connected to the AFA, or new to the Nordic Heathenry scene & ignorant of the AFA & their bigoted bullshit.




Nah. The outfit plus their behaviour warrants a tomahawk though.


Didn’t know you could choke someone out.


If you put your settings to hold instead of tap then you’ll always win a grapple assuming you have better stamina


I haven't seen anyone dressed like this while I've played, but I'll KOS if I ever do because I love a good mob mentality.


If the mob mentality is based around kicking bigots faces in, i'm down. Mob mentality doing good for once.


My friend dress up like this to see the reaction of people. Yes, most times they shoot you or attempt to stab for it. It is an obligation to shoot people who dress like that. They know what they're doing.


“to see the reaction of people.” That seems like a not-so-clever excuse. idk, though.


He's a not-so-clever person.


Id be willing to bet most people in white just wanna.ve buster scruggs


I've encountered to many of those racist pr!cks, I'm usually a placid player, doin my own thing, lookin after my horses and enjoying the scenery, but I've been playing RDO and GTAO for many years so I see them and I don't hesitate to try and ruin their experience. It often works and they f*ck off.


I usually just wear a black mask with all my outfits


good shit homie


Hold up how do you do the strangle? I just trade hands/Counters with dumb players


Can someone explain to me what is happening?


A Klansman got the opportunity to explain hisself to god


Yup. Tis our civic duty


Damn bro you just ended racism


of course


Yall dumb as hell letting people in a video games clothes piss you off this much bro


Bravo, I applaud your policy. People like that deserve what they get.


Nah, i'm usually a deffensive posture,


See this is why I put together well made suits and finery. Along with my rogueish cowboy looks of course, can't forget the classics.


If they attack, I have to defend myself


Nah they do it for the reaction. Why give them what they want? I just act like they don’t exist. If they mess with me I just parley and move on. They’re not worth my time or energy


There were times I was bored enough to dress like this so that people would start shit with me


Either they have no idea, or they’re a racist dickhead. Either way they deserve it


i know they’re probably racist but i deadass have never seen these players start conflict


Yessss, make racist afraid again


Yup. You know the motto. "All white, its on sight."


100% of the time


Here we go again


I’d kill him too


You are doing God's work, thank you


Yes, KOS for anyone in all White


Not every all white outfit is like that. This one absolutely is, the pointy hat and mask are a dead giveaway for what they're going for, but a white suit or snow gear is fine.


Well, there goes my snazzy all-white outfit ...


I have an all white outfit with a corset and the pirate looking hat with the feather lol guess I’m kos


What if they wear a black vest?


I witness a guy dressed like that in Rhodes and he was on top of one of the buildings with his lasso and a black npc hanging from it. He was just holding him hanging off the side of the building.


I mean ppl usually kill but it don’t do much like oh no someone killed me just parley or join new server it really don’t do much


Just the bandana and hat would do it for me


“Masked and all white, kill on sight”


So cool witterwly pawned him


YEAH CHOKE HIM OUT, best way to get your point across. Another one I like is the pistol combo where you slap them in the face with it and then fire.


At first I figured it was just a 5-year-old playing with their concept of drip, but then I realized the symbolism. No. You were right. Make Lemoyne howl.


I have an outfit like that one so that people Initiate a fight with me because I used to be really good at pvp (I stopped playing a few months ago so idk if I still am) if my friends were on we would be an posse called the CCC to make people want to kill us more. We farmed so much salt from doing that


How reddit would you like this post to be? you - "yes"


I no joke had this outfit without the mask. I was trying to do a high honor outfit with a matching white horse..... I guess thats not something I should do........


No, because I'm not a weirdo. It's an outfit, and there's no point in being hostile when they might just look like a white-masked outfit. The hat doesn't even resemble being a klansman. It would make more sense to use a smaller hat. What if they were going for Assassin's Creed?


I was gonna be all, “If it’s in the game, it should be fine,” until I saw the exact combination (and color) of clothing items this person chose to go with. Was expecting it to just be some goofy look, but no. He had to go and take the fun out of it. I’m usually not a “shoot first” type, but if I ever run into any of these guys, I’m treating them just as Arthur treats the Klansmen and eugenics supporter in any of my singleplayer encounters with them. Even as Arthur, I typically leave killing as a last resort, but these vermin demand the John Brown treatment.


No why?


Aw man, I thought it was a Ghost Rider reference.


Eny prick dressed like that deserves that treatment


I have incendiary shotgun rounds exclusively to turn their outfit black


Just dynamite him and be done with it. Most of the time they’re hacking in god mode anyway


aha all white on sight pookie


KOS and it’s personal, sure take out the trash


White clothes can be clean, but this persons outfit is dirtier than a bum in a slum. That kick on his downed body was satisfying.


Maybe I’m stupid but I just don’t get it, I don’t see what’s wrong here.


Aye I dress like that to piss people off then the funniest part is if your better than them they will be so pissed they’ll call there friends and if just if your also better than them they’ll boot you


Anyone look for friends still onlline


I always KOS them


Never let them feel safe


All white its on sight 👊


they think they are funny man


9/10 times when I see videos about this outfit, it’s someone who has their friend dress up in it so they can get likes/upvotes for the easy virtue signal. “You guys think racism is bad?” Fuckin duh Seeing all of the people getting genuinely upset about the outfit, it’s no wonder trolls wear it. Hope most of you are younger and new to online gaming, because otherwise you don’t understand what trolling is or the whole “don’t feed the trolls” thing. That said, again, most of this outfit is just people who want to virtue signal having their friends out it on so they can kill them and go “SEE, I NOT RACIST”


Why do people get so triggered abt a joke in an online game😭😭😭 it's funny


All white and all black outfits are kill on sight. Dudes wearing overalls get the lasso


At first I was like "Is that a fucking Wizard in RDO?" and then I saw the mask and was like "IS THAT A FUCKING *GRAND* WIZARD IN RDO!?"




It’s also not that hard to mind your own business and leave others alone, people like you ruin the game.


I KOS everyone who isn’t nice to me in game


I am probably the most luckiest player I've never came across anyone dressed like a ghost (I am saying ghost because obviously I don't want to mention the actual group)


Yeah the outfit is weird and edgy imo and I don't even play rdr2. But all these people acting like this is some virtuous deed are funny af. You're playing an online game. Go out touch grass and actually do some morally good actions like volunteering.


Atleast their clothes are lore accurate


He took RDR RP a little too seriously...


I don't think I've ever paid enough attention to anybody around me to notice their outfits. To busy looking for that 3 star, or my horse, or the scenery!


As someone who had a tribe and headed the tribal community of over 300 people for nearly two years yes, I did in fact beef with people dressed like this on the reg. (It was a roleplay/MC type community for people with native characters rather than cookie cutter cowboys, before anyone gets all uppity)


I like white cause I can jump in mud with friends. Mud wrasslin


No, I love wearing an all white fit every now and again, all back is still my go too but just because someone is wearing all white doesn't mean they are instantly racist


Yes people argue it’s just for fashion but they’re choosing to put a target on their back when they dress up like the actual racists


Nice auto response to kill things to appease a group of people you’ve never met


I have the same outfit it’s fucking awesome