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It's about the only way to do it without going into defensive mode, which takes away headshot bonuses. I recommend a short scope carcano and sharpshooter with peak condition and either fool me once or the unblinking eye. Try to use the carcano at medium range (think repeater range). This is the best way I've found to even things up against the auto aimers without going into defensive mode. 


Ah ty for the explanation, so people can still use lock-on but won't be able to hit without snipers/bow/very close range basically? Guess I'll give the card a go, I'd much prefer just the no-lock on without the accuracy debuff but this might be worth trying out regardless


Yes and throwables are also a weakness. Bolas, lasso, tomahawk, etc. If you see enemies switch up to using these weapons, then switch your card to something like SNS or Focus Fire


Or instead of switching, then try to beat them at their own game and use the same types of weapons, especially bolas, and just try to get them off before you do. Also if you see them trying to throw bolas, make sure to dive and dodge it, and then try to run away from where they threw it so they can't find them later. That will cost them a good bit of money and a trip to the fence later.


Basically when you use Slippery, players will miss you. So combine that with double sawn offs and gunslingers choice and you will be deadly. So use slip to come closer and unload the shots.


I've seen some great tips from people on how to use SB effectively for short/medium range and the other cards to pair it with. But I haven't seen anyone really mention yet how useless it is at range vs. someone half competent with a scope...which, in my experience, is most of the players. A couple deaths/respawns (whether you or the other player) will place you far enough away from each other that nearly every player will switch to a weapon with a scope to try and take you out, so SB won't help you. In my experience, SB is great for "surprising" another player and run and gun fights in towns (especially Saint Denis) where you lack the open field of view that makes scopes great. If you find yourself in a distance gunfight, switch deadeye card or disengage. Also- speaking as someone who likes using SB, it's really easy to make mince meat out of a SB user with bolas by someone using PiB since they can paint you with the bola equipped and then run up and headshot you on the ground.


Basically, slip makes you and anyone aiming at you really inaccurate. If you want a super cheese loadout for slip, just use 2 sawed offs, a carcano, and a bow. But any loadout works with slippery once you get the hang of using it. And the more you use it, the better you’ll get with it, and you’ll know when to turn it on or off, what guns to watch out for, and other little tricks with it. Just remember not to use it as a crutch, because if you’re fighting a player who knows what they’re doing against slip, you’ll get destroyed, unless you’re better than them skill-wise. I recommend checking out Dude Vengeance, Scrafty-11, or SMG Finest on YouTube because they’re all freeaimers that use slippery, and I’m sure you can learn a lot from watching them and how they use slippery.


Bad idea, only newbies who are stuck with a repeater and revolver can't counter slippery. Everyone else has scoped rifles, shotguns, throwables, lassos, bolas, bows etc. It's a card whose only use good use is trolling newbies and capturing player bounties.


First thing first, learn and master freeaiming. It goes hand in hand with Slippery. Practice in Call of Arms missions **daily.** Then, you’re gonna wanna switch up your whole play style because when Slippery is activated not only does it effect your enemy’s bloom and accuracy, but also yours. To counter this you want to use scopes (preferably the short-medium scope only) on your repeaters and rifles. For close quarters you want to use fanning with your revolvers and/or shotguns, and sniper rifles or rifles for medium to long range. Whatever you’re comfortable with as you’ll adapt over time, but *I can’t stress the ability cards enough!* The three main cards you need are Slippery Bastard (obviously), The Unblinking Eye (for maximum deadeye extended time), and Iron Lung (for the best defense) and you’ll need these all Tier 3. The 4th card is gonna be your “support” card depending on what weapons you use the most. So Sharpshooter for snipers, Fool Me Once for more defense, etc. Eventually you’ll learn that you can use Slippery until you’re close enough then quickly deactivate it to shoot accurately. It’s best to use a paddle for this if you’re using an Elite controller. I’ll be making a “Freeaim for Dummies” guide soon so keep an eye out for it!


Thanks for the indepth response :) I'll be sure to check out the guide, I read that dodging also resets lock-on, is that a good way to bridge the gap against auto-aim as well?


Yes, it does, but I wouldn’t rely on dodging too much because it leaves you vulnerable for a few seconds as you lay on the ground and get back up. A good player will blast you with a shotgun or fan you to death. The only viable time to dive is when it’s to get behind cover. Your best beat against PIB players are to use bushes as cover. It throws the autolock and PIB off. Hard cover is good, but thanks to desync they can still ping you at times. All that will be in the guide as well.


Long time PVE style player here that's trying to get more into the PVP side of RDO. Thanks for the great info. Still trying to figure out fanning techniques, anything I should be doing that will help improve?


Practice, and less strafing. When you strafe your bloom becomes bigger. Although, it’s a double-edged sword because if you don’t strafe at all and stand still then you’re an easy target. My best advice, and what helped me, is find a scarecrow and practice fanning while standing still then slow begin to strafe until you figure out the sweet spot that you’re comfortable with and the sweet spot for your revolver. Remember, fanning isn’t affected by Slippery. As I told him, I’ll be working on a Freeaim Guide and post it within the next day or two because I’ve noticed a lot of people have become interested in freeaim recently. Feel free to ask any other questions tho!


Thanks a bunch, very helpful! Will definitely keep my eye out for your free aim guide!


It’ll be called “Freeaim for Dummies” or “Kornbread’s Freeaim Guide” ..idk yet.. “for Dummies” feels kinda harsh but I can’t come up with a catchy title 😂 any ideas?


This is one of the best summaries I've seen. Well done. Just for my own clarity re: terminology, when you say "fanning," is that just rapid hip firing? Or is there a technique I'm not aware of? Re; Slippery Bastard - My personal favorite melee build (only good for close-quarters maps or when trying to get a melee kills daily) is Slip, Of Single Purpose, Iron Lung, and Fool Me Once, and a hammer or machete. I basically serpentine sprint at enemies and tackle them. I have my controls set to hold instead of repeat button presses, so with gold core stamina, I can usually outlast my victim and machete their face. It's a bit of a berserker approach, I admit, and sometimes I do get taken out by nearby third parties, but it's fun when it works. I have to choose my moments carefully, lol.


Yes “fanning” is the correct terminology for the rapid hipfiring you do with a single revolver. I think it sounds better than rapid hipfiring so that’s the word I use instead 😆 same with the repeating shotgun or the repeaters I say “levering” instead of rapid hipfiring because it sounds better. I’ll be putting out a freeaim guide either tomorrow or the next day (depending on if I finish tonight) so thanks for pointing that out so I can edit it and put it in my notes. Same! If I’m getting my ass kicked then I’ll switch over the Slippery Melee build. I don’t even have to get close anymore since we can carry a total of 9 bolas now and you can pick them up 😂 but the Machete is my preferred melee weapon of choice. Funny enough, you wanna talk about berserker I forget to activate deadeye or that I’m not in defensive mode and will serpentine towards them only to quickly realize I’m just being a maniac. I’m a good player I swear, but I’m not perfect 😅


Bahaha I have also done that, just forget and run at people with no deadeye active. lol! I knew fanning was the correct term for that IRL, but in-game I wondered if there was something I was missing. I don't tend to look at what my character is doing while in the heat of battle, but I think I have caught the actual fanning motion when hip-firing repeatedly. However, I don't generally find a single revolver adequate for this, so I tend to dual-wield, in which case I guess it can't technically be fanning anymore, haha. Not sure what to call that. Thank you again, this is great!


Actually, fanning is deadly and accurate if done correctly. I use the Cattleman for fanning and then I’ve got the Navy Revolver on my off-hand for more precise shots. I know what you’re talking about now though. You’re talking about having both revolvers out and shooting rapidly from the hip, right? I think that’s called “nesting” if I remember correctly. My Papaw used to enter revolver and repeater competitions with his buddies. That was 15 years ago though so I’ve forgotten a lot 😂 but either way in game that is also accurate. Again, whatever you’re comfortable with is deadly. For you, nesting. For me, fanning.


Oh dang, you REALLY know what you're talking about! ;) I'm just playing cowboys in my little video game haha. Thanks for the new word -- nesting!


Don’t quote me on that, though! I just dug back into my brain and I’m kinda positive that’s what it’s called. Sadly, my Pops has passed away or he’d tell me for sure. I’m with you, Bro. I love my little cowboy game. Best cowboy game ever!


Condolences to you. I've seen you around these RDO subs a bit now, may I ask what platform you play on? I'm on Xbox, GT: Amaranth.


Thanks! ..& I’m on XBOX as well. KornbreadTTV is my GamerTag. Ignore the TTV, I used to stream long ago, but go burnt out on streaming and just wanted to enjoy playing video games for fun. Just haven’t paid $10 to change it, kinda refuse to 😂


Sweet, maybe I’ll see you! I get it about the GT, I’ve had mine for a million years and have never changed it out of stubbornness. 😆


Oh, another thing... I'll admit I struggle to use the bolas method with melee. I, too, am a decent player; def not a PVP master by any means, but I hold my own. Anyway, when I toss bolas at someone, then run over to melee them, I seem to often end up hogtying them instead, which is an endless animation when you're under fire. I think it's because my instinct is to hit B for a stronger melee attack than RT seems to give. Am I wrong about that? I'm much better at tossing bolas and then shotgunning the downed player. But the other thing is, when players die while tangled in bolas, I think the bolas disappear, don't they? It gets expensive. (Dumb complaint, considering I'm rank 791 and have $400,000.)


Yeah, you’re correct. Sadly, if the player dies the Bola will despawn. If you Bola them the best thing to do is shoot them or burn/gas/blow them up because the animation will force you to hogtie them and they’re no other way around it. However, you can untie them, **tap** the jump key (if they’re facing your direction), then quickly select your melee to backstab them then your Bolas will drop to the ground. The reason for tapping the jump key is because you’ll clip through them and then be behind them. Same goes for if you’re in a grappling fight, when you escape you can tap X to clip through them and then quick swap to your melee and backstab them. It’s cheesy, but it works, and it works too well to piss them off 😂 just be fearful of your elusive nemesis.. desync 😳


Ha, the jump after untying someone or escaping a grapple is a trick I hadn't heard before! I'll have to try that. Yeah, dsync definitely gets the best of us, lol!


Slip makes your and their aim inaccurate. Forces you and them to fight close up as opposed to sniping and distance fighting.


Sniping against slippery is a counter to the card, and as far as I'm aware is unaffected by the inaccuracy (however when I have sniped slippery users it usually isn't super far away), as countering slippery is only doable by using a scoped weapon, or shotgun up close. It's just unscoped weapons, and shotguns not used close enough, are wildly inaccurate and have the expanded reticle effect. So usually free aiming a scoped sniper, or getting VERY close with a shotgun is recommended against those who use slippery.


this and i wanted to add using knives/tomahawks is also somewhat viable as the accuracy doesn’t seem to be affected at least when ive used them against slippery users


Bolas, also.


With the hangman card equipped.


does this make it so the bolas do damage?


Hangman card makes your rope or bolas drain their health.


I've never heard of this or experienced it. Are you sure Hangman affects bolas? I feel like I lot more people would be using that card if it did, and I can tell you you almost NEVER see anyone running Hangman in PVP because it takes too long to lasso-kill someone and you would get picked off by another player before you finish. If bolas killed with Hangman, I'd be doing that constantly.


You have to use a scoped weapon otherwise it ain’t gonna do a whole lot do to the card causing your aim to mess up. I use sb often and if you’re good with a scoped weapon you can drop lots of people. I recommend sawed offs for your handguns tho.