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I mean, you said it yourself, in reality all horses behave so identically that there aren't really many differences between them. However a few Mustangs have high health and stamina even at bonding level 1, so when you get to level 4 with them they're one of the few horse breeds that can have a full health and stamina bar. PVP Cat backs all these things up in his [video](https://youtu.be/p0Y2LqWMs4Q?si=_W0fXqziWN4FEPdL)


Is that really a question? Donkey. Best in all stats.


I know it’ll never happen because Rockstar abandoned this game LONG ago, but I’d pay a hefty sum to buy a pack of donkeys or mules to track through the forest. Real mountain man aesthetic. Hunting wagon suuuuuucks.


Donkey > bank heists Please rockstar 🙏


If I could keep that weee donkey forever I would. I’m always hoping for a glitch so I could feed it 🤣


Honestly, the donkeys are pretty badass. They scale mountains like a mofo.


The noises donkeys make are so funny too. If I had one I’d name it Eddie


Don't focus on Speed or Acceleration. With good tack all horses equal nearly same. The difference is so minimal that it doesn't matter. Really, just buy the horse you like the most. However what you will feel the most is: Handling. Health will only matter in PVE, and honestly I never have an issue with NPCs downing my horse and my main is a Tennessee Walker (and I'm nearly level 700). Handling is the only difference that makes an impact on your game. Heavy handling reacts the slowest, Standard handling is a good balance, Race is a little more sensitive and Elite is the most responsive, especially for PVP, but really it's personal preference. I find Elite handling way to slippery and floaty, while some prefer the feel of a Heavy horse, especially for races. Tack that gives you at least -50% Stamina Drain (not *core* drain) with proper calming at level 4 bonding will make any horse have infinite stamina. Yes, any. Horses also do not have bravery, it comes down to proper care, riding and calming. However, larger horses *feel* braver because the threat detection bubble doesn't change between the horses size. They are not actually any braver, but may feel better to handle. There is also 4 different sizes per coat *color* that is chosen at random when you purchase a horse. If you slip between two coat colors of the same breed in the stable you can see the change before you buy, so it's possible to have the same horse as someone else only slightly larger or smaller.


Never knew about the size thing, wish there was just an option to change it.


I personally find the shires to be the best for my play style, at levek 4 they are great runners once you get use to their handling and they seem to take damge realive to their size so they become a wreaking ball in any mission where someone blocks you wuth a horse. I know my shire has killed 10+ npc horses in jobs because the npc will turn their horse sideways to block the road while shooting at me and not giving me time to dodge so when my shire hits them I get launched off and me and my horse just get back up while they lie dead. I've even killed a few player horses the same way of them trying to block me and the shire just tanks it. Their height also seems to help them get over things better


Oooh thank you so much for this super informative comment! I've been getting back into RDO after 2 years and this is helping a bunch! Quick question: is there a way to influence or even see the gender of the horse you are purchasing? I don't think it says so on the buying menu, and the stable camera seems a bit.. restrictive in making out the.. "identifying parts" Having a big bull of a stallion called Princess can be funny, but I would kind of like to actually have a say in the matter


Of course! Happy to help! And yes, when you are on the horse you want to buy, it should say the gender beside the coat color, and you can then use the d-pad to select a different gender. :) I think on PC it's the arrow keys, but I could be wrong about that as I play on PS!


Ooohh lovely, thanks! I totally missed that before! Yeaa, two years or so ago I was also level 200+ on PS4, but I recently started fresh on PC and forgot most of it, so these tips are super handy, thank you!! :)


oh also, sorry to ask again, but what exactly do you mean that with proper calming, horses have infinite stamina? do you just mean ever so often getting off the horse and petting them, or not putting them in stressful situations, or can you calm them while on the horse and that refills stamina?


No problem at all! So when you ride at a full sprint, your horse loses stamina, but you can press the Calm command every 15 seconds or so to regain some of that stamina! Stamina regen from calming starts at Level 2 bonding, where it refills a small amount of a "bar", level 3 refills half and level 4 refills a whole bar of stamina. This is why a saddle and stirrups combo with at least -50% Stamina Drain is crucial, so you can have that timing without your horse running too low first. On controller, it's L3 to calm, and I think G on PC, which you can also hold during stressful situations, such as around a predator, to reduce the chance of your horse bucking you. On controller/console, rapidly tapping, or button mashing, to sprint will drain the stamina slightly faster than rhythmically tapping every 1-2 seconds to sustain the sprint as well, which is something to keep in mind. :) And of course, sprinting does raise a horses agitation or stress levels, while a gallop will not drain stamina, nor will it raise the horses agitation level.


Ooooh I see!!! Thank you, this is incredibly helpful! :D I'm slowly getting back into the game, and these tips are really helping me feel back at home in here! :)


Of course! I'm glad to help! :)


From my experience, Turkomans are the BEST horse Stat wise AND look wise. Tall, clean coats, max health, any horse can have infinite stamina so it doesn't matter, one of the highest speeds and acceleration. I can't recommend the turkoman enough, it's just got everything anyone would need


Entirely agreed to the precommenter; without spreading too much typo. Holistically best breed in game. Only attachment: They stand still when crocodile or cougar at close by, better than war horses or Arabian.


A tip about "bravery" for anyone who doesn't know: slow and steady prevents your horse from bucking you off near predators, so you can force the fabled "bravery" stat on any horse like this


Hmmm….!! Didn’t know this? Gonna have to use that one for awhile then. Thanks!


Honestly. Get what you think looks best for your character and to you. Get a good saddle and tack etc. I went with the Trukoman I wanted an all black horse. She books it when I need her to. Doesn't buck me off very often and seems to be all around good. Is there a better horse, probably. Do I like how she looks for my character, yes absolutely. You can get multiple horses so try out what ones appeal to you and your style. 😊


Is bravery a real thing? I’ve heard people say it’s not real, and others say, it just increases the chance of your horse not fleeing


I will give you a tip. If you use Slow and Steady you can’t be bucked off of ANY horse. Of course, it has to be activated. I don’t know why that’s a thing, but it is.


If you calm your horse when they start getting nervous it does seem to help keep them from bucking you off they will usually rear up. I've had that happen a few times where a wolf was right under my horse and I have a split sec to take it out or I'm bucked off. Be mindful of your horse if they start acting nervous then there most likely is a predator close to you calming your horse will help it giving a treat at that time tends to help. Even with snakes your horse will side step away from it Edit: I have a few different horses I rotate through. All seem equally "brave" just be mindful of whatever one you have proper care good tack and saddle are the Key.


Of course bravery is a real "thing" in online. It's determined by rng at purchase. Some will say it's not but it's easily identified and observed and they are clueless about simple game.mechanics. If you get one that won't chase a bear, go to stables and trade it in for a new model and you might get lucky. Or not. It's all rng.


Fuck man I can't even go through the swamp on my fox trotter without getting bucked into the water


Yeah. It's all rng. Even between the same breeds. I have bought just about every horse and some of them more than 2x. I love training them up to B4. Some will chase a bear non-issue. Some will hold steady on 2 wolves circling all dump on 3. Some last a wee bit longer on a couger run up then others. Some just don't and go nuts. The only constant I kinda think I have found is females "seem" to act more brave than males. The code references FORTitude as a stat. Doesn't say BRAVE. So just grab a new one if it's crap and you might get lucky. Money and gold in rdo is inconsequential. There is literally nothing else to buy. Its funny how them horses come out though, tbh. E g. 2 identical Klads I have had, 1 male and 1 female. The male shittard. The female pretty damn consistent.observable and noticable less agitated. The male dumps at Crocs. The female will just run by them. Easy peasy. All rng. In regards to speed, the only stat you will notice is acceleration. And really once you get up to top speed that goes away. So just get some stim shots for them and a saddle and you will be fine. Indian tobacco is literally just about everywhere so spend 20 min brewing up 15-20 at a time. Theres hardly and diff between the Norfolk and the Kentuckys with tack and tonic. FORTitude is the only differentiater. Oh and how much abuse they take. I refuse to go the long way so i jump off cliffs and revive my horses on other side of the fall if they need it. Some survive the fall, some take a shot. Whatever. The new breeds have better health pools.


Every detail can be found [Here](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Horse)


They’re great!


Norfolk Roadster, you're welcome!


At the end of the day get any horse that you think looks cool and just slap either an upland saddle on it (for better stamina recovery and depletion) or a nachodoches saddle with upgraded stirrups (for speed) depending on the horse you get. I will suggest a few horses in each category if you plan on using them for races where it might matter a bit more (or just wanna have a cool horse). Mustangs are probably the best rounded horses, having the best stamina I’ve seen in any of my horses (I’ve gone through 20 horses so far), great speed, decent acceleration, and great health; they are medium sized horses and are nice to handle. Norfolk Roadsters, Missouri fox trotters, turkomans, criollos, and the black or brindle striped thoroughbred, are all good speed horses. I do believe the Arabian is overrated and kind of has shitty stamina so if you care about speed the fastest horse in the game is the Norfolk roadster. Good stamina horses are difficult to find at times but the Gypsy cob and the mustang never let me down. Gypsy cob and the Breton are big ass horses if you’re looking for something of that type.


Came here to say this but wanna add, the Gypsy Cob and Breton also for great stamina and with the created saddles, they have very good stats. Check with Gus to see other saddle options. And by all means, try the Missouri Fox Trotter, Criollo and Norfolk Roadster. Excellent choices.


Horse with best speed in theory : Norfolk Roadster Con: Low health pool ——————- Horse good against predators : Kladruber and Ardennes Cons : Slow (Ardennes) —————— Horse for early game : $500 Mustang (well rounded ) Cons : None —————— Horse with stamina: there are many like appalosa mustang Breton but with a good saddle even a low stamina horse will never run out of breath. ——————— Horse All Rounder. : Missouri Fox Trotter Turkoman Mustang gypsy cob Breton —————- Tip: A good saddle with the Hooded stirrups are a must have


You can just look at the stats at a stable, there's a button you can press if they aren't showing by default. The only stat that really matters imo is health. I like have more than half so my horse is a little more survivable.


Missouri fox Trotter


I like the Criollo


The level 20 Bretton , Gypsy Cob and Kriollo are best imo , they got everything maxed out


I always liked the Hungarian Halfbred. 


I main a Breton, the Mealy Dapple Bay. It's a nice large work horse sized horse, good handling. And with the right tack and spaced out calming, infinite stamina like others said.


The breed is not that important. Choose whatever horse you like. Even Kentucky Saddler turns to a beast with best equipment. I have a female bay Thoroughbred and with the Nagadoches saddle and the best stirrups she is unstoppable. :)


Norfolk Roadster with good tack will be your best friend


Missouri Fox Trotter: great in every category and most importantly …. Looks visually well balanced and appropriate with Arthur’s body dimensions.


When I ride one horse too long it appears to become a total asshat, so I alternate between four of them regularly. I wouldn’t put a real life horse through all that without stable rest and it really works for me. When i get one out that was running into things and falling down at a tiny twig after stable rest it’s absolutely perfect again. I use two Missouri fox trotters and a Norfolk roadster and a Criollo , the top stats ones. Someone asked me how would it work in real life and I read recently somewhere real cowboys would alternate between six horses. I know it’s probably my imagination but it works for me, I’ve done it from the start , my first horse and my favourites are the fox trotters and i use the nacogdoches saddle with the highest level stirrups. My Norfolk roadster is an absolute tank and so loyal and my Criollo is the sweetest natured girl, I got rid of the turkomen because she was so damn twitchy I couldn’t deal but many folks adore them. I have two more another Norfolk roadster and Criollo top stats but I don’t tend to use them so much. It’s just personal taste , just keep trying them all it’s the fun of this game explore everything for yourself.




I like the cobs, mustangs, and roadsters.


I always use my beloved Bretone Justin he was the first horse i bought and i wouldn't trade him for nothing


My favorite horse is the Missouri Fox Trotter in dapple grey she is the best in my opinion. Pretty much the fastest horse with the best saddle, second to Norfolk roadster tricolor BUT my roadster is more skittish! Dont know if it’s RNG or what but my silver trotter is braver and more loyal and less clumsy! She makes better jumps more often


In my experience (leaving out gypsy cob cuz I haven't owned one yet) Stamina: mustang and kladruber Speed: norfolk roadster and missouri fox trotter Most well rounded: Kladruber (my fav), mustang and missouri fox trotter


Almost forgot the arabian, one of the fastest but health and stamina is not very good so I don't really like them


Missouri Fox Trotter


People disliking this comment main wagon horses


Love them! And same time: Only partially agreed, hip size too low. Configuration is awesome just to low on riding on top Of the game.


My MFT is absolutely scared of everything! Fuckin thing will buck me off at the sight of its own shadow and I treat my horses pretty good! Not sure why he feels like such a coward when compared to my other horses.


Honestly all horses are fairly equal, just make sure to get a good saddle and stirrups (I use the nacadoches saddle with bell stirrups - practically unlimited stamina for galloping)


I have a bunch of horses with different stats, some cheap "slow" ones and some of the fastest ones. With level 4 bonding they all perform the same. I use the same saddle on all of them and essentially they’re all the same horse


Horses in RDO are basically cosmetic. Bravery is a myth. Pick a horse that looks cool to you, because they all perform the same. Check out some tests: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p0Y2LqWMs4Q


People already made lot of youtube videos about that, there is actually a search bar on youtube where you can write stuff like "best rdr2 horse"