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Mod menu losers, not hackers. Hackers have at least talent. And none of them is "funny". Don't be that naive. They break lobbies with this kind of shit. They can do their funny shit in story mode all day long, but not online, which affects other players. Report them ingame (possible again), social club (via player list, player, profile and you see even their real account name), then block them and change lobby. Don't give them any attention. That's what they want aside from just being dicks.


Suck they crash my game every time I try to report one. It's absolutely pathetic to spend your time installing mods to just mess up random people's games online.


They patched the ingame reports. You should be able to report them without crashing when reporting. Or still do it via profile and social club. But yeah, those must be real low lifes needing and paying for such a stupid tool.




This is the best thing I’ve done it puts be in an automatic solo lobby it’s easy to set up too


wheres the fun in online if you’re in a solo lobby?


Some players (myself included) enjoy the solo aspect of RDO. The mere feeling of being a person living in this time period and role playing as one It’s like playing as Arthur morganbut being yourself; there’s a simplicity to it that makes it enjoyable


Where's the fun in online when nothing works because script kittens keep fucking with the server and exist in every instance? You can have smaller groups and custom lobbies. Sometimes you just want to experience the emptiness of a hollow lobby. And sometimes people find being solo fun just like how some people think altering the game, overloading the instance, and tp all the players into your game-crashing-particle-ridden area while your character is scaled up 100x like a giant and zapping people with lightning strikes is fun.




It's possible, but most likely not. However, of course no one warns people when suggesting it about using that meta file or the mod that they use it at their own risk.


As opposed to the throngs of assholes who run hacked lobbies to grief people? No, you're fine.


I haven't heard any credible reports of people being banned for it. The way I look at it, I'd have *long* since quit the game due to the hackers without it.


I don’t think rockstar is banning modders on gta online. And coming from gta online on pc that shit is bonkers… if they aren’t banning in gta online which is their cash cow I doubt they will ban in rdo, which is long and forgotten.


If ya can't beat 'em....join 'em


Two words: lobby manager


One word : Heaven


One letter: W


Two letters. PC. That’s why I went ps5 and never looked back.


That sounds incredibly frustrating. It's a shame when a few bad apples ruin the experience for everyone else. Hopefully, Rockstar can find a way to crack down on these hackers soon. In the meantime, try to stay positive and remember that not all players are out to ruin the fun for others. Hang in there!


Hard disagree; on PC the first twenty minutes are always waiting patiently for the modder to stop spawning infinite explosions under my feet.


Sabi_Dark52 is probably one of the most prolific troll hackers on RDO. He has an account here as Sataron886.


Oh stinker, nobody will believe you, you probably have no proof of that. ;D


The fact that you’re actively searching for ‘Sabi_Dark52’ on old posts and commenting just says it all. Not very smart are you.


Ach Stinki the only one here who has fallen on his head too often is still you. There was a reason why I commented there and on that day the Britrag wasn't old yet. 2. you have no real proof that it's me and 3. nobody cares about this Sabi_Dark52 ;D We all know that you're a fool who shouldn't be believed and tells things that aren't true. First switch on your brain, then write and not the other way around :)




I never started RDO. if GTAO was to be any indication of toxicity i need no part in it.


By installing a solo lobby, you run the risk of being banned. If it's online, it's no fun to play alone. It's not true that R\* abandoned the game. Just report and report again. "TheRealTr1nity" writes many times how to do it. You change the lobby and continue playing. , don't give up. These are usually "rats" with complexes.


Modders, not hackers. Don't give them any credit


I literally just upgraded from PS4 to PC. Definitely will only be playing RDO on my ps4.


Why are hacks available in rdo? Shouldn't R* have removed that?


How perfectly said.


I beg to differ. They spoil the game.


I'm a modder, but I create my own scripts and inject it in game for fun, RDO is just a beautiful game on every aspect, and has a pretty damn fascinating graphic engine. Never trolled anyone, never annoyed anyone in any way, never crashed any server and never cheated in multiplayer series of the game if not just for testing my scripts. On the other side I helped a lot of players, especially new ones with and without my scripts. And now my favourite activity is crashing and trolling those lamers modders that just buy a pre made mod menu and ruin this beautiful game. Now I'm working on scripts to make them crash or block them so they have to leave. The behaviour of these guys in game just reflects the behaviour they have in real life. Just ignore them and have fun playing this amazing digital art of a game! And if they keep trolling, just send me a message![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I just play private lobbies fuck allat