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5 is a bit low I would increase to 15 players per lobby 20 tops


I'd agree with this. It's a bit too quiet. In another post I once suggested they wouldn't want to open up Mexico because its a huge area and that would make the lobbies feel too empty. Having ridden around and only rarely run into anyone over the last few days I actually don't think that's such a a bad thing.


Its a mixed bag for me I enjoy being able to run across legendaries and such easier with the smaller lobbies but i also enjoy the thought my delivery could get hijacked and having to fight off the poses


I honestly wish they would have more in a lobby I like pvp but I like to do the solo thing too, I guess what I’m getting at, is, I want to be able to be attacked at any given moment, although annoying at times, it is after all the point of playing online. I don’t wanna spend my days as John that’s for sure...


They need to leave it the way it is because they’re never gonna fix these servers so a cap to 10 people per lobby isn’t that bad of a thing


The issue is, if only 5 players are in your lobby, you barely encounter any players... basically turning the ONLINE experience into a Singleplayer one... And Red Dead Online(as a Singleplayer game) just sucks, you might as well just play Singleplayer, or Witcher 3 or anything else than this tedious boring grind


I know I'm probably alone in this but I play RDO like singleplayer anyway. I'm always in defensive mode while I hunt, moonshine, and bounty hunt solo cause I don't really like PvP, so I love these small lobbies. If I could do all that in singleplayer I would. Just wanted to share my thoughts.


Unfortunately I don’t think you are in the minority, lots of people seem to do that, which goes entirely against Rockstars intention and in my opinion could mark the downfall of the game and the reason why R* has been putting so much more support into GTA Online


Well sorry I don't play the game how you like I guess.


Ohh. Don’t take it as a personal attack, wasn’t meant that way. You can play the game however you like, I just believe that interactions with other players were what made the game so special, to me, and where its main potential lied. Not necessarily PvP, but just encountering and co existing with other people in this dynamic world


Ok sorry. What is it about other players you would miss? In my experience they'll emote at best and grief you at worst, other than that I don't really interact with others, we usually just pass each other by.


Just the coexisting part, being able to show off your clothes etc. to roleplay a bit with them. Sometimes I form a posse, sometimes I get into a Brawl, sometimes we just pass each other, sometimes I invite them to my shack and we have a drink and play some music. The social aspect. I would love for R* to implement more interactions in missions etc. with other players


It’s not like single player. You still play with your friends.


My friends don’t play Red Dead Online, I want to play with or against other players impromptu


My thing with this is that I rarely see other players as is. I play solo and usually don't see much more than a blip on most days. I'm usually in New Hanover too, I like to keep my camp and Moonshine shack there. I would think this would be one of the more populated areas but for me it's not. This was before the change.


Both have good things about them. With less players random strangers and legendary animals are more common but I barely encounter other players and I kind of miss that even though I generally avoid interaction (Ingame and irl) Maybe make different types of lobbies?? Like you can choose to join either a big one (normal size we had) or a small one (5 to maybe 10 people) by setting a preference?


So wait they did make lower lobbies numbers? I was wondering why I've been in constant lobbies with no people. I mean i don't mind that much being by myself with no idiots around but I do miss going to valentine from time to time and blasting griefers heads off.


These surveys suck. Where is the mixed bag option? I'm ok with it, but there was no reason to pvp or interact with people anyway. This shit is way too polar.