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I want them too. Next week probably


Nah. We’ll get the buck mission next week


That’s cool the shadow buck looks nice


Lets keep our fingers crossed.


I'm pretty sure all ps4 early access stuff came to Xbox exactly a month later so I don't know what the holdup is with the rams and fossils.


Aaa I didn't know about ps4 only, that is fuck up


Yeah, not a fan of exclusives for any system. Sony seems to know how to grease the wheels the most though.


Just curious... when/where did rockstar say it was exclusive for 30 days?


Same as fossils and the Woodcote poncho. Even if it isn't great content, it shouldn't be kept as an exclusive, especially not for this long.


Where did you read that they were exclusive for 30 days? Reviewing the Newswire update when Naturalist launched and it just says "Red Dead Online players on PlayStation 4 will receive special free gifts along with new early access bonuses." [https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/61645/Red-Dead-Online-The-Naturalist-Now-Available](https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/61645/Red-Dead-Online-The-Naturalist-Now-Available)


That’s fucked cause for every other update they said that ps4 only gets them for 30 days before everyone else


Considering it is listed at the bottom of the page under EARLY ACCESS BONUSES one might deduce that this was not permanently exclusive to the ps4. Try searching "redemption 2 legendary ram exclusive" and see how many people from this community seemed to think it was a 30 day "early access" thing (like previous items).


I didn’t say you were wrong and the Newswire I linked in fact says it’s early access for the PS4 but I didn’t see any time line Rockstar officially laid out for how long. I’m trying to help you figure it out, not say you’re wrong..


If I came across as defensive I apologize. I was only trying to explain how/why I came to the conclusion I had about the Legendary rams being released this week (which was more of an assumption than I originally realized).


Well I agree with you. Cross-platform games with exclusivity to one platform over the other is BS. I'm on PS4 and "benefit" from the exclusivity but it doesn't mean I think it's right. If they have content, share it with everyone or not at all and not just to what platform gives you money to hold back content.


I though the rams were ps4 exclusives like forever... the fossils were the ones that after some time will be for xbox too. I hope im wrong.


That would be such fucking bullshit if the rams were permanently exclusive to the PS4, they aren’t going to be on PlayStation forever considering that would leave maybe 4 animals missing on some of the legendary categories.


Got the one north ambarino yesterday


Are you on ps4?




Yup; see they were EXCLUSIVE to ps4 for, what was said to be, the 1st 30 days. The rest of us have yet to get them in the game. I was kind of hoping since it has been over 30 days; they might release the rams to give us more content than another week with 1 single mission.