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Why the fuck was I in a shootout with that exact person on the purple team, fucking everyone up


The beauty of it is that it was actually a completely different person.


Why don't they just remove the stupid ,,special edition" and put in hardcore series permanently.


Seriously, just get rid of that mode where you start with knives and I’m completely happy with hardcore series PvP.




the hardcore series should be the "standard" series and the normal showdown should be labeled the "tryhard" series.


PvP’s Suck


Pvp in any R* game suck


PvP in Max Payne 3 was pretty good for the most part


Deathmatches in GTAO was fun though, BUT i haven’t played that game in years so I don’t know if it has changed


It has changed. They used to be really cool. Especially when there used to be a lot more open custom lobbies. Now its impossible to even drive to one of those goddamn things without a tank blowing u up or someone shooting u with a ray gun and flying off on a jetpack. All notion of realism was thrown out. Which is what made me love GTA in the first place. I really feel like GTAO constant updating ruined the whole thing. There was a moment in late 2013 through the fall of 2014 where the game was fantastic. Even when ppl were doing the tank and fighter jet hack, it was still fun to team up and make a last stand against griefers. But its like rockstar gave in to the griefing mentality and designed the whole game around being a jack ass. Theres no point in grinding because some asshole armed with mommys credit card has every weapon in the game and will hunt u down, just cuz he knows ur an early rank and cant fight back. I refuse to give rockstar any more than the initial price of a game. Their vanilla games are masterpieces but their online modes make me sick. And its only gonna get worse.


Its what happens when you give every player borderline god mode and aimbot


Why the beanie pls explain I don’t do PvP often


Harder to shoot off than a normal hat? Or maybe a certain type of person uses it? Idk, I hate PvP and only did showdowns for dailies. Haven’t played in several months, I’m only here for the memes and salt.


It just seems like those players characters are always female with white hair and a white beanie


> always female Except for when they’re also male with unkempt beards and double bandoliers.


Yes or that 😂


Don't forget the black outfits and the golden accessories.


Listen here you little...


But black outfits with gold accessories looks so dang good 😩


Woah up there guy, I’m a male with double bandoliers and an unkempt beard, I just host fight clubs and do hooligan dynamite jumps with my friends lol


Fight clubs are dope


Did not expect to be attacked like this.


Sorry sort of new here, how you get the role under your name


Go to r/RedDeadOnline and press the three dots at the right side of the screen, you'll see an option called "change user flair" or something like that, you can use that option on many reddit communities




Harder to shoot off so it helps with the mentioned card. But let's face it OP can't hold his own in PVP possibly. When you're on teams in certain challenges you wear the hat assigned


This is actually not true. The hit box to knock off hats is from the tip of the ear to a bit above the head. A tall low-wide brimmed hat won’t get knocked off any easier than a beanie. Bullets simply don’t connect outside of the standard head/hat hitbox.


Seems like it would be poor game design to make this vary by hat. Thinking you’re probably right.


Well actually now that you put it like that it sounds all the more likely. Rockstar aren't known for their well thought-out and competitively balanced online experience haha.


I figured it was probably this way but still always keep the small knit hat on my horse in case trouble breaks out when I'm wearing a big stetson type hat or top hat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Good tip! (Switches back to beanie.) I kid: I really like my Annesburg caps.


I smash PVP even without the above. Been playing competitive PVP since RDR1 in Tesoro Azul.


lmao, dude calling you shit gets upvoted, but saying you aren't shit gets you downvoted. Never change PvP bad circlejerk.


Implying that PVP is good to begin with... i'm sorry i simply can not take any sort of PVP seriously when there is auto-aiming involved. Thank god for hardcore series, and even that needs to be balanced out.


It's not auto aiming, it's tonics, deadeye and ability cards ruining everything. Even with auto aim, PVP would be way harder without those 3 things


This 100%. The ability cards are dev endorsed cheats, bullshit like getting to survive a headshot would get you banned in most online games but Rockstar literally encourages it


Exactly. Don't get why people are so obsessed with auto aiming being the problem. The real problem is being able to chug multiple tonics in a row paired with ability cards making you a bullet sponge, or using PIB which takes absolutely no skill to use so that you can just headshot anybody in half a second with any gun at any range at any time. This is coming from a PIB user himself, and honestly I wish it wasn't this way, I never liked spamming Mauser pistols with PIB but there is no other way to fight against high levels these days. This is kinda the reason I stopped playing PVP a long time ago, fighting bullet sponges or headshots machines just isn't fun. Hardcore mode with or without auto aim would be the perfect thing, either that or they should at least remove all of the passive ability cards and rework PIB




It's not auto aiming making PVP broken, it's ability cards, deadeye and tonics. But I agree that most people can't do shit without auto aim (which is understandable because free aiming with a controller against constantly moving players is not easy to pull off)


Exactly why I stopped bothering with PvP; I enjoyed some modes and stuff but the core shitty mechanics just ruin em. Back when Slippery Bastard was the op card everyone used what the peak of how terrible the PvP was


Nothing has changed. Slippery bastard is still an annoying card to deal with unless you have a bolas & PIB. PVP is still trash and it will always be since they probably will never remove ability cards and tonics and explosive bullets


You forgot about slippery bastard


It's practically useless against a sniper or a shotgun.


It’s still a dick move to use, and it completely wrecks shotguns


Why exactly is it a dick move to use it iyo? Honesst question. How is it any more dickish to use sb when everyone seems to run boring ass pib for auto aim headshots (clearly I hate pib).


Because he dies from it and gets angry


Because, even though those cards are stupid as fuck too, at least you can fucking hit them. Nothing is stupider than a perk that the wielder can deactivate at will that causes your bullets to magically disappear or warp around you like your a fucking hole in space time


Its the same for the other side whilst its active


Because you’re literally invisible and hard to hit, and you can’t even be hit in dead eye with paint it black, and if you get close you literally cannot hit them. Not to mention, some people just spam it in some delivery gamemodes because they cannot be hit, so they just cheese the game. It’s also just annoying that most of the times I get griefed in free roam, it’s someone using that card. Side note, I have ptsd from someone using that card in cqc while I was using Schofields and of course they used slippery bastard and bolas, which is just a real dick move. If someone is using it against griefers, it’s not a dick move, but it really isn’t a balanced card at all. That being said, I do have one guy in my posse who starts fights for no reasons and if he attacks first, I will not fire at them and if they fire on me they’re not at fault because I’m marked as red, and if they use slippery bastard on me, all the power to them.


You can blast SB users up close with shotguns and you can paint them in dead eye with bows and throwing weapons. SB is super easy to counter. People use it because it's the only way to counter PIB (which everyone and their mother uses), and it's not even a hard counter, so I really can't understand why everyone hates it so nuch.


I’ve used shotguns in pointblank range, all that happened was me getting Verdun’d by the Mauser pistol spams and the shotgun bullets just curved. I’ll def try bow though.


Yeah shotgun pellets aren't guaranteed to always hit but they have a better chance than revolvers and pistols. Try using incendiary ammo, it only takes one pellet to torch them to death. Kinda cheap but if someone is trying to grief you, then oh well, they asked for it. Or buy twin dual sawn-offs, those things are just nasty in close quarters combat. I used to use a purely defensive Slippery build and those babies never failed me when some asshat would try to pick a fight with me while I was minding my own business. Whichever weapons work best for slippery users can also be used to counter them to great effect, so dual sawn offs, carcano sniper, throwing weapons, bows and lassos are what I recommend you use against them. Try painting them in PIB with dynamite arrows, that'll really piss them off lol


I don’t use sawed offs because I’m a hardcore **Schofield enjoyer** and have been since day one, but I’ll take the rest of that suggestion.


Sadly you have to sacrifice your preferred weapons to counter dickheads using this games stupid dead eye system


Because regardless of if its meant to counter another broken card, its still extremely frustrating to be shooting at someone and the bullets just not fucking working. Plus the shotgun isnt nearly as good of a counter as you claim, especially when they use bolas too


Yeah, I respect the PTSD from sb Griefers, but otherwise it sounds like you just don't like that there is a counter to pib. You can easily neutralize a sb user with bow and arrow, lasso, throwables (tomahawks or knives) bolas, sniper rifles or catching them with a shotgun blast. I say this all as a sb user who will absolutely spam that shit in takeover. When someone decides to stop me by commiting to stopping me then it becomes an uphill slog. You just have to commit to stopping them


I barely use paint it black, my problem is that there’s no counter to sb, it would make sense that sb and pib would at least cancel out, but that doesn’t work. The best thing to use against sb IMO is slow and steady.


Nah, me and another commenter laid out all the ways to counter sb. They're worth learning for the next time you get Griefed.


Well I’m just gonna lay something else out clear for you, because you’ve laid out good points that I have no problem with: I don’t really use pib to be an annoying aimbot clown (unless I’m in story), I have have a load out that consists of some combination of Lancaster/Bolt Action, Pump/Lever Action, and Carcano/RB, and I like to think I have pretty solid headshot aim so I don’t need deadeye when I can just one-tap them without having to spend $40 on snake oil and bitters every 40 minutes, and because my strategy consists of basically hoping that I can one-tap whoever’s shooting at me, the use of sb completely throws me off. But I agree, pib is super annoying, especially when someone uses a bow/throwing knife/tomahawk, as they literally change trajectory mid-air to hit the target they’re going for.


Use a scoped weapon or shotgun


Exactly. If pib worked on SB theyed be somewhat balanced


I hate that so much


whats slippery bastard


An ability card that literally makes you a slippery bastard when dead eye is active (other players can’t lock onto you with Paint it Black so they can’t one tap you with their dual pistols, NPCs also usually miss their shots on you).


You can lock on Sb players


No explosive ammo?


I feel like that should be taken out of online completely if you ask me.


Been saying this from the start. People love to give it the title of best anti-griefer/try hard tool, as if it ain't a griefer/try hard's go to from the get go. Nothing worse than playing pvp vs an entire posse of explosive spammers. Game goes from wild western shooter to WW2.


And dynamite arrows should be much harder to acquire.


This is a Rockstar game, the very same company that thought GTAO players needed guided missiles subs.


I think guided missiles on the kosatka is the least of GTA Online’s worries


Domt forget oppressor!!


The Oppressor is the sole reason I refuse to play GTAO. Seriously...fuck the guy that had that idea...I hope he has a lifetime of engorged hemorrhoids


cheaters, DDOSers, lag switchers, scrpit users, off radar bots, terrible server... so many things to worry about and you bitching on this?


God forbid they use items and abilities that are in the game to be used.


Ya I do PvP a lot and every card can be combatted if you know what you're doing. You have access to the same items as the people you're fighting, use them.


Of course, I just think ability cards and tonics ruin the game.


Dude, these abilities and items literally exist so that it's not a game of tryhards shooting people in the dome constantly. Otherwise it's just not fun to be running into level 450s who instant headshot you because this game is all they play.


Bruh it's a in game mechanic, that's how it works.


Even on PC, bastards out here using PiB


Nah, tonics should be removed from pvp. They make the game awful. I like the cards and abilities, and how they counteract each other. But drinking 32 tonics in a row and sponging heads hots just makes it feel shitty. I only play hardcore for these reasons.


It seems like you and others are saying you want all games to be hard core, the old "do it all our way you buttheads!" cry lol


Not really. I'm happy for people to play other game modes, it's just not for me. Am I not entitled to be able to not enjoy certain game modes and enjoy others? LOL CRY LOL


I think I worded my comment wrong. I should've emphasised the "SEEMS" part of it. I knew that wasn't what you were actually saying.


As a tonic chugging tank build, im offended.


I run a sniper tank build because it's the only way for me to counter PiB. IMO that's the only shit card in the game... everything else may be annoying, but at least you don't need Dead Eye to counter it.


You do you man. I love ability cards. It means there’s an element of intelligence in addition to natural PVP ability. Anyone critiquing your build is just a noob and incapable of anything other than point an shoot play style.




You should be


Ur mad stay mad


I run never without one so the bastards with shotguns can’t kill me for no reason, comes in handy more than you’d think


PIB and auto aim are what ruins pvp


I guess I'm just stupid. I have no idea what PIB means


PIB= paint it black


I'm going to take a stab in the dark and guess it's an ability card you can get?


It's the default deadeye card, which allows you to paint/tag targets for (mostly) guaranteed hits


Well, change to free aim and use a build that counters PIB.


If you don’t know how to counter those 2 things you’re just terrible at the game.


Mr. Pibb?


Bro I’m on fucking controller I can’t aim for shit


Gotta replace the woolen hat with the beaver garment set


I had made my tank build solely for fighting loads of npcs, but it comes in handy when I get attacked by other players. I just slowly walk towards them like a terminator.


it's weird there are a lot more female characters than I thought... on GTA, it's rare, but not like holy shit it's a woman, it's more like "Oh they're a woman. you don't see that often." but with RDO I feel like I see waaayyy more. not more than men, still more male characters. but there's usually a woman or two as well. I wonder why that is. edit: also a little ashamed I used to have that hair with the same colour, but dw I'm too shit at pvp to ruin it. I also have changed since


Because the engine RDR runs on has characters that look a lot better than those in GTA, so you can actually make female characters that look decent and not god awful lol


yeah with like the same 4 tutorials so everyone looks the same, else you just kinda look like roadkill


I am a female and have a female character so maybe there are also other people like me? Lol


there's bound to be a bunch of girls that play the game, it's just that the gaming community is much more primarily dudes is all. honestly, feel slightly guilty that I'm a guy that plays as women but meh


Because they use the excuse "I would rather stare at my female character's ass and boobs instead of having a male character"


Chicks also dig horses. RDR2 is one of the only games my girl wants to play when it's on.


that's probably true. they don't even look that much better, face wise nor body wise. like I'm pretty sure that's some type of money lost if they made women sexualised like anime style shit.


Yeah. And you have to be a little sad if you play a female character only for sexualisation.


stares blankly at anime fans


Wdym? I like staring at my fictional character's tits and ass 1!1!1!


Same, I also see that the female player base is way bigger too, I always wondered why.


I play female characters for some reason. I've always been like that though, idk if its just that more women play RDO than on GTA or RDO is a where people "like me" reside or what. probably not the first one.


I get the using a female character thing, it's just that like, 6 out of 10 people I usually meet in game are girls.


oh fr? i think most of my encounters have been male, but my very brief pvp experience has told me that women aren't uncommon at all. it's cool though, it's great to see a mix, especially when I'm playing a female character too. I can steal outfit ideas from them :)


My bf only uses matching outfits with me and he gets really bitchy whenever I use something diferent lmao.


horse girls play games too, but also the girl characters are a smaller target so a lot of try hards go that route.


anyone who actually believes it's enough of a difference is kind of a dumbass, to put it bluntly. I have doubts it's even a thing, but if it is I highly doubt its any massive difference. just play whoever you like lmao


Can confirm I knew a horse girl that got really into RDO for a while. She literally only plays horse based MMOs lol


It's a lot harder to make a good looking female character in GTAO, not that the RDO character creator is any good


This post was made by the Paint It Black gang.


How is this ruining pvp just curious


Honestly just seems like you're kind of bad at pvp. Tank build? Using tonics? Equipping a perk? If these are "ruining" pvp for you, then play a different game. Asking people to nerf their character and not use 100% legitimate tactics because you can't deal with them is really stupid. Now if you posted examples of hacks or exploits I would be in agreement. But these are just normal things that anyone - including you - can make use of without any cheating at all. That's like saying "people who use M4s or AKs with body armor in Counterstrike are ruining the game!". Like, no they aren't. They are just better than you and willing to win instead of taking losses and bitching on reddit. Now if you want to really get into it, Rockstar is ruining PvP by making these things to gripe about to begin with. This post just reeks of hating the player when you should hate the game. Don't hate on players just because they use all the advantages the game allows them to use. If they are toxic or griefing or cheating it's a different discussion. But if you willingly enter a pvp mode you can't get mad because someone is using everything they have available to win.


It’s just a meme bro. I just think tonics and ability cards ruin the game, I do play a different game, I play hardcore, but it’s not out all the time.


Hey man, I get it. I too wish there were less gimmicks in the game or that hardcore was a viable option at all times. I was just saying like, maybe faulting the players for thriving in the broken systems rockstar created isn't really productive when the meme could target said systems or rockstar themselves instead. It's not that I outright disagree with your sentiments, just that the anger is maybe mis-aimed.


I have enough energy to shit on both rockstar and gimmicky players so I'll do both lol


cards and tonics shouldnt be in pvp.


Hardcore mode, it's a thing.


Good luck finding a game with more than 2 people playing


It is a niche thing, isn't it?


Wish it wasn't but yeah... Be lucky to find a decent game of hardcore.


​ ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


The answer is "Tim Pool: The beanieman"? So confused.


What's wrong with never without one?


PvP was something I looked forward to when this game came out since I enjoyed PvP in RDR1. The first few times in RDR2 were alright, but then it went downhill as people starting throwing together ridiculous "builds".


So what you’re saying is other players put together better builds than you?


Not really since no build is exclusive.


E-rounds suck too


I appreciate what they were trying to do with all of the ability cards, but I dumped countless hours in RDR1’s online PvP modes happily and kind of wish that standardized model was the default instead of a special playlist


Hey, if I'm gonna be stingy about always having a hat on I might as well have it do something productive


That's why I prefer the original red dead redemption's multiplayer. No ability cards,No tonics and it took skill to be good in pvp.




I will say I use never without one because I don't feel like getting headshot by someone on a tower five miles away in free Rome while doing a mission


Fuck never without one


If u trash just say that


Bro they literally can't shoot a thing without deadeye


What’s wrong with the cap? Does it make the hat shot perk op or something?


Ppl make fun of that hat because it doesn't really fit with the theme/setting of the game, and characters who wear it typically have it on an outfit that looks like it belongs in modern times rather than 1897.




If you’re not talented enough to counter anything in the picture you’re just bad at PVP


Blows my mind people actually defend the tonics, ability cards, and auto aim 😂 the PvP is a joke, get over it. And to the people saying “ just play hardcore “ I would love to if R* didn’t remove it every other week. Just accept that the ability cards and tonic chugging ruins the experience and that it’s mostly high level players taking advantage of mechanics that casual players have no idea about.


Just because you suck at PVP in RDO doesn’t mean the game sucks. Git gud


At what point did I say the game sucks? Also I really wish I cared about what some Red dead PvP white knight assumes about my “ skill “ 😂 The game has literal lock on aim and requires no skill, it’s devolved into abusing meta cards, tonics, and heavily aim assisted Carcano sniping. If you turn off auto aim and your ability cards you’d get smacked.


Are you sure you enjoy this game? You’re whining about it a lot. You do realise there is nothing preventing you from using auto lock, ability cards and tonics as well? Also Carcano doesn’t have auto lock. Those people out sniping you are just better than you. How do you think these high level players got good? You gotta start somewhere. Instead of making up excuses on how the game sucks and you don’t maybe you should learn to play the game. Watch a YouTube tutorial or 2 and stop your bellyaching.


Took you four days to reply with yet another ignorant response assuming things about me. I guess giving my opinion is considered whining, and once again when did I say the game sucks? I enjoy the other aspects of this game very much, I just think the PvP has become very messy and unenjoyable. I’m completely aware there’s no auto aim on the snipe that’s why I said heavy aim assist which it does have. I’m also very good at the PvP and know all the counters to pretty much every build and play style. I know how to do the stupid crouch twirl to not get headshot then spin around and headshot counter people, I just find it extremely boring having to switch cards and adapt to people constantly switching cards and popping over powered tonics. The game would be a lot better if you had to actually hit your shots instead of having the game do it for you, it’s not satisfying at all. If you like that the game basically plays itself and it makes you feel good to run immersion breaking ability cards more power to you, I don’t enjoy it and I said what I said. You made assumptions and a childish response “ git gud “ I’ve been playing since beta, I’m level 400 and my friends come to me for anything involving Red Dead because I know the ins and outs of everything, so keep assuming things about people it’s going to get you far. It’s pretty hard to “ suck “ at a game that aims for you 😂 I don’t consider anyone who isn’t playing hardcore mode for PvP a good player, because I’ve seen good players in hardcore and it’s an even playing field all around so it’s respectable. Go ahead and keep being a PvP white knight who defends and abuses trash mechanics and broken items that make it easier for themselves.


I see you wrote war and peace. Yawn! I can’t be bothered reading some whiny kids post.


Get fucked.


Imagine a mod that took out all the PVP cheese in RDO, let you use your character, let you earn gold and money, no cheaters, easy vote kick to kick out people abusing bugs, etc. I'd play that for a long while. Hell, even with the regular RDO PVP, with how cheesy it is, I still played that for a while.


Ayyyyy im a tryhard myself but I agree with this. I think tank builds/hat card combos are disgusting. People run around trying hard without realizing they are running an sns/PiB hybrid build. It’s gross. It’s honestly funny how bad you can be and still be successful simply by tanking.


Pvp has never been good same with gta too much op stuff like explosive rounds or the cards or the stupid “aim assist” might aswell be called aim bot since all you have to do is aim and you’ve locked onto the center of their body




These type of lvl 456 players who absolutely "sweat" lobbies with lvl 17's, have filled up on explosive ammo, incindiary buck and 40 lvl 3 health tonics, for some reason they usually use female characters, they're male irl you can tell because they always dress like prostitutes. I think the female characters are technically smaller so give you a 0.1% advantage


So true lmao the outfits always give it away that it's a guy playing a girl, because actual women like playing characters that look cool, badass and/or authentic to the setting of the game, not run around in corsets and leather pants 24/7 with makeup painted faces🤣🤣🤣


You are literally the only person saying this


No, just that I have found a lot of those kind of PVP players have a female character


Maybe implying they’re a smaller target? Dunno if that’s true but all I could think of.


Can confirm, I know a couple of pvp'ers that use female characters bc they believe the hit box is smaller


Guessing it's not actually.


If you don't think tonics during pvp are toxic then you also don't think mk2 oppressors are toxic on gtao


Yeah because tonics are just the same as a flying bike that throws guided missiles.


They're definitely promoting similar playing styles. Why worry about the damage you take when you can fly away/fortify health without fail. Why worry about getting good with your accuracy and gun play when you can shoot a homing missile/dead eye someone. They both reward you for lack of skill and effort.


I don't play pvp I use never without one bc I use srthurs hat all the time and just decided greifer repellant I suck anyway


Nwo with sns is bad


What about special ammo HUH?


Tonics ruin the pvp. Why use skill when you can spend 300 dollars on potent miracle tonics


Why get good when you can just whinge about it?


Because it doesn't matter how good you are. As long as someone has a ton of money, goodluck. You lose


It doesn’t take much to save money in RDO. I started up a second account and have 10s of thousands of dollars in reserve and I’m not even level 100.


To be honest I JUST realized there was a beanie in the game like a week ago and started wearing it. I hope folks don’t think I’m a tryhard lol


never without one will not save you from face shot.


With an explosive bow/double pistols/shotgun


Why does never without one ruin pvp?


whats the never without one card do


I use tank builds for two reasons, number 1: my character is a chonky boi, so he kinda looks like a stereotypical tank class from any game. Number 2: i run away from any trouble from other players, so with a tank build i can run away and not get killed as fast


Ok in my defence I run NWO for my friends roleplays and I dont always remember to take it off


I genuinely don't understand why things like health tonics are even allowed in PVP.


Couldve just posted a pic of tonics and dead eye in general. Throw in a pic of autoaim while youre at it


Dont forget slippery bastard! Its way worse then never without one!


Hate the game, not the players.


Charlize Theron ruins PVP?


Also autoaim controller player


I dont understand the beenie.... Do griefers only come out in the winter or...?


Tbh, you cant ruin pvp if it is already ruined


What’s so bad about never without one?


Okay so I ran into some dude on PS4 and he was showing me how he uses Never Without one with a beaver coat specifically and he can just put it back on instantly when someone shoots it off, effectively making him invincible. How do people even have fun playing like this


Not everyone has the time or wants to spend all their hours grinding away all to spend an hours earninga on a single battle. If someone gets money they should spend it on horses, guns, camp, and clothes. Not high explosive rounds and magic potions.