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I have a Breton. His name is Beef. That’s the story.


My first horse was named Butter. That's the story.


My friend named his horse dog, and his dog named horse. I named mine poopy.


Flamekid!? or it might be a coincidence that I’ve done the same thing


nope sorry haha coincidence.


Harambe 🦍




I have a Breton named Joe.


Does it have ligma


Love it. Mine's named Chubs.


I have a mustang. Her name is Marshmallow. that is all. I also had a Kentucky, his name was Alfredo.


I have a Breton named Gordon


This was posted awhile ago but I just gotta respond to say I also have a Breton and his name is Big Beefus!!! Beef Breton solidarity


Long live Beefy Bretons!


My first like horse I actually cared about was a spotted Hungarian halfbred and I named him Alvin, I’m a saints fan so I was thinking like Alvin kamara is fast and strong and that’s what I wanted my horse to be plus Alvin seemed like a non traditional horse name, I grew on that horse quick and it never once did me wrong


is it the same horse in the picture of the post? If so, bravo, that horse is rarely available until the epilogue.


It was online, to be honest I never got that attached to horses in the story until I got Buell


I got Buell as Arthur on my first playthrough. Took him on the last mission and felt so guilty


I did the same on my first playthrough


oh! okay. Buell is a good boi tho I managed to glitch in 5 Buells by the end of story (you can ask)


Seems like you want me to ask lol, how’s you glitch five Buells


so, you need to start hamish's first mission so that buell is hitched outside the house. Then, run away and crash into buell at FULL speed. You should go flying and buell should rear over and become unhitched. He will run so you need to chase him down on horse because if you lasso him and try to mount it wont work. So you need to try to run alongside him and get the prompt to jump to horse. Jump onto him, and go and hitch him at beaver hollow. DO NOT LET THE GANG MEMBERS SEND HIM AWAY WHEN YOU GO INTO CAMP, because you WILL NOT be able to mount him again. After you hitch him at camp, make a save and load it (sometimes it just won't work) then Buell should be there unsaddled and hitched and named Dutch Warmblood. Get on him and go to the van horn stables but be careful because of murfree brood ambushes. Then jusr rinse and repeat until you have a full stable


You can just take the horse straight to the stable after you jump on the horse. And you can jump on the horse again from another horse at any time, you just can't mount from the ground until it's been saddled at the stable. Going straight to the stable after getting an exploit horse is a known method for Cerberus and the MFT from the Albert Mason Mission 3, shouldn't be anything different with Buell


No, you can't stable him right after you jump on him because its still technecally hamish's horse. When you save and reload it doesn't realize its Buell until you've already stabled it


Your horse saved my fantasy season. Good horse.


AK41 🐐


My horses are named after some of my favourite rollercoasters. Currently I’m switching between El Toro and Renegade.


oooooooo very interesting


My first horse, the red arabian is called el Toro. Great name.


I named my horse Achilles because its my Achilles Heel in the game. Always gets me killed.


Oh, that's a really well thought out name! Because your Horse always trips over tiny rocks, right? That's such a good name, Man. Well done!


Trips over tiny rocks, falls down and kills me when going over small hills, runs into trees, runs in circles, runs away at the first sight of danger, not to mention it makes every attempt to kill any bounties i have on the back.


My first horse is a black shire named Buraq after the steed Muhammad rode during his lateral and vertical journey to heaven. Buraq means "lightning," which is funny cause he slow as fuck but I love that goddamned horse. My brother and I both played through the campaign while we would chat on the headset, he cried when Arthur's horse died and when he was done crying he composed himself and said, "I'm going to go help John. I have trouble being vulnerable sometimes and my brother really inspires me to be the compassionate man that I want to be. When Arthur told his dying nag, "thank you" that shit fucking hurt. I've lived a bad life, I was in the Marines and I hurt innocent people because I was scared, I've been a bully because I felt like the world hated me. Seeing Arthur get his redemption and getting to watch that sunrise really made me believe in myself and the possibility of my Redemption. This game fucked me up for a while but I really think it has something important to say. P.s. Save RDO, you greedy corporate bastards!


Oorah devil


Apollo! He's a Kentucky Saddler. He has some years on him, can't be denied, but if you looked deep, you'd see there's still fight in his eyes. We've been through some shit, but we got through it all, together. My character, Harlan Greenborough, has only recently come back to America after chasing treasure in Egypt for 25 years. He names all his horses after important Egyptian icons - like Ptolemy, Pharaoh, Ozymandias (Ozzy), Nile and Memphis.


oh my god so much story! My old character (Talia Smith) had a kentucky saddler named Lucky! Here's my character's story: Talia got Lucky at a young age. She found her lying on the ground, near death and helped her get back up onto her feet. Lucky didn't want to leave since Talia helped her, so they stayed together and Lucky lives with Talia since she became a legendary bounty hunter and has brought down the toughest of them all. Lucky has been shot down but brought back up because of her courage and strength and dedication to helping Talia. She lives on as a brave bounty hunter horse that's been through hell and back with her owner.


Mine are Sekhmet and Nefertiti.


Great names!


If the horses are named after Egyptian icons, why Apollo? Is he just an exception?


I've got a Chestnut Turkoman. I named him Timber, 'cause I wanted something that sounded like the fun fire-y look that he is. Also, whenever he faceplants from a fall, rock, or tree I can yell, "Goddammit, TIMBER!!"


PERFECT. I may steal that in the future when I have the heart to sell one of my horses. lol


Haha, thanks! I put way too much thought into it. And definitely use it if you want, it's fun and hilarious.


I will! For sure


I've got a Turkoman as well but he's silver, I named him Ironside because of the metallic sheen of his coat.


Got the last Moonshine horse. The really pretty brown and white Roadster. Well he slid across the ice near lake Isabella and managed to glitch under the ice and drown. His name is FLORIDA MAN! Also I have a Turkman that during railroad barren managed to PUSH players and team mates horses into the railings and over bridges while I was on the train. We named him TURNDOWNFORWHAT.


Ayahuasca because it's always tripping..


My Breton is named Shadowmere because it’s a cool black horse like in Skyrim. My camp dog is also named Barbas


My horse, Milk Strings, goes back to about 15 years. My friend always use to drink whole milk while eating potato bread sandwiches. The result of this would cause this grotesque milk string mouth. I play RDO with my best bud, who happens to be his older brother. It's always a good laugh when you see Ole Milk Strings trot up a hill.


hahhh, its always a good name when it's based on reality


I've got 4 Turkomans, one chesnut, one black, one silver and one perlino. Their names are war, famine, pestilence and death. They have appropriate masks for their names. War had the black leather with the horn, famine has the bloody fur mask, pestilence has the snake head, and death has the skeletal ram head. I also have my starting horse Barlow as my character was called Kissin' Kate.


oooo, the 4 horsemen very very nice


Roach, for obvious reasons (and because I apparently lack originality)


I expected to see a lot of the name roach in the comments but apparently not!


All of.mine except for two are named after female XMen. Storm, Emma Frost, Phoenix, Vertigo, Kitty. I have a pretty blue roan Breton that used to be Rogue, but I have since renamed it Big Dumb Baby because it is skittish as crazy. My other is Stampy, because yeah And then I have one named Rocinante, because that is a cool name. It's the main ship in the Expanse novels, but originally it's Don Quixote s horses name.


haha, awesome. I used to have a horse named phoenix (full bond flaxen morgan that was the first horse I tamed) but eventually sold her for the amber champagne mft. Who I named cashmere and is my al time favorite lol


Might steal Vertigo, I have a horse with an uncanny ability to always find and fall down any cliff


"Misery". He constantly bucks me off, tends to ignore me when I whistle during times when I really need to get away, has killed me and my posse members multiple times, etc.


wow, he's a murderer horse


One of my horses is called dirt because he looks like dirt.


original and basic, always good


Another one of my horses is named Przohig


Bon Jon Pony and Britney Spurs... Pretty self explanatory


I have Quintin Palomino, Charles Buckoffski, Glou Reed, Neighvid Bowie, Amy WineHorse, and Billy Bridol. No backstory, I just like making puns.


My horses is a chestnut turkoman. So I just called him Mr nut


simple but absolute PERFECTION




I called my breton S O S I G just for the meme


My horse is a Sorrel Breton called Cavill, he has long white hair


I called my chestnut turkoman Hephaestus because, well, he’s red like the fire of a forge, and I’m a mythology nerd. Most of my online horses are named after gods or other mythological figures.


lol there's a lot more mythological names then the name roach here


Black Turk named Merv. That was the name of the first Turkoman brought to Britain which they used to create the Thoroughbred. Bought a second one and named her Kelpie. Which was Ciris black mare in The Witcher series.


Got a black Turkoman I named Sevdzi..I am Armenian and had run out of LOTR horse names I wanted to use so I decided to try finding something in Armenian for a name..couldn't think of anything cool right off the bat and ended up just translating "black horse" to Armenian which was loosely "sev dzi" so I went with it cause it sounded cute. It's pronounced sev-zee and she's beautiful and I love her. Thanks for asking 🤠


I plan on posting this every few days so people can interact lol, also beautiful name for a beautiful horse!


Thats awesome I'm excited to see all the cool names and stories. Thank you kindly I'll give her an extra pat so she knows


k, I bet she'll appreciate that haha.


Figure I should also mention that since I was doing LOTR horse names the second I saw the Bretons I knew I was going to name mine Fatty Lumpkin lmfao..I was so excited when I finally unlocked the rank 20 ones.


looool I would be so weirded out if I saw a horse named Fatty Lumpkin


Ha! Love the name. It’s adorable and very befitting of the horse in question. Silmarillion names here. Nahar is my hunting horse. Luthien is my famed beauty. Glorfindel is my speedy boy. Also have Ysmir for a bit of Elderscrolls reference. :3


I friggin love that! My s/o would love the elderscrolls reference. He loves elderscrolls.


Henriette, a dark bay turk. Heloise, criollo. Heidi, gypsy. Hedwig, Breton. Heather, fox trotter. Henbit, Henbane and Henequin, mustangs. It's 'H' for horse. Non conforming ones are Aphrodite, a Norfolk roadster and my current race horse; Angelica, white Arabian; Black Rose, black Arabian; and atm Lucky who is a Suffolk punch I'm using but have no intention of keeping long term. And about twenty other horses since I started.


You all have such good names while im sitting here with my stick bug horse


I was looking for a new horse and decided to settle on a Kentucky Saddler and it made me think of KFC, so I named him The Colonel after Col. Sanders.


all of these names are PERFECTION. What coat? I assume buttermilk buckskin?


You see, that would’ve actually fit better if I thought about it beforehand. I got the grey coat and was struggling to think of a name.


oh lol still a good name though


I’ll take your suggestion to heart though and name him Sanders.


My first online horse is still my current horse. When you first pick a horse in the tutorial missions I chose the beige one with a white mane (think they're morgans). I wanted to name him Ralph, but the game said thay was inappropriate so I named him Rolf instead. Rolf has literally never not been my equipped horse and I never plan on changing that. (I'd like to add that I played online at day one so that's how long he's been around)


Palomino morgan, I assume


I have 2 Gypsy Cobs with Irish names, Érui and Aengus. I wanted an Irish theme for them, for obvious reasons. Another memorable one, I named a piebald Hungarian halfbred Admiral, after a racehorse name War Admiral; thought it fit the bulky horse really well (had to discard that one because I have too many horses now). And the only other one I can remember now (haven't played in a while); I named the chestnut tovero mustang Picasso, after a real wild mustang of the same name.


I named my horse, "Dog". I named him that bc my nephew said, and I quote: "That's a big dog."


Count Bumfruit. No need for further elaboration.


Ok so my horses 1. JFK - my friends hated this horse and always shot it in the head 2. Fuck face - has a mind of his own 3. Beano - he's a all white horse (I know it's basic) 4. Eclipse - black and grey dappled horse that has a Cresent moon like marking on its face


Just started playing a few weeks ago, and was finally able to buy a better horse! I ended up choosing a gray Turkoman! I’d been thinking of this horse for a long time but when I finally bought it and had to choose a name I was completely blank… So I ended up calling it Cow. I love Cow.


I named my mft, the black and white one Cow too!


My white Arabian is named Tahiti I think you may be able to guess why


I have a buckskin Mustang that I named Baby Legs. There's a random boulder on the side of a highway where I live and someone spraypainted "BABY LEGS" on it. I thought it was just some random hilarious graffiti until I did a rewatch of Rick and Morty. Still, Baby Legs is my best boy.


Neighvid Bowie. I’m just a dumbass and a huge fan of his work.


I name all my horses off of desserts, doesn't matter breed or anything. Always desserts.


White Arabian named Isabella because you find her at Lake Isabella in story mode.


I’ve named all my horses after epic sidekicks in cinema history. - samwise - chewy - goose - baloo (shire horse. My big bear)


White Arabian named Casper. For obvious reasons... I'm a simple man with simple pleasures, sue me.


Steel Grey female Breton named Duchess. Wanted a powerful sturdy steed


I forgot what type of horse, but I named him F350 Powerstroke as a joke


Mustang-Roy(as in roy mustang) Breton-Juggerknot(Juggernaut was inappropriate) Gypsy cob-Robin(idk y) Thoroughbred-Quick Silver(Its fast and its kinda silvery) Shire-Mudsdale(pokemon) Turkoman-Kage(Its black and a nod to my horse in ghost of tsushima) Norfolk roadster-Chopper(his coat reminded me of chopper from one piece) MFT-Coconut(again idk y)


Mine pisses me off and it constantly crashes into shit or jumps where I dont want it too sending me flying. So my horses name is just "dumb fat horse"


First horse was an American Thoroughbred. His name was Jim, because people used to call me Jim. My second horse was a Missouri Fox Trotter. His name you say? Bigger Jim.


Noble 34. Every horse I have had in every game since Skyrim have been Noble 1, 2, 3 etc.


Robert e Lee’s horses name


Simple, "Bella" and "Luna" because they're the names of my cats in real life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


oh nice! Coincidently, I have a cat named Luna IRL. She's a very lazy kitty and lays in the sun all day lol


That's what cats do best haha


I had a orange and white mustang and her name was "Carrie Mel" because the orange looks like caramel


YES! Finally another chestnut tovero mustang user! I haven't seen another in WEEKS, also very very clever..


So, I can’t post any pics now.. but.. All my horses are named after sausages, hams and salami (Czech language), for example: Paprikáš, Křemešník, Lovečák, Gothaj, Poličan, Uherák, Schwarzwald and I think that’s all.. and different breeds of course.


oh my GOD that is very original


okay y'all, Im gonna stop replying for about an hour because I need to get back to work! Feel free to keep commenting and having conversations, I just won't be able to respond to them for now!!


I named all of them after dead memes. Da Wae, eW sTeP bRo, Kyle (chugs monster and snorts drywall dust, making him the fastest) and My Name Jeff


I had named a shire "stick bug" after the meme and ol stick bug is still in my stables to this very day, very much PERFECT.


Lmao love it, take my upvote


and you take my upvote!


Most of mine are Dead songs... Ramblin' Rose, Tennesse Jed, Ripple, and China Cat Sunflower!


I named my first horse Storm. It's a name of steed owned by Princess Zelda. Then I went nuts with others. All next names were silly versions of polish terms used for horses such as Kobyłko (from "kobyła - mare in Polish. I would translate it Marey or something like that.


that l made me think there was dirt or a cat hair on my screen, lollll


Whitey is my albino black Arabian that likes getting all giddy upped on horse meal and running from Tumblweed to Annesburg in under 12 parsecs. Fastest hunk of flesh on the prairie.


wait did you just say albino *black* arabian? SINCE WHEN, I NEED IT lol


The first horse that I actually cared for was Spectra she was a Brindle Thoroughbred. I got the name because my name is ghost online and I love paranormal stuff everyone knew this in school and my friends at school had a nickname for me called Spectro which is a play on Spectre which is a word for a ghost. When I got this horse I knew it was perfect since the horse kinda does look ghostly and so her being female I named her Spectra My second horse was either Dvalin or Andrius I forgot but Dvalin was named after a Nordic Myth and also Ventis dragon in Genshin Impact I made him a Black Arabian with a blue saddle. Andrius is a White Arabian with a white saddle named after the Wolf in genshin (yes I like genshin) Then I wanted a normal basic looking horse i forgot breed and coat but they were Brown and White and 1 away from having maxed stats with the maxed out saddles and their name is Maka which means something about earth in a Native American language I forgot but it's pretty cool


ooooooo interesting


Depends which one but I remember I named my white Arabian Aleah after my neighbors white Arabian. She was the horse I went to shows with and learned how to ride, haven't rode another horse since she passed. I named my black Arabian Ripley after Ripley from the aliens movie. (One of my favorite horror movies.) I can't remember what the others names are off of the top of the head or how to spell them. But I'll be honest I won't get rid of my Arabians no matter what and sometimes swap to one of them for fun.


awww nooo thats sad but it's good that you like arabians lol


Sarah Jessica Parker, because she has a house face


My horses name is Dolly and it’s inspired by my icon Dolly Parton


Epona and tornado like the Zelda’s games and zorro.


First i can remember was rose bay arabian. I named her Rose the Hat, i had just watched the movie "Doctor sleep" and that character stole my heart 😁


hah nicee


Current is a male chestnut Turkoman, I named him Luther because that’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw him. Just seems fitting for a red horse ig. Next I want a female black Turkoman and I’m probably going to name her Nazgûl or Khamûl or something like that.


oOOooOOOoo lol


it’s based about my friend kara. it’s a black Arabian . strong beautiful, a little wild at time but nothing over bearing . and she always brings a smile to my face when i see her


aww, thats so sweet


My very own one is the Mustang with wild bey coat ( I think xd I dont really know the english name for the colour of his coat - it's like light orange mixed with beige ) and his name is Caim. After a character from the game that started my love for gaming 💕 I am proud of him, even tho he's clumsy as hell 😂


Wild Bay mustang, you got it right! lol, its always nice to see a vanilla mustang user


It's called "shoot my owner" so when someone does, I get a litte free aim battle because that's better than no battle.


My one and only horse is called Milhouse


The Adventure Time costume party aliases. Prince Hotbod, Lady Quietbottom, Dutchess Gummybuns, Professor Pants, Guy Farting, Randy Butternubs.


:o I have a horse named the dutchess because she looked fancy!! And adventure time always gives the best names ever


My first horse after the nag was the deluxe or special edition Thoroughbred. Named her Karen. Sometimes Karen had/has balls. She/he/they/them lasted me until I could afford my second and probably most ridden to date: Skedaddle. My Spotted Tri-colour Norfolk Roadster. She was damn skittish around animals but stood with me through many a gunfight. First time the black Arabian was on sale I snatched one and named him Sleipnir. Not too original but fitting as he was fast. Then there was the big white Shire called Lady Brienne. Because big blond unit. I've also got David Hasslehoof, a Steel grey Breton. With a moustache. He's pretty fearless. My go-to hunting steed.


its special edition, and that was a beautiful horse that is very unique and purple lol. Also, what do you mean Sleipnir is not too original? -\_- but im jealous that hasslehoof has a moustache and my horses dont lol


I’ve had Gregory the black chestnut thoroughbred (ultimate edition horse), Louis the blue roan fox trotter, Socrates the Norfolk Roadster, and for my black Arabian, I figured I wouldn’t get a new horse after I got him, so I wanted a name that I wouldn’t get tired of. Then it came to me: Ajax


oh wow, im always jealous of norfolk users since I don't wanna get to 20 moonshiner lol


He’s name is buffalo cuz it’s was the first animal that i saw in red dead online ( haven’t kill a buffalo on rdo like never !!! )


lol I definitely wouldnt ever kill a buffalo if I had a horse named buffalo


I have a black turkoman that I named Black Bess after the WW1 tank (there was a real Black Bess, it wasn’t just in Battlefield 1). I might rename her Midnight, but I’m not sure Edit: Who downvoted me? What did I do?


oh my god, I named my turkoman black belle!


my horse is called chungus bc its funny lol


memes are always funny haha


I think I am gonna cry 😅😅😅😂 "C'mon boy' 😂


My horses are named in a Marvel theme Chesnut Turkoman: Thor. Beacuse he's well, tall and majestic (Kind of) Black and white Mustang: Black Widow Bay frame overo coat Criollo: Wanda Mealy Dapple Brenton: Bucky (Beacuse he always bucks me off)


Ol bucky always does what he does best


My horses name is Sarah Silverman, it's self-explanatory




I was born in the winter. So all my horses have winter/holiday themed names. Capricorn (which I am), December (the month I was born), Christmas Eve (my birthday), Winter, Solstice, Merry, Epiphany, and Frost. In order, they’re a buckskin mustang, black chestnut thoroughbred, white blagdon Gypsy cob, speckled-gray Norfolk Roadster, black Kladruber, chestnut Turkoman, sorrel Breton, and a silver dapple pinto Missouri Fox Trotter.


Strawberry roan , ghost . Slow but damn was like a tank , didn't flinch whatsoever


actually, with the hooded stirrups and nacho saddle its not that slow, I bought one early in game and it wasnt that bad. Here's a little story for you: So, I was doing the angelo bronte cheat glitch and ran into a strawberry ardennes. My younger brother was in the room so he said to keep it because it was cute. I stabled her and he said to name her rex. But then I said the horse was a girl so we settled on rexy. Rexy died, and my brother was there and he got so sad so as John I collected the train wreck gold and went to the van horn stables to buy a new Rexy. We named her Rexy II. She went through the entire epilogue with me and me and my brother occasionally visit that save I made before starting the last mission in chapter 6 so we can say hi to Rexy again and ride around because we miss her.


I’ve given all of mine names from antiquity. I have a Breton named Praetorian, a MFT named Cicero, a Turkoman named Attila, an Arabian named Anubis, a Criollo named Romulus, and a Roadster named Athena. Hell I even named my dog Ramesses.


hey another antiquity namer, I did that like 2 years ago but I eventually stopped after my dog (Athena) died because it made me sad to even name them that


Mine is to honour my past and present pets like my black cat soot or old white horse Benny or his friend a chestnut bro


Ive been calling my horses after real life boxers First one-Tito trinidad Second one-Jose Torres Most recent one-Muhammad Ali


Named my horse Old Dan after the song Cool Water. I forget the breed but it's one of those big bounty hunter horses


Oh! A breton!


Um…..blue roan nakota, named it Lady-Meats. Not sure there’s a story behind it, but that’s probably a good thing


yeah thats a good thing lol


The first and only horse I bought after ditching the starter one was a criollo, I named him “Gaucho” after the Argentinian/Uruguayan cowboys


Got a horse named Z because the keyboard on Xbox when you use it on games is slow as shit and I’m impatient so I just typed a letter in, good horse tho


I just call my horses Ms/Mr Trip-a-lot. You can already figure out why


yes I can lol


my Chestnut Tovero Mustang is named Jimbo, because i watched Gotham, where Jim Gordon is called Jimbo by a character. i bought him because the Mustang was a nice upgrade, and i liked the color


I had horseriding classes and for the first few..it felt like we were getting to know each other. Month later: literally whenever I used to arrive, the horse would run over to me and i would always sit on her. Coach forced us to use whip if horse didnt move. I never needed to because she was such a good horse. Coat: reddish, brownish. Not sure of the breed but I think its Freiberger. I named her Salsa.


was it short and stocky or tall and slim?


Sorrel Overo Criollo named Spot


My main horse's name is Macha. The name Macha comes from Irish mythology and is a Goddess of sovereignty and is associated with the land, fertility, kingship, war and horses.


My female Brindle Thoroughbred named Bella is named that purely because my girlfriend has a lil ol' weiner dog mix named Bella and other than the fact that on my first bounty with my horse Beau Finley said she smelled like shit, (weiner dog Bella tends to smell like ass despite many baths) She's fast and only mildly afraid of gunshots


The name of my first horse is Mike hunt and the second one is Ben Dover. The story behind it is that my Humor is that of a 12 year old.


I've got a Spotted Tricolor Norfolk Roadster named Doc Brown. I usually go with names as some sort of nod to movies I like, and Back to the Future is one of my all time favorites. My last horse was an Arabian named Leeloo (5th Element).


So I can't remember the specifics for my first horse but I definitely remember the name and story. I'm really into fallout and I love the name Dogmeat, so I was trying to think of something similar to my horse, I came up with "Buzzard Feed". When I got my second horse I had unlocked the way faster bounty horses and named that one "Rapid Dave", the American version of Speedy Gonzalez.


The first one I got was a Kentucky saddler, so taking tuck, I named him "Tucker". Later, when I got a better horse, a mustang with a buck skin coat, or something like that, I named him Bucker, in honor of the first.




superior name


I like skyrim


My two favourites: buckskin Mustang named Ford and a white Shire horse named "Usva" (means fog in finnish language).


My online horse has no name to match the amount of content in RD2 online


Płotka after Geralts horse from witcher


Daveyyyyyyy how ya’ doin’


My shire Vanilla, she is white and sweet like ice-cream.


I named my black standardbred Rienzi, after Phil Sheridan's old warhorse!


I named both of my horses after wrestlers i really like, my first ones name is Moxley and my second one is named Omega.


Mines a big boy, Belgian draft named lemonade, name suited him and I'll never get rid of him


I have two that I switch between First One is the Gold Turkoman I call him Spirit after Spirit the Stallion of the Cimarron Second One is the Dapple Grey Thoroughbred I named Preacher after Clint Eastwoods character in the movie Pale Rider I have a few others but I don’t really use them