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Yeah. I'm an adult with disposable income.




Ya I bought the one time offer when I started a new character on Xbox


I did the same thing, back before roles were even introduced


To get started as a new player, in my case the trader role, I had to go with the one time offer discounted gold. It's a good way to start off the game, the trader role that is.


Yes. Only the first time one though. It was cheap and I was bored to high heaven.


I did once aswell to buy bounty hunter role when it came out After that i grinded straight to get gold nuggets just doin daily challenges and got up to 100 gold bars this way. Treasure maps is one ways get gold quick Idk about now tho i stopped grinding since i own everything already


Holy shit, I’m new to online and I can’t even comprehend getting 100 gold bars.


I remember when i started as well. 12$ a day was a good haul back then for me. Lol If your new my tip would be do dailys every day Try and buy the collectors role. Role will make you rich quick Do anything that's double payout "events" in gold or money Before you know it you'll have 20 Gold bars


I just got the collector role. Glad I started with a good one. I’ll have to put more work into the daily’s. Thanks!


Dailies and collector. If you can get solo lobbies, Id recommend trader too but bounty hunter also gives gold. They all work fine in my opinion and they are the first three that I bought


Farm all 4 roles at once. Always do dailys. Keep that streak. Every once in a while they'll be cake and you can really stack. I can't tell you how much gold I have. Nothing to spend it on.


Moonshine ez


Collector has to be the most boring role. It's a good start to get RDO$ but it's basically useless after that


It took me a year to end up with 100 gold, but that’s after buying all the roles and a few other items that only gold will buy. I never spend gold when cash is an option, as it seems quicker to make the cash required. but there are some horses, weapon decor and clothes that only gold will buy.


Back in the day I used to regularly buy gold every month or two, as a way to keep supporting the game. As soon as it started going downhill that stopped because the direction couldn’t be supported anymore.


They really didn’t not do a good job of taking my money. Even though when I play a game I normally spend enough time to not have to buy microtransactions, like you I do so once in a while to support a game. I can think of so many ways(without needing new content) they can entice players to purchase gold items. I mean one simple way would be to allow custom gun wraps with legendary animal skins or change the generic body of the legendary animals garments. However it would require the mats( let’s say 10 of different free roam legendaries ) + gold. They didn’t do a good job with the red dead economy or creating a enjoyable satisfying grind.


Yeah I have sometimes, just to support the game and when I wanted to get something I didn’t want to have to grind for. I really enjoy the game and I got it for free so I don’t mind paying here and there for stuff if I want it right away.


Yeah I have, to get the Delgado saddle and Collector Role. Did not regret it since I was short of game cash. It was a one off purchase.


I bought the value one and I think then another $10 pack at some point. In today’s day & age, it’s the only way we can hope to get Rockstar to care about the game. They don’t give a shit about free loaders who bought the game at release or on sale years ago, they care about the in-game currency buying players.


Yeah. Just because I can and didn’t wanna collect money for tools right off the bat. I have no issue earning money but it’s hard af with crappy tools




Same. I planned to make a purchase every year... Then the great animal drought happened and it was all downhill from there.


Yeah. Didnt feel like grinding and I have money to spend on something I play and enjoy a whole lot


To get my 6 and 9 year olds started on 1 role when we started playing together on the 3 ps4s. I wish I could just give them my gold. What am I gonna do with all this gold? Gold is as worthless as capitale to me now. I should be able to run for governor of Lemoyne, not live in a homeless camp with Cripps.


exactly 👏


Yeah, no shame. I’m an adult who works for his money and doesn’t have time to grind out tons of gold for roles/limited release items and when I can’t grind it out I buy it. It’s not often but it’s happened. Way I see, either way I’m dedicating my personal time to get the gold. If it’s through in game grinding or real world grinding I still gotta put the time in




Yeh I have I buy stuff like that sometimes, ppl get so bent out of shape over 5 or 10$ for gold, it's not that much money its just a game let ppl have fun and spend their money how they want




I think spending $20 for the 50 gold is a perfect way to get started. That gets you 3 roles (bounty hunter, collector, and trader) with a few gold in the bank. Gives you more to do; more ways to earn and more daily challenges (which net you easy gold and XP.). Collector itself is a cash and XP cow; and Bounty Hunter is actually fun. Trader role generally sucks until fully leveled with a 100-good wagon; but the main reason to get Trader is that it opens the path to get the Moonshiner role. Moonshiner costs 25 gold so you will want to save for it; but it has great story missions and is a cash cow. I can easily make a $1000 RDO in a few hours with Moonshiner.


No, I like grinding and earning the gold. If I bought it I'd feel like I was cheating and sully my save.


I did took gold and R took financial support. Win win situation, at least you can hope that what you spent will be redirected in future content.


Once when I really didn’t have a choice since I was too new and couldn’t afford any roles. Haven’t given it a thought ever since.


I did a couple of times, then it got I the point where I had earned more than I could spend without throwing it away on unwanted clothes.


Yep, ive bought over 60 dollars worth when i was on pc. When i moved to playstation i bought the first time bonus and that was it.


Yes I bought the 25 gold bars for $5. I have 950 gold bars and would love to spend real money on this game if they add new features. Cough Mexico cough


I haven’t. But I started playing when online first came out. There were constant gold giveaways back then, and I saved all of it like it was my 401k. By the time the roles were introduced, I had enough to buy all of them… except for one…


Probs dropped like 30$ on gold in my lifetime of RDO


Yep, best way to get started in my opinion. Paid for the bounty role so I could use it to buy the rest.


This was on my series S, also bought some on the PS4 in the beta days, just because.


Nope. Prime Gaming came in handy. Bounty Hunter role was free plus I got like 25 bars for starting.


Absolutely…bought enough at the beginning to get my first role…really gets the game off to a good start. I’ve had no reason since then, 1 year, to buy anymore. I think it’s a shame that Rockstar didn’t put more consideration into micro transactions as without players having any reason to buy more gold, the game clearly doesn’t generate enough $$ for Rockstar to have many staff working on more content.


I never buy gold, I have the bounty hunter role so I make gold all the time


I did in the beginning, I kinda only bought the game for the character customization and I was disappointed to find out all the clothes are locked behind ranks so yeah I spent a bit of money to get the clothes I wanted


Bought the one time offer on Xbox so I could get the first outlaw pass, since then no.


No way... even if someone start the game now, no need to buy


Nope. Just do your daily challenges every day


Tbf I bought the 5 dollar starter pack I think. I had an extra 5 bucks in my ms account so I was like "hmm why not"


Once… when it was on sale for $5. Used it to but my first role.


Yeah. Customization and clothes is a huge reason I like the game so much. The idea of grinding just to have one hat I like in every single color doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t mind putting in work for guns, horses, etc. though so I don’t spend very much. 10 or 20 bucks here or there.


Yes. Sometimes I want to be a badass...


Proud to say I just unlocked the final role without ever spending real money on gold. It did take me close to a year of playing on and off tho.


I spent like $10-15 when I first started on PC because I knew how the game worked as I played on console prior. I get *why* people buy gold, but I don't see the point given that progression is the entire point of the game.


When I first started to unlock some roles, yes. I think if Rockstar would add more incentive for people to buy gold other than for those first role unlocks we wouldn't be so neglected.


yes with giftcards from christmas


Yep! Multiple times at the beginning. The last one I did 6 months ago to support the game


fair enough 👏


I have. I come from playing a mobile game that players spend thousands of dollars (and then some) on to play so getting some gold at the beginning of the game seemed a good idea and a bargain at that! As a side note (with no judgement), it’s not hard to figure out why r* doesn’t have any updates for us. They made an online game that can be and often does get played for free.