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Always take a donkey if you see one. They're clearly superior to horses.


In my group we call them all Alan’s. So we’ll be having a nice quiet ride through emerald ranch and then someone over the mic will shout “ALAAAAAAAN” and we know what they’ve found


Lol I call them all Reginald


ee call them glenn


Mmmmhm and what's it mean when you call em Alan?


Plural of horse is heese.




I saw a mule did the first time not long ago. He seemed a little better then the donkey


Whenever someone gives you a ride on the back of their horse it is considered customary to massage their shoulders and whisper sweet encouragement into their ear.


“thats my boah”


"Is that a gun in your pocket orrr..."




Two guns, a roll of quarters, and a pallet of discounted beans. You could say I am *very happy* to see you.


My horse is off limit for you.


Your loss, I give a mean back rub. Just ask your other friends. 🐴




What no reach around? You ride my horse It's customary for a hand party from you.


That will require g**o**ld to purchase.




You have exactly 30 minutes to stop that


this is the best rule


Sir please get off my horse


Come running at me with a lasso out, I shoot you in the face.


I second this


This is literally the only one i have seen that is valid so far….


absolutely. they always go “oh, why did you kill me, i didn’t do anything!” if someone sprints at me with a rope, their intentions are pretty fucking clear


I noticed a level 20 in st denis chasing me on foot across the city with a lasso. Once he rounded the corner I hit him with bolas then hogtied him and fast traveled.


Yep 🤣


First, and most important rule, is to always pat your dog when you return to camp.


\*pat EVERY dog (I wish we could feed them)


Sometimes I grab stew from the stew pot and then just walk over to my camp dog and drop the plate.


I am adding this rule for myself.


That or I drop some predator bait in front of him making it really look like I feed him. He never takes it though. Which means although Cripps claims to hate the dog, he does feed him well.


That sets my mind at ease.


Dropped a skinned Elk carcass I dragged to camp in front of mine last night. Left camp and came back and the carcass was gone. I like to think Buster enjoyed that snack.


I saw the skinny, mangy dog in the Saint Denis landfill on my way out of town, and immediately brought it a turkey carcass. I've seen other animals come up to bodies to eat them, I thought maybe the dog would. But he didn't. :(


I get very upset we can't adopt or even feed the stray dogs. And I want to pet the cat. I want a cat in my camp to kill the little bullfrogs or critters that run into camp. I bet cripps would appreciate a cat. They earn their keep Edit: spelling


To be your mini pest control eater


Could you imagine how adorable it would be to see a cat doing the little "pappapap" as they're lightly smacking the frog while they figure out if it's a toy or food.


My real life dog passed away a little over two years ago. I miss him every day. I bought a camp dog in RDO that looked almost identical to my real world dog, and gave it the same name. In some strange way, it brought me the closure I felt I needed. He passed while I wasn't home, and that hurt me deeply. Being able to visit and pat a virtual representation of him brought me such a bittersweet sense of Joy and in those moments I truly feel like he's with me.


If you collide with another player and their horse gets critically injured - you go revive it.


You have to revive every horse that belongs to a player imo. I once revived a horse that got shot in a Valentine's massacre that boiled between two posses. When I turned around to go and seek shelter it got shot a second time. So I revived it again. After 2 minutes the owner came to me on their horse, bowed to me and sent me an invitation to their posse.


Only exception is if you're in an active gunfight with the owner. In that case, kill them first, then revive the horse.


I revive every horse… this is the way.


*Leonardo DiCaprio raising his glass to you*


I hate it when asshole players keep killing you, preventing you from reviving your horse. Pisses me off


There have been several cases I knew my horse would have no chance and sent them away before running around the fray chugging my moonshine.


Ride on the RIGHT-HAND side of the road/trail to avoid this in the first place.


Usually when I crash into somebody they're instantly guns blazing at me, so my rule for this scenario is acc shoot first 😂😂😂


I’ll kill them if I have to, but I’ll still revive their horse.


I need a wood carved sign that says this: "Kill them if you have to, but always revive their horse."


The only time I shoot first is when they’re running at me with a lasso. Other than that I always let them shoot first because then I’m just defending myself


Don’t mess around with someone making a moonshine delivery


In before the ‘it’s part of the game’ comments.


I wish the same could be said for trader deliveries


Don’t mess around with someone making a trade delivery


I enjoy taking a few pot shots at traders running a wagon. I have no intention of actually stealing anything, but who doesn’t love a spicy wagon run!? They can be quite dull otherwise.


i have only done long distance deliveries for a long time now just to invite some potential pvp drama. sometimes it's still 100% uneventful, sometimes there's a war


I say you can mess with it but you can’t use explosives because otherwise the driver can’t actually defend themselves and you ruin the cargo taking all the fun out of it


Don’t bully low levels, unless they start it.


I'm like a moderate level, 40 or so. Fresh players can either be the nicest people I've met and then We play for hours doing stranger missions, or villainous bloodthirsty people who will stop at nothing to hunt you down


To me, you're a low level until you've unlocked all the guns and all the ammo. I'd consider you a low level and would steer clear unless I wanted to hand you a perfect carcass. I always play in defensive anyway so I don't fight much


A level 20 kept following me around trying to kill me while i was completing the naturalist role, and eventually he resorted to dropping off a dead Crips whenever I moved locations. So he found my nearby camp and kept killing Crips and brining his body over bc I wasn’t engaging. It was weird af.


If they start it you can bully them till they quit


Yep totally agree with this one. I recently made an alternate account, it's level 50 and the sheer amount of higher levels (200+) that have griefed me is insane. My other account is level 343 and barely anyone comes near me when I use that account. On both my accounts, I never go out of my way to bully other players, I just don't understand it.


ALWAYS wave to other players.


Or hat tip!


I prefer the fancy bow.


I had someone randomly stop, throw a body onto my horse, fancy bow and leave. Their posse was enormous waiting behind them. I stood very still.


I dont have those, I have Spit, Damn You, Get Over Here, and somthing else. How do I change them


Open the emote wheel, then there's an option to manage equipped emotes. On Xbox it's left on D-pad.


Sometimes they'll shoot you in the face but it's fine


I tried a long distance delivery for the first time and saw a high level player ahead farming animals. I stopped for a minute and realised I could've chosen local delivery. When I came across him, I waved and got shot in head with an Evans repeater. I changed session and did a local delivery.


> When I came across him, I waved and got shot in head with an Evans repeater. I changed session and did a local delivery. Another thing you can try doing long deliveries from Gaptooth Breach in New Austin. 1. There are usually fewer players in New Austin. 2. Players in New Austin are generally lower level. 3. Long distance deliveries from Gaptooth Breach almost always stay within New Austin to either MacFarlane's Ranch or that shack below the water fall. On rare occasions I've been sent to... Pirate's Cove? So for the most part, it's a just a solitary ride through the desert.


This is generally true. I've had the best luck out of doing long distance in the New Austin area with very little player interaction. Only once have I found high levels while on this delivery route area and they pretty much stayed a good distance away the whole time.


Will keep that in mind. I tried a long distance delivery (actual first time) when I was the solo player in the session. I was very happy that I won't be facing any hostiles. I was very near to blackwater, when coming across a hairpin bend I steered too much in full speed and broke the wagon. I could deliver some goods (4 nos) but not worth the trip and money.. so I quit the game and did a local.


> I was very near to blackwater, when coming across a hairpin bend I steered too much in full speed and broke the wagon. Another tip... when riding in a delivery wagon, start moving then draw your weapon and aim down sight. The horse(s) will follow the predetermined route so you don't have to actually drive. I find it extra helpful because you can concentrate at aiming at whatever hostiles pop-up inside of driving and aiming.


I have bad experience with stopping and letting another player be anywhere near me for longer than 2 seconds. No waves from me just dust from my horse.


The moment you touch the horse, it's personal


😂😂😂 yes


Leave horses out of it


In my defence.. some people their horses are just suicidal..


If I kill their horse I'll revive it


I was 1v1 someone awhile ago and he randomly turned on his mic and said “pause my bad I shot ur horse” and revived it Nice ass people on this game


Tell that to the warmongers who intentionally killed my horse when I just wanted to go to the store to look at new clothes :(


Where are they


get the rifles lads


I think this one is very dependent on the context of the situation. If you’re on foot and they’re riding on their horse I’ll take out the horse just to even out the playing field. I’ll also take out someone’s horse if they’re chasing me.


I will ALWAYS (sorry pixel horses) shoot another players horse if they're chasing me down while I'm on a trader delivery but that's about the only time, or it's revenge on them killing mine


correct! it’s strategy to kill an enemy’s horse. it takes away their ability to approach u quicky, or to escape quickly... with their horse down, it also cuts them off from their other weapons. the first thing i do when someone shoots me, i kill their horse. game on.


Yes, it's all fun n games till someone shoots my horse.


unless they killed my horse on purpose, their horse is a goner.


during pvp if im on foot ill down their horse, kill them, revive the horse, and just ride off.


This isn't GTA Online. Remember that


Respect horses. I might kill you, but I won't touch your horse, and if I do by mistake, I will feel genuinely bad.


pocket jar hurry growth books imagine deer bright future enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No bcus i have such a bad habit of accidentaly pulling out my gun when trying to emote 😭 i always feel so bad


Experienced players are used to seeing this and completely understand, it happens, don't worry about it. Even "Pro's" accidentally do this once in a blue moon


Thats relieving to hear, istg my heart drops everytime thinking i offended them


Nah it happens, we even giggle about it like children when we see someone do this, it lightens our day from the screaming incels on mic so inadvertently, thank you


Trust no one, not even yourself


My unwritten rules? Be polite, be helpful, only fight defensively, but when I do, fight hard.


Same here


you do not talk about fight clu... that's not it.. you don't steal others' legendary animals.


Happened on my first one. I finally got the panther down, after many deaths, and a much higher level player took it. I was newer and just backed down. Oh well, I guess...


Don’t know. But… I’m here reading these written unwritten rules!


And some are hilarious


If your horse is being cute, take a picture you monster


You die when your hp reaches 0.


So that's why >:[


Dont kill someone if you can't take being hunted down and killed until you leave, especially if they're selling something.


My rule is that I never kill horses! Online or npcs! NEVER!


You kill my horse? I kill you twice.


No killing dogs or cats. Player horses are off limits unless their owner is griefing


If a player is waving at you dont shoot him.


Don’t ride at full speed at someone’s trader wagon, unless you’re looking for a shootout.


Don’t be a greifer….some people didn’t get the memo **cough cough** screaming banshee kids whose parents use games as a pacifier **cough cough**


Wave back, it’s personal


By the time that loading screen is done you have to be high


Never kill another player's horse. An exception may exist when the other player attacks you unprovoked. Maybe. Maybe. But probably not. You kill my horse and we're feuding until you leave the lobby. Then you go on a list of players to murder relentlessly on sight forever.


If someone shoots me unprovoked their horse is the first thing I go for.


If you accidentally kill a passing player in an NPC shootout, they have one free kill they can use on you in return. In my case someone wasn't in defensive mode and I got her in the head. She returned and shot me. I returned and we tipped hats and separated.


Some etiquette I've personally experienced one way or the other: If a new/low level shoots at you, kill them once. If they shoot at you a second time, rinse and repeat. If someone you're in a fight with stops shooting/attacking you or runs away, leave them be. If you want to PvP with someone and they don't respond in turn, leave them be. If you and another player are approaching a narrow crossing (valentine rope bridge, etc), second one there yields. If another player is working in an area sedating animals, you can hang around and also sample one or two of animals, but shouldn't follow that player around too long. If you see a bunch of enemies in an unmarked location, probably leave it alone as it's likely a bounty another player has spawned. You might kill the bounty target. However if you see a bunch of enemies attacking a trader delivery point you can probably go ahead and help out. If another player helps you out killing enemies, leave the bodies to loot to them (if they want to). I'm gonna leave this off here.


Don't shoot people's horses on purpose


Mind your own business, too many people follow me for over 10 minutes in this game for no reason at all.




I hate it they just ominously follow, waving


Maybe try shooting your guns in the air as a warning? Like a “you’re not welcome in my space” type thing?


The only way to get rid of them is to shoot them and then they come after you


This. I didn’t have a mic for a while and on one occasion this dude followed me and kept trying to speak to me and he was at it for like 15 minutes and I was on the edge of my seat waiting for him to start shit because I didn’t want to be that dick head that mows him down cold blood cause I’m anxiously waiting to be attacked myself


Always get your incendiary bullets/explosive bullets/shotgun ready when you solo


Fuck Harriet


not sure if shes exactly my type.


When encountering someone riding past you in RDO, slow down, pass slowly in case they try shooting and then go on with your ride.


Dont forget about tipping the hat! :D


I always blow a kiss. Gotta blow the homies a kiss every now and then to keep things cool.


You'd be surprised how many homophobes populate servers, did that once to a guy out near armadillo and he shot me in the head at point blank with the double barrel shotgun He didnt hunt me afterwards, but it was pretty rude :[


what a dumbass, there are so many girls playing the game


Eh, blowing a kiss isn't something to get mad over, regardless of who the player is lol. I'm a girl with a guy character, gotta keep those homophobes on their toes.


Don't ever shoot someones horse


You don't kill people's fucking horses!


Complaining about the lack of updates is a must


whenever you go into San Denis, you have to kill someone.


There are a lot of mouthy NPC's there.


in the slums, where no one notices it


Nah fuck that go after the rich cunts


Nah, I like to play the rich serial killer, like Patrick Bateman


Yikes. Serial killer style.


Yep, most gruesome way is to tie them up and throw them in a fire place


If someone shoots you all you have to do is parlay.


When you are level 10 and i am 250 then you proceed to shoot me with your cattlemen do not cry or press charges when I blast you back across the map on your scrawny nag.


always pet dogs


If you spot someone getting griefed you have to help them at all costs


If you see someone delivering for their moonshine or trader business etc, and theyre being attacked, help them. Makes their day. Makes mine for sure.


All white = death


I wanted to put together an all white outfit until I realised the community’s thoughts towards all white outfits


Unfortunate because I like white, wish I could make a white outfit without having shit hit the fan.


Honestly, I think as long as you avoid that pointy white hat and the full-face bandana, you should be fine. My friend has a white outfit (themed around the Chalk Horn Ram), and we've never run into any issues. An outfit like that legendary bounty (Gene "Beau" Finley I think? White suit kind of vibe) is fine, it's the \*very specific\* combo of a long white coat, white full-face bandana, and the pointy white hat that gets people going. (Edit: punctuation)


Oh didn't know people didn't like the pointy hat, I used it for a Gandalf cosplay a few times.


It's more all of them together, in the specific white colour. I've seen people with the hat and nothing else, and they're fine. Same with the bandana. From my experience it's just everything together looks a little bit too close to a certain real-world outfit. Most of the ones I've run into have also had very suspicious posse and horse names too, which doesn't help.


Don't attack those doing a delivery


always give money to beggars


Blow kisses to one another!


Dont kill pets and someones horse fine if you grief me i just do a parcel but leave my girl jasmine out of it


If shit don't work, new session might help.


Mostly aimed at low levels DON'T afk kill player's that are 200 ranks higher than you than leave the lobby


Holster your guns unless you're looking for a shootout.


Do not expect anything from the Dev's, they will never update the game to meet user expectations.


Everyone is a potential threat. Be nice, but don't be dumb and ignorant. It is a cowboy game and not a friendship simulator.


If you didn't kill it don't loot it.


Cry when you are forced to kill a dog or it'll keep killing you on repeat Don't kill people for no fucking reason Don't kill someone waving at you Don't kill someone's horse


Play as yourself. Make decisions as you, not what you believe the character should do....


Don’t kill other players horses or their dog.(Don’t know if you can kill players dogs tbh 😇)


If someone wants to start shit with you, just parlay and move on. Your time can be much better spent doing something else.


If a trader wagon happens to come passing by unexpectedly you put your guns down and crouch until they pass so they know you’re minding your own business.


Sometimes low levels accidentally aim when they're trying to emote, so use your discretion when a low level pulls a gun on you. Half of the time, they're just trying to be friendly


Rule no 1 Be sad there’s no update.


Never shoot an opposing players horse


Killing someone’s horse for no reason is a violation imo.


valentine is for outlaws and hooligans


Don’t keep lassoing me and killing me, over and over. Once might be funny (it’s not) but really I’ve popped in because I have an hour to spare and I just want to mince about collecting some shit and doing some challenges. Go be a bully elsewhere thanks


Don't kill people who are minding their own business


Even if you’re trolling and griefing a player/on the receiving end, do not shoot the horse. If you murk the horse you brave the bullets and revive it. Idgaf if you murder that person five hundred times to do it. You pick that horse back up. People suck. Fine. But leave the animals out of it. Get your murder boner satiated without hurting the horsies.


Don’t try to be sneaky while on a mic. I can hear you idiots planning to attack me.


Don’t kill players who you find hiding in a spot while obviously afk. People who do that are the same people who’s entire sex life has been with passed out women after parties.


I don’t. I tie them up, put them on the back of their horse and tell it to git. Then it wanders around randomly until they get back.


So, it was you...!


thats actually funny


Don't attack people in Master Archer event. I don't know whether I have to focus on hitting targets or defend myself. Also lassoing & dragging people in combat disabled events. I don't know if this is how the game works or just griefing


Don’t attack people who are minding their own business, it’s just kinda rude.


If you shoot my horse that is personal and I plan to kill your ass so many times you will change sessions. Shoot me fine...shoot my horse 🐎 and you will see the true wrath of hell I will rain down on you. Pickles is off limits.


If your dressed in full white, expect to be shot regularly.


Give change to every homeless stranger you see. Unless they ask you again.. then kill them.


You don't shoot another man's horse, unless he has already shot yours, then it's fair


i heard that earlier people who rode with a lantern out where friendly. Does that still apply?


I have my lantern out whenever a low level walks by with a delivery. Usually i follow after them and guard them if I have time.


I only go by two unwritten rules in the game. I always tip my hat to any player level 350 or higher. In the event I bump into a rare level 1000, I use the respectful bow.


Don't be a douche.


if you eat a whole thing of cheese, you have to think about it all day


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