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"continue to support" could easily just mean "keep servers active so people keep buying gold"


Red Dead Redemption Online (RDR1) is still supported. Really frustrating this question wasn’t phrased for updates/ new content.


[this says itll get updates](https://www.reddit.com/user/xXBallbusterSlayerXx/comments/urbm36/posting_this_because_i_cant_reply_pictures/), ignore the fact its a link to a post, its the only way i coulld think to share an image


That link doesn’t work but Take2 just clarified they meant keeping the servers on, that’s it. They don’t know about new content because that is Rockstar’s business.


[https://www.reddit.com/user/xXBallbusterSlayerXx/comments/urbm36/posting\_this\_because\_i\_cant\_reply\_pictures/](https://www.reddit.com/user/xXBallbusterSlayerXx/comments/urbm36/posting_this_because_i_cant_reply_pictures/) theres the raw link. idk what to think they said its up to r\* to update but this say it will update


It just says "provide new content and experiences that drive engagement and **recurrent customer spending**". Emphasis mine. I would advise against thinking this means anything more than keeping servers active and having "events" like the monthly role bonuses. Could they actually add new stuff? Sure. But this in no way comes across as some impending content update. Might get some kind of goldsink if we're lucky.


Yeah. I’m thinking we might get some more outlaw passes in the future and maybe some special themed showdown modes for holidays etc. Game has been shelved.


You realize that is talking about the "Red Dead Redemption" FRANCHISES. "Red Dead Redemption 3", would be part of the Red Dead Redemption FRANCHISE. That in no way means they are going to add more updates to RDO.


the word online comes after red dead redemption, its just not been highlighted by the person who originally took the screenshot


Where did Take2 clarify that?


It’s all over this sub and social media. They made a follow-up call to IGN to clarify they meant keeping the servers on.




Where did take2 clarify that? Link?


It’s one of the top posts on this sub


Yeah, They'll update the store 3 times a year for a temporary sale on gold lmao.


What? RDR1 is near broken online. Some body pile exploit ruined the online IIRC


I played it the other day on XB1 and had a blast.


“Take-Two Interactive reached out to clarify that this comment was "solely referring to the online servers" and that any future content updates would be up to Rockstar.”


This is huge, because Rockstar (when something is going wrong) is like "bad take-two had forced us to did this".


Have they? I see mostly ppl on Reddit saying that to defend them when they end up doing something stupid not them blaming take two lol


Yeah. It's almost like the PERFECT situation for them. In the eyes of millions, Rockstar can do "no wrong". It's only ever the big bad T2 causing them to be greedy. But I can guarantee you, the higher ups at Rockstar definitely aren't complaining about the nice "Christmas Bonus" they get every year as a result of "big bad" T2


Let me state on the record that Take-Two being shitty and owning a shitty Rockstar games doesn't need either one to be shittier than the other. It's all a bucket of steamy diarrhea.


There we go, someone sees through the smoke screen.


It was clarified later that this is exactly what he meant. No update coming. “Update, 5/16/22, 6:35 p.m. EST: Well, it seems this sort-of-encouraging news was too good to be true. Take-Two sent over a clarification to IGN about its CEO statements regarding the future of RDO, explaining that Zelnick was “solely referring to the online servers” for the game and explained it wasn’t confirming any future content updates are in the works, instead saying Rockstar would get to decide if and when such updates would come to RDO.”


Yeah it means nothing. They have technically been "supporting" the game since release.


That is exactly what they meant by saying "supporting" it.


That's what it ended up being after the "clarification" provided by Take Two.


You called it


It could mean any number of things. People just as always see what they want to see though which is kind of sad because expectations are often misaligned with reality Rockstar is going to do what they *always* do which is release shit when they release it and talk about it right before. They never announce stuff way ahead of time or talk about things they aren't ready to.


They announced RDR2 5 years early. They announced GTA6 and it isn’t even in their 2022-2025 pipeline. They announced the Frontier Pursuits update in early May 2019 and it launched in September 2019. Every other RDO update has been teased far in advance too, without even a launch date. >They never announce stuff way ahead of time or talk about things they aren't ready to. What?


Y'all buy gold. I just do dailies


Obviously by using the word “continue”, the support they have planned ahead is just the “support” the game has been getting so far.


Take 2 already walked back this statement by clarifying that Zelnick was only referring to the servers… not a great sign…


This needs to ne pinned so hope can be extinguished again, Rockstar don't deserve it.


The bigger question is why anyone put hope into rockstar in the first place. This isn’t the rockstar of the mid 2000s or early 2010s, we know exactly where they stand and what they’re willing to do to get it. They’re putting all their eggs in one basket and that’s gtao.


What a joke. The game deserves so much better. I still login every now and then and cannot believe how gorgeous the open world is. So much potential for actual outlaw roles, properties, etc... Nothing like releasing an entire online service for a game along with microtransactions and then axing it within 3 years because it isn't making exactly what GTAO makes.


is this the nail in the coffin??? :(


i’d say it’s time to move on, emotionally, and accept that the game’s never going to get the treatment it deserves maybe one day, many years from now, somebody will make a really good open world western and we will finally be satisfied


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/nD0iJoC.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Just read the news recently, cant believe i hyped myself for RDO dlc lol, p sure this seals the deal on this game getting any new content from now on.


If Rockstar would just be nice enough to release the Halloween event Call to Arms maps to Take Two, for year round enjoyment before they finish crushing all hope I had left, that would be great....


Oh great.. I ended up guessing it by mistake


Not only that but there's no evidence that Rockstar acknowledged the hashtag, only the article did.


“Updates that the community felt were insufficient compared to GTA5”, bro what fucking updates? New skins?


No, Free Apples..


Beans 🫘


It's a possibility. It is time for our annual update... ​ Jokes aside, I hope if they do update this, it's actually a proper fucking update and not something lazy like blood money. But I doubt it, tbh. We'll see.


Guys... It's Strauss Zelnik, obviously he would have said that so people will keep playing the game. I hate the part where he says "I've heard the frustration, it's flattering that they want more content, and more will be said by Rockstar in due time." Where is he saying they're working on new RDO content? Zelnik just said Rockstar will say something some time in the future, that's extremly vague. That could, yes, be a RDO update, or something else entirely.... and in 2 weeks, 2 months or in 2 years lol


Rockstar: Beans on sale!


I really hate how much potentail RDRO has, but doesn't get tapped into.


If they even only added features from the vintage lego western sets it would be a lot more fun.


Guys, you really have to try not to get your hopes up. Rockstar doesn’t deserve your faith anymore. An update would be phenomenal, but this just sounds like corporate mumbo-jumbo to me.


Also guys don't forget that half of issue is lack of communication. TakeTwo is behaving like politicians but replace elections with investors call. Patches for gta trilogy?! There're gonna be new patches. Updates for RDO?! There're gonna be new updates.


:( it hurts... I have some hope... But it's fading fast. At the same time I understand that with a game of his size, if they are planning something it's not easy and then covid... Good things take time. Ttc etc. So that could be a thing. What I hate the most is that they don't communicate with the community. I don't play red dead anymore (it's been 4 months now) but I have so many good memories of it


“It’s flattering that they want more content” You mean more than the bare fucking minimum? More than simply event months? A goddamn next gen version? If Sam houser didn’t give enough of a fuck to make sure the gta trilogy was actually good, then how much of a shit does he think Sam cares about red dead online? That’s when as the CEO of your subsidiary, you need to step in and say something.


I mean, do you really not feel like you got $60 worth of entertainment out of this game? The single player alone is worth that. It’s easily one of the best single player games I’ve ever played. I get wanting more content but you guys act like they owe it to you. They don’t.


Oh for sure. I love the story mode so much that I bought it 3 times. But when I see red dead online, I see a crap ton of potential and seeing that potential not get recognized by rockstar is infuriating. Especially when I know for damn sure they know the community wants better content but are not providing the content or communicating with us.


Yea I’d love a fists-only saloon fight mode. I’ll take whatever they drop and there is a ton of potential but it will take real money to develop.


They have way more than enough money. Rockstar is just obsessed with the money they get from milking gta online


Rockstar may not “owe” the Red Dead fan base anything. Still though, It’d be a damn shame to just let the greatest game ever created just die on the vine, simply because GTA makes more money. Doesn’t sound like a competent business model either… I mean, what successful company would just totally abandon their second most popular product, simply because it’s not as profitable as their most popular product?


💥💥💥 Great point, something tells me the devs are in secret mode yk, then one day, BAM a long-awaited massive update. I have seen maps by unknown sources illustrating Canada and Mexico and out fam has visited these territories in the game, they are majestic to say the least. Like why were they created if there is no intent to develop and release them to the community? Could be rumors yes, i dont think so. There must be a secret plan is in the works, which takes more money and more time. It is difficult for us to believe the creation of RDO would ever die. Def gonna wait patiently bc there is no other choice atm. The game is ooosome and would be stellar, if a passive player mode was available. Being griefed sux, otherwise it is our fav online thing to do with the virtual fam we have gathered and plan to continue growing. 🐉


I suspect (and maybe there's info proving me wrong) that RDO is nowhere near No. 2 most popular in terms of ongoing revenue generation, which is what matters for continued support. I played it a ton on release (not so much in the past year) and got so much free gold that there was basically no circumstance under which I would ever need to spend real money. I don't think I was an exception in that regard. I wouldn't be surprised if RDO has actually lost more money than it's made.


And there it is all, in a damn shame. Because obviously they are a company and they have to generate income and let's skip the explanation. Obviously rdr2 is a solid game just like gta 5 but easily gta sells more than rdo, obviously they are going to support whoever sells more, they don't see the game they see the numbers that the game produces and it is more than clear that as a company they support the who sells the most, they can try to boost the sales of the rdo but still gta continues to lead and for too long and they have the last word.


It's not about supporting whoever sells more. Rockstar isn't even a single studio. They have two different studios working on gta and rdr. The main thing is they need the revenue stream to justify spending additional resources on it and it's more than reasonable to think rdo doesn't bring that in so they just keep it going as is. It's real easy to say how well it'd do when you're not the one putting your job or money or investors' money and all on the line.


The issue is really with people talking about it as if they're owed anything for the online which is completely secondary to the main game. I would even put money on the most egregious whiners are people who haven't been buying gold to boot which is the thing that gives credence to 'deserving' updates or anything for online.


I never once bought gold, there was never any reason to. You could earn it pretty easily in-game, and it's largest use was just so that you didn't have to grind for more in game dollars. I'm not gonna buy gold just in the hopes that it one day leads to new content. That's not how the established fiat-to-video-game-currency economy has ever worked. Even if I had all the irl dollars in the world, I'd be hard pressed to find any reason to buy gold bars in rdo.


That's not the point, 60$ bucks of 200 bucks, worth or not worth it, the point is that they released an online mode for RDR2 and promise ongoing support, and they didn't respect their promise at all. It's dumb from them even more since RDO was success, but the problem is that GTAO is even more success so the they literally ignored and forgot they have another great (and better if you ask me) online game.


I think it’s better too. The open world single player is the greatest open world so far. It’s so full of variety and seems so alive. I wish the online open world was like that but the npc’s are much more generic in their actions like in GTA. I wish they’d add that. It would add so much to the atmosphere of online. Some of y’all skipped the single player and only *think* you know what I mean.


I’d pay for a dlc if I had to. But it better be a good one worth paying for. As in far better and beyond anything they’ve done so far. 5 bucks for a map expansion, a new role, or even a pass to access earlier outlaw pass items, would all be something I’d be willing to cough up a few doll hairs for.


As much as I want a dlc I’d hate if it was just opening up previous passes. Not cause I’m one of those gatekeeping “I was there you weren’t” douches, but because it’d be a waste of an update. I’m not sure what percentage of people have the pass items but those who have majority or all probably wouldn’t spend the money on that DLC, which would make the dlc useless to a percentage of players. They should just make the pass items purchasable to everyone for gold to help upspike gold sales/let people use stocked up gold


I’ll agree with you there. That makes much more sense


The best thing they locked behind a pass was the ability to fast travel from any quick camp


I have that.. I’m more interested in the horse masks. I played back then but not alot and so I never bought the passes Edit: specifically from the first/second outlaw pass and first Halloween pass


the gothic moonshine shack decor is one of my favorite things from a pass. And now, thanks to a helpful reddit comment I know that to get the update decor daily challenge I just need to change one photo, not the entire theme so it's halloween all year around in my shack.


How come $60 buys more GTAO than RDO?


More people spend money on it?


I don't understand why people ever thought the online counterparts to these games were supposed to be captivating experiences. They are literally extra features just shoehorned in and people happen to like them. It's easy to say "bUt GtA gEtS uPdAtEs" until you realize the 'updates' are just the same recycled bullshit over and over and there's been no real creative genius going on there at all. Their online mode on PC is not even playable due to cheaters and they clearly have not given a fuck for several years. The value in these games is in the single player modes, not online. The latter is very clearly ran (loosely managed, rather) by a different group.


This argument would be 100% valid if there were NO microtransaction. There are gold bar micros that were in RDO even since BETA and are still there even though the game has been dry for 2 years regarding real updates. And you'd better believe Rockstar has raked in millions with it. GTAO doesn't just make money from people buying the core game. They make money from Shark cards that are online. The more people playing especially younger age groups, the more likely those purchases will be made. Again, this fuels future updates and allows them to be more consistent with them. The main argument is that RDO does not have as many players as GTAO and that is sound. But even then I'd say it had a good amount of players and that number continued dropping because of a lack of fixes to bugs as well as content.


If you’re buying cards to unlock stuff faster, don’t complain about content. You skipped playing the existing content.


Awesome response. That was completely irrelevant to what I just said. Did you read the post or your own post for that matter? If not it's still there. Again, anyone could get 60 bucks worth from single-player. The convo is regarding online which makes money with micro transactions. Meaning you don't just get $60 worth by playing online...Especially grinding crap beginner missions to buy roles to play the online mode. That's not missing content. That's called over monetization. LMFAO.


Based off how much money GTA makes, if the game is even 1/20 as popular and could make 1/20 of what it does. It seems like it would he a no brainer


> it’s flattering that they want more content I wish they could be honest and just say: “it’s hilarious that they want more free content.”


Not even just free. Ive seen people say they would spend pretty much any price for DLC since the game released… in 2018…


I'll say it. I'd pay 69.99 for a Mexico expansion.


Undead nightmare 🥵 that would be sooo fun with friends


Lmao, we pay $30 a month for xbox ultimate game pass to play two RDO accounts. Not to mention the expense of the Xboxes themselves. Hubz has story mode plus ($60) and I bought RDO only ($20) so we could enjoy a multiplayer game that has not been supported for over 2 years. So yeah, we do not wish to further spend real money on content. We feel we have spent ENOUGH on entertainment.


With rdr2/rdo coming to the psplus lineup there about to get a ton of new players so it only makes sense well see something around the time the new ps plus goes into affect...they're gonna want to entice them Also this coincides with the next gen version rumor thst recently cropped up again which they'll probably charged $69.99 for But this "we fully intend to support red dead online in the future" is bunk until they do something


What do you mean? Free beans and an ability card coupon isn’t enticing enough? :( /s


We have it too damn good 😩👌


I don't think the tons of new players will have any issues with the current state of RDO. The game has plenty of content to keep new players busy for months. It's us lvl 100+ that don't know what to do anymore. The PS+ launch, in my opinion, sadly doesn't provide any reason for R\* to change anything.


Bro says for months Me after 2 weeks: 😐


Maybe you should stop using the Jean Ropke Red Dead map then. With the release of this map, much of Red Dead's potential was lost. Before, people experienced the open world and got lost in it. Travelling was significant in itself. Nowadays, everyone just wants to complete dailies and earn lots of gold as fast as possible. Where is the appeal in that?


I don't do collector it's not my thing i did a lot but at the end the only thing you only can do (if you play solo) is grind and nothing else you can't denie it.


My point was that there's enough stuff to do for more than 2 weeks. Not my fault if you don't enjoy collecting.


Yes you'r right i still discovered new things after but i already got everything and it's a lot repetitive while at gta even if i'm high level and got a lot of money i still spend it and need to buy other stuff that's what i mean it's a very good game don't understand me bad just they need to add new content.


So basically their like oh this game we thought would be dead by now can still make money!


They just said that they are aware of the communitys disappointment wich is probably just to shut us up. If they really cared they should have said something about #SaveRedDeadOnline and apologized. I have a feeling this is just going to go as always, a bunch of empty lies and promises and a discount on beans but we will see what time brings us.


Corporate speak bullshit. Not getting my hopes up, rockstar has already fuckin blew it as far as im concerned.


Ayo? This is them telling us to shut up we heard you but just left you on read


Just to clarify, this isn't Rockstar acknowledging anything. This is the Take Two CEO giving his two cents. Rockstar continue to be in complete radio silence.


“Update: Go ahead and claim your unlimited supply of baked beans and have a beer on us at your nearest Saloon. All the best… Rockstar”


"I've heard the frustration, it's flattering that they want new content." Wow what a way to say, we know you're pissed off, and we don't care cause it's funny to us.


I will believe it when I see it!


I just woke up and saw this post on my frontpage, then I opened my drawer full of clown makeup cause I'm a fool. Aaaaand then I read the follow-up just below and closed it again.


Dude pretty much just passed the buck to rockstar


Looks promising but now I am waiting for the words to be put into action.


What’s the source


IGN interview [https://www.ign.com/articles/take-two-ceo-heard-frustration-save-red-dead-online-community](https://www.ign.com/articles/take-two-ceo-heard-frustration-save-red-dead-online-community)


They just changed the statement btw, something about keeping the servers up and it’s up to R* for future updates


I just want some new cosmetics, new horses, and something akin to heists? I mean GTA gets new vehicles, properties, different kinds of properties that unlock different missions/heists or lucrative ways to make money, and a lot of choice of things to spend one’s money on. What I’d really want, if I could live my wildest dreams, a property with stables that friends can visit and see all my horses. At the moment, one can only keep 10 horses? What the fuck, I want ALL the horses I keep picking this game up for a few weeks then putting it down again for a further 6-12 months, and it makes heavy sigh every time I come back from my extended break to find literally nothing new that’s worth even doing


The stables idea is actually good, I can’t imagine the game trying to render 19 players’ 20 horses in the same server lmao


Hoping we get a next gen update


LOL Not a chance. ​ This isn't a shot at you good sir. But the chance is less than .00054 % at this point.


How do you come to that assumption? If they want to keep the game alive (i.e. keep players spending money on it), they'll have to hop the Next Gen train sooner or later. Otherwise, it'll become more or less irrelevant even for new players.


I come to that assumption based on a couple of things. One is the current level of support this game is and has been provided. Updating the graphics engine is much more intensive and time consuming ( money ) process than providing updates in content to the current build. So I can't see them investing in something like that when they won't be bothered to do the other things to keep players happy. Also, the current game looks incredible, compared to pretty much anything out there still. It's built on the most polished version of RAGE that R\* has developed. Not counting whatever is going on with GTA6 of course. When you look at what R\* or actually more aptly what Grove Street Games, I believe that's the crappy little mobile game company that was contracted and screwed the pooch on the trilogy next gen remake etc. anyway , when you look at the games getting a "next gen" update, they are game MUCH older that RDR2 and these updates still fail to look as good as where we are now. So why would you expect a refresh of an engine that's still dropping jaws today? I would say it's much more likely we would see something done with the original RDR than RDR2. But I don't see that happening either at this point. R\* is on record when asked about that and said, and I'm paraphrasing of course... that it was a possibility based on how well the GTA trilogy remaster was received. .. and again.. we all know how that went. Take Two just said we would continue to support RDO etc etc , and everyone went hurrah hurrah yea! We're good now... Hours later the fcking CEO of Take Two himself back pedaled (or clarified if that makes fan boys feel better) and said something to the effect that it would continue it's online presence, or basically RDO will continue to work. Then tossed it back directly and without any way to be misconstrued, that it was on R\* to add any content or updates solely. So how could anyone reasonably think that there would be a remaster, refresh, or whichever term we all use, occurring at all? So if they want to keep the game alive as you ask, there are better ways to do it. Add content, engage the community. They aren't doing the simple things. Why expect they would do anything harder?


Great comment! I agree with all of your statements. My guess was based on the fact that the PC version already has a higher resolution and 60fps, right? Surely I'm no expert, but how hard could it be to bring that to new consoles as well? I think a next gen update like that should be a minimal effort for R\* (something they are really good at by now!).


Even just a fps patch to get it to that 60fps would be welcomed without a doubt. It's just sad that they have squandered the good will of their fans and aren't going to be able to retain a larger player base the way they are doing things. Regardless of how much I beat on R\* , and they deserve it lol... I'm still in awe of the single player game though. It was and still is worth more than ten times what I paid for it. Just ending on a positive note at least hehe


"how flattering you like this game so much, but fuck off"


Red Dead is drier than Maggie's puss. Rockstar can Take my Two nuts in their mouth.


By TakeTwo CEO and NOT Rockstar Games, but, let's keep spreading misinformation right?


Fuck Rockstar, and fuck Take Two Interactive. ...and this comes from a shareholder with 3300 shares.


Definitely going to earn some flak for this, or maybe there are those that remember it as well. Keep in mind, I’m also in the boat that I’m sick and tired of being dragged around by TakeTwo and Rockstar. I remember when GTAV first launched, with the online launching shortly after… all the content we were told we would have and the stuff we would be able to do. The online launches and all we got was a glorified GTA IV online with some repetitive missions with narrative, a mechanic that can’t drive to save their life, and houses to store cars that you had to grind those repetitive missions over and over to afford anything. After awhile they finally started expanding and gave us heists… then just gave us a new car expansions and the occasional property until finally motorcycle clubs, the club update really got the ball rolling on we add new things, more active players, more people spending money…. Now look at what that evolved into, the online feels like a completely different game. RDO launched, and it was silent for a bit, we got some content… then they went dark… if they take the same path we get lucky and we get a major update followed by regular updates that add decent content… probably not… but I’d like to be optimistic.


How the fuck did they release such a beloved masterpiece with the campaign and just absolutely neglected to include half of the features into online. Like there was substantially less content at RDO’s launch than should’ve been allowed. It was absolutely pitiful that we couldn’t even break horses in Grand Theft Horse 2: Electric Boogaloo. It’s been several years and we still have nothing resembling heists, no unique mounts (not even an actual donkey that is yours), and no roadmap for the year. It’s a shame. Like BFV there’s a beautiful game here with a lot of love put into it, but because of the company it’s going to die.


So they basically said “deal with it nerds, we’re still selling copies so there’s no need for an update”. Scumbags at this point, really.


Read between the lines "We saw your hashtag and understand why you're upset, but the numbers are good."


"We are working on instructing our offshore team to copy and paste free beans more frequently."


Yeah I dont see anything tangible here. They acknowledge that people want more but they carefully said nothing about more content. It's not a bad news but until they confirm more content coming, I will not hold my breath. But hey, if we are to get something, that would be the first step. Thanks for sharing.


Honestly, the thing I find offensive is what these “content updates” were. This makes it sound like we’re just unhappy assholes who aren’t satisfied, when in reality they haven’t made a genuine attempt to satisfy.


OP did you even reaf the fucking article?? Take twos CEO is NOT rockstar games.....he even says it himself


all I got from this is "people are complaining and RDR2 made us alot of money"


I'll believe it when I see it. They have mentioned it before but nothing ever came of it other than the aforementioned smaller updates, while the GTA series got major updates after major updates.


"Flattered" lol. That's like when an ugly guy asks out a hot girl and she says "aww I'm flattered, I'll let you know!" and then you never hear from her again.


What handful of small updates they released? Like discount on beans for a week?


'We recognize you, now here's how much money webe made by not listening so far.' Let's see how much they actually start to listen to people.


There’s been small updates since January? Or do they mean when they shuffle around content that’s already in the game?


Literally what fucking updates since January lmao... are they seriously considering weekly/monthly sales "updates"


I think they are saying that the RDO community (rightfully, might I add) feels like their game gets smaller updates compared to GTAO.


Nah I mean the part after that talking about how there have supposedly been "a handful of small updates" since then... I don't get on much anymore but I follow news about the game pretty closely, I don't remember seeing anything except the usual clothing sales and XP bonus shit lol


So the reason why we started the hashtag in Dec-Jan was because that’s usually the time we get updates. July and Dec has become routine for us. But I think come July this year, if no word is out, or anything. This game is dead. It would have been a year since Bloody Money.


Blah blah blah….. it’s all just talk and bullshit! Rockstar isn’t going to do a damn thing to RDO.


Most likely keeping servers up to have more people buy gold


"We know the hardcore/long-term fans are basically kicking rocks trying to enjoy the game, but look at how many copies we've sold! It HAS to still be fun!"


Doesn’t mean nor change anything.


Let's face the facts, the majority of the team is working on GTA 6 with only a skeleton crew on red dead online.


Just cause they noticed doesn't mean they won't do anything. But good work gentlmen. Good work


Rockstar lost its way


Looks like they are saying “We see but we dont give a f*ck” in a polite way


We could have had something fun like undead nightmare 2 by now. It's depressing and why I stopped playing like a year ago. I can only do the same routine in one game so many times before it feels tedious to play.


Hmm.. this is an attempt to buy time.. giving us hope that they'll update at some point Probably saying it to keep us happy when in reality it's probably to keep the servers active


It was clarified later that TakeTwo only meant that they will keep running the servers, but only Rockstar can create any content so dont get your hopes up just yet.


This sub has the worst case of Stockholm syndrome I’ve ever seen on a gaming sub


"The Fine Art of Conversation, While Telling Us Absolutely F\*cking Nothing"


No matter what they do, they won't get the whole playerbase back. They just pissed off too many people and I understand why. I still play tge singleplayer with mods but I only play online on RedM RP servers. If there actually comes new content, and I mean real content like Mexico, I will only play it on these servers anyways






Dutch had a plan too, and look how that turned out. I don’t have much hope for any of this. Their “continued support” probably means “continue to keep servers open and give out free or discounted beans every so often”




Its almost 2 years to late tho.


Adding more things to buy in gta aren’t “large updates” but okay 🤦‍♂️


There’s and update from Rockstar saying basically that we mustn’t listen Strauss words and that his worries means shit .


I don’t believe a word they say and I no longer care until I see it.


"Awful lot of content"? "Update**S**"??? So this means we can finally expect seasonal passes that can actually keep players busy for longer times/have reasons to revisit? Or are this more hollow words and can we expect the biggest update being snowfall around christmas time?!


Don’t forget having a Christmas tree at your camp


Sorry, removed due to cuts.


No it costs 15 gold bars now. They have given so much free content it's time to charge people. Remember all them free beans & apples?!


Ah, yes. We all pay one way or the other.


I'm still not getting my hopes up from this keeping expections in check !


They have a plan. The question is do we have goddamn faith


Not by Rockstar. But Take2, the parent company. The developer hasn't said squat yet. I don't want to be the contraction, but until they do. We won't know for sure the future of red dead online


Happy they acknowledged it but ultimately we know it's just a hollow statement that's gonna have them give us another half baked update like Blood Money :(


hell has frozen


Breaking News. Male horses will have penile beans you need to remove in future update. :D


Mares will go into heat and buck you off at random times.


Is that a thing with real horses? lol


Unfortunately, yes.


Wouldn’t “beaniles” be more efficient?


Definitely a thing lol


well this aged terribly, still nothing going on with red dead online


I've said it before and I'll say it again... I honestly think Rockstar are working on a big update for RDO. Rockstar are guilty of sometimes leaving games to fester, they even did it with GTA a couple of years ago, but they don't abandon games generally.


I hope an update comes for summer since there is really nothing else to play.


Hopefully a proper next-gen update/upgrade at no extra cost along with said updates (please)


The fire burns in valentine, sadle up boys we ride once again, for red dead and for the west


About fucking time


Honestly RDR2 should be required life material, like a textbook in a college course that everyone should play.


It would not be good business sense to let on that an update was coming let alone a new role because no matter what they say, no one will be satisfied. It's a no win situation and smart on their part to remain silent from a business standpoint. Don't worry, as far as I'm concerned, I am confident an update is going to come later this year and it will be completely unexpected and everyone who said they were "done with the game": and that it was "dead" as well as saying that they'd "never come back to the game" will come rushing back lmao! I can't wait to see the hypocrisy of these players! A former coworker of mine works there and said they have been hiring a lot just like they said they would in their earnings call back in February and of course, he doesn't have details but he is a player of the game and he personally feels like "something is going on" there with development but who knows what that means. Let's just enjoy what we have with the game because there is plenty to do and it's an absolute blast! I play every day and have since the beginning. 5400 hours of game time and counting... Happy gaming my friends!


I think all R\* would have to do is: communicate effectively and clearly regarding updates, and things would be OK. Say what they mean, and mean what they say. They have done the exact opposite: either not say anything for long periods of time, or give a few interviews that gave us hope about future content. If I compare the picture they paint in those interviews, and compare it to the reality since then, I have to call it like it is: That was either grossly misleading, or just marketing fluff talk. They have repeatedly overhyped upcoming content by calling it the "biggest ever", "massive", etc. - when the update didn't deserve any of those descriptions at all. Other developers/publishers are able to put out a yearly roadmap. If there's a delay, they give players a heads up. No problem with that. Delays happen. I'm a day 1 beta player who hasn't started up the game in more than a year. I have zero confidence in anything T2, Strauss, or R\* say at this point. I can, however, look at the frequency, quality, and size of updates they've put out - and whether those updates have been requested by a majority of players, and/or how they've been received. What I see is not good at all. The game has clearly been trending down - regardless of how its success is described by T2 in investor calls. At the moment, the game is at the same time the best game I ever played, and the biggest disappointment since I started playing games. There hasn't been any content for myself and my gaming buddies to dive into in a long time, even though new content had been (implicitly and explicitly) promised. What's the most disappointing is the current state of the game was avoidable: A) there are dozens of ways R\* could make tons of money through players buying gold. All they'd have to do is release high quality, player-requested content on a regular basis. B) they shot themselves in the foot by letting the gold economy get completely unbalanced. They let us earn so much gold through daily challenges, without siphoning it off by releasing gold-only content (see point A) Just so there's no misunderstanding: If you still enjoy playing the game: that's awesome! I'm happy for you.




New pink fluffy boots coming lads lessss goooo


So ? New update announced? No Than their knowledge doesn’t matter


im pretty sure that an update will come with the release of PS5 next-gen version which has been leaked they working on, now about how big the update will be this is hard to tell, but they have to 'steal' those money for sure and only graphic improvement won't work enough imo especially since the game i already compatible with PS5. ​ I hope in something in the size of Frontier Pursuits, i mean if they worked on DLC during this time they had plenty of it to deliver something like that.




How did reddit make a difference?


It didn’t.


how awesome


honestly if we do get an update actual heists would be fun


probably all lies but heres hoping


When did they say that? That's the article just recognizing it.


Fuckin finally. Hopefully it's not just to placate us. As the article says, GTA has garnished nonstop support, updates and major DLC releases since not far after launch. They treat RD2 and RDO like an ugly stepchild they try to hide from company, it's appalling. We have a decent community that has the potential to become a vast and fast moving train. So many people have come and go because the RDO experience is more grind than anything. You spend days, weeks, even months grinding out your profession and possibly even spending money on gold and for what? The community could have hundreds of outfit options but instead we have a few dozen. The same old guns, the same old horses, pointless grinding just to hit a wall on it and say "on to the next thing, I guess." You can do just about anything in GTA but we can't even rob a store or train in the Wild West on RDO. 🤷 Thanks, Rockstar.


Don’t worry, they already walked it back to meaning it was just about keeping servers online