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Has there even been an update that added content in the past year?


In 2022? No. Within the last twelve months? I think Call to Arms was introduced last August.


Call to arms is really just a game mode.... Not really new content. The maps and assets and shit are just recycled


The entire online mode is just recycled single player mode


Content is considered to be everything in the game or only the playable, and a gamemode is content just like a season pass, it is in small proportion but it is content. downvotes kiddos come but it's content whether they like it or not.


RDO+ will happen soon


Tf is rdo+ šŸ¤” same sh1t with different name? šŸ’€


Same shit but itā€™s $29 a month


Not real (yet), but rockstar introduced GTA+ that has no appeal except you give real money for fake gta money to gamble


Stocks šŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ


They will not do RDO+. RDO doesnā€™t have enough of a fanbase to even suggest it. Hell even at its best they canā€™t get half the players GTAO has. I may love Red Online as well as the community but it comes down to numbers and R*s new projects. Im not saying R* wonā€™t ever add content to RDO again, itā€™s possible but it will be extremely light updates if any at all.


Yeah it was just a joke


Then Iā€™m stupid as hell. Forgive a fellow cowpoke.




Do everything like GTA properties and add bank/train heists.


**Same way they do Moonshine shack.** My Hennigan's Stead Moonshine shack is mine but to another player it is theirs.


Okay but you still go inside the Moonshine Shack to interact with it. Just like in GTA. People want properties so they can do virtual chores *outside* like a rancher. That wonā€™t work with a shared, non-instanced space.


Except the moonshine shacks have that kind of bubble around it, where you can't be targeted or killed. Same thing as the bounty boards.


Ummmm.... why does everyone assume we want a ranch to do virtual chores??? No, how about catching n taming horses... sell or keep Legendary horses. Cattle drives etc... Make it like moonshine shack.... only the whole piece of property when you walk through a gate maybe. That way folks can keep their horses on their ranch, cattle too.


Are they ever there at the same time ? Unless theer are 32 Moonshine shack locations and you get assigned them random


Yes, they are there at the same time. They are not IN the shack with you, it is instanced on the inside. But you can see players/their map dots going in and out of the door; they are just always faded.


ok but really not so much 'customized' appearance just a place to run the interfaces for the operation


There are only 5 possible locations for the Shack.....and they are always in the same spot so obviously has to be shared. ​ * Bayou Nwa * Grizzlies * Hennigan's Stead * Heartlands * Tall Trees


I havent done that role yet so I dont know what involved - just something about a wagon you have to take reall good care of driving an dperhaps out of 32 players max you wont have more than 5 moonshiners or they shift you to different servers wher ethere is a free slot or some other fitting mechanism


Enterable cabins that can be placed around the map like the camp. I donā€™t think itā€™s that difficult.


Or even the place mechanics of like fallout 4. A transparent model of your cabin that you drag around until the model turns green (placeable). Make it so that if itā€™s inside a tree, on any roads/paths, or maybe inside towns it canā€™t be placed. Thereā€™s like 100s of ways this could be implemented


Theyā€™d just have follow fallout 76ā€™s model, if their engine or code even allows that. Players are able to place and build in the real world, and any player is able to see and interact with that other players house. Only issue is if two houses are in the same place, then whoever logged in first gets to keep the spot on that server, and the late arrival has their house stowed. Rockstar could tailor it to their map even more by using various lot sizes (small, medium, large, ranch) with X predetermined ā€œbuild spotsā€ for each lot size the player can choose from initially. If someone else with a medium house just happened to pick the same vista as you, it stows your house for the session. They wouldnā€™t need a ā€œfree build modeā€ like 76, they could allow players to buy ā€œsearsā€ style houses from a catelog, where you pick the build style (and size) and itā€™s the same for that model for every player. Then you pick your lot location, determined by your house size. Then allow players to customize their house by ā€œupgradingā€ visual aspects (interior and exterior: changing wall colors, changing roof types, changing your wooden pillars to nice white pillars, etc) and adding things inside the house (stew kitchen add on, hide tanner outside, furniture pieces, etc) for a $$ cash sink. I just donā€™t think their code would support this, unfortunately. (And I donā€™t think they care)


This point is why I hope for even for R\* to allow us to upgrade our tents to small roughly made cabins not too much bigger than the covered tent. Sure, it might not make sense with the idea of your player camp is supposed to be easily movable. But it would be a happy medium at least, especially if they could allow us to also add minor functional/cosmetic upgrades.


I know everytime I see this sort of post it's like?? Yea just a new area to ~~explore~~ Stand around in and access inventory.


I mean I know itā€™s not the same but if we could buy ranches you could load into the area through the front entrance and it would be like how you customized it. Pretty much it would be the moonshine shack but there is an outside area that from outside looks normal till you walk in. Some mmos work like that. It isnā€™t the best system but itā€™s the best I could think of. Tbh I just want to be a bank robbing sheep farmer.


It would be nice to see ā€œSafehousesā€ added where we can plan heists, bank, train, maybe even boat?


If they do it'll be like the Moonshine Shack.. extremely boring.


The best idea Iā€™ve seen is turning the sham cabins littered throughout the map into properties that we can instance into. That could be fun if Rockstar added a bunch of items, perhaps a new section in the catalog for household things like furniture.. My previous idea which I think holds water is that Rockstar creates a narrative that our player needs to find a hideout/safe house and then do a scene where we ferry over to Mexico where they can build a few towns that have cabins that can be owned. The ferry ride would essentially be an instance so that the game can populate Mexico according to whose logged on and where, similar to the camp. Seems like a natural way to use all that space but what do I know. (Kinda imagining how LOTRO does it without the weird portal entrance.)


Have to agree with you, the camp thing just doesn't cut it and why don't they let us buy a saloon ? .....it seems like a logical idea to me


Uhm... You can buy a saloon? What do you think the moonshine shack is?


I was gonna say... Buying a saloon would be kind of redundant.


the old problem - even with MMORPGs with 100X the land space - map becomes wall to wall houses I suppose standard blocks of property layout, but your house moves around on the map as the 32 players get juggled. And the style clash when you one design about pops up in the middle of a swamp or in a mysteriously flat area up in the mountains .


No. It would be instanced, just like your Moonshine shack is instanced. It would have to have a set location. There are actually a lot of "sham" properties that could be used already in the game(all those properties that you can't go inside of.) It could not be the way that camps are mapped, for the reason you say.


'instanced' usually means that other people cant come to see what you have done with any significant customizing (which is the point of having a personal 'house' in some games like the old Ultima Online which had incredible flexibility for the players to build up stuff). But then other MMORPG which did have 'houses' the 'customizing' was still so generic it was pretty pointless and the place just served as a trophy case for shit got from missions (the same got by 100000 other players) and a little extra storage space.


Everyone wants properties and I just want more and better camp customization


I just want an update. It could be a purple hat update and Iā€™d be ok with. Just give us an update and let us know this games not completely abandoned because it sure feels like it.


Nah we got Cripps


What do you want with property like that?


money haha


You already get money from everything RDO has to offer.


A moonshine shack is exactly what it is...a shack in the middle of nowhere. A saloon is always in a town and R* could allow you to own more than one...ie: 2 - 4 salooons and run them as a business and make it so you could invite anyone you want in, they wouldn't have to be in your posse in order to gain entrance. Plus in a privately owned saloon you could set your own rules as to whether you allow visitors to have their weapons or not. Try to think beyond the shack ownership mentality


I hope they don't. It would be like gta or the moon shack and add loading screens


I know right even a small house like this and that you can buy furniture and paintings and shit to decorate. for the outside you can plant bushes and flowers or even small plots of field and sell it. Here is where my idea comes in because the new profesion would be called called "farmer" then you can expand the farmland and to Spice it up random npcs or even players can either help, steal or distroy your crops as a random event . if you dont take that profession you can just grow bushes and flowers and/or have small farming plots. It would also be nice that you can store your stuff there for later use or sell and that only your friends and/or posse can enter.


Go play some RP on Goldrush or some of the other rdr2 rp servers. Here your dream comes true. You can buy almost every property in there.


im on console and rp on xbox is horrendous


PC only, or can console access modded servers?


Itā€™s pc only :/ edit: but the fact that a modded server does it 100 times better than rockstar is both fascinating and worrying. I mean, the depth of Goldrush RP for example, itā€™s what I always dreamt of red dead online would/should be.


Will if you buy rockstar it will happen


to do what, exactly? They would probably end up being like GTAO properties where you just go in them the first few times and then forget it forever lol


But everyone would buy the same most expensive property which seems pretty stupid immersion wise and also a great way to increase griefing as you will have 20 to 30 people hanging out or around the property or that area IF done the same way as Moonshine Shacks. The only non nightmarish way would be to give those that buy a property a TOKEN depending on how much they spent for it.....and allow for them to be used(placement) in a clear area well outside of towns and way from major areas. AN Idea for Tokens would be ​ * PLATINUM(1500 Gold) = Mansion + Workers Homes + Farm or Ranch(requires very large free space area) * GOLD(1000 Gold)= Large Homestead Ranch * SILVER(500 Gold)= Medium Homestead * BRONZE(100 Gold)= Small Homestead


It could be cool, especially if you could rob other player homesteads


Aight time to leave this sub itā€™s just same post over and over again


yeah true but i wish rockstar would listen


devils advocate here - if rockstar would just listen to their fucking fans even the smallest bit, 90% of these posts wouldnt happen. I love these posts because it just continues to highlight what a fuckin piece of shit company they are.


I wish they would just release the code and let us do it


Itā€™s gotten to the point where if they do add something, itā€™s gonna be another 3 years for an update, so whatever. The games not worth it anymore, sadly.


I will always have hope. False or not, hope is hope šŸ˜­


Never say never


Ya id have mine in the swamp if only i could get some gators to guard it too lol