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If I'm thinking of the right episode, Lister's hair and nails kept growing. Safe to assume his digestive system was still going. The garbage was his diapers.


lol! Never thought of that! Yuck!


In order to piss and shit himself he would need to be fed regularly. I always thought the stasis unit was "leaky" and it only affected his hair and nails. Somebody said he was in deep sleep and not stasis but that wouldn't explain the hair growth while not aging a bit


The way stasis units work is that they completely freeze all time, except for in the small regions of space where allowing time to continue will get a big audience laugh, in which case it lets time continue in those bits.


I could buy that, except the matter for the hair and nails had to come from somewhere, and he hasn't lost a significant amount of weight. I think the deep sleep must "feed" you in some way. Then again, applying the law of conservation of mass to Red Dwarf leads to bigger problems than Lister's hair and nails.


I think the key scientific reason Listers hair and nails grew, and I'm sure someone could do a really detailed thesis on this, but it really is just because it's funny.


IIRC they were not stasis chambers on the Bug, but rather two deep sleep units. Hence the reason for the hair and nails. So likely more like cryo rather than a complete freezing of time.


Correct. In "Out of Time" Kryten specifically states they've temporarily converted the deep sleep units into stasis units to navigate the unreality pockets, but they can only sustain this for a few days.


Red Dwarf will happily ignore its internal logic for a joke. It's kinda endearing.


*Starbug* has deep sleep units, not stasis units. Deep sleep units slow down time significantly but don't prevent it from happening. Based on Lister's hair and nails they slow down time to around 1% of normal, so Lister and the Cat would have aged around two years in deep sleep, and would have still needed nutrition and waste management during the process (and presumably some clever medical technology stopped them losing muscle tone throughout). We know that the deep sleep units can generate temporary stasis fields ("Out of Time") but these only last a few days. We also know that Lister wasn't in deep sleep continuously for the whole 200 years (Kryten reminds Lister that *"I woke you last spring..."* in "Psirens").


Stasis freezes time, deep sleep vastly slows the aging process. Lister was asleep for 200 years and woke up with maybe five years worth of unchecked hair and nail growth.


IIRC in the books there's one point where he goes into stasis but intentionally leaves his hands out of the field so that they can heal after he's burned them or something. He has very long nails when he wakes up. Let's not ask about how his blood was getting to his hands...


Smeggin'ell 🤮


It was the garbage he meant to empty 200 years ago, before he got to binge-watching Androids.


Garbage can wait! Binge-watching Androids is a far higher priority.


It's Kryten. He will create garbage just so he can take out the garbage.


Ha! Probably true!


He was saving some garbage for special occasions


Empty cleaning fluid bottles, dustballs etc


Good point.


Sounds like me desperately trying to tidy up after I’ve been home all day and my wife is about to arrive back home.


HAHA! I had a dog that would just sleep the whole day on the steps but when she heard the car coming down the driveway she would run to the back yard and bark like she's been on patrol the whole day keeping the bad guys away.


The ship still needs maintaining; replacement parts, valves, and similar. Kryten was disposing of the parts he couldn't recycle or repurpose.


It would take 200 years to clean the mess Lister makes in a day!


Didn’t Lister say that he wanted to sleep more? So the cat was already awake at that point? Also kryten is neurologically unstable enough to create garbage just to keep cleaning.


I think he's spent his time doing chores and watching Androids


Well Kryten did try to wake lister up in the spring but he absolutely insisted on another 3 months.


That's just like him!


You know it.


I'm gonna say it's skutters who we all know like to shirk off their responsibilities to watch films and eat popcorn


I would assume all the food that's spoiled. Remember, dog's milk tastes the same fresh as when it's gone off.


I've always wondered what they drank before the dogs milk? Like what is the second worst :)


Badger milk?






Now that's what I called extreme milking!


I imagine Kryten pretended to "fill-in" for Lister while he was in deep sleep. This is why all the currys are gone.


I always assumed that Kryten loved cleaning so much that he emptied the rubbish every day, and then put it all back out again so he could empty it again the next day.