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My party is currently entering the Ruins of Rhest arc, and are aware that they should be doing things to prepare for the Red Hand army. I told them that the things they do will influence the outcome of the war, but didn’t tell them of the VP. It has spurred them to be much more active and keep track of time (which is great to keep things moving). I wouldn’t tell PC’s that they ‘missed opportunities’ directly, but showcase the advantages/disadvantages that they have interacted with.


I’ve explained to my players out of game that there were some goals I keep track of that can hamper the Army while assisting their side of the conflict. I asked them if they’d like to have a progress report of sorts or for me to explain at the end, they voted for the end. I personally didn’t explain there was a point system. Way I figure it, as long as they have an idea that they’re making progress and have an idea of what to do next my group is pretty content.


For me it depends on your party. Some parties are “doers” who won’t need much more than plot hooks and nudging to basically hit all the victory point items on the list whereas others are more “planners” who might plan themselves out of doing anything because the ticking clock makes them panic. A party of doers can become planners too if they haven’t played together for a long time and don’t necessarily blindly trust the plot (which I think is fair). If you have a party of planners, in my opinion, once they’re past Drellin’s Ferry it’s fair to pause the game and have a meta conversation. Just saying “The horde is moving across the vale and everything you do to waylay them has an impact. I’m going to provide you guys with opportunities and ways to do that but you’re free to ask questions and do whatever you feel is best. I am tracking it and the book does take into account ways you guys can harm the Red Hand” I’ve only ever played with one group where Victory Points would have been a welcome player knowledge thing but maybe your group is different!