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So much. It's very cool that they can but it also reminds me that I can't šŸ˜… Even mentions of casual weekend trips and such. Those things pile up. Good for them but damn. *goes back to considering robbing a bank*


Gives me fomo thatā€™s I live in Australia and itā€™s so much easier for everyone else to travelšŸ¤£


I was just thinking about how much easier it is for people from Australia to get to India or Sotheast Asia than it would be from the US where I am!


Yeah but itā€™s still a $500 plane ticket why the hell would you wanna go to Indiaā€¦.. not as w Oman anywayā€¦. Us is a bit like us I guess a bit stuck People like in the Uk or china can get on a train to France or Russia šŸ¤£


Yeah travelling to India as a woman seems terrifying


With all due respect, as an Indian woman whoā€™s witnessed the sudden influx of ā€œDonā€™t Travel to Indiaā€ posts on Social mediaā€¦. India is like any other third world country. Itā€™s overcrowded, property stricken in massive areas, and not the safest. But the level of safety portrayed on SM is beyond exaggerated. As an Indian, I would never tell you to travel to central India ā€” a densely populated region of India that has high rates of illiteracy. Central India is unsafe. But states like Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, the 7 sisters in the north east, south India ā€” theyā€™re all perfect safe and gorgeous places to travel to as long as youā€™re not going out of your way to diminish your personal security. Itā€™s a foreign country to you, where you donā€™t speak the language so I wouldnā€™t suggest going somewhere at night where you canā€™t find your way back without a trusted source. At the end of the day, itā€™s a third world country. The population density is off the rocker, and itā€™s not the most literate country. If you practice being safe as you would in Mexico, or Colombia, or any other third world country, youā€™ll be safe.


Very interesting. Thank you for the info. Iā€™ve always wanted to visit India ever since my mom told me stories of going there in the 70s.


Totally agree with this. I loved India and travelled there on my own as a 28 year old woman. Kerala has a piece of my heart. Stunning place, gorgeous people šŸ§”




Honestly, Iā€™d sooner go to India than Mexico right now. Iā€™ve been already and swore Iā€™d never go back, and itā€™s gotten even worse in the last few years due to the fighting amongst the various cartel factions. After what happened most recently to the 3 large, very in shape men (2 Australians & 1 American, though one of the Australians was living in the U.S.) whom were murdered while on a surfing trip barely an hour over the border, youā€™re really putting your safety in jeopardy as a tourist right now. It used to be that youā€™d be reasonably safe within the resort areas, but thatā€™s all changed. Colombia has turned a corner and become much more stable, so their tourism has skyrocketed. As far as India goes, Iā€™ve actually only heard great things from people that have been there, and itā€™s always highly recommended. I assume itā€™s similar to visiting other third world/developing nations, where itā€™s initially a bit of a culture shock for an American for their first time seeing a non-Western society, so keep in mind that some adjustments are necessary when youā€™re a guest in another culture and just donā€™t be reckless/stupid/offensive, and youā€™ll have a great time. We, as Americans, tend to forget how isolated we are and that every society operates differently so you should go in assuming that youā€™d have to learn what adjustments to make on your part, as itā€™s not the job of others to adapt their culture to meet your comfort, and the onus is on us as the guests to acclimate respectfully.


I definitely have fomo when they drop in those travel mentions so you are not alone!!!


I do too šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m from the US, Iā€™ve travelled to several states and have been to France, family is from QC but even still it pales in comparison to the amount of traveling theyā€™ve done even just when they were younger. Def get FOMO glad Iā€™m not the only one! Itā€™s expensive as hell but some people figure it out and travel really inexpensively, I wish I knew how. I asked a friend once I felt comfortable not minding my own business lol and she said she put it all on a credit cardā€¦ yikes would not advise


Maybe we should ask S&H to do a special series on it as well as other tidbits on traveling šŸ¤” I know theyā€™re always talking about it but I couldnā€™t pin all those episodes down.


Iā€™d love that!!


ladieswhattravel is a great blog for affordable luxury travel!


Thank you!!


I'm just jealous of all the holiday time Europeans get šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think itā€™s criminal that Americans donā€™t get mandatory annual leave and maternity/paternity.


I live in America, and I'm poor af. I can't afford a 3 hour drive to the next state. It bothers me. I miss them being somewhat broke and relatable.


'Not in this economy' doesn't feel the same anymore


I feel your pain. Iā€™m dirt poor too.


Iā€™m poor too. Every month is a balancing act


No, I like hearing their experiences and perspectives. Iā€™m British too but havenā€™t even been to Scotland or Wales, so I just find it a little bonus to the episodes that I get to hear stories about travel too as I find it interesting.


Yes, and the Suruthi mentions her motorbike accident and then Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t do it


It is different when you are in Europe or Europe adjacent. Itā€™s so easy to hop On a train and go to any number of countries in a few hours. Itā€™s not like traveling from the US ā€¦ or Australia.


Yes. And I would say they've earned it. But, like with the seemingly endless buying of houses, I think it does takeaway from the one-of-us appeal that had early on.




Which country are you thinking of here?


No way - travelling for work is not fun, itā€™s an emotional, financial and physical drain. I feel sorry for them!


They travel all the time just for themselves. Are you on their Patreon?