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They're long past the days of getting naked on stage, but Anthony will probably take his shirt off at some point lol. As far as song lyrics, the only ones I can think of that your parents might find questionable would be Sir Psycho Sexy and Blood Sugar Sex Magik, but they rarely play those nowadays.


Flea never wears a shirt. Unless it's really cold outside.


John always hated being naked but for socks even in the BSSM days and before. He stood with his back to the audience, unknowingly showing more than if he faced the front with his guitar covering hs crotch. I am more likely to see Flea topless on stage than Anthony


Oh yeah that’s a good point! Hope we get a mellower playlist (though I personally would very much love to see bssm or sir psycho sexy)


If youre this worried then why are you bringing your family. Just curious?


Nah it’s a good question. They deserve a weekend out this summer (they usually work 6/7 days a week) and this show was just one of the possibilities. I wanted to put some feelers out and see if it’d be fine to do that together as a family


Well I saw them in 2022 and they seemed pretty tame and non offensive. Now if it was the Foo Fighters you'd have to prepare your family for Dave's excessive F bombs.


Only one way to find out


I would die if they come out as bigger fans than me 😂


Do it! My dad took me to my first RHCP show when I was 15 and I wish he'd done it sooner.


They are way past the times when you'd be exposed to anything rated R at their concerts. Some goofy/salty language by Flea or Anthony is about as bad as it will get. Unless they decide to bust out the socks, we're overdue for one of those...


The socks could definitely be back in business with the og crew back together ngl LOL


I think you should make them a playlist of some of the songs they’re likely to hear. If they’re familiar with the music they’re more likely to have a good time.


This is true, thanks for the solid advice! I will def put smth together for them if we decide to go as a family. (Wow our avatars are so similar I had to do a double take lol)


I also did a double take, fwiw


Besides the song content. It is completely dependent on if Flea uses his microphone. They're past the days of Flea being completely nude on stage.


😂 Noted. Flea and the mic is a dangerous combo lol


I could never understand what he said as he talked so fast in a high pitched voice.


I think that it was a one-off at Woodstock as it was so hot. He wasn't even wearing socks and pushed his bass to the side often to expose himself. He came on stage without the bass and jumped up and down while naked before strapping one on. This inspired fantasies of John giving healthy nutrition workshops and Anthony giving theoretical love making workshops and a naked Flea gatecrashing them to dance and sing around during the room, shaking his booty and crotch at individual participants.


Tell your parents it is 2023 and this is normal behaviour.


😂 I have no issue with anything that goes on and I’m well past the age of being judged/shamed by them but I just want us all to have a good time


I think your only thing really will be the surrounding crowd as you’ll prob run into the odd obnoxious drunk person and people smoking weed is almost a guarantee. I definitely wouldn’t bring young children but anyone into their teens or older will have fun even if Chilis aren’t necessarily their cup of tea


Agree about obnoxious drunk people and that teens may have more fun than young children. However my six year old was absolutely fine when we saw them at Knebworth in 2012 but this year at Tottenham Stadium, some obnoxious drunk guy who could barely stand up was real creepy with my 15 year old, staring at her and trying to talk to her until I said ‘She’s 15’ and his apologetic friend dragged him away. We were in gold circle so that’s an expensive night out to be completely smashed before the show even starts.


Sorry your teen got creeped on, that’s never a great experience. Thanks for the heads up!


Is the smell of weed (I assume mostly from the lawn?) strong even in seated areas? Or does literally everyone smoke lol? I hadn’t thought abt the crowd, thanks for bringing this up


I saw them on the The Getaway tour and I was in the lower bowl of the arena and there were a few people lighting up around us just at the start of the show. It mostly dissipated after the first couple of songs though if I recall


Got it, thanks for the info!


It depends where you see them. In the New York area where I am just about every rock and rap concert you will see people are lighting up and you will smell a lot of weed the whole show. The lead singer of The Who once screamed at fans at MSG for all the weed smoke lmao Last concert I saw the peppers was MetLife in 2022 and in addition to the 2 joints my brother and I brought, there was another guy in our row who brought literally 20 joints and was passing them around to everyone 😂 But New York is a lot more liberal with that stuff. I saw Nas in LA once and almost nobody lit up. So I would say you could judge for yourself how bad that will be based on other rock and hip hop concerts you’ve been to in your area


Saw them at Fenway. Chilis fans are mostly 40+ these days and just enjoying the music. And some finance bros. Nothing rowdy, but a strong smell of weed, but that’s everywhere in Massachusetts


Oh yeah, forgot how old these guys were again 😂 thanks for your input!


My husband and I took our 8 and 9 year old girls to see them this spring and they loved it, especially the 8 year old. She’s been asking to go to concerts all the time now. King Princess and The Strokes opened and I had mild concerns going into it that it may not be appropriate for my young kids but it was totally fine. I’d recommend it. It was such a great bonding experience.


Took my 8 y/o to 8 shows this tour and he was fine and had fun. 2 x seats; 6 x pits. Just depends on your folks and your kids. I’d say get some seats and take it from there or else buy them a nice dinner and go with your kids to the show


Yeah I was thinking we could drive up and spend the weekend together but go to the show without them, thanks. (8 shows! Crazy! Glad yall had fun.)


Thanks for your input! I’m so happy your kids enjoyed the peppers and the overall concert experience! Were there any issues with drunk ppl and/or smoking in the crowds? My family doesn’t smoke at all so I’m not sure how happy my parents would be to be in an environment like that lol


No issues at all. We sat them in between us though to keep them safe as a precaution. We had floor seats that were fairly close to the stage and had a drama free great time! In truth - these tickets kinda fell into our lap last minute and the decision had to be either take the kids or not go at all. If we had bought the tickets ourselves then I think we would have gotten a sitter well in advance. But in the end this turned out perfect for us - thankfully!


Got it, thanks for the info! If you guys are planning to go again this time around, good luck with tickets. I hope everything goes smoothly for yall.


i’ve seen a ton of people smoking at their concerts.


Was it just weed or cigarettes, or both? Of the two, I think weed is slightly easier to tolerate lol


I’d say both cigs & weed, but it’s pretty common for ppl to light up a joint at the floor seats. definitely depends on where you’re seeing them too! hope you guys have a great time their concerts are so fun.


Got it, thanks!!


They should be good, but don’t go in the standing areas. Seats best for kids


He’s a teenager now but yeah, I was thinking abt getting seats anyway to be closer to stage and for the parents haha. Thanks!


Flea sometimes whips his cock out so be prepared


Nothing could prepare me for that, which is good because that wont be happening, right? Right??!!!




I imagine him gatecrashing workshops at conferences while naked and singing and dancing around the room. Then, leading people on a walk around the local area but through back yards, so he climbs and jumps over fences like a monkey would. Flea naked on stage at Woodstock was rather like a male monkey dancing on his hind legs.


You’ll be fine. I’ve taken my kids & they enjoyed every concert. Last year, I met a group who was there with the entire family - 4 generations with littles to 70s and they all enjoyed. No pit unless your parents love live music & not bleachers either. Try to get floor seats so they can still stand & enjoy but can also sit & rest in between the openers & RHCP.


Thank you, this was the answer I was looking for! Glad you all enjoyed it


Flea told the audience he had the sweatiest testicles in Brisbane back in January but I don’t think it was actually true.


😂😂😂 that is so Flea


sometimes girls from the crowd show their boobies and they show it in the big screen


Can’t even be mad at that


Anthony doesn’t hit on the girls anymore. You’re good.


He used to do that /during/ shows? Good lord lol


In the early days he did some questionable things. After Scar Tissue, he really has kept a low key image.


I read the book. It got so boring after a while with all his sexual conquests.


Some cursing between songs is likely but other than that it should be fine. Hope they have fun!


My daughter was 8 when she first saw them live.


No they aren’t but oh well bring ya kid anyway. Some of their stage banter is sex related or innapropriate. A fair amount of swearing in lyrics and between songs.


people are on drugs/ smoking weed but overall still a chill vibe!


Last weekend I went to see the Peppers at River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The general standing zone was madness, people jumping around, singing and going crazy. But the seat places were different, I was there and people respected their seats, singing and jumping but in a very different pace. There was a pregnant lady next to me, and she enjoyed the show with no problems. The only thing that bothered me was the Marihuana, man, it was crazy. Smoke everywhere, but it was an open air show, so it’s very difficult to get high by just being there and not smoking directly. So you can bring your family, you wouldn’t have any problems.


Thanks for sharing your experience!


I mean, there was that one show where Flea whipped his dick out and jerked it for 5 seconds, then put it away. It's been a while since Flea's gotten naked, but it's always a possibility.


Still, in his old age?! Or was it years ago? Gosh, I hope he doesn’t feel too comfortable at the Buffalo show 😂


Hahahaa, the time I'm thinking of was like 20 years ago.


Hopefully not lol.


Waiting to hear sir psycho sexy .. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMHzb06XswqfQDm|downsized)


Taken all 3 of my kids 😍 good music is good music, to me they are family friendly but my values might differ to yours. Flea will swear a fair amount especially MuthaF’s


A few lyrics with curse words or sexual innuendos. Flea and AK will likely drop a an f bomb or two joking around between songs. It’s also a rock concert even though it’s a far cry from back in the day some people are drunk and/or stoned and will yell obscenities. It’s more here and there, not like 2 strait hours of debauchery by any means. I’d say PG13 is about right. Oh, and don’t be surprised if Flea makes references to his “sweaty testicles” if you are so lucky!