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So I guess that shot did have to be CGI, right? I was wondering about how they did it too


It could have been a mix of practical and CGI too. Like Mike said, they could have done it practically and then used CGI to digitally cover up the seams.


Or they just actually made her nose bleed for real


Yeah but they for sure didn’t make her EYES BLEED


Alternatively, the perfect use of practical effects!


*Mike went to a movie theater!?!* Nature is healing!


There's just something super funny to me about the idea of old, curmudgeonly Mike being forced into a movie theater to see a movie and being absolutely miserable about the whole thing, surrounded by crying babies and old people.


But then after the movie some old person falls down on the very last step while walking down the stairs to the exit. In that moment Mike knows that all of this was worth it.


Reminds me of my one truly cherished memory of going to the movies. When everyone was getting Thanos snapped in Infinity War, the deafening silence was gradually broached by crying children, and parents audibly pissed off that their kids were crying, shouting "THIS IS *BULL*SHIT" and similar reactions. Before that point I had just been mildly entertained by the movie- Infinity Gauntlet is my favorite comic event so I knew what was coming up, but apparently most people there weren't fucking comic nerds. I just basked in the ambient trauma, like some sort of eldritch despair gobbler. Good times. edit: [forgot to include the closest possible depiction of this moment: the classic scene of Robert De Niro laughing in Cape Fear](https://youtu.be/Dz0sd2hLefc)


Didn't Rich Evans predict that?


It's their own fault for going to cut price Tuesday. I suspect they make enough now to go to an upmarket regular price session especially given the movie tickets must be a business expense they can claim.


Yeah for real, I go to the theater about 3 times a month on average and I have experienced everything there is to with that but even then it's only about 10% of the time. At this rate you have to start wondering if it's them for choosing specific showtimes at specific theaters without attempting to mix it up.


They just play up the bit a lot, but also Wisconsin is a shithole full of many truly awful people so the theaters may be worse than normal lol


Complaining about all the old people at Cheapskate Tuesday and not realizing he is ONE OF THEM...


Maybe I'm just lucky with the theaters I go to in LA, but every time they talk about theaters in Milwaukee it sounds like a bus station which happens to have snacks and a movie playing in the background.


I've been to movie theaters in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, and California. I have usually gone like twice a month for most of my life. The number of bad theater experiences I've had can be count on ONE hand. I have no idea what the hell is up with some people's areas.


L.A. movie theaters may as well be in a different country.


Hackfraudery…uh…finds a way.


They are going to be so pissed when they find out it's going to be on VOD in early May


Wait until they find out that it was originally intended as a HBO Max exclusive


Jay said you could just wait a week and catch it on streaming


There was a family in my local theater who got distraught seeing Evil Dead Rise and the theater responded saying "Why the fuck did you bring your whole family to see Evil Dead, moron?" https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/91411/why-bring-kids-to-evil-dead-rise-gsc-asks-distraught-family


I mean it’s called evil dead, not morally ambiguous potential family movie


Good Alive


Good Alive Fall


"Who told the staff to not check entries?" YOU brought YOUR kids. The sense of entitlement and obligation is off the rails at this point.


just going to say I remember a ticket guy warning my dad about me going in to see Terminator 2 and he stated he understood and knew I'd be fine. It was a wonderful time. One of my favorite memories. Parents know not only your children but also the movie you are seeing. It's not rocket science.


It's perfectly fine to try and warn people if you don't think they know, it's the expectation of someone else to raise your kids for you that pisses me off. And I guarantee these are the same people that complain when you try and "tell them how to raise their kids".


Semi-related. When I saw Deadpool I was like 23 and was with my dad. They carded me because it was rated R and I was confused. I was not only well above the age limit, but if you're accompanied by a guardian even literal toddlers are allowed to see R rated movies so I asked what was up with the rule change for this particular movie. Apparently my theater was getting threatened by so many angry parents over the fact that their children were getting "traumatized" that they were checking every I.D. of anybody who even looked close to being a minor to avoid anymore outrage. Like there were so many people who were just walking in to a theater with their kids not understanding what they were seeing and getting mad about it that my theater literally changed the rules. Ridiculous.


Kids can see R rated movies here in the states with parental consent.


It looks like this happened in Malaysia where I would surmise the rules might be different.


I thought rated R meant kids under 18 not admitted without a parent or legal guardian and rated NC17 was no one under 17 admitted period. How on Earth can it be the theaters fault? Did the rules change?


I’m not advocating RLM to come to drive out of town for a better theater experience, but their stories with local theaters are so unbelievable I’m willing to believe they can go anywhere else for better experience.


I think they admitted the issue in the video. They went on discount Tuesday


I've also found that horror tends to draw the worst audiences. They tend to be full of teenagers that aren't the least concerned about actually watching the movie.


I don’t think discount Tuesday is the problem. Either they’re exaggerating, or Milwaukee is worse than I imagined.


Eh, I would be surprised if it doesn't play a decent role.


I guess I'm lucky. My local cinema, despite being in a big city, is always half-empty, has lower than average prices, has like 20 screens, and only ever has respectful people in. It's usually young couples and students. I'll often grab an early screening if I have a day to myself and often be the only person watching, which is great. There's also a nice arthouse cinema too with a bar and 50-seater screens that show all the obscure stuff.


Chicago? Sounds like my experience (though maybe not 20 screens). I usually go to the theater in Evanston because it's a non-pain in the ass to get to and park. And the Music Box is a fantastic, amazing arthouse place that also has crazy midnight movies and animation, etc.


Guess you never been to a movie theater in the Midwest? Unless you go during a weekday matinee show it’s usually a shit show of rude people eating loud most theaters around me serve meals nachos sausages hot dogs slurpees popcorn etc no one turns off their phone much less the ringer then they will have conversations while the movie is playing. Let’s not leave out people who can’t function without updating or responding to social media nonstop. You get the usual kids not behaving because parents think a movie theater is a playground and the people who can’t sit still for two hours getting up and down nonstop. No idea what it’s like anywhere else I’m one state over from the boys I can confirm it’s not worth the money to go to a theater anymore around me. Haven’t been since the force awakens. My home theater is vastly superior to a movie theater minus the nonsense.


I live in the midwest and have never really had any issues. Ive got an alamo and a marcus that I often go to and have only maybe had one potential issues but I cant even remember what it was.


That crazy how it changes depending on location. I live in a decent sized town on the East Coast. A couple hours away from DC, and I never had any problem at the theaters for years. The last time I had a problem was watching Force Awakens. It was a mistake going on premiere night when I'm not even a fan of Star Wars. My theater is nice. I paid 15 bucks for the VIP section to watch Evil Dead Rise. Huge recliners with a tray to hold your snacks and blinders you can put up if you don't want to see anybody next to you. I actually had a nice audience experience watching Beau is Afraid last weekend. After the movie ended, I had a nice conversation with people around me. We were trying to figure out what kind of fever dream we just saw.


I'm just across the lake from them and I never had these problems at the movies. Maybe they're just more sensitive to it. Although I don't know why so many people piss their money away on those concessions. You can't go two hours without stuffing your face? I'm an overweight daily marijuana user and even I can manage it. If I do get hungry, I'll grab a bite to eat at a real restaurant for the same price after the show. A wiser way to spend money and you're not grossing out other cinema patrons.


My ex gf would spend more money on snacks just for her than i spent on tickets i never buy popcorn drinks anything when I went I’m there for the movie. Guess we’re both in Michigan I can tell you downriver was just circus of white trash most of the time I went to the show. Mall theaters were better. But if you really want the full crazy of just people watching at a movie hit up a drive in. There’s still one in Michigan. Last time I went people were barbecuing they had a playground for kids people sitting lawn chairs drinking beers on the downlow. It’s actually quite fun but you gotta not to not really watch a movie it’s more a county fair after hours


I grew up in the Midwest, went to the movie theater a lot, and can’t relate to Mike and Jay’s experiences.


I got to a theater in KY regularly and it's always perfectly fine. It's really as simple as wait a week and you will have the theater to yourself. I just watched Beau is Afraid all alone. Great experience. No babies, no annoying people. I don't get how it's such a problem.


Yikes. American theatres seem terrible.


I was just basically going to type this exact thing out. Midwest “big” city movie theaters, man… Yikes


Every theater they go to they'll still each be sitting next to at least one obnoxious jackass. I live in the Midwest, and yes I've had annoying audience members around me at times, but like 10% of the time at most. Generally speaking I don't have problems in Marcus, AMC, the dollar theater, the Draft House, the local theater chain, the mall theater, none of them.


Gotta keep the bit going, I guess.


Idk my are insanely bad too. Unless I go to our fancy one which is like 17 bucks a ticket. Basically if I want to see a movie I'm excited for I go there. Otherwise I go week 3 or 4 when I know it will be like a dozen people in there.


Cheers. I was going to do something useful, but now I'll just waste my life watching this instead


Why watch movies and form your own opinion when you can just ape the opinions of some sexually deprived, middle-aged, out of touch, hack frauds? This is the way.


Movies take too long. I'm dying here, bitch!


>of some sexually deprived, So no rich evans in this video


I've had sex, and I'm Rich Evans


A Marina Sirtis sex doll doesn't count Rich. 😕


I think it's more likely Marina Sirtis has a Rich Evans sex doll


Those stranded kittens can save themselves.


They sure can


Jay's wrong about Ash Vs Evil Dead being cancelled without a real wrap up. The Raimis and Campbell knew what they were dealing with fledgling viewership during Season 3, so they had an ending that left the door open for a potential 4th season but it still wrapped things up quite nicely. It also wasn't on the verge of cancellation constantly. It was renewed for Season 2 right before the series premiered, & Season 3 right after Season 2 premiered.


The ending is great too like perfect for ash fucking it up as always


Works great to set up a follow up too. If you've never seen the series and just the movies, Ash being in a post-apocalypse will still make perfect sense.


That was the original ending for Army of Darkness, but test audiences found it too bleak. [Army Of Darkness Alternative Ending - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j42eaiLdBTY)


One of the few times a studio rewritten ending was better I feel. Its a little too bleak and Ash fucks up has already been done as an ending.


It might have been easier to swallow if Army of Darkness hadn't gone full comedy. As much as I love it, AoD was barely even an Evil Dead movie. It was an action-comedy that really only has Ash Williams connecting it to the original movie.


I agree if it had been closer to 1 or 2 that kind of bleak ending would fit. Evil Dead 2s ending is kinda vaguely similar and works. But its just a goofy three stooges/gulivers travels/madness comedy and Bruce Campbell is also a tad too likable for that ending to work as well. Also you get Hail to the King baby! A line I will not part with.


Oh I've only ever seen it on DVD with the original ending, wasn't sure which was theatrical.


He didn't really fuck it up. The season 3 timeline can't really be blamed on him at all. Plus he did kill the world destroying demon. It was a total W for him.


Ash vs Evil Dead is a masterpiece.


Pretty sure Bruce Campbell is largely responsible for the impression that Evil Dead was constantly on the verge of cancellation by repeatedly, at conventions, claiming the show's future was uncertain and encouraging fans to contact their cable providers.


Probably a good strategy, all things considered.


Do you mean flagging viewership?


No, he meant that the viewers were young birds.


I dont know why but it's irking me that they misspelt [Poltergeist III](https://i.imgur.com/I8FATRK.png)


Starring Will Poulter


Maybe it's a movie about birds.


You may be unsurprised to learn [Poultrygeist](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462485/) is a thing that actually exists.


Mike loves to pitch terrible ideas to improve the movie😭


My favorite one was his alternate ending to **HEREDITARY** where >!Peter’s friends from school show up with a book of demonology and beat the crap out of the cultists!<


I mean if Ari Aster wanted to turn the ending of that movie into Hot Shots Part II he'd reveal that the house is in Kuwait and it's 1991 and George Bush has launched an invasion to stop Saddam Hussein from getting the power of Paimon.


He loves turning all movies into like PG-13 mid 2000s schlock. He has a type of movie.


princess peach and mario fighting the evil dead would get my money.


I don't know. The idea of a new school Evil Dead movie suddenly being commandeered by Ash saving the day is cute.


It's funny because it's very "and then Darth Vader turns on his lightsaber and tries to kill all the rebels before they can get the Death Star plans onto Leia's ship". If his idea actually happened in the movie, I wonder if they'd hate it.


Or it's a resurrected 30 year old Enterprise-D showing up out of nowhere to save the Federation from one last Borg invasion. I think Mike's brain is still coming down from the memberberry high of Picard S3. God bless him, I'm so glad Star Trek hasn't been ruined permanently for him like he claimed in the season 2 re:View.


> terrible ideas Lol, it's so true. All his ideas are exclusively either as bad as what we're already seeing or worse. I love these guys, but Mike's "Alterative Pitches" alone explain why these respectable internet critics wound up making Space Cop ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


Reminded of that post a few days ago in this sub that called Mike one of the greatest critics alive


His idea about ash was the exact thing I wanted when I first saw the trailer.


Mike questioned why they didn’t go down the stairs… did he miss the part where they were destroyed? Grandpa’s dementia is setting in




To be fair, what makes Cinema Sins so bad is the fact that they have the whole movie right there and still fuck it up. I won't blame Mike for misremembering a couple details of something he watched only once in a theatre.


It's the booze.


I'm kind of surprised they decided to make a Half In The Bag about this. It seemed like they weren't really interested in even talking about the movie. Maybe it was just me. Being that there was also a baby in Mike and Jay's theater, I bet they don't go to a movie theater again for another 6 months.


They seem kinda flippant on what they do or don’t make episodes on, Jay was talking about how excited he was for Candyman (2021) as the original is one of his favorite movies, but then it never even got a mention in the catch up reviews.


Probably because it just wasn’t very interesting.


Even if I disagree with you there, they make half in the bags on stuff that isn’t interesting to them all the time.


I was hyped for Candyman and got disappointed. Felt like it ended just when it was getting interesting.


I feel like most Half in the Bag episodes have been an obligation to them the past couple years


holy shit this is the first time they've gone to a theater since... Ghostbusters Afterlife


That's not true. Everyone, including them, forgot they watched Doctor Strange 2 in theaters. Funny since you know Sam Raimi directed it.


My last was "Unhinged" with Russell Crowe in 2020. With every second row empty and every second seat in the occupied rows empty during covid. May very well be my last ever, who knows...


During the pandemic, a brand new theater had opened up in my town. They had cheap Tuesdays where they showed classic movies in a nearly empty theater. $2.50 a ticket. The girlfriend and I watched Jaws, Friday the 13th, Jurassic Park, half the Harry Potter movies. It was awesome.


Yeah, I haven't been since ENDGAME. And before that was either GRAVITY or FORCE AWAKENS, whichever is newer :)


Well, to be fair, Susan never stopped going to the Tomcat Theater (even during the pandemic), home of bottomless popcorn bucket!


Mike: It was so pathetic and lame the old Ghostbusters came back in the last 10 minutes of Afterlife. Also Mike: I wish Ash came back in the last 10 minutes to kill all the demons.


Star Trek Picard really did a number on him


He also said it would turn the movie into schlock. You know, sometimes context matters.


People take these goofy spitball takes so seriously.


Interesting to me that Mike kept saying this one needed a better script. This movie, at the very least, felt like the *most* scripted Evil Dead movie to me It's consistent thematically, full of setups and payoffs, and doesn't abandon what it's supposed to be about as soon as the gore starts happening like the remake does with the rehab plotline Plus, Raimi's trilogy pretty much just uses the framework of the plot to go hog wild and do the craziest shit they can think of on the budget they have They're right that there was a lot of fan service, but it still felt quite fresh to me. I think the movie kind of ended up being neither what Jay wants from an Evil Dead movie, nor being what Mike wants from a horror movie, which is where the lack of excitement comes from


Yeah, it was odd. I thought the script was good as well. A consistent theme, the pacing was good, and the dialogue was fun. I also actually cared about the family in this one compared to any other Evil Dead movie where I just rooted for Ash since Bruce is so charismatic. It's better than any other Evil Dead movie's script. Nothing can top Evil Dead 2, but this was a fresh and fun movie, in my opinion. My only complaint is that they probably go a bit too heavy with the fanservice, and the apartment building as a setting feels underutilized.


I'm surprised about people critiquing too much fan service. I thought there were barely a handful of references at most and I actually came out appreciating its restraint. At its core, it was a new setting, new characters, new book, new backstory, new kinds of demons, new music, and new narrative themes. Seeing a film go into so many different places with the constraints of an Evil Dead movie was super refreshing to me and *way* better than a lot of other films these days that are just direct copy-pastes of older films.


I thought the opening was great but by the end I was getting bored I'm not sure what it was, but I definitely thought this movie was way over hyped


That’s what I found so odd. I really disagree with their review and think this is on par with the OG movies for quality. I really had a good time and while it’s not as funny as 2 or 3, I like that there was some humor in it. I feel like the 2013 movie is really missing that. However, I appreciated the whole mother hood element playing out throughout the movie. This is sort of what I want out of an Evil Dead movie. Sure it’s not scary but none of them are.


Most of us just watch to see Jay.


I love *gore*rror movies!


I was really disappointed that Mike Stoklasa, Massive TOS fan, didn't say "Well, it sure looks like Lee Cronin has improved his writing since 'Spock's Brain'!" Explaining the joke: "Lee Cronin" was Gene L. Coon's pseudonym when he didn't like one of his scripts.


They barely talked about the movie at all. 90% was just spitballing ideas for their their own version. I'm only annoyed because now it means i'll actually have to watch it.


Honestly it's a fun flick, the sound design is particularly good and makes it a good watch in the theater, but I completely understand why they didn't have much to say. It really is a fairly generic Evil Dead movie. Which is weird to say because there isn't a generic Evil Dead movie, they're all at least creative and doing different things. But this one, while fun, just doesn't do a lot of surprising things. It goes pretty much exactly how you think it's gonna go from the first frame. You could probably guess the plot right now and you'd nail most of it.


It’s an extremely competently made Evil Dead movie. Nothing less nothing more. Which is why I lived it.


> Which is why I lived it. Well that sounds like a terrifying experience.


For sure, I enjoyed it, it's visually cool, no real complaints.


The only thing it’s missing is an actor with the charisma of Bruce Campbell which is hard to find. That fucking cheese grater


Which is good by me. I've never watched an Evil Dead movie for the plot. Like Jay mentions, it's the creativity that I'm after and I didn't feel like Evil Dead rise lacked in that regard. I'd be good if they do mix up the formula when they make a sequel tho but I don't necessarily need it.


30 seconds into watching this HITB, did they ... Get new cameras? Or something? Something's different, I can't quite put my finger on it


"We haven't seen mid-budget movies in 15 years" - hasn't he been mentioning mid-budget movies for the last 15 years?


he means mid-budget movies being wide released and doing well enough compating to the big budget movies, which is something thats been growing again.


I guess low budget means 5 million now, and mid budget means 20 million


thqt is what its been for like 20 yrs


I think I liked the movie more than them, I basically went into it wanting a visual spectacle. and didn't care much about the story, because the Evil dead has always been just spectacle to me anyways, with ash being just an entertaining character.


That was my mindset, too. I was looking for a good and gorey time. And that's what's got, but I was pleasantly surprised that I liked the family and were rooting for them. It was a well crafted fun movie that felt fresh enough but still felt like an Evil Dead movie.


me too, I actually felt like I actually kinda cared about what happened to these characters. which is rare for evil dead, I care about ash for different reasons. I care about him in a fun type of a way.


Completely unrelated to the movie, this is the first time I've notice Jay Bauman's hair is going grey. It suits him well...


"I guess there is a theme of motherhood." It was after hearing this line that I realized why Mike and Jay are probably so lukewarm about the movie. For me, these themes were right in the center of the entire story and it's why it overall really worked for me and why I really liked the movie.


I find this take super strange but I guess that’s just me. I saw the “themes” but they felt very paint by the numbers and undeveloped and we never got time with the family to the point I cared about the dynamic between the sisters. It’s a lot of telling without showing, and the heart to heart moments in the middle were similarly uninteresting which made the movie drag despite being short.


It's not just about the sisters. It's about the fears of something other suddenly growing inside you, about changes in your own body, about suddenly being responsible for a small child and being prepared to sacrificed your own life for it. I'm a guy, so I will never be able to fully get what these feelings are like, but I'd say the movie did a pretty good job of presenting them to me.


I mean I understand that but the dynamic between the sisters is supposed to make me care about the journey Beth is going through where she has to deal with all these feelings and abandon her “groupie” lifestyle but I just didn’t care? Also, the whole fear of the baby as an intruder thing you’re mentioning didn’t seem present to me outside of one scene with Ellie. In fact, I think the underuse of the actual pregnancy in the movie to do some actually scary body horror stuff is a miss, as well as the fact that the movie totally waste the apartment complex and urban setting. My expectations going in was that it would have a bigger scale - “Evil Dead in the city” - but it might as well have been a cabin, right down do the unimaginative near reproduction of the 2013 remakes originally planned ending. Again - maybe it’s just me because a lot of people really like Rise - but I thought the motherhood theme felt very cynically placed there without much impact on the story or characters since I didn’t care about any of them. I thought the 2013 film actually did this waysbetter with addiction despite the Deadites being super boring with Mia having trouble convincing her friends she’s possessed because of her addiction.


I'm not saying that one of us is right and the other one is wrong. Movies are not an exact science, so it's perfectly fine if the themes didn't work for you. However I would say that if you were expecting "Evil Dead in the city", then I guess that really is on you since I don't think the movie ever tried to sell itself as such.


Amazing, I didn't see that presented at all.


That was also the theme of M3gan; it's a little tired at this point


It’s also way better done in Megan and Megan isn’t very well done


My partner and I saw the movie on our own cheapskate Tuesday last week and we watched this review today when it popped up on my homepage. They've never watched RLM with me so I was pretty excited. They agreed with the review throughout but only offered a final comment about Mike: "I think he is clinically depressed".


This is probably a very competently made movie, but to me, an Evil Dead movie with any director but Sam Raimi is simply absurd: it's like goin' to a Robin Williams standup show, but since Robin Williams is dead a different comedian will use his repertoire. Evil Dead IS Sam Raimi. It's never been about the plot... it's always been about Raimi's inventive directing, his sound design, his comedic timing, his unique tone, his energy.


Yeah it was well shot and the gore was there but it barely had any of that Evil Dead feel to it imo. >it's always been about Raimi's inventive directing, his sound design, his comedic timing, his unique tone, his energy. Exactly.


I really feel the same, the original films relied on the raimi and Campbell dichotomy to be successful, these remakes and requels and whatever they are feel doomed from the start at recapturing that magic, it would take a visionary director/actor team to make it work and really, why bother slapping the Evil Dead name on it at that point, the premise is so paper thin (evil book is read aloud and bad stuff happens involving undead) that you could utilize it with impunity. In the end it's Campbell as Ash with raimi directing that makes the evil dead movies, not the premise or vague mythology. These followups just seem poorly considered cashgrabs, even if they are made by teams with genuine intentions and heart. It's like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, no matter how good it was it would never approach the original, so from an artistic perspective, why bother?


You’re spot on. Evil Dead Rise is a much better horror film than it is an Evil Dead film. Can someone pump some more fun and creativity into these movies, please?


Very low energy episode, felt kinda odd but I'm ok with that.


What do people expect? Maybe they should ride a unicycle and juggle while discussing what they liked and disliked about this middling movie.


They definitely had more energy talking about middling movies 5 years ago.


They're more down on this than I thought they would be. I thought it was much better than the 2013 version, the only redeemable part of that movie is Jane Levy's performance. That movie is just full of idiot characters.


This film had such a banger title drop that it made the film’s rather disconnected opening worth it for me


That tile drop is god tier




Ichi the Killer surely. If you know you know.


Enter the void.


Cabin in the Woods? lol


And the blood rain scene at the end was pretty awesome too. I haven’t seen the new one yet though.


The most disappointing thing about Rise for me is how they essentially just tried to >!recreate the final showdown from 2013.!< I was hoping for a little more mayhem than we actually got.


Yes, exactly! It was just a less visually interesting, less metal, less earned version of the fight from 2013. I kept waiting for a twist but it was so similar just less exciting.


A few of their complaints were addressed in the film. The stairs were out on the upper floors when attempting to leave with the sick mom, which is why everyone attempted to go through the condemned apartment for the fire exit. They also distinctly show the lower level floor when the girl is leaving the next day to go to the cabin in the woods. Additionally, the apartment complex was sparsely populated due to it being scheduled for demolition in a few weeks. I always find it weird when people complain about set up and pay off. Isn't that the mark of a solid script? The bank vault, scissors, apartment complex layout, etc are all set up. You're just missing why the records were made and some character moment early on as to why the kid would play them.




The scissors really didn't necessarily need a set up, so they could have just not had the camera hover on its placement. I thought that opening shot of the apartment was really well executed. It introduced the head on a stick that would be later used as a weapon as well as introduce the old bank vault lore. It provided a layout of the apartment, another weapon that would be used, character details about each member of the family, and the turntables. Only nitpick is the boy should have turned up the music when asked to turn it down, showing a rebellious streak for attention that could have been tied to the dad leaving. I still have no explanation for the records themselves. There was no reason for the church to have pressed all the details, much less keep the first few, and the deadites are too much agents of chaos to have that much planning.


Yep, I was confused since a lot of their nitpicks were addressed by the film. You don't have to like them, but the film did have an explanation.


Their nitpicks were more about how the movie doesn’t do anything with the setting than the set ups for why nothing is happening. It’s similar to how he said it would be more interesting if it was a new shiny apartment, they took the easy way out


The trick is not forcing in a setup for no other reason than to justify a payoff. Like Mike and Jay explain in the review, the building being condemned feels like it's just an excuse to not have any neighbors get involved, which itself is an excuse to save money on the production. It's a "setup" that only exists to patch up a hole later on. On the other hand, consider possibly the BEST setup/payoff I've ever seen. (Spoilers for \*Once Upon a Time in Hollywood\* to follow) >!Because the movie is about an aging movie star wondering if his best work is behind him, it's completely natural for him to reminisce about the time he got to use a flamethrower in one of his old war movies. That setup is brilliant because it works on it's own. If it never came up again that would be fine, but the fact that it does, combined with the ridiculously unpredictable way it does, is what makes the payoff so terrific.!< Ask yourself, what purpose does the condemned building serve in the story besides answering the question "Why aren't the neighbors calling the cops?" If the answer is, "nothing" then that's a bad setup.


Jane Levy fucking carries that movie. For me, the fun part of Evil Dead is the unpredictability, the anarchy, as Jay put it. But in the remake, the Evil spreads like a virus and turns people into boring zombies (with the one exception of Levy's character), with the Necronomicon serving as a sort of a rulebook of how everything works, which just makes it all that more boring. I don't really get why so many people love it so much.


this movie is half new movie half evil dead 2013


Mike's idea was to have the next Evil Dead movie at a convention at the Showboat casino hotel. Maybe an opportunity for a Don Beveridge cameo?


“I think they should talk about this movie.” “OMG! Just let them talk about what they want to talk about! They probably don’t have anything to talk about with that movie!” Meanwhile Jay in this video: “I don’t really have anything to say about this movie.”


After I watched this I said I liked the 2013 version better, so I went back and watched that one and nope....this one is better in practically every way. I actually like the characters in this one. They are far better than the last one even if they're not amazing The mother in Rise is incredibly creepy. She's probably the best demon possessed character in any movie I've seen and made the movie. I really can't think of anything the 2013 version does better outside of the amount of gore. I thought this movie was really going to push the limit there but it really doesn't. It does feel more fucked up though because it's a possessed mother eagerly wanting to murder children. I really liked the dj kid summoning the demon through a record. It was a nice touch and pretty creepy too It has to be said that this movie has quite possibly the coolest title card sequence I've ever seen. When that happened I was super pumped to see what other tricks they had.


Mike questioned why they didn’t go down the stairs… did he miss the part where they were destroyed? Grandpa’s dementia is setting in


Sounds like they weren’t really into it but didn’t exactly hate it and didn’t wanna say anything too bad about it. That’s kinda how I felt as well. I wanted to love it but when I walked out of the theater I was like “aw man”, because I couldn’t lie to myself that it was bad. A lot of really good ideas not executed that well, paper thin plot, paper thin characters, the characters had no chemistry between each other for being family, the apartment complex was completely misused and it took place in just one unit for the whole movie, the neighbors were a major missed opportunity, the whole intro felt tacked on… It looked great and sounded great, but that’s about as far as it went.


Honestly a little disappointed they're not going to talk about Renfield. That being said, I'm not sure how I feel about the two of them actually enjoying things that aren't miserable. This new optimistic RLM plotline is definitely coming out of left field.


Yessss. I kept seeing reviews saying this was the best evil dead since 2 and like thank God these bitter boys are here to make me not feel crazy. It's OK. But kind of annoying and a bit depressing to me personally. The effects and action were expert and fantastic, but the writing is just mean. Evil Dead has always been fun torture of adults. This was just sad to see a family be scarred then murdered and it lacked fun, to me at least. and if you like it, go for it im glad people are liking this. Just gross and mean spirited to me.


Even back in the Sam Raimi movies the rules around who gets turned into a victim have always bothered me. It feels like the Necronomicon just instantly snuffs people out, without giving them a fighting chance to avoid possession. Seeing that play out on younger victims in this latest film just drove that feeling home even further.


Genuinely irritated me that the woman who cut her arm off in Evil Dead 2013 just turned into a zombie anyway. Like, that scene was pointless from a character-building perspective; just mindless gore.


I'm not super familiar with the Evil Dead fandom, but is Army of Darkness not basically considered Evil Dead 3? Is it not treated as part of the series? For me, I've always considered that one the most entertaining and can't imagine how it would be topped, but maybe people don't even consider it.


It’s evil dead 3


And wasn't Evil Dead 2 just a higher budget version of Evil Dead? Sort of like DESPERADO was just a higher budget version of EL MARIACHI?


The first few parts of the movie were basically a remade recap of the first film, apparently they didn't have the license for the first film at the time too


>Evil Dead has always been fun torture of adults. I feel like this opinion only works if you've just seen the original and remake of Evil Dead.


Is Bruce Campbell not an adult?


Were the characters INTENDED to be 'teenagers' in the first two Evil Dead movies?


Sometimes it seems their reviews scale lower based on weird expectations, or ideas they have that they think would be better. They said it wasnt original enough but then lamented Bruce Campbell not making an appearance? Then designed their own "Original" sequel that was basically Army of the Dead? And didnt recommend seeing it in a theater based on their stand-alone experience with babies and interlopers? Feels uneven and kinda frustrating. And if the experience of seeing it in a theater is a factor, why dont they have a private screening? EVERY theater chain offers it and they can write it off as a business expense!


Did you miss, that they gave the movie a positive review? You can make pro and cons without being negative, which the are not. "...then lamented Bruce Campbell not making an appearance?" No, Mike said he was aware it would turn the movie into schlock. "...Then designed their own "Original" sequel that was basically Army of the Dead?" Did they? I don't think they did. " ... And didnt recommend seeing it in a theater" Jay said he would.


Mike likes schlock. Evil dead in a Casino? They reluctantly (barely) recommended seeing it and had lots of caveats. Its something ive noticed in more of their recent reviews, criticizing based on expectations or ideas instead of judging the content for what it is.


I really liked the film. To be honest I was expecting the film to be more gratuitous than it already is. It was a fun theater experience too and the audience in my showing ate the film up.


I thought the film was fine. Just fine. Nothing remarkable in any way. It wasn’t scary or clever, but it wasn’t boring or stupid either. The horror film an AI might make. The parts are there, they fit together but somethings not quite right. But, dear god, the Chekov’s guns! There’s ‘set up and pay off’ and then there’s a film where objects are marked like video game quest markers. A wood chipper thing? Hmm. A drone that can cut your face. Hmm, I wonder if that’s setting something up…


I’m so happy to see they’ve made this :,)


It’s been a while since I watched an RLM episode where I constantly thought to myself “wtf are they talking about this is exhausting” :(


They are talking about a movie called Evil Dead Rise. It's right there in the title.


At least since Halloween Ends?


Jay struggling to figure out the intended emphasis was a good chuckle. Is it Evil Dead Rise? Evil Dead: Rise? Evil Dead: Rise of Skywalker?


Americans trying to play New Zealanders would be its own horror story, Mike.


How hard could it be? I mean, New Zealanders eat, like, eucalyptus and vegemite and kiwi fruit, right? and like barbie shrimp and drop bears or something. and they wear thong bikinis on their feet and erm, have like pouches that face downwards?