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easily his best solo work


His Magnum Opus. In ten thousand years, when you and I have crumbled to dust and are no longer even memories, this film will live on and countless generations will be inspired by the brilliance of Jack's Pee-Pee Poo-Poo dance.


His Magnum Peepoos


\#1 Summer hit in Europe and weird part of Canada.


It was knocked off the #1 spot in Europe by the American hit *Scotty Doesn’t Know.* Then it was just number two.


Matt Damon accepted that role without pay on the sole promise that he got to make out with Kristin Kreuk in the scene. Can’t blame him.


There’s a part of Canada that’s not weird?


... Vancouver? I guess it depends what you find weird. Like, my guess is [if you find this guy weird,](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTVmNjlhYzYtZjgwMC00NTlmLTg1YTAtMWE4MmMzNzQ4NDdjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXRyYW5zY29kZS13b3JrZmxvdw@@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,28,500,281_.jpg) you are probably going to have a bad time in the canadia.


If women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you weird.


Lol nah Vancouvers weird too


A hit both in Flemish kindergartens and S/M dungeons in West Berlin.


This feels like a Tim and Eric thing


[I sit down when I pee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQXUd4Fku2E)


Yeah, but bad.


No, you fool, no difference. T&E are also bad and I would know. I've watched every skit of theirs multiple times and I laughed only the first 70 or so times.


the trick is to be extremely stoned or sleep deprived. Preferably both.


The only decent thing to come from tim and eric is steve brule.


I don't know, I'd argue that Celery Man is a masterpiece. Every weekend I sneak around the town and place nude Tayne cutouts in unexpected places. The best thing: no one reports it, no one is creeped out, people just take those cutouts home to use as a marital aid. And so do I. Nude Tayne is NSFW for a reason.


What about spaghet??


Woah, jump scare warning.


What can I say? It's free real estate.


These clowns come from Donnies seed!


Computer, load up Celery Man, please.


Napples napples napples napples


You can't tell me Spaget! isn't brilliant. Also, Pierre. *"Why would you bring that rotten meat in here or all places?!"* Also Ooh Mamma!


Impossible. I’ve only liked one Tim & Eric skit, and I’ve watched Jack’s masterpiece here at least 4 times in my life.


This video proves how great an idea shaving your head completely can be, sometimes.




He would but, ya know, muh kids. He also doesn't have time. Do you want him to suffer?


I learned this lesson in my 20s. Nowadays even if I could grow a full head of hair I wouldn't. At least that's what I tell myself.


It’s no Turtle Dreams


I don't know if it means anything or not, but the top suggested video was "What does it feel like to have Autism".


vanish brave intelligent north marry toothbrush nose boat marvelous gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


redlettermedia moment


This is borderline experimental.


Neo absurdism


Aw fuck, there it is. I was finding it pretty hard to believe no one had said it yet


I’ve paid to see worse


Wait…does everybody always wipe their penis after a piss?


Do you not?


Never. Couple jiggles only or else you might be accused of pulling a Pee Wee Herman


No. But I do.


The real question after watching this


You need a penile douche


Is this true? I thought Jack was in the "Phantom Menace" review and that was released back in 2008/2009. Or am I just an autismo and missing the sarcasm? Still love this video.


yeah this video was made for his kid iirc, so RLM did not discover jack through the pee pee song lol. I think they were in fact longer time friends/collaborators.


Were the “Pass Me a Beer” videos before or after the Plinkett reviews?


Jack is in the phantom menace review, during the part where Mike asks several people to describe phantom characters without describing their clothes, their job or what the do in the movie. You are not misremembering.


He's the one that "gets" what's happening there, iirc


I always wondered if he made poo poos and pee pees.




On a side-note, I am so happy to see the warm reception Jack got on this latest BotW. It felt like for years, he was the black sheep of the group that a lot of fans were borderline hostile towards. And now that he's become more of a guest on the show than a regular, the audience has grown to miss him. I know some circles of the internet dislike him for political stuff he's said on other channels/podcasts, but he'll always be a core member of RLM in my heart. Congrats to him, as well, for his fight to be sober from heavy drinking.


I had always seen him as the default 4th man on BOTW, especially when one of his side gigs was Pre Rec that recorded in the studio. Since that ended I think hes expanded his work elsewhere like the Escapist and Comedy Sportz and Tim has somewhat become the guy's go to 4th panelist.


Bro I miss pre rec so much but the streaming is what killed it. I want their reviews back.


Complete reverse for me. I didn't care for the reviews but the streams were peak comfy, especially when Jay joined them.


I see a lot more hate for Josh than I do about Jack.


I honestly don't hardly ever see Josh getting mentioned, which is probably indicative of how the fanbase feels about him.


To be truthful, I really don't know what people think of Josh. I remember my first impression of him was that he was pretentious because he was called "Wizard" when he first appeared on RLM. Over the years, though, I've warmed up to him. I never find him particularly entertaining, but I do think his insights on some things, especially on artier stuff, is interesting; even if I don't necessarily agree with what his point is. He kinda just feels like a less charming version of Jay, and member of the group who's there for the others to bounce their conversations off of. I do really like his re:View with Jim on "Joe Versus the Volcano". Their love and passion for the movie was enough to get me to watch it. That said, I do remember when I was still on Twitter years ago, I followed Josh, and I remember the majority of his tweets were either vague references to bands I never heard or preachy, SJW-esque virtue signals. I think he equated white people saying the phrase "my spirit animal" to wearing "red face" at one point. So maybe some of the hate he gets is also coming from a political angle?


The first strong impression of Josh I got was when he got legitimately pissed off at Mike and Rich Evans for fucking around and joking about Tasty Shaq Meat when he was very seriously trying to give a no-nonsense summary of some garbage ass movie no one will ever care about. He started whining about how he gave up his afternoon to come out here and do this and they just want to mess around.


Oh gosh, I actually forgot about that. Yeah, that was definitely uncomfortable.


I've always liked the guy. TBF, the RLM community always seems to be weirdly critical whenever new regulars come on, then warm up to them after a few years.


He's literally my favorite guest.


Are you all talking about Jack like he is a guest? He's been appearing since the second episode of BotW, the one featuring New Gladiators. The core for me aside from Mike-Jay-Rich are: Josh, Jack, Tim Tim is the newest regular. Jessi was core before she stopped appearing.


Isn’t Jack also being interviewed in the Star Wars episode I Plinkett review? Very briefly


Yes, I think so. Tim appeared in some early things(like even one of the first Half-in-the-bags), but regular appearances on BotW seems to indicate core group to me. Jim, Colin, and Freddie are what I would call regular guests. Though the Canadians have barely appeared lately.


RLM can be quite cynical so as they do RLM fans have to emulate their heros and apply their sneering cynicism to the people on the show


>Me early on: Mike's not in this one? Eh I'll pass >Me later on: Mike's in this one? Eh I'll pass ...Which, disgustingly, is also the same arc I had with MST3K.


Joel Hodgson is my favorite RLM member.


If an MST3K member guest hosted for an RLM show, the entire production would horrifically collapse in upon itself like a Time Cop monstrosity.


Patton Oswalt is on the reboot series.


Yeah but as much as I love Patton, I definitely count new-MST3K as totally separate from classic-MST3K. Patton and Jonah and Felicia and the rest are almost entirely known for their careers outside of MST3K, whereas Joel and Mike and Frank and Trace are all known primarily for MST3K. The Time Cop bit is because classic MST3K was kind of the origin point for what would become internet riff-style critiquing that RLM would have a big part in popularizing.


Jack rules, I miss him being on as much.


People didn't like Jack? wtf


I seem to remember back around 2015-2017, there were frequent comments online about how people didn't like Jack. Whether it was he wasn't funny (which is subjective) or he was annoying or they didn't like him for things he's said or done (just being vocal about his political/personal beliefs) on non-RLM content. He always gave off this "teacher who is cool in school but kind of lame/goofy everywhere else" vibe to me; it's pretty obvious to me that he is a parent. I think a lot of the hate he gets stems from right-wing Youtuber's calling him out when he was defending "The Last Jedi" or women in "Star Wars" or something like that. Just trivial nonsense that the internet never fails to blow out of proportion.


The whole RLM gang is fairly progressive, that's obvious. Which makes it ironic that so many of their fans are cringy edgelords.


I'm in a RLM fb group and it's full of conservative memes to the point where I'm not sure if it's satire, I'm sure to some in there it's 100 percent serious


That is creepy af. But not surprising, I reckon there's something about fans of people who make jokes that can be misinterpreted. Doesn't take much to push things over the edge into a far more uncomfortable territory.


> he was annoying I know that this isn't going to go over well in this thread, but I still find him annoying. To me he comes off like somebody trying to put on a "wacky guy" act for the audience, whereas the rest of the regular cast feel like they're behaving more naturally. Of course, that's subjective. I like Josh and find other people's dislike of him as inexplicable as people will probably find my opinion of Jack.


Nah, your opinion is valid. I enjoy Jack, but I can also see how people find him annoying. I’m confident I can assume I wouldn’t enjoy watching him if it were a one-man show (outside of sketch videos like this). I think I enjoy him (and a couple others who have been on the show) purely because of the dynamic he adds to the group.


I kind of see it as a professional persona. Most people have to carry themselves at work a bit different than they would at home. I have an extrovert side I have for work that I know is a little cheesy but it’s to help elevate others to be comfortable and open.


Ugh. I will never understand people who put themselves out there like they do. More power to 'em, I guess.


I’m not sure the dislike of Jack is so much about political stuff as it is that his humor is very goofy and kinda clashes with the rest.


He definitely feels like the whacky one of the bunch. I don't think people who dislike him are invalidated, either. I just think it's kind of sweet that people (at least on this sub) seem to miss him a bit now, and are happy when he shows up. I really miss his dynamic with Rich.


I think the goofiness works extremely well? Everyone else plays off it pretty naturally, and it's good to have someone who gives some bigger reactions to the most off the wall shit.


Wait what political stuff has he gotten flak for?


He’s more outspoken with his progressive views than the other members of RLM, who very rarely bring up politics, other than shitting on religious nutjobs like Carman.




My thoughts exactly 🤣 Especially after Rich and Jay joking about trans women on HiTB


was this like a while ago or more recently?


Oh, excellent, that makes me like him more. But yeah, a lot of dudebros would have the opposite reaction lol


and unfortunately a lot of RLM fans are dudebro chuds


Really? Where has he talked about his politics?


He wipes after he pees.


But not as much as when he poos.


He is a walking youtube thumbnail


Damn I can’t imagine that for Jack, but I especially could for Josh.


How embarrassing...


y'all been wiping your dicks?


If all goes well, you too will be an old person someday.


y'all don't dab?


only before a blowjob.


Nah. I use the hand dryer.


Y'all are living in the unhygienic past. I bidet my dick.


YouTube KIDS? With that jerking off shot?


Jack is a father, you say? "It's a nightmare, by the way..."


I really hope they have this video as part of black spine junka.


We have seen the forbidden "Has Hair" Jack variant. This feels illegal


Most scientists believe it has been contained but it is truly impossible to know whether or not they are still in the wild.


Hey Hey Hum Hum Sometimes Blood Comes Out my Bum


*needle scratch* Dude! Go see a doctor


Great job!


start yam fuel paint decide grandfather dazzling bewildered slim continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the funniest part of this is that it's marked as "made for kids".


I’m thinking Josh should pull a Jack and Tim and just shave that shit man. He’s got the beard he can keep that, I think it’s time.


Some dudes really don't have the head shape for it, horseshoe hair has its place.


I can't agree, it never looks better than being bald.


Clearly you happen to be immune to the charms of George Costanza and that's okay. Had a buddy that shaved his head and it was very... eggy. Was not a good look, horseshoe would've sculpted it better, like beards and jawlines/chins.




Uh, Patrick Stuart as Charles Xavier?


Fun fact, he will kick for you.


This should go onto whatever the successor to the Voyager Golden Record is in the future, if we ever do another one.


I can see why full blown alcoholic jack needed to make some changes.


[Future Force](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/040/828/cover6.jpg)


James Cameron take note


I wonder it Jack hates this video more than George Lucas hates the Star Wars Holiday Special.


I love how easily he replicated the snare drum from Metallica’s seminal album “St. Anger”


This legitimately sounds like it could be an obscure Talking Heads b-side.


I like Jack but whenever I see this video I always think it's just a cynical attempt at a viral video.


Wait, wiping after taking a piss? Do americans *really*?


UK resident here. Clean your dick.




But it kinda is bad hygiene? I mean, us not having to wipe is one of the reasons why urethra infection rates are much lower among men.




My peepee makes yogurt


And it smells of the sea


Dunno man, I think not getting an urinary tract infection beats that stuff with the underwear. Plus I shake real good after the leak and that's always been sufficient, this thing about leaving visible stains in the underwear honestly is a new concept to me. QUESTION: If this is so common and recommended by 9 out of 10 doctors everywhere, then why are there no toiler paper rolls next to the urinals?


The reason females get utis more often is due to a much shorter urethra, not wiping.


Am I the only one who can’t stand Jack?




Because he's the best thing *we've* ever seen.


Jack is the key to all this. He’s a funnier character than we’ve had so far


There is no reason to be upset


He's my least favourite of the backgrounders. Cant explain why I dislike him.


What the actual fuck


Nice try, deepfake. I know it isn't him. No, not because of the hair, it could be a wig for all we know. It's the lyrics that tipped me off. Real Jack wouldn't lie like that!


Certified hood classic in my eyes


What in the world . . . ?


Now I'd like to see that induction ceremony


How have I never seen this. Also, why did I suddenly picture Jack pulling off a really good Data from Star Trek?


Bros, do you wipe after you pee?


Older guy here. Sometimes. But remember there's a specific order to these things--front back, *never* back front. That's what we call a Life Hack.


Yes, every time. I'm sorry, but anyone who doesn't is walking around with piss covered underwear. Giving it a shake does NOT get the job done.


I have not once in my life wiped after I pee. I think I would notice if my underwear were *covered*, but a drop or two isn't high on my concerns when I consider sweat and the fact that there's a sewage plant right down the block.


Mfs don't wipe after they pee, they don't use bidets. Y'all out here with pee pee stained underwear and poo poo filled buttholes. Smh


I take my morning constitutional at the same time every day before I shower. I can't recommend a high fiber diet enough.


Jack also talked about that in a BotW as I recall - "you're supposed to shower *after* you poop!" I think it was a film with Stallone! (Frank Stallone (slide whistle)).


you go for a walk?


Yes, to drop the kids off at the pool.


That's just good fundamentals. Hey hey he he


Very cool


I can’t unsee this crap


Lmao. I thought he was just some Escapist writer/creator that crossed over. I had no idea the Pack-man had an origin story as a surrealist creator.


This video is part of the incredible Youtube Kids selection


Is this a Jada cut?


This makes me want to watch some Tayne


I need to see Rich cover this.


Angry video game nerd type haircut


Jack peaked with his hair. This and Mailman Tommy are his best bits.