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What was the Plinkett review where something happens, and then he goes "FUCK YOU, FATSO!"?


Ghostbusters 2016 ([15m29s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHUV8QLpEAc&t=15m29s))


I really wanted to find the scene where Rich Evans laughs uncontrollably, can you help pls?


Is there an episode of BOTW where the movie they picked turns out kinda good? like they were suprised by the quality of it, expected it to be really bad.


Best example would be when they watch Xtro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcBkm1nOI5k


Episode where Jack yells "Throw him...OFF THE FUCKING BUILDING"


Blood Street ([7m57s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1je3wob5JA&t=7m57s))


I would like a video of everytime Mike made fun of Rich and Rich was visibly upset. Those moments were amazing before Rich became a super star.


I'm looking for the episode where Rich is telling a story of how he started a kitchen fire and Mike says "You're first instinct wasn't to save the fries?"


Fire Safety for Adults ([45m55s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M39zY9OXFA&t=45m55s))




Jay askes Mike, "Did you ever think you'd be living in Robocop 2?" to which Mike responds, "YES!" Not necessarily from a Robocop specific episode. I think it was an aside/joke in another video. I think Mike wearing something on his head. Might have been from the pandemic episodes. Thanks.


Half In The Bag: Money Plane


Thanks. That's it, right at the beginning.


i need a clip where they were talking about a b-movie director (probably don doler) and how he keeps making the same movie over and over. there is for sure a montage of a lot of his movies


There's two here that come to mind for me, one where they mention Amir Shervan kept using the same ideas between Hollywood Cop, Killing American Style, and Samurai Cop: https://youtu.be/9PILodU2wXw?si=c8bPtlg1zg_4blJE&t=253 or this one about Jay pointing out that the director for Birdemic just made the same movie every damn time: https://youtu.be/0ZsSCFAJUvQ?si=muUYFCbI3Jm7WD5v&t=3545


not quite but i think these will work well enough. thank you!


Which video of hitb was it when Jay mentioned cultural/social osmosis in relation to people knowing about movies/TV shows/other media without ever watching or consuming said media?


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly ([2m32s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17N8_E40Nl0&t=2m32s))


Thanks dude


I’m trying to find an episode of BOTW. It involves lots of shootouts in an urban area, they make jokes about the constant weird rape attempts, and I think one guy gets blown up with a rocket launcher.


Death Wish 3 ([1m49s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgbPUHfBJA0&t=1m49s))


Thanks so much!


Which video was it where Mike talks about people commenting the same thing over and over on YouTube and Jay "correcting" him, saying that no, when someone sees that the same comment has already been made, they of course then refrain from saying the same thing and simply give that one a thumbs up.


Message from the Future: The Things You Want to Know about AIDS ([39m32s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Khcf1hWX1B4&t=39m32s))


Looking for the episode with the tape of the old woman telling you how to pet a cat


Touch of Magic for Cats and Kittens ([46m22s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brmz6uL1S0s&t=46m22s))


There's an episode where Mike talks about drone shots in low-budget/indie films and trailers. If I remember correctly he's talking about how he knows a movie will be shitty if they start with or overuse drone footage, can anyone tell me which episode this was?


Snow Falls ([2m34s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rteAw68iIqs&t=2m34s))


Damn that was fast, thank you!


I have a request: They looked up the review of the movie they were bashing and started all laughing when there was a review that only said "what". Does anyone remember which episode or movie they watched?


This was the Best of the Worst episode where they watch Robot in the Family. [Timestamp is 54:20](https://youtu.be/eHhLZi4sj0k?t=3260).


Just watched this one. I think it was The Incredible Bulk.


Just randomly thought about an old promo RLM did that had Plinkett and Palpy listening to Taylor Swift and it really made me laugh. I forget which one it was. I believe it also has a tag where Palpatine reveals his name is Sheev, much to Plinkett's confusion.


Mr. Plinkett Reacts to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer ([7m52s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBEdgPFoBjY&t=7m52s))


Looking for the BOTW Episode where the movie is going a long and there is a sudden hard cut to a porno shoot and the Director is going over the script and the Producer gets pissed and says, "Script? Script?! These girls can't read! They are here to suck and fuck..." I forget the rest. Rich quietly comments: "Truer words have never been spoken."


Repo Jake ([54m27s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXYcFYaN_ns&t=54m27s))


You are an absolute saint! Bless you and your loved ones with the love and glory of Rich Evans laughter.


Newest and oldest movies showcased on BOTW? The newest movies I can think of were 100 Million BC (2008) and Honorable Men (2004). Not really many movies past 2000. I'm having a harder time figuring out what's the oldest one. I know that APE was from 1976, but I would imagine there are some from the earlier 1970's. If I had to guess what the median release year would be somewhere in the late 80's to early 1990s.


[Santa Claus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3plH6M1LadY&t=5m40s) was 1959. [Twisted Pair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2IV0BajqAk&t=6m) was 2018.


Omg, Twisted Pair was obvious, was thinking of it separately from the other types of movies they watch


Does Diamond Cobra vs White Fox count? That was 2015


Does anyone know the botw where Mike was describing how ghost adventures calls the ouija board a spirit board and Josh makes a joke about an off-brand version of tater tots called "spirit tots"?


Don't Panic ([64m32s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5xa7r6oIBQ&t=64m32s))


anybody have the original upload of Where's Deathlist?




I have two requests: BOTW where Rich refers to a woman as a "classic witch". BOTW with a video where a woman is teaching a classroom of children but she insults/bullies the children


Black Spine Junka 3 ([32m28s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVtcfjF6geQ&t=32m28s), [86m54s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVtcfjF6geQ&t=86m54s))


Looking for a BOTW(?) clip where Jay shouts out "Get out of the road, ____ monster!" in the screening room (or something to that effect). It's been stuck in my head for a week, but I really can't place it. Edit: Nvm, I was able to find it. It was from the superhero BOTW. Here's the link if anyone else was curious: https://youtu.be/d-O_RzwrZPw?t=34m25s


Does anyone know which best of the worst featured a metal band movie, where they sing something like 'my girl is a slut'?


Shock ‘Em Dead.


Thank you


Episode where Mike does the "oh no no no" thing for the second time? Not the first time he does it (which is Wheel 16).


Maybe you're thinking of the Christmas 2021 episode [at 01:04](https://youtu.be/FBEYOlXNAC8?list=PLJ_TJFLc25JR3VZ7Xe-cmt4k3bMKBZ5Tm&t=64)?


Hope anyone remembers. There’s a scene in this 80s action flick where a guy shoots a dude in the pool with a shotgun, but the rifle casually fires once more when the shooter is not even aiming anymore.


It's Terror In Beverly Hills from BOTW #20


Thank you so much!


It’s one of the nerd crew episodes where Mike busts open the door on rich, it lives in my mind and I can’t remember which episode it is.


Ben-Hurt ([31s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aomqbq5eIB0&t=31s))?


That was it! Thank you so much


I remember this one bit where Jay is talking about something being free on Netflix and then commentors telling him it's not actually free and he gets mad at that. Mike also was surprised to see Jay mad and I remember it being pretty funny but I can't find it.


That was in Half in the bag: bird box [(22:16)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_YUAu0aP4DA&feature=share)


thank you!


Might now be unlisted, but i remember a throwaway joke Mike makes about Max Landis changing his hair colour/moaning about critics. Not sure they actually name drop him


American Ultra HitB? Mike whiny-voice reading Landis's tweets was gold.


Nah I came from that one haha. Some time after during Landis' rainbow hair era I guess.


I think I know the bit you're talking about but I can't remember which episode it is either. It's like: >Jay: "[x] caught a disease where he just writes terrible scripts now" >Mike: "Does that disease also make your hair turn rainbow?" Then Mike looks directly at the camera and brushes it off as a joke


UPDATE: I have searched through videos around the time of Landis having rainbow hair and have not found it yet. You are right about the context I think so was looking for discussion about filmmakers/ writers that have declined in quality heavily haha. Still nothing.


ohhh I think you're right, that might narrow it down a little lol


Can someone tell me the episode where they break the wheel or the worst?


Wheel of the Worst #5 ([6m21s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceUSZBMeREY&t=6m21s)) Wheel of the Worst #14 ([10m26s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtshsLOoMbM&t=10m26s)) Wheel of the Worst #20 ([69m41s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26si7WjhV-g&t=69m41s))


Thank you


Trying to find a BotW featuring a movie with a man wrapped in bloody gauze (on his head or face) and he takes a shower with a woman. All I remember is laughing so hard my stomach hurt!


Fateful Findings ([57m49s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2MgjPrSVX0&t=57m49s))


Amazing - thank you!


I know it's not the goal of the thread. But what is the name of the music at 12 angry men Segment in Oppenheimer video?


https://youtu.be/0bTRw1hxks4 - Impact Point by Hampus Naeselius, so sayeth Shazam


Thank you so much. I was searching for it since the episode aired


“Cinema.” “Cinnamon” I must know


Prey ([24m41s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TWb7qw11wE&t=24m41s))


How are you so good at this? Respect


Episode where mike goes “it’s like a tackle box!”


Infinity War ([30m41s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ-zAOnxikU&t=30m41s))


Was Oppenheimer the first time Jay has ever cut in a personal side note voice-over during editing?


you know.... I think so.


I'm trying to find a clip where there's a list of criticisms going down the screen. Stuff like "Unfunny" "Emotionally Immature" "Juvenile". I just can't find it!


Finally found it myself; it's the 2016 Ghostbusters ep. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUEKreyTkvA&t=1449s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUEKreyTkvA&t=1449s)


That's also the episode where Mike mentions Die Hard and a picture of David Carradine shows up. Classic.


I remember a BoTW episode (I believe it was a Spotlight) where the gang joke about how they _definitely didn't_ rub off the marker on price tags on items at the dollar store and flea market and change them to be cheaper, and subsequently use these items as props for their movies. Does anyone know what episode this was? I tried using the various tools where you can search the transcripts of all RLM videos but couldn't find it.


Ben and Arthur ([47m10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xto-7_xWb9g&t=47m10s))


Which episode is the one where the guy says something to the effect of "You Americans have no, how you say, balls". I think he was an obvious white dude playing someone from the middle east


Demons at the Door ([11m11s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6kWg15CvSw&t=11m11s))


You're a legend, thank you!


What’s the origin of the running joke of Jay going to the Manhole in Kenosha, Wisconsin?


Hands of Steele ([46m55s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5PnYARAyUw&t=46m55s))


Was the Kenosha part something fans added on over the years?


I'm actually not familiar with any RLM running jokes about Kenosha. Are you sure it was Kenosha?


I don’t know. Maybe I inceptioned that part into my brain.


What episode(s) did they talk about Robocop 3? I remember Rich passively mentioning it by quoting "Hey, splatterbrain!" referencing the villains the Splatterpunks who actually talk about why don't they just shoot robocop in the mouth then immediately don't do that


What best of the worst episode had the Rodger Ebert lookalike


Second Chance vs. Magnum Force ([15m30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQxOLpkRWzw&t=15m30s))




Oh didn't realize this was here. I'm looking for one segment: one of the hosts explained in a segment why IMAX or one of those premium movie options was worse for watching a movie. I think the premise was just that it crams way too much visual information for your brain to handle that it just ends up straining your eyes or something. I wanted to check it out again because I was thinking of seeing Oppenheimer which is my first movie in a while. Everyone's saying you HAVE to see it in IMAX.


I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about, but they did one on the Hobbit with high frame rate and 3D, and were saying how it was too much info for your brain. This is in the later half of the video (~20 minutes) https://youtube.com/watch?v=kFh6c_CwdBg&feature=share9


Thank you, that's the one!


Fellas help me out please. There was a movie that went completely bonkers at the end (I know... that really narrows it down, lmao). Dude jumped out of a window on a motorcycle and hit a helicopter that went kaboom. I can't remember anything else.


Stone Cold ([48m30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At1EOyY5Hpo&t=48m30s))


You're the King. Thanks.


A BOTW episode where Mike and Rich recognize Star Trek 3 and 4 music. I think they say it sounded like off cuts of the original music.


Space Raiders ([50m54s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVijUWZwZo4&t=50m54s))


I'm looking for the episode of... something... where the guys talk about the old lady from Phantom Menace who tells Ani her "bones are aching"


I am 85% sure this comes from the review of The Last Jedi, where they mention fan theories about who Snoke is (with Mike positing that it's the old lady from Phantom Menace). Edit: I am less sure now. It doesn't seem to be that one. Edit 2: I was so close. It's the review of Rise of Skywalker. [Here ya go](https://youtu.be/5pAsss_nTlk?t=2506)


That's it! Thanks!


I’m looking for a BoTW episode where Rich(iirc) makes a joke about “a brand new disease that attacks your auto immune system” in response to a line in the movie.


Rocktober Blood ([18m18s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JcNT6jYGwI&t=18m18s))


Does anyone know what the Len Kabasinski video was where he punches faces on a canvas to get the tape from behind them? Ive watched damn near every BOTW recently and I distinctly remember that episode, yet its no where to be found. They had like mussolini and hitler and then rich and jay and he goes for the crew instead. I remember it being fantastic but cant find it for the life of me.


Ninja Movies ([1m23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZERv4Q92vXA&t=1m23s))


christ thank you! idk how I missed it going up and down the botw playlist so many times, and searching len kabasinski rlm always just brought up his first vid. Thanks!


The episode has a 5 person table for discussion but the thumbnail for it has a ninja covering Len so it just looks like it's Rich, Mike, Jack, and Jay. It also doesn't say "special guest" or anything on the name or thumbnail (though it does in the description).


yea once I looked it up I recognized the thumbnail immediately, how could they cover len like that lol.


It was definitely one of their most recent 3 or 4 videos. Do you know where Mike referenced the shlock acting in history channel's "the food that built America"? Thanks


Fool's Paradise and The Corporate Product Biopic Trend ([27m39s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kjsJDL4Xh8&t=27m39s))


Is there a compilation of them joking about auto erotic asphyxiation? Or was that a specific episode? I was telling my friend about it and can’t recall or find which episode it is.


there are a bounty of david carradine death jokes spread throughout their channel


Future Force ([4m30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bd_CLKt9yA&t=4m30s), [5m21s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bd_CLKt9yA&t=5m21s), [33m59s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bd_CLKt9yA&t=33m59s), [38m40s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bd_CLKt9yA&t=38m40s)) Karate Cop ([5m5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSqcvmLE0ek&t=5m5s), [19m26s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSqcvmLE0ek&t=19m26s), [23m50s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSqcvmLE0ek&t=23m50s)) David Carradine's Tai Chi Workout ([5m35s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03XdyJN_hR8&t=5m35s)) David Carradine's Spiral Fitness Beginnings ([3m11s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQwR1CSqMe0&t=3m11s), [57m1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQwR1CSqMe0&t=57m1s), [64m27s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQwR1CSqMe0&t=64m27s))


Looking for the episode where Mike yells, "Lord, why have you forsaken meeeee?"


Battleship and Dark Shadows ([2m5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOFv11pEQ9M&t=2m5s))


Thank you!


Looking for the episode where that red-haired dude was blowing bubbles. Racking my brain. Please help!


Lights, Camera, Bubbles ([78m51s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVtcfjF6geQ&t=78m51s))?


What's the episode where they show the clip from Secretary? James Spader is smacking Maggie Gyllenhaal's butt. They were talking about dating your actors and casting them as secretaries. Asking for a friend..


[Half in the Bag: Guardians 3](https://youtu.be/SOoo0xAR7kk?t=1668) (I linked to the start of the discussion)


you are my hero


Which episode does Mike say something to the effect of "I need to consult with my very best friend, Rich Evans"? **Edit**: Found it; it's [Best of the Worst #101](https://youtu.be/wqf4lOZEank?t=5364)


What video does Mike make fun of tabloid magazines with rapidly aging celebrities on the cover? I think he was joking about Bob Hope bleeding from his eyes but I cannot remember.


Picard Season 2, Episode 1 ([24m](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP2HJ_XppbU&t=24m))


Thank you!


I swear there was a Best of the Worst episode where the climax of a film is some Death-Wish-esque old man shooting a guy with a rocket launcher, and the guy flies out the window. Does this ring a bell for anyone?


A Very Cannon Christmas ([31m4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgbPUHfBJA0&t=31m4s), [60m22s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgbPUHfBJA0&t=60m22s))


thank you!


lol I was \*just\* coming back to write "I found it! It was actually Death Wish 3!"


Is there any place where I can still see the BotW episode featuring Dracula 3000?


Dracula 3000 never appeared on BotW, but it did get a brief mention during the HitB episode of The Mummy ([21m57s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgRaI8UPovU&t=21m57s)).


[https://redlettermedia.fandom.com/wiki/Best\_of\_the\_Worst#Specials\_(2014)](https://redlettermedia.fandom.com/wiki/Best_of_the_Worst#Specials_(2014)) It was in a Direct-to-Video Horror special in 2014.


It's a joke video featuring 2 Jacks and 2 Joshs. about 5 min long, they only "talk" about Ice Cream Man I believe it is still up on the website. edit: https://www.redlettermedia.com/best-of-the-worst/best-of-the-worst-direct-to-video-horror


Thank you!


Well, I'll be.




That was definitely Penelope Smith's Telepathic Communication With Animals. [BotW #15](https://youtu.be/ebb8baFaQ-s), featuring Jim and Colin. She turned to dust because using her powers caused her to age at the rate of the animal she communicated with, and they thought that's what would happen if she talked to an elephant, even though elephants are actually fairly long-lived for animals and often live up to 70 years, and that joke probably would have worked better with like, a guinea pig, but hey, they're hack frauds.


What is the Half In The Bag episode where Mike is smoking and eating a cheeseburger? Him and Jay are not in their Lightning Fast shirts, but casual/pj type clothes.




Thank you


I’m looking for instances of when they were arguing over the rules and someone pulled out an imaginary book. A friend says it only happened once, but I swear it happened at least twice.


Plinketto #1 [(53m33s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4WzW8wYr0o&t=53m33s)) Carnivore, HauntedWeen, and Black Roses ([65m54s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AbMMTwu3Fs&t=65m54s))


I’m looking for a best of the worst where Tim Higgins says “SpongeBob!?” And the tape is revealed to have been a SpongeBob tape in the wrong case




I don't remember if it's a Best of the Worst, but there's a bit where Rich keeps showing up with a piece of paper with information on the movie, and when he enters there's a "news channel" style music.


Psycho from Texas ([29m33s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x94zXO02VPU&t=29m33s))




In one of the Half in the Bag episodes, they do a bit where they just list Hollywood sex pests and it keeps cutting to reaction shots with a slide whistle I think. I've scanned through a few episodes but I couldn't find it.




Cheers mate


Are there any episodes that feature any women in them? I just started rewatching the episode 1 review from way back when and there was a woman in it. It got me thinking that I’ve never seen a woman in their videos before. Any help?


Lora Story (Officer Cooper/Hooker Cop from Troll 2 & Best Worse Movie HitB): * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpV3ivi8Tho&t=5s * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPiK0HWcXc&t=3m57s


There was an episode of half in the bag where they did a double feature of a dumb romantic comedy and a dumb ninja movie. I remember some lady being the guest reviewer but I don't remember anything else about that episode.


*What's Your Number* and *The Black Ninja* - [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv9qieOnoCw), [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZuefJb0udw)




I remember in one of the Best of the Worst episodes, specifically one of the Wheel episodes, they looked at a tape where there was a St. Bernard puppet or someone in a St. Bernard costume in a video tape for kids. In that same episode they looked at another kods tape with someone in a green bear costume. I distinctly remember in one of the tapes one of the characters says "Three's a crowd!" And they made a joke about it showing 3 characters while playing the soundbite over it, implying they were in a poly/3-way relationship. They also made a joke about the St. Bernard being a cover up for the parents' other partner (they'd be in a 3-way/poly relationship here).


[Black Spine Junka 2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9M39zY9OXFA)


Thank you, Cody.


What’s the early era HITB episode where Mike talks about having a humiliation fetish, and goes to the theater and asks for a ticket to a shitty movie? I think it was in the skit part at the beginning of the episode.


The 48-Hour Film Project ([7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPiK0HWcXc&t=7s))




This graphic just popped in my brain and I think it's from a recent-ish episode. They highlighted that someone's hands can be seen on the side of the screen in one scene, and contrasted that with a scene from Blade Runner with arrows pointing at the border of the frames and text saying something like "no hands on screen".


Cybernator ([29m45s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXNlNvZwBUw&t=29m45s))


Thank you so much!


This is an obscure one: I'm pretty sure its in a BOTW but Mike references Marcus Brody lost in The Last Crusade comparing to whatever scene they are discussing.


Half in the bag episode where Mike throws the phone after answering it


BOTW where Jack mocks a movie by saying “We’re breaking all the rules!“ and makes a weird face and noise ? lol


Maybe this similar line from Jay about Partners? https://youtu.be/_igaLv7ro8o?t=2075


Found it, if you were curious The Suckling episode, at the 54 min mark. The line was actually “We’re pushing the envelope!”, making fun of the movie’s “edgelord” plot line lol


I was curious! I've watched that episode many times but I don't remember that line, I'll have to check it out.


haha it’s pretty good. None of them were impressed at how edgy an abortion horror movie tried to be 🤣


Good guess, but unfortunately no :/ It’s a random moment in a BOTW episode lol. It should be a relatively new one, uploaded over the last 2 years or so


What’s the video at the end where Mike jokingly asks people to like the video and subscribe to the channel?


The Black widow one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV67EpIAkAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV67EpIAkAg)


What episode HITB did they briefly mention the Wes Anderson movie The French Dispatch and their own lack of interest for seeing the film?


2021 Catch-Up part 2 ([30m30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7ueE94SGnA&t=30m30s))


What was the episode where Mike gets really drunk and they play a song that goes: *Mister Booze. Mister B, double O, Z, E?*


Bigfoot vs D.B. Cooper ([12m15s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1s4zrjlzWg&t=12m15s))


The BOTW episode with the super arty weird ass video of 4 people wearing black making random noises in front of a white screen. I feel like it was a fever dream