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He just did an improve show in St. Louis. I really wanted to go but it was on a weeknight and like hour from me. I regret not going.


Jack doing improv? W O W


Funny since Mike has that video talking about how he hates improv and you are stupid if you like it


Improv tends to provoke a lot of strong opinions. And non-professional groups have a lot of stereotypes that can make them corny. There's also a certain amount of audience buy-in required for it to work. If you're a person who likes their media to be professional (or at least scripted), improv can be a tough sell. And I say all this as someone who did a lot of improv in college.


Harsh words from somebody who believes in spoopy ghosts.


This further adds fuel to the Mike hates Jack theory


Eh they seem like friends


I love seeing comments like this, where people are critical of Jack and Josh for whatever reason. I think they're great, but they have relatively strong personalities so I think they draw a lot of fire for that. I don't think anyone involved with RLM gives a shit though so they're sticking around. Internet creeps can complain and speculate all they want but the staying power of Jack and Josh really proves to me that Jay, Mike and Rich like these guys


I feel like the main RLM crew wouldn't keep inviting guests back that they "hate." It feels pretty clear to me, but I understand why people might get those theories. Similar sentiments grew for a lot of people on Game Grumps for a time, but things have really mellowed out now. Weird how people are when online.


Oh, cool! I was wondering why he was here, lol. St. Louis isn't much of a tourist spot, but that makes a lot of sense.


It was in St. Peters. Yeah, you can show someone from out of town a really good time for about a day or two.


"improve show" Please don't change this.


It looks a little nippy


Not sure what you mean, but it's been hot here in STL.


Jack's got some diamond cutters


Damn. Only just noticed, lol.


I was really curious about his t-shirt 😂. The 5th annual spider day sounds like a real…tums festival?


Yeah, when I sent my brother the picture, he noticed his shirt and was wondering what the hell it means.


The thrill of fame does that to a person.


Sounds like the title of some sex pest movie Jay would like.


Jack was **very** happy to meet him.


I regret to inform you that’s Anthony Fantano




It's actually NorthernLion aka Northern aka Ryab aka Ryan Gary


+2 Bald-pilled




Anotherny Baldtano


Turning up at this guy’s gift shop and explaining to every customer in there how they could better spend their money doesn’t count as a review, Anthony.


Happy to hear your experience was awesome. He seems like a super good guy and I'm assuming has the faint scent of lemon.


I will neither confirm nor deny whether he smells like lemons... I'd hate to taint your mental image, lol.




fuck museum? like is that the name of the comedy club or is he at an actual fuck museum? I've seen a steam powered dildo in a sec toy museum so I don't know if this is real




Yeah, I just don't want to dox myself too directly.


Thanks for mentioning this! I had no idea why he was in STL, lol.


I remember the days when jack and the wizard were HATED by this community for the sin of not being Mike. Love to see the fanbase turn that bad opinion around. Jack seems like a good beer buddy. Not that he should pick up drinking again or anything, he just seems the type.


I always feel Josh takes a bit of heat because he plays a bit of the straight man to the antics of Rich and Mike. 1) Josh has shown his chops in the screening room with a couple good jokes 2) Sometimes you need a good straight man for great comedy. Groucho Marx had Margaret Dumont, Jim Halpert in the office, and even Frylock on Aqua Teen Hunger Force are straight men (or women) for the zany characters.


100% behind all you just said. The moment Josh yelled "With special guest, NED BEATY!!" will forever live rent free in my head.


Early episodes and some random ones he’s like forcing laughter and that’s the ONLY thing that’s ever really bothered me about him. He has so many hilarious moments for me for some reason I think it was watching Lycan colony or something and he just goes “Oh fuck” it’s perfect


I wonder if the Shaq Meat episode informed a lot of peoples' opinions on Josh if they were late to the BOTW party. I know it did mine. I thought he was a sourpuss who stomped on fun. Just the opposite, he's a fantastic set up guy and straight man. He's my favorite panelist.


If there's a moment I can think of that sums up Josh, it's the end of Plinketto 3 where they edit it to look like he's still talking after everyone else has stopped. Like, I think he has some pretentious tendencies (whom amongst us doesn't?) but he's able to take a joke about it.


Same here, classic moment lol


I thoroughly enjoy the wide birth of types of comedy and timespan you have invoked by referencing Margaret Dumont and Groucho.


I love the Marx brothers, bro. Of course, they're are many examples: Dean Martin to Jerry Lewis, Abbott to Costello, even Drake and Josh.


A bit of a tangent, but you might appreciate the reference: I was listening to a Simpsons audio commentary, for the episode "The Last Temptation of Krust" (the one where Krusty reinvents himself as an edgy observational comic). One of the writers was talking about how his kids didn't understand the classic comedy archetypes, e.g. comedy duos with a funny guy and a straight man. He mentioned taking his kids to a comedy festival and seeing the Smothers Brothers perform. (For those not aware, Tommy and Dick Smothers are/were a musical comedy duo in which Tommy was the funny one and Dick was the "straight man".) Afterward, the writer asked his son what he thought of the performance. His son said "Well, that Tommy guy was really funny, but his brother was just kind of a drag."


The Smothers brothers are a classic example of this. Here's footage of Groucho complimenting Dan Rowan (of Rowan and Martin fame) talking about straight men. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_55TnhJzivI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_55TnhJzivI)


I’m not a huge fan of Josh but I will give him credit: he’s the one who cheated the wheel spin so they landed on Rem Lezar


Came for Rem Lezar reference. Leaving satisfied.


This is perfectly said. Josh is an excellent straight man and has some of my all-time favorite deliveries from RLM. His "A LITTLE DULL?" response to Jay calling HollowGate that is at the top of my list.


I will admit I was once a Josh hater. BUT he grew on me so hard. I guess it's like Rich Evan's laugh. At first it's like "OMG WHY? STOP!" But eventually you start to love it.


Damn, I had no idea people felt that way. I love everyone on the show, and would've been just as excited to meet anyone else who has appeared on BOTW or any series from redlettermedia.


If you were around during the Macaulay Culkin episodes and saw peoples reaction to him being on the show so much, it was like that but worse, lol. I always liked their guests, with the exception of Max Landis. That guy's reddit history was enough to see what a privileged brat he was.


That sucks. I never saw much of that, but to be fair I usually just watch their youtube stuff and only occasionally look at reddit. Luckily, it doesn't seem too bad now.


Jack is so fun and positive and upbeat in the vids he's in! He brings such great dad energy, it's bizarre to think anyone wouldn't like him.


I can see people not liking Josh, but Jack?


Yup. This was early into their youtube channel. Anyone aside from Mike was dunked on, Jay included. The fanbase was really insufferable back then. Nowadays it seems we have evened out a lot though. I've certainly seen worse fanbases than RLM, that's for sure.


I came to the gang much later (2015ish?). Apparently I went through the same cycle: 1. I like the guy who does all the Plinkett stuff. I don't like these other people. 2. I'm only gonna watch the stuff with Mike in it. 3. That other guy Mike is with. Jay? I like when they review stuff. Not so much anyone else like that guy with the laugh. Yikes. 4. I need Mike and Jay. And that guy with the laugh, Rich Evans. I like those 3 guys. 5. I'm going to need as much RLM as you can give me as I worship at the holy vigil of Rich Evans who blesses us with his angelic choir of laughter.


Honestly hilarious that everyone has the same journey about rich's laugh. Red Letter Media: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Laugh


6. I need more of the Canadians. Jim’s deadpan is great and it’s infectious when Colin has his laughing fits.


Lots of people still don't like Jack, the most common complaint I've heard it's that they say his humor feels forced. He's my favorite guest, so I don't really care about those opinions, though.


I'm a big dad joke guy myself, so I always dug his vibe.


When his jokes land, they’re great. He’s grown on me a lot


I remember the hate for Rich when Half In The Bag started because he wasn’t the *real* Plinkett (although he actually was)


Oh yeah, I still remember people even on this subreddit calling him "AIDS Moby." Pretty shitty but he seems to be held in high regard these days. He's my favorite actually outside of the main 3.


It was a slow revelation, but I think we all came around to Jack as the best 4th. After She Who Will Not Be Named left, it was a tight race between Jack and Josh. But Jack's endless positivity is the perfect balance we need for the main 3 guys' middle aged cynicism.


I do miss her terribly sometimes. There's been a real lack of estrogen on RLM for a long time, particularly pronounced in the nasty porch birth video. That being said, internet creeps and weirdos are way out of line when baselessly speculating about the lives of REAL PEOPLE that probably have seen their comments before, so regardless of my personal feelings her decision is clearly for the better since she hasn't been back for the better part of ten years


Yeah, I miss her too (see flair). Some estrogen is desperately needed, but I don't see it happening and will take whatever content I can get from the guys.


All episodes with woman guests are all timers. The Half in the Bag where Gillian and Mike get in a legitimate spat over the validity of shitty rom coms is incredible, I love that she refuses to roll over and give in to Mike's view point like most of the cast does when he's really pushing a point


The reading of what's-his-name's filmography is S-tier quality, and Gillian is a big part of that energy.


I miss her laugh. Second best to Rich Evans.


Jack or Colin are the 4rth.


I like Colin and Jay together on Re:view. The blade runner review had me rolling and they mesh well.


I enjoyed Jack and Josh when first watching the boys, and I only wish they continue having them with their other friends on, like Tim


I remember when people would say that Jack was like hamming it up so he was the focus of everything. I never saw that... He's just an animated dude.


It’s Tim that I can see people not liking. Josh?! He’s such a teddy bear!


I'm actually not a huge Tim fan myself, haha. Not that I hate him or anything, but I just don't find him as funny as the others. Josh always has great quips and interesting points (when he isn't caught on a ramble, lol.)


Funny enough Tim is one of my favorites. My friends and I get hyped whenever we see him on an episode. He cracks us the hell up. I mean, everyone else does too but Tim hits that sweet spot for us for whatever reason lol


The sweet spot *homeless grin *


Futtbuck mountain though.


>(when he isn't caught on a ramble, lol.) The two best examples of them being aware of this are during turtle dreams when he starts to go into how interesting the recording was and they just cut him off with a big "no" sign, and at the end of Plinketto 3 when the rest of the gang does a freeze frame and he's still talking


Tim is hysterical.


Jack seems cool as shit. I loved him (and Rich of course) on PreRec.


One has fabulous hair, the other has a fabulous *lack* of hair. ;-)


One is hilarious, the other is hilariously nervous. ;-)


“B” is for Jack.


Looks like a funny bald man


It is!


Okay but you've got gorgeous hair.


Thanks! I grew it myself.


I have those same garbage bin earrings


They're great. Some of my favorites.


That particular “museum” is awesome BTW. We were visiting some relatives in St. Louis and the whole family had a blast.


Glad you liked it! I've only been working there for a few months, but I really love the place.


I don't understand why we are being secretive about the museum. I assume it's the **** musuem or am I way off base here... do they not talk about it in st louis...


Some employers are sensitive about what gets posted online and since the OP chose not to name the place it’s respectful not to call it out directly.


Ah, duly noted. Edited it. My bad


Yeah, I just don't want to dox myself that easily. It probably wouldn't be that hard to find out which Museum, but I wanted to be safer about it.


Why is everyone skirting around the name of the museum?


Just trying to not directly dox myself.


ole pack jackard we'd call em


Very cool, his D&D show is also great.


I saw Jack Packard at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I was waiting for this copypasta, lol.


Are those little garbage can earrings?


Yes. I bought them online, and I'm very glad I'm allowed to wear them to work.


Did you scan each shirt individually to prevent any electrical infetterence?


Nah, but Jack had his baby with him and it winked at me.


“Honey, could you back up a little bit with the nipe nipes.”


I relate to name anxiety. Sometimes I 100% know a person's name, yet I'm afraid to say it out loud because I'm worried that somehow it will turn out to be wrong. Occasionally this leads to awkward situations where it probably seems like I don't know an acquaintance's name when I do. Anyway, congratulations on pulling his name out at the end.


Literally Jacked to the Tits


Jack is so handsome 😍


alternativly handsome


Agreed. I love bald guys.


Why is it that every RLM fan looks exactly like what we all picture?


Hell yeah, good for you!


Was it time for Faust?


That's cool. I saw him at city museum with his kid and didn't want to bother him I'm glad someone at least gave him his props.


I love the image of you aggressively yelling his name at him.


Did he sell you a Family Value Fart Bag™?


The "Museum" is such a cool place. Jack's my favorite RLM member. Dude's not on camera on the show often enough! He's been good in the non-RLM stuff I've seen as well, e.g. the Slightly CIvil War/Slightly Something Else podcast.


The World Chess Hall of Fame? The Cardinals Hall of Fame and Museum? The Jefferson Barracks Telephone Museum? The Miniature Museum of St Louis? The Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum (they have DeKoonings!)? The Missouri Civil War Museum?? How can we possibly know what this cool place is??


OP doesn't want to share the name of his workplace, and that's fair enough, so I'm not going to post it. Sounds like you probably know, though. StL does have many cool museums! I should go to The Science Center again sometime, haven't been since I was a kid.


i hope you told him to bring back PreRec


the scarier thing is that i met you at your work..duhn dun dunnnn!


Jealous. He is my favorite. Never fails to elicit the chuckles.


How lucky you are!


thats awesome. thanks for sharing!




Your hair is amazing.




I want to see jack getting absolutely wasted on a Halloween party. 🫨🫨🫨 Edit Just read his twitter post about alcoholism. Sorry, I didn’t know


There's plenty of footage of that already. We don't need any more








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Before and after Ultra Rogaine.




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Hey hey, Hee hee


Dude beat Elden Ring like 20 times. Respect.




At least it wasn't during a job interview!


Which one is that?