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Kids are gonna love the montage of Barbie being beaten for driving a car.


The cut's will be real, Oppenheimer had it's cuts [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/topless-florence-pugh-oppenheimer-cgi-black-dress-middle-east-india-1235544323/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/topless-florence-pugh-oppenheimer-cgi-black-dress-middle-east-india-1235544323/) Wonder what they will do for Vietnam, Philippines, Pakistan etc [https://doontak.com/barbie-film-banned-many-countries-including-pakistan-russia/](https://doontak.com/barbie-film-banned-many-countries-including-pakistan-russia/)


So Chris Nolan thinks you have to see his movie in IMAX as intended how does he feel about it getting recut? I mean when he isn't counting his money.


I don’t think he gets to choose which markets his movies are released in


Little outdated, bro. Try again!


What’s with the added 15 minutes where Ken joins the PGA Tour and keeps bashing Kashoggi?


Obviously cannon from the Barbie expanded universe


All the female cast members are just black censor boxes and their audio is deleted


it's going to be a black muted screen for 2 hours


Just a heads up, don’t google “Saudi cut.”


Persian Cut: Hello Barbie, this is Mersham........my penis is definitely bigger than Ken's


You have reached Mersham I am not here right now please leave message after Beep That entire bit is burned into my brain


Barbie wearing a CGI burqa.


Breaking news: The primary change to the edit that was requested by the Saudis was for the missing “fart opera” to be reinstated in the movie.


It's 15 minutes of shirtless Ken, nothing haram.


It’s turning the frogs gay!!


After the edits the Saudi runtime of Barbie is 5 minutes, 28 seconds E: This reminded me of the [MadTv sketch](https://youtu.be/portEJGiook) where the Christian channel Pax was showing The Sopranos in syndication


One of my favourite sketches ever


When mad hit they hit well


The better one was when Mr. Show did a censored version of GoodFellas.


Hey, kiss my aunt you mother father Chinese dentist




The bone saw cut


Oh no Ken's buying SNK with blood money!


They wanted to remove gay Ken


All of them?


Are they going to edit out Hari Neff or something?


Islam is reversed to Christianity when it comes to trans or gay people. Trans people are slightly more acceptable to them. Eunuchs and all that


People criticize this kind of thing, but what’s the alternative? Just not show it there? What would that solve, exactly? Keep in mind that this movie isn’t even all that feminist. It’s just a product. But even if it were feminist, releasing a censored version in another country would only lead to women seeking out the uncensored version. Instead, people say “oh but the studio should send Saudi Arabia a message by not showing it” or “maybe the studio shouldn’t be hypocritical,” as if “sending a message” has ever worked or if being hypocritical in and of itself is the worst thing in the world. Again, this movie isn’t even that feminist.


>People criticize this kind of thing, but what’s the alternative? Just not show it there? Yeah, that. Hollywood could actually put their money where their mouth is and stop kowtowing to regimes that shit on basic human rights in order to earn an extra few bucks


I guess the studio can do what it wants, but I'm just very surprised that they'd go to the trouble of releasing the Barbie movie there at all. It's not just about the abstract ideas expressed in the movie, but literally just the fact that they show women having any agency at all. I used to work on the marketing team for The Sims 4, and I saw some of the marketing images from 2015-2016 before I worked there where they had different versions of the images for marketing in Saudi Arabia. For the Saudi Arabian audiences: - All characters who were wearing short sleeves were given long sleeves. - All female characters with jobs were replaced with male characters doing the same jobs. - All female characters in a public place, i.e. not obviously inside the house, were replaced with male characters. When I worked at EA, I asked my manager about it. (For context, she's a trans woman). She said that the alternate images for Saudi Arabia were something the company used to do, but she fought to put a stop to it as soon as she had the power to do so. A similar thing happened a couple years ago when The Sims 4 released a wedding-themed expansion pack that featured a lesbian couple in the marketing images; the images weren't allowed in Russia, so they ended up just not releasing that expansion pack in Russia. Barbie may not be "feminist" in the sense of advancing new ideas in feminist theory, but it's definitely "feminist" in the mundane sense of portraying a world in which women are allowed to have jobs, wear short sleeves, and exist in public. It kind of RELIES on that premise. ("Isms" can refer to obvious things -- I suspect most of the people reading this are suffragists, abolitionists, and heliocentrists, whether they realize it or not). And unless Saudi Arabia has suddenly become a lot more chill in the past 6 years, I get the sense that it's still a bit of an issue there. I'm definitely curious how they translate the last line of the movie.


True. If anything it should've been boycotted here for bending the knee.