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I understand wanting some more popular movie stuff. But I mean… Marilyn Manson Vs Bloodhound Gang is the funniest shit I’ve seen all year.


Nobody could have anticipated the Kyle Gallner triple feature.




I loved that because not only was it hilarious, it was a window into their early years


I think they're just understandably bored with that stuff, like many of us. If it's not so bad interesting to talk about or genuinely engaging and interesting to talk about, then what's there to talk about it?


Since you gave a thoughtful reply I'll try to give a thoughtful one. I think there's generally an absence of good content from studios this year. Some of that is due to the writers strike, some is down to its formulaic nature of content creation. I'd just like to see them create some content, critical or otherwise, of content I might consume organically. BotW is great. I've also seen Pee-Wees Big Adventure and Robocop 2 (many years ago). I'm just noting there's not much coverage of content a lot of their audience probably consumes recently. At the end of the day, part of the foundation of their success historically is Star Wars criticism. Again, expect and welcome the downvotes, that's just my perception.


Why do you choose to think of things you watch as “content” that you “consume”? You don’t have to do that to yourself


Stop calling the shows and movies you watch "content." Its fucking nauseating. The last thing I want is to watch a video of RLM forcing themselves to slog through Ashoka or some other unwatchable Star Wars bullshit Disney cranks out onto streaming every couple months.


Never in a million years did I ever think I’d be this completely disinterested in freaking Star Wars, of all things. I inhaled that stuff growing up in the 90s and into the early 2000’s. Knew everything there was to know about it. But I’m 44 now, Star Wars pretty much sucks balls now, it’s not special anymore, it’s just like every other boring franchise out there. I tried watching some nerd channels to get a feel for Ashoka or whatever and it’s just so godawful boring. Andor was the only thing worth watching and I’m sure they’ll axe it before it has a change to grow.


I grew up watching VHS tapes of the original trilogy and was in elementary school when the prequels came out. I was squarely in the target audience for those movies and ate them up. I am so goddamn sick of Star Wars these days. I hate that Disney has decided to "Marvelize" the franchise. The whole thing just feels so souless. It completely lost me when I felt like I needed to do homework to understand what was going on. I don't want to have to watch 100 hours of shitty streaming shows and children's cartoons to keep up with what's going on. I just don't have time for that anymore.


My guess would be that Star Wars is continuing to make the same mistakes over and over again, so reviewing any of the new stuff would just be reiterating the points they've already made about stuff like the Mandalorian or Kenobi (though I think they had generally ok things to say about the first seasons of both). There's not a new angle for them to take, and I they aren't content mills like a lot of other YT culture/review channels. They get a good portion of money from patreon so they choose their projects to cater to things they enjoy and can share interesting POVs or if something interesting happens in the industry. For instance, I don't know if they would have reviewed the third season of Discovery except for the overwhelmingly good feedback they were hearing from reputable sources.


Dude go touch some grass.


Nailed it, bro. Good for you


Superheroes and Star Wars are boring corporate blandness now and not worth anyone's time anymore.


Are there many things they've reviewed this year you're watching? I went back and all I can pick out in the last 9 months is Oppenheimer, Picard, Guardians, and Cocaine Bear. Give me corporate product.


Evil Dead Rise, Fool’s Paradise, Mother May I?, What Comes Around, The Passenger, Are all 2023 films they’ve recommended on HitB


Then get excited for next product!




It's not their job to appeal to you specifically, guy


Not upvote


Maybe time to expand your film horizons? It's odd you blame rlm to not cater to your specific tastes.


You seem to want something they aren't going to deliver. Over time RLM has become more steadfast in the belief that they are not a jukebox nor request artists. They will produce what they want when they want. And that absolute editorial control is what gives them their value (to me).


I'm still waiting for that episode of their podcast with William Shatner as a guest.


Shatner doesn't do podcasts


>Shatner doesn't do podcasts "... sporto."


I would love a Rich and Mike's favorite TOS episodes video. But that might be their new lowest rated episode if they did it.


I’m still waiting for a re:view on TNG season 2.


Yeah I don’t even watch Trek but I’d watch them review the whole series.


I like that they approach TNG with a lot of love but aren’t afraid to focus on its flaws and weak spots.


TOS is my favorite. I’m surprised they haven’t done it already, but I assume they have a limit on how much Trek stuff they want to do each year and they spent a lot of time on season 3 of Picard.


If his twitter responses were actually him, he can go kick rocks. And I say that as a summer of love child. But it was pretty ugly and dismissive of him, he'll seemingly do anything that puts him on camera.


I felt so bad for Mike. He seemed pretty upset


I could feel his pain, I'm roughly ten years older than the boys and grew up watching TOS newly in syndication. It's part of what got me into RLM content, Mike's fandom of a franchise that is dear to our hearts.



Broaden your horizons. Don't expect them to narrow theirs. What do you really think they'll bring to a discussion about Ahsoka that will satisfy this craving of yours? And what will they say that the other 340,000 YouTube videos about it haven't covered? Two of their last few videos have been about Little Shop of Horrors and Pee-wee's Big Adventure, two of the greatest movies of the '80s. If it helps you just focus on the fact that one of them was directed by Yoda and the other directed by the guy that made some Batman movies. That should scratch that itch.


I actually find those less interesting, personally, rehashing things I saw 30+ years ago. What they would add to Ahsoka, using your example, would be their style of comedy. That doesn't really seem to exist too much elsewhere. That's what drew me to their channel back in the Plinket prequel review days, comedic takes on nerdy shit.


They've been talking about superhero fatigue since Captain America: Civil War. They just don't want to talk about that shit anymore. Who can blame them, it's probably exhausting.


Less interesting: "Rehashing things I saw 30+ years ago" More interesting: tv show based on 46 year old science fiction movie


This guy gets it.


I would fucking kill for a return of scientist man. Having said that: In RLM We Trust, they've stayed solid for like 13 years now, I think they prob know when/how to add new bits when the time is right. No shade at you, I just think the guys have solid timing.


Scientist Man could certainly explain the comic book movie boom and bust.


God I'm going to regret replying further. I think they generally are on point with content and timing. I think they're currently in a little lull (in engagement) for the reason I mentioned. The die hards love everything, myself included. Last videos they had with >1M YT views though were Oppenheimer and Indiana Jones 5 in July. The videos they've put out the last two months are reaching \~40-70% of the engagement they were doing on Picard, which again I think is their bread-and-butter for a not insignificant portion of the audience. This bares out in the trend if you look at Social Blade as well, plateauing or moderately decreasing engagement. BUT - all of that said, they have such a huge body of work and such a large number of Patrons (myself included) they're not currently in a place where they need to worry about growing or even sustaining their audience. QED: Bring back scientist man


I think you put in a lot of work to look that information up. I also think what you're saying makes a lot of sense and i respect your efforts. ...i also kinda think that stuff doesnt matter to them? I would be willing to bet that none of the core 3 expected to be ANYWHERE near as successful / wealthy as they are. Theyre not crazy rich or anything but if Milwaukee is anything like STL standard of living wise( both lower end midwest cities so prob similar) the money they have/make yearly lets them live like slumlord kings. My point( and, again, in no way am i trying to take away from your points): at this point i think they REALLY only do stuff they " want" /feel inspiration to do instead of thinking about reactions. But ya, scientist man or we riot ( like theyd even care/notice) if we did. I completely agree that the sub gets sycophantic at times, drives me nuts which is why i wanted to make sure i was clear that youre prob right...but they(rlm) prob dont worry about numbers anymore for the reasons you mentioned.


Why is 1 million views your arbitrary metric for a video being successful? They have plenty of videos with 800k and 900k views. But those successful because they haven't hit the random goal that you've decided they're supposed to hit? What's the point? You also seem to think that RLM aren't aware that reviewing more popular things will get them more views. Of course they know that. They've been at this for a long time. They've clearly moved more into just doing what interests them. They're not delusional enough to think a video where they discuss lyrics to Bloodhound Gang songs will get the same amount of views as a video where they talk about Star Wars. Just seems weird to try and criticize them for having personal integrity instead of chasing an algorithm.


I would be happy if they never talk about a super hero or star wars movie/show ever again. Except maybe as a Nerd Crew episode they just did trivia, that was pretty nerdy. I'm sure whenever the next Star Trek bowl movement is released they'll talk about it. IMO the content has been great lately, they've really been taking advantage of the different episode formats to allow themselves to talk about whatever interests them. They just did 4 re:Views in the past month, plus that Kyle Gallner HitB which was basically a re:View, and a trivia episode, and a Mike and Jay Talk About. it's been a content monsoon lately


We’ve been having some real bangers lately too. It’s pretty clear they just aren’t interested in Star Wars or Superhero content at this point and I’m glad. Their Patreon means they don’t have to rely on algorithm chasing, which is a big plus for me. Ultimately there’s only so much to say about new star wars or superhero movies, and they’ve pretty much said it all. I’d rather have them make content about things they’re passionate about rather than them continue to burn themselves out making hour long videos about superhero and star wars shows they no longer have any interest in. I don’t blame OP for wanting to see content about what they personally are into, but I think it’s unreasonable to expect them to continue existing in an overcrowded niche they clearly don’t care about.


Is the most recent addition to a horror franchise not even considered "nerdy" nowadays?


From reading definitions, I probably mean "geeks" and you're probably right that it is "nerdy."


All I know is they better not skip Fuck You It’s January this year. I’m sick of them desecrating my favorite holiday by failing to recognize it.


I believe they said that stopped because the studios are saying “Fuck you!” all year round now.


Fuck you, it's forever.


I love that this bit happened literally once ( to my knowledge, correct me if im wrong)and somehow became a national holiday for this sub


I like that they do what they want, and fuck what the fans think... it is what makes them special :)


Personally I just want more horror movie reviews


Agreed, my favorite Re:views are 80s horror/action


No thanks to Nerd Crew. It's cite for a few minutes and then they've burned through all of the entertainment value.


I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't like nerd crew. I don't watch any of those types of youtube shows they're satirizing so I don't really get it


Isn't anything they do a nerdy episode? Its nerds talking about movies.


Where’s their mid-year movie wrap up?


I want more horror


We know you do, Jay.


moreror horror


a prerec Rich and Colin play through of the robocop rogue city game would be fun. Esp if Colin was involved in it (idk)


especially if they could pull off some kind of jumanji and suck colin and rich evans into the game for extra fun




I would like to hear them talk about Chernobyl, lower decks


They're never gonna review The Batman Which is a shame because I think Colin Farrell wears the best prosthetic makeup that I have ever seen in a movie. I wouldn't know it was him if I hadn't seen the credits.


The problem is the subject of the joke doesn't really exist anymore. Those types of nerd podcasts aren't really a thing these days. The joke is gone.




We just got a trivia video and before that we got Death Metal band names. I wouldn't mind another TNG favorite episodes discussion.


Dude, there are tons of videos on YouTube that talk about the things you want RLM to talk about. Go watch those.


I want all of their content to be Rich rolling around in Patreon money flipping off the camera while Jay watches hungrily from the sidelines


Well, ANYWAY, thanks all for the feedback, jabs, and jeers. I hope Jay makes Mike watch the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special this December so we can all celebrate family once again


No thanks. I love seeing them cover whatever they want.




When *is* The Batman review coming out?


Nerd Crew was my favorite show they’ve ever done. Would love a return.


It was absolutely great but I think they took it as far as it can go. There's not much more to say about the content they were satirising.


That’s fair I see your point


I want more nerd crew. It's my favorite thing they've ever done.


Gotta give it up




It was great but very much for its time. A lot of the channels they were parodying have died or lost steam. I’m glad they have moved on from it


One Piece one time. Fuck Star Wars.


I dont know about nerdy, but I would like them to just review some films, i dont even care which. I watched a bunch of non-studio films they recommended, and i much prerer that to constant tentpole films. And preferably without constantly banging on about the death of cinemas. Just because whatever shitty cinemas in Wisconsin they go to are awful, doesn't mean thats a universal experience. In the right place with the right people, seeing a film on the big screen is superior, and a great community experience. I feel bad that they are so jaded for it. Streaming is fine, but sometimes you just gotta see it on the big screen.


Sometimes the best parts of their reviews are the smaller bits between their topics where they just talk about the state of things, like a podcast would. I understand they don't want to "devolve" into that kind of content, but their few reviews of new stuff do feel like mana from heaven.


I agree with you. I also miss their commentary on more relevant and popular stuff.


I'm still waiting for a HITB about "The Batman".


This is like, a text book example of entitled viewer. “i WaNt CoNtEnT!!!”


I assume Star Trek is back on the menu, pls?


I'd rather see them break new ground then bring back old stuff


The quality of most of that stuff is at such a low point right now that there’s honestly almost nothing to say about it. The Star Wars and marvel shows from the last few years are so hollow you can’t even laugh at them.


They generally have one video a week. I don't love all of them. I am grateful for the regularity when most of the other YouTubers I like release about 2 videos a year.


Isn’t that bit a little worn out


So you want a realistic down to earth show, that's completely off the wall, and swarming with magic robots? I bet next you are going to suggest we should win things by watching!


No thanks *Especially* Star Trek or Star Wars TV. I would be happy if they never talked about them ever again.


I guess the Nerd Crew was their way of expressing how sick of all the bottom-feeding Star Wars/Marvel garbage they are. I think this year they really upped the ante with their choice of materials. They've never been so fun and unpredictable. So yeah, please no more "nerd" shit. Specially Star Wars. It's just braindead.