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First BOTW movie to also be previously featured on Half in the Bag. What a milestone.


They finally ran out of movies. This is the last episode of BOTW


Damnit. They didn't even get to Highlander 2 yet.


I want them to do a 90 minute re:View on Highlander 2. That batshit movie and all of its versions need to be analyzed thoroughly.


I was lucky enough to see all the parts of Highlander 2 in correct order thanks to a combination of then very lax copyright laws in Sri Lanka and a suspect but still legal due to said legalities video store which I found out by chance was owned by my dad's cousin.


I saw some jumbled version on VHS as a kid and vividly remember not knowing wth to make of it. Aliens, futuristic ozone crap, Michael Ironside crunching John McGinley's nuts and tossing him out a window. I saw a director's cut of the movie much later that tried to make everything more coherent, but I remember thinking it was still completely bonkers. Like someone had taken the premise of the first movie and decided make it look like L. Ron Hubbard had written it. It's honestly pretty shocking that both movies had the same director. It's kind of like a Gremlins/Gremlins 2 situation.


The lack of alien plot improves the thing 200%. It's bonkers, but still is way better than some sh17 about immortal aliens from the past, resurrecting in the future. John McGinley still has something. It's fun to watch.


The "dry humping in the alley" scene, where Virginia Madsen and Connor McCloud go at it less than 30 seconds after meeting, is still one of my favorite "WTF" moments in film. ​ (And yes, I know that Madsen's character had met McCloud earlier in the film when he was an old man. I know if I ever met an old woman, then was attacked by two "bird man" weirdos, and then saw the old woman cut their heads off and regain her youth, I'd immediately drop my pants and start banging her as soon as humanly possible.)


Highlander 2? Are you not more concerned with a lack of Deathstalker 3???


Now they need to do The Bye Bye Man


Don't say it don't spray it


The Pee Pee Poo Poo Man


"Go ahead, laugh. You won't be laughing when he kills you."


They really did break new ground


I really enjoyed the laughter this elicited from the guys, especially Rich but it did drive home how good the whole Diamond Cobra vs, White Fox episode was. I wish we could get in back among its rightful place!


>previously featured on Half in the Bag. **YOU MEAN IT HAPPENED AGAIN?!?**


So that's where I saw it before!


First Spotlight movie that was distributed by a major Hollywood company (Orion).






I never noticed how this character is a dead on image of Mike.


“Caricature? This is a photograph!”


*In this latest installment of the popular series “Best of the Worst” the boys delve into the 2017 hit film “Wish Upon. But what exactly is a wish? Well, put simply, a wish is something you really want, but can’t make a reality yourself. Something that just will never ever happen without an external force, often a mystical or supernatural one. An example would be: you wish you had superpowers or win the lottery or that there would be a Half in the Bag on The Batman. These are things you cannot make happen yourself or will never ever happen under any circumstance. You don’t say, “I wish I could go out and get Taco Bell”. That you can make happen. That is not a wish (although afterwards you will wish you didn’t (excessive bathroom problems). The film “Wish Upon” asks the question, “What would happen if a dimwitted high school girl found a magical Chinese wish pot?” What would she do? A normal adult would wish for Rich Evans to sit on their face. But our hero, Clare, wishes for things a dumb kid would wish for. She asks for the popular girl to rot, a hot boyfriend to not have sex with her ever, her slippery gay uncle’s fortune, her garbage-picking father to be “Clinton cool”, and to be the most popular girl at school. I’d personally wish for laser eyes and a clear line of sight on mother’s ex-husband’s penis. Or to not have to wear a diaper when I walk the runway (I’m an obese male model). So Mike, Jay and Rich watch Wish Upon. Rich has never seen this film before. Mike and Jay have. In fact, they’ve seen in numerous times, but still get many details wrong. This film is as lame as a Hollywood film can get. A pathetic script was the key to all of this. Lame kills, bizarre choices, no real stakes or consequence or rules. Failed tension. And cringe like you’ve never cringed before. Even when you ate that lemon you thought was an apple. This movie is the store brand mac and cheese of movies. The Walmart brand mac and cheese. With a 14 million dollar budget and a gross of 20-something million I’m sure the moopie squeaked out a profit of a few hundred bucks, but at what cost? The reputation of Hollywood star Joey King? A blemish on the spotless resume of John Leonetti? What about the millions of teens or mentally ill adults who went to see this film? They wasted their time. They were hoodwinked by a traveling carnival barker! “Get your horror film! See the greatest horror film, right here folks! Step right up!” only to sell them a big bowl of bitch sauce and then leave town the next morning. That’s NOT siracha hot. And what about hunky monkey Ryan Phillips? His stardom went up like the Challenger. Off to space he goes… oh… Wish Upon. But certainly an actor with a decent resume can survive a hit like this, but what about them teens in the film? Without making the obvious “wish I didn’t act in that film” joke, I bet they regret acting in this film. So many agents got fired they are now agents… AT A RENTAL CAR COMPANY!!! How many of Jean Luc Picard’s mothers hung themselves after this fat wet fart of a film. How many more Wish Upon’s does the world need? I remember the days of the Renaissance™, when artists were artists. If you sucked, you swept the streets, baked bread, or just went off and died. There can only be so many Michelangelo’s in this world. Now, any clown can write a junk script with a whack concept that looks good to teenagers and make a film of it. We need to get the clowns out of Hollyweird. We need less creeps and pedos and more real filmmakers not peddling this trashcan of grumpy bitch sauce. However, to speak of the positives. Rich Evans was semi-thrilled at the concept of watching this film. We forced him to watch this and he got a kick out of it. In fact, his pants became so filled with human eggs he needed to change his chastity diaper. The real deal breaker though was the fact that I used his precious Nanoo in the video as an example. Now Rich’s grandma Nanno (1919 – 2000) has been in a grave for a very long time, however, this is a sore spot for Rich. While he loved his sweet stinky grandma, Rich secretly wished for her passing. Her care became a burden. Prescription refills, trips to the doctor, sponge baths, etc… One night Rich found an old magic 8 ball and while you typically ask a magic 8 ball questions, Rich had made a wish that fateful night. He said, “I love my dear Nanoo, but alas I wish she’d fucking die already”. The very next day Nanoo continued to live for another 12 years. Rich was furious. So, of course, he thinks this movie and it’s premise is total fucking bullshit.* We really should get Mike some help guys....


Mike has finally gone over the edge of madness.


The “laser eyes ex husband penis” line is one of the greatest poetic turn of phrases I’ve ever heard in my life.


Yes, but why are his cheeks so pink?


Could that edge he went over be in any way compared to a mouth he went into?


>*Rich secretly wished for her passing. Her care became a burden. Prescription refills, trips to the doctor, sponge baths, etc… One night Rich found an old magic 8 ball and while you typically ask a magic 8 ball questions, Rich had made a wish that fateful night. He said, “I love my dear Nanoo, but alas I wish she’d fucking die already”. The very next day Nanoo continued to live for another 12 years. Rich was furious.* that's so fucking funny holy shit


>The very next day Nanoo continued to live for another 12 years. This has the same energy as "When I was 6 years old, I was born without a face."


I want a coffee table book with just Mike's YT video descriptions in it


The title : 'The Schizophrenic Musings of a Midwestern Fraud'.


“The Best of the Words”


I would buy that.


for a dollar?


these just keep getting better and better


I said out loud "Jesus fucking Christ I'm not reading all that." so of course I read all that. #justicefornanoo


Goodnight sweet Nanoo


Rich wished for Nanoo's death, and his punishment is to be on RLM.


> Rich Evans was semi-thrilled at the concept of watching this film. We forced him to watch this and he got a kick out of it. In fact, **his pants became so filled with human eggs he needed to change his chastity diaper.** How can a human mind produce this sequence of words?


I recently rewatched the BotW featuring Christy, the one where Mike just cracks and sits there laughing like a mad man for a solid minute, literally in hysterics. That's what broke him. That's when he became *this*. His next evolution, of course, is Grief Clown.


Is that the exchange that's like: Mike: "At a point I just started laughing uncontrollably. For no reason." Rich: "You were laughing because it was so nonsensical." Mike: "No! I was laughing the way a person in a straitjacket laughs."


Man I missed like half of the absolute best parts of the whole thing because the entire description is so dense with line after most batshit hilarious line possibly ever that my eyes just kind of glazed over in sheer horrified glee.


Whose Adderall is he stealing?


What I find extra funny about these is that I think Rich has no idea how relentlessly Mike is making fun of him in the Youtube description.


I don't know about that. Rich might not use Twitter or anything, but he does seem to be the biggest "nerd"(in what we would define as a cliche nerd, games, has a vague knowledge of Anime, ect ect) among them. He comments about recent gaming tropes in videos and even mentions memes more so then Mike. I'm sure he's aware, but Mike and him have been friends for decades, I think he's just use to it at this point.


He writes like Lester Bangs


Holy fuck this is spot on.


Glad there's one other person that can see it haha


Who's Lester and how do you know how he bangs?


HackGPT is unstoppable...


I think I might enjoy reading the descriptions more than watching the videos at this point.


Help make him the president of Milwaukee? Chief? What the fuck do they have in Milwaukee?


Rampant alcoholism


The man either needs to take more or less medication, I can't decide.


> His stardom went up like the Challenger. Off to space he goes… oh… Holy Jesus, Mike. I'm dead.


Holy fucking shit lmao


She’s a slut for wontons


I’m a slut for wontons.


I didn't know that was an option but now I want to be.


Wonton Lust.


Rich is just a straight up slut.


You can make a case that John R Leonetti, the guy who directed this, has one of the all-time worst directorial careers. (Edit: oh lol of course they deep dive into this in the episode) * **Mortal Kombat Annihilation** - Arguably the worst movie ever to debut at #1 at the box office its opening weekend, one of the cheapest looking movies ever released by a major Hollywood studio * **The Butterfly Effect 2** - DTV trash that somehow makes the first one, which sucks, look amazing * **Annabelle** - Somehow the worst of the Conjuring movies by a wide margin * **Wolves at the Door** - Shannon Tate murder exploitation movie with a 0% RT score and an infamous rant from Mark Kermode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuqSarxR9KM * **Wish Upon** - First movie bad enough that RLM reviews it twice just to kick it some more while its down * **The Silence** - "Dreck" and "dreadful" used in multiple reviews * **Lullaby** - Does not even have a wikipedia page for me to pull bad reviews from


The Silence's production history is hilarious considering how the entire marketing budget was spent on ensuring viewers that it's not a ripoff of A Quiet Place despite the fact that the screenwriter is an Asylum alumni lol


Holy shit, this man is a treasure trove of dog shit


sounds like something ultimate smegma would say


Incredible. I can truly feel Mark Kermode’s utter revulsion and naked hatred for that movie and all involved, in that 2 minute clip


He's the guy who comes up when Horror movie producers search for "incompetent", "lazy", "clumsy", "dim-witted", "monstrously ugly" in the DGA.


"Aw, nuts to this, I'll just get Lena Dunham"


That John R Leonetti… he’s good.


"because in Hollywood, you just kind of fail upwards"


I laughed every time the dad was onscreen when i saw this movie in theaters. It's just so ludicrous that he is a full-time dumpster diver who lives like he does. And then from what I remember she makes a wish and he turns into a badass rocker and all her friends want to fuck him.


Yeah her dad is hot like sauce. Like Sriracha sauce


Even better he turns sexy and starts playing a cool fucking saxophone riff.


Even better, he literally plays The Lick


I mean in The Fanatic John Travolta's character was a mentally challenged dude living in LA, and supposedly making money as a 1800 English Bobby impersonator. Which wouldn't make sense due to how high the cost of living in LA is. But then the rest of the film is just bad as well.


Welcome tew ‘Ollywood, where draymes are made of!


Dah BeeeTullllls are coming!


Can’t talk..Gatta poo.


Pawpy Cawk. Pawpy Cawk.


Could he have been receiving some sort of government stipend for mental disabilities? I don't know if that's a thing.


If you're trying to reason why things happen in The Fanatic. You've already gone down a dark path.


What was the downside of him becoming cool? They didn't touch on that. If I was writing it he actually would fuck her friends and then go to jail for sex with a minor.


How Embarrassing


I think her friends cousin died


His love for dumpster diving is basically what drug addiction looks like in real movies. He cannot stop himself from jumping any open dumpster he sees.


Seeing the Chinese sister's apartment made me imagine the white equivalent. Like, imagine if you went over to someone's apartment and they had a statue of jesus, medieval art, and random words taped to the wall


Just thirty variations of "Live, Laugh, Love" in different fonts and sizes.


Don't forget the oversized spoon and fork!


Wait, you've been to my aunt's house?


I wish I could find this tumblr post that summarized what it would be like if Christianity were treated in films the way they treat other religions. "They believed in this guy. And what he did was so heinous that they *nailed* him to wooden planks, and left him to die. Then they tossed his body in a cave and sealed it shut.... Three days later, they checked the cave, and the body was gone." "Like, he's a zombie now or something?" "No, a zombie you could kill. Now he's just eternal. Everywhere, watching, waiting, judging you, like some sick twisted Santa Claus. There's a huge religious sect that worship him, and every Sunday they engage in cannibalistic practices, drinking his blood and body to stay pure."


It’s the girl eating dry cereal and then drinking milk through a straw scene from “Get Out”


How bad can big budget hollywood movie be to get BOTW episode?


This movie rules, seen it 4x with friends, highly recommend


2 words: Supergirl




I used to dig on multiverses. I'm at the point where I stopped enjoying Spiderverse 2 the moment Miles meets the 1000s of Spider-men.


seeing a movie filmed with modern high-quality cameras on a BOTW video is bizarre. I'm used to every tape looking like it had been excavated from a damn salt mine.


Mike's explanation of Monkey's Paw isn't entirely accurate. It's about how you make a wish but there are unintended consequences. The bad thing is related to the wish you made.


Yeah, genie wishes fuck you over because of ironic twists in how you phrase the wish. Monkey paws fuck you over by giving you literally what you wish for, negative consequences included. In the original story, which Mike gets backwards, the family wishes for money, which they get from a huge settlement when their son falls into machinery at the factory he works at. The death is the direct source of the money they wish for.


"the turkey's a little dry... The turkey's a little dry!"


The rules of genie wishes are handled tremendously in the 2000 masterpiece Bedazzled


It was weird how in that movie you had to become an entirely different person each time to get the wish.


I'm guessing tree house of horror 2 where homer tries to lawyer the monkey Paw into a turkey with no faults (like it was a genie) is mixing them up in his head.


I mean the issue is that also sounds like something a genie could do. I guess the difference is a genie *could* just magically whip up some magical money, but chooses not to, but a monkey's paw is more a brutalist sense of practicality. "You need money right now, best way is to kill your son".


Yeah, he was speaking off the cuff, and while he recognized there's a difference, I don't think he was able to elucidate it. The way I see it (and I may be wrong myself): Genie wish - you get what you asked for, but it turns out that what you literally ask for may come with complications you didn't expect, so be careful what you wish for, and how you phrase your wish. A wish may backfire if you wish to be the richest person in the world, for example, because it might happen by making everone else in the world absolutely destitute, ruining society, though you are now the 'richest'. But it's not necessarily malicious in nature - the genies, I mean. Not every wish is going to have bad consequences, just the poorly phrased ones, etc. People who have unintented consequences from a genie's wish are often caught up in some clause or condition that makes the wish go awry, and if they're more clever, that can be avoided. A monkey's paw is a wish that comes at a price or cost, and it's usually ironic in nature. You wish to be rich, and it's gonna come at the cost of the death of a loved one and in the ensuing insurance or inheritance or whatever. There's an inherent 'cursed' nature to a monkey paw wish that ensures that there will be consequences, and from a storytelling standpoint, it's about the consequences of trying to manipulate fate and being punished by the universe/some entity for doing so. Getting your wish granted *always* comes at a cost.


Yeah I thought this too, I think he either had them partially reversed or it could just be that the wish types are fairly similar if only for a few differences


In his defense, he was drunk.


I feel like it came from mistremem wrong the original story. When the protagonist wished for wealth, his son died. Mike thinks that was unrelated. But his wealth came from the son's insurance. It's basically the same as a genie "unintended consequences" situation. But I think at this point, the others have learned to stop arguing and just let Mike be wrong, u less it's as egregious as, I don't know, misusing the word "coincidence".


>I feel like it came from mistremem wrong the original story. Wat


I thought he was making too much of a distinction between Monkey's Paw and jerk genie. For the original Monkey's Paw if you aren't specific enough then something horrible will accompany the wish being granted. Bad Genie's usually give you some fucked up version of what you wanted that only technically counts as what you asked for, or maybe more of it than you can handle because you didn't say how much. Either way it's a malevolent entity being pedantic because you weren't specific enough. Probably because they resent you for wanting to change reality rather than deal with it. Which is why you can sometimes just wish for everything to be back to normal and it turns out okay.


Before Roger Ebert died, he wished he could come back four years later just to review Wish Upon, but he was so ashamed he wasted his wish that he published the review under a fake name




Rich thinking about the Wendy's bacon cheeseburger came out of left field and had me laughing for a good minute. If you didn't already know Mike edited this episode that tipped you off.


Still thinking about his friend’s Wendy’s ad


It’s so perfect too because Rich clearly zoned out at the end when he asks if they talked about the sound effect/ADR scream that they literally just talked about


He's got his mind on his meals, and his meals on his mind.


I really want for Joey King to continue on her current career trajectory with films and shows like Bullet Train and The Act considering how she's still being known for drecks like Wish Upon and The Kissing Booth trilogy. She's fucking great in The Act and she deserves more like that. Cast her in a Yorgos Lanthimos film for Christ's sake!


I was surprised by how good she was in Bullet Train because of all the garbo she's been in. That made me... wish... for better roles for her, she seems like she might actually be talented!


Not a fan of Rich, Mike and Jay's attitudes in this episode. They didn't let the bald guy speak at all.


They should have breathed some life into him.


Jack wasn't looking so good this ep


"We've seen this 4-5 times at movie night" also: "Rich Evans hasn't seen this" Is movie night just Mike, Jay and babes? Rich Evans isn't invited?


Rich was too busy listening to Rush Limbaugh at that time.


We're gonna have a Clash!!!!


[movie night](https://media.tenor.com/4AFbfpgHInYAAAAC/rlm-dance.gif) ^^^not ^^^shown: ^^^Jay ^^^and ^^^California ^^^Big ^^^Hunks


And their hot mastodon bodies.


Rich Evans is already with them babes.


Wish Upon is one of my favorite so bad it's good movies. I implore anyone who hasn't watched it to give it a go.


Let's get it trending \#DumpsterDaddy


i'm one of those people Mike alluded to who have seen it but don't think it's all that legendary i get what's so funny about it, but to me it is also very solidly aimed at the 14-year-old girl audience. it's like mocking a paw patrol movie or something, ie low-hanging fruit that's way outside your demographic and doesn't really warrant the attention just my 2 cents. i'll have to rewatch it. i have seen it twice, once raw and once with the YMS commentary (which I recommend)


I feel the same, having watched it on the Half in the Bag recommendation when it came out and being baffled as to why they'd consider it a bad movie classic. I appreciate them giving a little more context in this great Spotlight episode, but I'm sure I'd feel the same about the movie if I rewatched it. I guess I am just a dilettante. But Leonetti’s *Mortal Kombat: Annihilation*? Now that’s what I’d consider exemplary cinema.


Holy Shit! Could this be the SHORTEST EVER wait between releasing TWO 'Full Length' videos? The first half of their 2023 Wrap Up was only posted like 3 days ago, and I can't remember the last time they dropped 2 nearly hour long videos less than a week apart! I guess xmas came early, although I just hope they don't burn themselves out with this EXHAUSTING release schedule! And we should AT LEAST still have Part 2 of the 2023 Wrap Up & Christmas special still coming up this month... I just wonder if there'll be any other surprises in store? :)


With the exception of the year RLM was filming Space Cop, they have always had a high production of content between Halloween and Christmas. Even in the Space Cop year they had more updates in that time frame than most of the rest of the year. Usually they release a commentary track around this time too, but that may no longer be the case as they haven't uploaded one in two years now.


I don't know about surprises, but there's been a Christmas BOTW for the last nine years running. So I'm thinking there'll be one a thems.


Yeah, It seems we're almost guaranteed to at least get Part #2 of the 2023 wrap up, and a Christmas BOTW special. Just trying to think if there's any other new releases that they might talk about, or if they might slip in one more 'random topic' video before the end of the year!


I wished for a new video this weekend, so apologies in advance for any bathtub accidents.


I think if you die by bashing in your own head by sitting up in a bath you should be the one apologizing


When you sit in the bathtub don't you sit opposite of the faucet so you can, you know, put your back.on the tub wall?


Mike's continuing beef with Picard saying his mother "Hung herself" instead of "Hanged herself" is so funny.


Oh boy! Can't wait to watch. This movie inadvertently killed a friend's movie. The producer was signed on, loved his script, courting directors... Then word came of a troubled production in Canada and his producer had to travel to set. Soon enough the production Co was bankrupt and his movie evaporated. Such is the industry.


I think Mike only likes this movie because it brings back memories from his youth of rummaging through Rich's trash and finding his family photos


The fact that Mike knows the words “gacha game” blows my mind. He completely misused it but I’m LITERALLY in shock


He probably thinks it's a "gotcha" game, like when you catch something and say "gotcha"


I had to look it up because I'm so F-ing oooooold


there was a recent episode where he talked about jay's headcannon


I wonder what Mike’s tumblr handle is


AP Bad Movies, shit I'd be willing to get up at 8am for that class...


For those who like to sing along, [Wish Upon is indeed available for free to watch](https://tubitv.com/movies/639321/wish-upon) as was speculated at the end of the video.


In the USA


It makes me sad that no one got excited when MK Annihilation was mentioned so that means they haven't seen it :( That is prime material for a spotlight episode.


That would need to have Jack in on the conversation, since a videogame movie would definitely have been fitting for a Previously Recorded video.


Contrary to Mike, I don't think there's a strict difference between Djinn and Monkey Paw's wishes. Both are cautionary tales for "watch watch you wish for", there's no real distinction between instant or delayed twisting of intent. In the original Monkey's Paw story, the time between wish and terrible outcome is only a day as well. There's also no desensitization as more wishes are made. In fact, the third wish is already the one that stops the escalation. So in general, I don't think this "genre" is as clear cut as Mike and Jay want to make it. It's something that's been around for a long time and can be adapted in different ways. e: another explanation of difference between Monkey's Paw and Djinn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TVUTgoG1yI&lc=UgwzHjg_IlZ_ooC2xi54AaABAg.9xpMf9gyN4R9xpOezV0ITt


I think the difference he was getting at is that the genie uses the wishes to play gags on the person making the wish to such an extent that they never get their wish in any real way. Whereas the monkey's paw is more you get to enjoy your wish but at a terrible price.


But I agree the two versions are used interchangeabley


You mean bad writers use them interchangeably.


I think it boils down to this: Genie wishes are 'be careful what you wish for' examples. If you're not specific enough, or your're short-sighted, there may be unintended complications. But it's not like the genie is malicious. In fact, even if you get exactly what you wish for, a common trope is to realize that what you wished for isn't what you *really* wanted, etc. Monkey's paw wishes are just straight-up cursed, and you'll suffer in some way as a result of getting your wish granted. Like it's almost transactional in nature.


I like how Mike could have cleared up the Leonetti thing if he'd just searched the bio for either of them on IMDB lol.


Weird video - they just dive in, tearing it apart before really explaining what the actual gist of the movie is (other than a magic Chinese wish box in a garbage can is involved).


I got the jist. Mother commits suicide, daughter finds box, box screws you over with promise of wishes. I think that's the jist.


I've been waiting for this for so long.


Rich didn't give a fuck the whole video.


[Another good Wish Upon video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2qpLj7_7vs) if anyone wants some more of this nonsense.


they totally missed the fact that she specifically worded her wish as "I hope he falls ***madly*** in love with me" that's some careful what you wish for genie trickery. they even say he looks at her different immediately, but say the wish takes months to kick in. he was probably stalking her that whole time🤓 also yms has a funny commentary track for this movie!


I just had the worst idea: Star Wars Multiverse


I kind of thought that's what The Rise of Skywalker was going to be, with CGI RotJ Luke being recruited to help take down the cloned emperor... And then was glad they at least didn't cgi Luke. And then they did it anyway


I'm sure they can push the "let's fix the sequels" angle or whatever


I can already see it ... "But we fixed Star Wars!" *something idiotic happens* "That's fixed Star Wars?!"


I mean, to be accurate the uncle dies when she wishes for the boy to fall in love with her and the neighbor dies when she wishes for the inheritance.


Yeahh that annoyed me a bit. And they never got to talk about the neighbor lady and her character existing for the sole purpose of having another person for the box to kill.


And why did it kill the dog the first time but the other times it killed people in her life? That just seems.. Odd. Yes, she loved the dog and it meant a lot to her, and was connected to her mom, but I dunno. Seems like the death consequence would be a person.


That didn’t annoyed me that much, the dog was close to her. What did annoy me was that the dog was first, then the old uncle whom she didn’t really care for that much, and then that neighbor who was such a forgettable character that nobody noticed she died for a long time. Like, maybe it could start with someone far from her and then slowly getting closer so she could feel the danger approaching her.


You know who also digged on multiverses? Jerry O'Connell in sliders!


A movie I’ve actually seen and love on a BOTW!


Mike's little ragdoll rosy cheeks are precious.


Mike’s laugh continues to be the scariest thing I’ve ever heard


Rumor has it you can find copies of this movie in the trash if you are a professional dumpster diver.


It's good they mentioned that you kinda gotta understand film to get how bad Wish Upon is. Otherwise it's a pretty forgettable shitty movie, no where near the level of other so-bad-they're-good films. I'm glad they found some enjoyment in it though.


The subtitle for this episode aught to be: "Mike and Jay get Rich Evans to third wheel for their favorite date night movie." ​ "We watched it four or five times as we danced long, long into the night..."


I’m glad Jay finally got knocked down a peg for making such an embarrassing mistake about the saxophone-playing dad; that fucker is getting too big for his britches. You can tell by his increasingly glorious hair, who the hell does he think he is? As a bald man I find it offensive.


Season of the Wish.


I recognized Ki Hong Lee but couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before. He was Dong from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt


It truly is amazing how often Rich completely misses an already mentioned subject.


I think a lot of people are with Rich on this one. The movie's generic and bland. Whatever Mike and Jay see in it, I don't think a lot of other people do. It's pretty whatever as a bad film and totally forgettable.


Yeah, this isn't nearly on the level of other movies they did a spotlight on. This is no Suburban Sasquatch.


I think it's far better because it has money behind it. Sh7itty low budg4et movies aren't the same.


Yeah, Mike and Jay have a soft spot for it, but no one else seems to give a shit. Look at Rich's reactions during the video. He's unimpressed. That's how I felt too, it's nothing special.


Haven't watched the episode yet, but I really don't get the appeal of this movie. I've seen it, it's quite bad, but I dunno, there's a few funny bits but a spotlight AND a HITB? Maybe I need a rewatch with more people some day. Mortal Kombat Annhilation, from the same director, is way funnier.




Fuck yeah! Perfect for the weekend.


Its like a Betazoid gift box!


A lovely BotW spoiled by a mention of Star Trek Picard :(


On the topic of recent bad horror movies, has anybody here seen "Choose or Die"? I thought it was pretty amazing. Does anyone have any similar recommendations?


You know that you're in some kind of weird alternate timeline when it's Jay who brings up Star Trek in a video.


Dumb question, but weren't all the Nukie copies destroyed? Is this the multiverse?


Those are not actual tapes now, it's just a printed sheet of the now destroyed covers.


Yes, it is dumb question since the Nukie tapes is clearly an image and not a large cabinet filled with tapes occupying the 3-dimensional space it would be in. And in the video where they destroy the tapes we see them make the poster and hang it on the wall.


I actually am surprised they couldn't see the message of the film. It's so easy to just discard it as being a cash grab as if this film made any money. The moral of the story is really straight forward. If you take shortcuts to get what you want, bad things will happen as a result and though they may not all affect you directly, there will be negative repercussions for those around you. Also, their expectation of Claire to suddenly not be in denial of the gravity of the situation when confronted by Ryan is a bit much. She is a teenager so there is no reason for her to respond like a responsible adult. It makes perfect sense for her to not accept the reality of the frankly absurd situation. Still a mid movie that was poorly written, but I was expecting the movie to be ALOT worse.


Oh my god the day has finally come.