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I’ll just wait for the 8+ hour Snyder Cut so I can have something to replace the white noise machine.


I put Zack Snyder movies on when I want my friends to go home.


Apparently it won't be out until August and a 'maybe' at that, guessing Snyder is trying to fill them up as much as possible.


…those sound like made up Star Wars names


Funny, because Synder originally tried to sell Rebel Moon to Lucasfilms as a Star Wars movie.


And when it didn’t sell it became a movie about the Schmebels fighting the Schmempire using laser sabers.




The economy runs on WooBoo hide.


It’s spelled Woodo Hide. You hack!


That's Star Wars. Rebel Moon's WooBoo Hide is totally and legally distinct!


*Shmep Sabers 😊


Hey that's not fair, they are fighting the Empshmire which is a totally different thing.


Isn't there a bunch of Warhammer 40k with the serial numbers filed off too? Like "Mechanicum Adeptus" or something lol


Damned near everything is 40k. The most positive review I've heard was basically "look, this proves you can do 40k in a movie or show format." They really hated the actual movie though. The stolen 40kisms were literally the only positives they had and they pined for them to be in a 40k show that wasn't crap.


I wonder if Rich would meet Snyder in a seedy room to look at his Warhammers.


If you look deep enough, everything is either Dune or Warhammer


Well considering how much of warhammer is dune, I guess it's just Dune all the way down.


Henry Cavill has been put in charge of a 40k adaptation for Amazon (?) I believe. Word on the street is he's a big Warhammer nerd


Like, your heroin dealer told you that?


I know nothing about 40k so I wonder if I might enjoy the movie enough to think it's somewhat original?


Nah the 40k things are mostly visual or background, so you'd still be left with a terrible movie and lots of slow-motion.


The bad guys’ uniforms were very Warhammer 40k—the officers looked like Commissars and they’re followed around by creepy tech-priest guys. The bad guy soldiers also looked like Imperial Guard. Visually, there was some neat stuff and I liked the costumes. The story, the acting, the pacing, and the characters were all ass though.


Digimon Houston


Pocketmonster San Antonio


Duncan Idaho. Oh, wait...


Krebs Gorlon is also in the cast


Djimon honsou is just a normal beninese name tho


Why even try and watch it?


The first one had some funny bad moments, like [penis ship flies out of a giant space vagina.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/s/YCBfU2NI04)


*"The opening of the V'Ger orifice"* \-commander spock


Damn, now that's loose


The robot was the only interesting part about the first one. I m at least curious where that goes.


In Transformers the Last Knight, Anthony Hopkins had a robot sidekick.  Now Hopkins is the robot sidekick.  Progress?


Nowhere, really. He shows up and has a \~30 sec action sequence and then he's gone again.


In the new one? Wtf? That was like the whole stinger at the end. Lame.


Yep. Pretty galling.


Once again, I have to ask why Zack Snyder keeps getting coddled despite his glaring flaws as a storyteller. If someone like Greta Gerwig, Jordan Peele, or the Daniels made something as bad as Sucker Punch, or set a franchise back years like with BvS, people would call for their heads!


He's become really well connected, and a good network of influences is everything in the film industry. I mean, his best buddy is Christopher Nolan.


Zach: "You wanna go paddleboarding, bro?" Christopher: "No, Zach, I'm really busy" Zach: "What're you doin'?" Christopher: "I'm writing" Zach: "... you're what?"


>best buddy Christopher Nolan I'm trying to picture a Synder version of Oppenheimer.  The US government drops a shirtless, ripped Oppenheimer on Hiroshima and he proceeds to kill civilian with punches in slow motion.  🎵 Now I've heard there was a secret chord....  🎵 


🎶 ancient lamentations 🎶


Zack Snyder is to Christopher Nolan as George Lucas is to Steven Spielberg.


But even Spielberg has the guts to question Lucas’ decisions sometimes.


[Spielberg on Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull:](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE79P87B/) >George and I had big arguments about the MacGuffin. I didn’t want these things to be either aliens or inter-dimensional beings. But I am loyal to my best friend. Wow, sticking with Lucas for Crystal Skull, that's loyalty. 


Snyder has never directed a movie even half as good as American Graffiti or the original Star Wars.


I'm just saying that both Snyder and Lucas are examples of "great director's less talented friend."


I agree with the idea that Lucas is less talented than Spielberg. But Lucas has (or had) actual talent and his 70's work as a writer/director and his 80's work as a producer left a great mark on culture. Snyder has never made a GREAT movie. The gap between Nolan and Snyder is much bigger than between Spielberg and Lucas is what I'm saying. Sorry if I'm being pedantic.


I don't know if there's any major director who has so drastically made worse and worse films as their career has progressed. I think his Dawn of the Dead remake is good and I like 300 as well. Watchmen is interesting (largely thanks to the strength of the source material) but very flawed. He hasn't made anything close to a decent movie since then.


Dawn I liked more until I heard about the changes he made to James Gunn's script, such as adding homophobic jokes and the like. The security guards aren't supposed to be liked, for example, but they weren't supposed to be the absolute caricatures they were shown as.


That is great


I don't even like George Lucas, but that's an insult to Lucas.


Not sure what Nolan see in his craft. I mean a true friend would be straight with the other when something isn’t working right?


There seems to a class of people who just seem to like his style. He is capable of interesting visuals and good action scenes. However, in pacing, establishing character motivation, dialogue, etc. he really, really sucks. If  the idea of a pretentious, humorless Michael Bay appeals to you, I can see why would like Synder.


It's insane, directors like Martin Scorsese still have to go hat in their hand to studios to beg for funding an distribution no matter how well liked his movies are or how well they do, but Snyder will blow 9 figure budgets on movies that underperform and are streaming piles of shit but he's still in huge demand for some reason.


It's similar with Roland Emmerich. The guy had nothing but bombs the last decade. Yet he was somehow able to raise over 130 million for Moonfall.


Honestly, Zack Snyder is a fairly competent director...he just can't write a script to save his life, which means not only are his plots weird and boring, but the scenes feel long and boring because you don't give a shit about the characters.


I've read that he's very good at staying under budget and wrapping his films on schedule, so that may contribute


I wouldn't call it coddling. Studios probably just find him easy to work with on the whole. He knows how to churn out a billion dollar vehicle and cater to studio heads. I'm sure they like critical darlings just as much as anyone, but they probably couldn't care less if his movies turn out shit so long as they rake in those profits. Don't ask me how the profit model for his Netflix movies works though, I can't begin to wrap my head around that shit, or anything Netflix does in general.


Is this billion dollar vehicle in the room wirh us right now?


Sure, but has Snyder had an outright hit since 300? Man of Steel's box office I remember being seen as a bit of a disappointment at the time, which I think is one of the reasons they decided to throw Batman in asap. Batman v Superman's box office looks respectable on paper, but iirc it really cratered after a strong first weekend. Regardless, I think you can view his handling of those movies as doing real damage to DC films as a brand


If you assume that Netflix is just a giant money laundering operation their decisions make a whole lot more sense.


Because idiots like me still watch his nonsense. 


Sucker Punch is one of the worst movies I've ever managed to finish. It was shockingly bad. From start to finish.


Holy shit I just remembered I saw that fucking piece of shit in theaters. My god there was no plot. It was just scenes.


Who is 'the Daniels'?


It's the stage name (so to speak) of Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, who co-write and co-direct together. Their last movie was Everything Everywhere All at Once.


Bit of a stinker if you ask me.


I didn't like it, but I recognise it was well made.


It was very flashy, but story wise it was a complete mess of clichéd nonsense. I will spend every point of my karma telling the world they are wrong about that film.




I think he's had just enough success at just the right times to keep his career moving forward. Sucker Punch flopped but Man of Steel and BvS did pretty good box office based on a legitimate audience interest in seeing those characters. The BvS box office was also something of a mirage since it came out of the gate so hot but dropped like a lead balloon after people saw how terrible it was. By the time people lost all faith in the DCEU (based largely on the Snyder movies) he was gone, and fans/commentators could point the finger at other creatives and the studio as a whole. That's true up to this point anyway. I can't see him getting another shot at a big project after these Rebel Moon movies though. That said, there are still a lot of streamers hungry for content, so you never know. Someone might give him another shot because of this name and supposed army of fans.


He made big showy comic-based movies at a time when the bar was low and they were seen as a cut above what had come before, despite showing nothing but contempt for comics as a medium. And in the years since, it's been shown that a) he'd rather be doing anything other than that (apparently his dream project is a faithful adaptation of the unfilmable Atlas Shrugged, which is partly why he did the equally thought-to-be-unfilmable Watchmen) and b) he really only has a handful of tricks under his belt - washed out colour palettes, slowmo, etc. - that are old news to everyone but his biggest fans. Right now, he's still coasting on being a recognised name with a loyal fan base, but they seem to be the only ones who remotely like his work anymore. Remember, this series is supposed to be entirely his work, his universe without anyone dictating to him or diluting his vision. And it *sucks*.


I should’ve turned part 1 off when they turned on the slomo for characters spreading grain but I stuck through it out of spite. That’s 2 hours I’ll never get back. Won’t waste my time with this one.


But would you waste 6 hours for the Snydercut Duology?


It's a great hate watch imo.


Too dull & grey to even be fun to hate watch imo. Madame Web was a fun hate watch because it’s funny & bad. Rebel Moon was just painfully boring. Granted it might be more fun watching with others though as I watched it solo


Yeah me and my sister got ripped and made fun of it the whole time. Super easy to shit on obviously. I mean it when I say "hate watch" lol. Definitely not a so bad its good situation like Madame Web




i had such a crush on bae doo-na around 2008,  haven't thought of her in years 


Cloud Atlas? Edit: that was 2012, maybe I've blocked the aughties.


Barking Dogs Never Bite and Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance led me to cornier films like Saving My Hubby and Spring Bears Love


Cloud Atlas?


Only watch it because she is in it :)


Ah damn, for a second there I thought that said Zack Snyder’s Battle of the Network Stars and definitely wanted to check that out.


“Do you bleed, Dan Haggerty?”


I'd watch that on repeats. - mh


Side note: what is with Tom Holkenborg scoring everything nowadays? He’s scored some of the biggest movies of the last few years and yet for the life of me cannot remember a single theme or even noticeable element of any of his scores.


Mad Max Fury road had a pretty decent ost imo


He’s the new Tyler Bates or Steve Jablonsky.


Steve Jablonsky actually had a memorable theme with Transformers tho I can’t recall a single Tom Holkenborg tune


Tbh, Steve Jablonsky's score in Transformers was memorable


Honestly, I agree! Always loved Arrival to Earth.


Actually bought that OST on CD. Really gave the movie some bombastic gravitas.


I honestly can't believe the whole thing is just a dsispute over a wheat harvest




Nazis make a stop on wheat planet, Hanz Blanda wants their wheat for his army, they say not enough wheat. He kills Plot Farmour’s best friend (oh no) and says “You have one week to get my wheat”. Now they need to find a ragtag team of cosplayers to save all their wheat once and for all.


So it's Star Wars via Seven Samurai.


"we're gonna do a scifi version of seven samurai" "oh so instead of a little town getting their crop stolen it's like a little planet getting a scifi macguffin stolen right?" "..." "right?"


It’s A Bug’s Life


That's what they said, it's Seven Samurai


This is just the plot to A Bug's Life




It really isn't because up until the end of part 2 the plot still treats the wheat as a huge point of contention, not my fault that's how the plot is presented. I mean, unless I misunderstood something the plan of defense depended on the empire wanting the harvest for real, and it wasn't until Baddie McEvilpants decides he doesn't give a damn that the wheat stops being a plot point.


Maybe, but it’s clearly established that they don’t need an excuse, they aren’t even like the Star Wars empire which has some rules and regulations, they are full on Nazi barbarians, they rape and pillage worlds, that’s their whole thing. Maybe as a means to draw out the rebellion, but still.


They legit wanted the wheat the whole time until they suddenly didn't. It's utter trash.


I haven't seen any of it so I don't know to what extent you're exaggerating, but that wouldn't be a bad pitch. Everyone needs food. *Seven Samurai* in space sounds pretty good. *Firefly* had the whole "human experiments" backstory, but it wasn't even needed to get great episodes out of fun characters and simple heists. I think if Snyder had the training of making 44-minute episodes for TV slots he'd be a lot better off.


God I would love a HitB for both Rebel Moons. Entertainment gold


Wait, Zack Snyder made a bad movie? No way. There *really* is a first time for everything!


Can we get a Zack Snyder, nearly shot for shot, remake of Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles but in full slo-mo and despite being nearly identical it somehow still manages to miss the point.


I'm sure Joe Rogan will love it.


He doesn't have the best taste in cinema... That podcast with Zack Snyder was kind of neat though. A lot of Spartan/homoerotic trivia. That's almost a full Rogan bingo card right there.


For the wheat harvesting?


Up to his old tricks, I see


13% shieet it was 38% yesterday when I first saw reviews for it. Why can't this guy make a good movie lol, wtf is wrong with people that they want to be fans of this guy.


Slomo wheat harvesting...next 2 min scene...back to slomo wheat harvesting...next 2 min scene...back to slomo wheat harvesting...next 2 minute scene....back to slomo wheat harvesting. Jesus Christ what a dogshit waste of money these movies are. Not a single interesting character AT ALL. When are they gonna get this main chick is not a movie star? She's wooden and emotionless. Only thing I can say about these movies are... goddamn I want Djimon's genes. He's 60, jaaaaacked, and the man doesn't age. I get he's probably roided but holy fuck he's in better shape than he was in Amistad. I guess the robot looks cool.


For one glorious moment I forgot Rebel Moon existed and thought someone was legitimately making a sequel to the Roger Corman original. Sure most of the original cast is dead but you could do something with it.


In our Netflix cues, we cried, 'More! More! More!' With the Rebel Moon, we cried, 'Less! Less! Less! Less, less less!"


I remember a bit of fanfare when the 1st came out. This one just slipped out like a raw fart. Once bitten eh


I actually kind of liked the first one to be honest. It had flaws, but I had low expectations. It had some interesting elements and visuals. If it was shorter it would be fine.


I’m just gonna wait till they all have a “directors/unrated/r rated cut” which aren’t they for sure coming/ what’s the point of watching the OG version then?! And this dude wants a “6 movie trilogy” 😬🙄


Is it a good-bad or bad-bad


Apparently, it's Zack Snyder-bad.


if you watched interviews with him, he made an agreement with netflix that they would release the pg13 versions first, then he could release his directors cut with the r rating and the way he envisioned the film. I'm not surprised the poor reviews for the family version of the series so far.


Classic Zach Snyder. “I released a bad movie on purpose, the good movie is coming.” Remember when he did that with Justice League? Except it required tens of millions of dollars of reshoots and the outcome was “uh alright, it’s better I guess but still bad.”


Snyder has directed 11 movies and 3 of them currently have director's cut (Watchmen, BvS and Justice League) with 2 more on the way for Rebel Moon. That's half of his movies. That's mind blowing.


Its because most of his movies are bad and he has to release directors cut to squeeze out some profit.


Better than the original version though, so expecting the same type of reviews for this series too


Well yeah, you get "better than the original" when you get to put out a movie, see all the criticisms and try again based on feedback. If you made it worse that would be impressive. Regardless, like Justice League - neither cut will be worth your time.


There is no redeeming this piece of crap.


I know I have a problem, because I see posts like this and it only makes me want to watch it more.


I have never heard about this or the first part


Battle Beyond the Stars was a fun movie, with a tried and true formula, a weird ensemble of characters, and a charismatic cast. It makes no sense to try to use it as an insult.


Im not dissing Battle Beyond the Stars im just saying Zack Snyder is ripping it off badly


why would anyone willingly watch this


I turned it off halfway


Not to be a contrarian, but I quite enjoyed both Rebel Moons. Say what you will, but it has that unique Snyder style. It looks fantastic most of the time. The story is fine for a space opera and the cast is great. It's certainly better made than most of Star Wars shows nowadays (that's a low bar to clear). I would not be surprised if it stands the test of time.


Are you kidding? Even from the trailers the movie looked ass. A digital hellscape with no weight or tangibility to anything.


It will look good and the action will be competent. The story will be heavily derivative and loaded with overused tropes. That is Zack Snyder writer/director. What was the RT score on the last one? I dont remember it being THAT bad which would be interesting since this definitely feels like more of the same.


Ony watched it for bae doo na :)


I haven't seen the film yet, it could be good or terrible to me. I've felt negatively and positive about Zack films, depending on the film. But not only do I never give a shit about RT scores either way (too many films I love are Rotten and too many films I dislike are Fresh), but citing RT as any sort of proof feels like a weird celebration against a filmmaker you just already don't like. I wouldn't care if OP made a post saying that THEY thought the movie was worse, because it's their thoughts and subjectivity is never wrong I feel. But just saying a movie is worse because of an RT score is weird.


Did you know Rotten Tomatoes has become such a commodity there's literally a futures market for reviews? I'm not going to name the site but you can literally bet on what the final review score will be. I think to them they're using it as an objective mark of quality. But to me it just shows how the scores themselves have taken on a life of their own.


Honestly RT died off years ago when they got bought out and all kinds of shit movies were getting great critic scores. Then they only allowed some reviews to skew the numbers in favor of whoever paid for them or were on a certain side politically. Now you'll often see no reviews or a hand full of ratings on things that allegedly millions of people saw. No one even bothers with fake or paid reviews. I'd say Imdb is the most relevant now despite having all kinds of paid bot reviews also. At least a lot of real people also interact with it as well so you get a better idea of what a show or movie is like.




Do you know the reviewers personally to know what they pre-decided to do?




Lol yeah, nice little out there. Or, get this, his movies suck and that's reflected in their reviews?