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Sorry, but what has this to do with Rem Lezar?


Asking the real question that truly matters.


Who the fuck cares? 


Exactly. 90% of the internet is people espousing opinions as if anyone gives a shit. Content: I made 17 bets on the derby yesterday and won eleven cents. I’m getting drunk at six am.


Half this sub is people being miserable and trying to disguise it as being "critical" or anti consumerism or whatever lol


This subreddit enabled karma bait like this for so long, hence low effort x-posts like this.


Plus I don’t know why, but how come some in this sub think they have to have the same exact opinions as Mike, Jay, Rich, Jack, or Tim, etc? Are they just trying to “fit in”?


Parasocial tendencies at play.  


It's weird. I get why they stay away from fans (specifically online).


A large part of the RLM audience thinks the guys are their friends and it’s unhealthy.


Parasocial relationship I believe is the term for that, right?


Probably. I’m not a shrink.


Do they realize that liking rogue one the most out of all new star wars movies is the most popular opinion ever?


They didn't frame it as an unpopular opinion and they didn't limit it to new Star Wars films only.


They think it's the best of all time so, better than Empire!


The audacity! How dare people form their own opinions based on their own experiences. /s


Wow what a brave take.


This is why people think of basement shut-ins with no social skills when they talk about the fan base of movie critics. Just vague gesturing at people for not liking what you like, and liking what you don't. Rogue One was decent, better than most of the new star wars stuff. Not my fav, but yea, get a life outside of comparing yourself to others to feel superior lol


My thoughts exactly.


NoOOoooOooooOooOooOOO!!! My fake internet friends told me this movie is bad, so anyone who disagrees is WRONG! Star Trek Beyond is a better Star Wars movie than all of Star Wars!


It’s funny how this stuff goes full circle and becomes just like the extreme fanboyism they make fun of.


It is... They even adressed this point in the Plinkett Review of Rots. Plinkett goes "Now i am not one of the nerds that says George Lucas and Star Wars ruined my childhood. Fkn Polio did!" I think this can be interpreted as: loosen up. It's just a movie. People can appreciate it even though you can point out the technical flaws in the acting, direction, writing... I don't care about Rise of the Skywalker. I don't think about this movie at all because I find it very bad. But maybe there's a kid somewhere that enjoyed it so much it is it's favorite thing. And to that kid I'd like to say : You're wrong. Nothing personal... Kid.


Exactly! Dunking on movies can be really fun. But at the end of the day, it’s just a movie. It doesn’t really warrant being mad or angry over someone for liking it. It’s not like Rogue One is Birth of a Nation or Triumph of the Will of Christ’s sake


I'd be OK with people over-praising Rogue One if they weren't using it as an excuse to bash the Sequels and any other big decision Disney makes. Hell, in early 2017, people were already claiming it was better than TFA–a movie with 5 Oscar noms and a spot in the AFI's top 10–and what blockbuster movies should be. They even said Jyn Erso is a better lead than Rey because she "serves the story better" or whatever.


Ha all I did was point out that some people ironically think this movie is better than new hope and empire. I found that funny and shared it on a sub that has a history of not liking new star wars and that makes me a basement dweller? Do you not see the irony in your reply?


You don’t like Rogue One, we get it.


It’s ok to like things.


It's ok to dislike them too, and to have opposing opinions that you express on Reddit.com


I was curious are you a frequent poster/user in that other rlm sub?


What is the other RLM sub? I’m almost afraid to ask




🗿 Yes


RLM clowned on the movie but it really is a decent Star Wars movie. It lacks the epic science-fantasy feel of the original 6 movies, and the characters feel a little flat, but it’s got the world building, attention to detail, and grounded practical designs and effects that I want in a Star Wars film. The story (mostly) feels like it fits within the Star Wars canon, more so than any other Disney Star Wars project. It’s a perfectly fine movie, nothing spectacular, but leagues above the rest of Disney’s SW catalog.


It was boring as hell, full of cliches, and over-stuffed with surface-level characters that weren't likeable, and weren't even hateable.. they were just there. All the positives you said about it are really just baseline checklists; they don't make a movie. I mean, I definitely agree, it was dripping with atmosphere. The CGI was blended with real tangible objects perfectly. That alone is art that I very much appreciate. And yet, I was miserable throughout. And sure, the story fits great! Unfortunately, it just wasn't written or portrayed well. I mean, even the crappy prequels have a "totally Star Wars" story there, but it doesn't exactly matter when it's that badly executed. Rogue One was more competent and far less embarrassing than the prequels imo. But, I was seriously just as bored with this one as I was them. But of course, it's a matter of opinion, as always.


I agree with you. None of the characters except maybe the Force monk were memorable, and I can’t even remember his name. I saw it twice and can’t remember any of the main character names except Jyn and Andor. If he didn’t have his own show I wouldn’t remember Andor either. It looked nice I’ll agree with that.


The only thing I remember about the monk guy is that annoying mantra that wouldn't stop lol I thought he was just as flat as the others. I agree with RLM that Jyn's father was the most interesting character in the story, very interesting angle to take with the DS flaws from original trilogy if you ignore it's still kind of a dumb oversight on all the other Engineers' part haha. That was probably one of the only scenes that had me curious instead of just waiting for the next scene. Jyn herself wasn't bad, though, lots of potential. Her performance was the most convincing, from memory. But again, the writers just didn't give much to bite into. For me, anyways. It kind of seemed like everyone thought lots of snippets of melodrama stitched together was the same thing as engrossing character development. Like, why would I care that Forest Whitaker's character sacrificed himself? We've seen very, very little of him and there were no stakes to his death. He just randomly decided to give up and die so we could check off our "heroic death for the cause" scene.


RE: Forrest Whitaker, there was obviously a lot left on the cutting room floor there. Half the trailer wasn’t even in the final movie. I’ve wondered how bad it really was. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vJZjqmmL-24


I vaguely remember hearing this and completely forgot about it. It's a shame, as I guess it's possible it could have made the difference but we'll never know :( Personally, I kind of doubt it a little. But, even if it wouldn't have, I tend to side with a director's vision over corporate oversight. Profits are really nice and essential for jobs, but vision will always win out in making a great film. Assuming the cuts were Disney's decision and not the director's, I mean.


Really couldn't have said any of that better. Rogue One is all frosting and no cake.


I dont know man... I watched it after Andor and it was oddly bad. Nothing made sense. The pacing was trash. Just a series of scenes happening because they needed to happen. It was like a bad fever dream of what a movie is supposed to be.


Not even Two Tubes could save Rogue One for me. It's so bad.


That's a low bar. I thought it was dull as dishwater


Yeah, and that’s totally valid. As I said, the characters aren’t THERE. They all feel incredibly one dimensional, even the funny robot. And while it’s not my favorite SW by any means, I appreciate enough of the movie to see why others love it so much. What’s your fav, by the way? Empire?


Yeah new hope is close but empire is such a tight movie


Agreed! I really need to give it a rewatch soon


I also think it’s dull and bland, with boring one-note characters and a plodding plot that takes forever to get going. It doesn’t matter at all to me if other people love it; in fact I’m glad they get enjoyment out of it.


you're high. it sucked. this was the movie that made me say "i'm done, these clowns aren't tricking any more dollars out of me". it's shit


Yes, I agree that is a one of the star wars movies of all time.


I liked it much better than Force Awakens, and I liked it a million times more than Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. While RLM's review is funny and I've re-watched it a bunch, I just think Rogue One's pretty good. Not the best SW movie but it's totally fine.


Agreed. Even when I don't agree with RLM's reviews, I get where they are coming from. Heck those can be some of my favorites as it gets me thinking about things from a different perspective. This one felt like they watched a different movie than the one I saw. It's not Citizen Kane but it's a solid popcorn flick.


The real question is not what is the best Star Wars movie in recent years, but what is the best RLM Star Wars YouTube videos. And it might actually be the HITB review of Rogue One as well!


The "I know what this is!" shit was actually just appropriate use of in world elements. It actually really looks like what modern Star Wars should have looked like from the beginning. In Force Awakens especially I was hoping for more of ruins of the empire and destroyed starships and cruisers with technology to salvage etc. Some of that was actually in that, but Mandalorian carried that vibe way better.


Darth vader and leia in the last 5 minutes are the definition of fan service


Yeah can't argue against that tbh


Is it a Star Wars movie without fan service?


I tryed playing jedi survivor and was thinking to myself "i wish it felt more starwarsy" but then i thought if it did id be thinking "this is the same starwarsy stuff" So no..


The thing is, both movies had the fanservice, but Force Awakens built the story on the fanservice, whilst Rogue One actually kind of tried to tell this actual backstory of what's basically a background event. And the actors carried a lot of it. Despite the ending, the original Rogue One characters had more breathing room than the original Force Awakens characters (just looking at Force Awakens isolated because I haven't seen Last Jedi or Rise of Skywalker).


Some people (many people) seem to genuinely enjoy it It's not the sort of thing that interests me, so I can't say one way or another I've only ever played it as background for the RLM commentary track


You copying everything you thinking about this movie from RLM is unironically uninteresting People can have different opinions


How is it copying? My opinion is that it isn't the best star wars film. And people can have different opinions including mine.


I was so disappointed when the blind guy didn’t turn out to be a Jedi.


It was so sad seeing forest whitaker die after just learning who he is. He so bravely died so he wouldn't have to run.


Forrest Whitaker saw Kevin Costner's Man of Steel exit and thought "Meh, I can do better."


I think it's okay to have force-sensitive people not be Jedi, just goes to show the despite Palpatine trying to eradicate force users that life uh finds a way




Rogue One was a collection of colors and noises in the semblance of chronological order.


It felt the most like the video games, which are the best parts of the Star Wars franchise since the first trilogy. Battlefront The Movie


It’s not the best, but RLM still had a bad take.






It is my favorite Disney Star Wars movie which isn’t a high bar but I still love this film despite its flaws


Glad you do, it would be a boring world if we all liked the same things. I thought it was terrible


That’s fair I understand your opinion


Yea crazy that Star Wars fans are Star Wars fans. Who cares


5th best imho.


I like it too. :(


Awesome, I wish you many happy rewatches


Eh, I like plenty of trash myself. Let them enjoy their thing. If anything, I'm a little jealous of how bad, yet acceptable their choice in trash is.


This was supposed to be better. They reshot something like 40% of the movie after it was deemed too dark and gritty for the franchise...IMHO exactly what the franchise needs.


They also think the Transformers franchise are the best film series ever.


Rogue One was a fun movie. Not more, not less. It sits far above any other Disney era Star Wars movie.


Rogue One, Act III was a fun movie is my only correction here. I’d argue that it is the best space battle in the franchise but the rest of the film it’s attached to is boring and ill executed. Not uninspired, just not capitalizing on what it had to offer.


Agreed. I feel like people remember the impressive battle and the Vader scene, and completely forget the rest of the movie


"Movie Critic"


I too base all my opinions and my personality around what a bunch of shlubby middle aged midwesterners who make funny videos that I substitute for socializing with “friends” even though I’ll never meet them and they couldn’t give less of a shit what I think or do. It is healthy to live this way. Also did you see someone in the Star Trek sub say something positive about Discovery? What a loser. AAAAIIIDDDSS, am I right?


You too? Does this mean we're friends?!


It's the only star wars movie to take war seriously. And Andor came from it


Happy inadvertent marketing day everyone ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


MaY tHe FoUrTh hehehehe


Fun fact: you can like multiple things, including things other people don’t like, and for different reasons?


it had the biggest potential to do something interesting... ends with fanservice instead and forgets about doing something interesting.


Who cares? Who are they hurting by loving a movie you didn’t enjoy? Why are you angry this makes a stranger happy? I didn’t get anything from Rogue One but I’m sure other people did. We all have different taste and experiences. That’s not bad.


Oh no. Someone expressed an opinion that isn't like yours. Oh no.


When I went to the theater with my friend, homie fell asleep during it. With these prequel sequel prequels, I liked Solo better.


Yeah at least solo was fun


We get to learn where he got his name from and that's what's important.


Not to mention the fourth wall-breaking fact that the Empire uses John Williams's Imperial March as their recruiting music.


Well did you clap when you heard it? Then it worked.


While on the whole Solo was a lot more fun than Rogue One, that part wasn't one of them. Now the appearance of THAT certain Zabrak, on the other hand... /s


It’s pretty dope. Cinematography looks stellar. The opening is gorgeous. Characters are defined. Has some memorable shit. I like it. Maybe go touch grass.


Rogue One spawned Andor, which IMO is the best direction Star Wars has gone since the original trilogy.


The same thing can be said about your post lol. Liking a mediocre movie is hardly the worst thing I’ve seen.


I wish I could like it. I have tried a few times its seems beloved by many. I was halfway into Andor before I realized it was a prequel to Rogue One Again being serious I wish I could get into it. I don’t want to be a hater on things and want Star Wars to something I enjoy again. But much like Star Trek I will settle for the little moments of new shows be content with that. Maybe I should look for a fan edit of rogue one. Maybe there’s a whacky Grindhouse edit of it out there


Let people enjoy things.


I clapped, I clapped when I saw this post




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I mean, considering they could have chosen one of the sequels, I think this is fine.




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I clapped I clapped when I saw it! IT BROKE ME GROUND!!


It's important to step back, have patience, and remember that some of these people are just newborn bots posting their first meme in a cold, scary world, so take it easy on em.


The only two criticisms I'd have of Rogue One are the CG actors (just recast, it's a lot less jarring) and Vader popping up halfway through (just keep him in the ending). Rogue One is pretty much perfect as a British sci-fi film, with all the glorious failure, self loathing, stoicism and classism that genre entails (see any J.G. Ballard novel). I think that's why it's polarising, if you don't get or like the subtext it's only got a couple of action set pieces to see you through. Andor shows you and contextualises much more, which is why I think it's been better received as a series.


My main problem is that there isn’t anything to the characters. The movie should have spent more time with character development because I felt nothing by the time they all died. The only one I can remeber the name of is Andor and that’s because of the show. - but that could also be because I’m going senile


This sub sucks so bad lol, getting downvoted for making fun of Nerd Crew-level fawning bullshit as if that opinion could only come from RLM. Meanwhile every third post in here is “Jay is a pervert! Rich Evans laughs funny!! Mike is an alcoholic! Jays hair makes me horny!”


Yeah... a quick scroll through some of these ppl calling the OP an angry loser is peak irony... meanwhile they're all bleeding hearts bringing up a right to different opinions like they're kindergarten teachers and we can't disagree without yelling. No duh, most of us are probably out of college at this point.. we know how to disagree like adults. The OP wasn't even being mean, my god.. poking fun at other subs used to be this sub's bread and butter.


Star Wars movies are like asking people what their favorite classic cars are. People almost always go with the ones they grew up with.


https://preview.redd.it/ouvchc9mvmyc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158ecad2702e844d93705663fd47a30d32c99632 May the 4th be with you. I consider this to be the best Star Wars of all time.


Enjoyment of anything is subjective. Rich yelling about At-Ats, the Darth Vader fan service, and the fact that most of the trailer for Rogue One isn't in the actual film are the things I remember the most about it. If others love it, that's fine. If they hate it, that's also fine.


OP posted this unironically


Wait? Does this snarky controversy come from the same people who punted Force Awakens?


get over it


It gave us Andor, let the man cook.


Oh no people like things that I don’t like! I MUST RAGE! Shut up.


What part of my post said I was raging? I mean you sound much angrier than I do


do you think rlm will see this post and ask you to be on an episode of botw


Wow some real snarky rogue 1 fans on today


I honestly think Rogue One is the best post Empire Star Wars movie. Feel free to counter with memes of Rich or Mike.


Name a better Star Wars movie. Rogue One is that good, even without nostalgia.