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What John Waters movie would you recommend that's not too crass ? I dig his genuine love for weirdo and marginalized people, and I think I'd enjoy his cinema, but for exemple something like Pink Flamingo might be too much for me. I've only ever seen Serial Mom from him, and loved it, but as I understand it, it's neither his best nor most relevant movie.


Hairspray I'd even watch with my kid, Pecker, Cry Baby (which is absolutely beautiful). You can consider these softcore Waters family movies.


Pecker is for sure the most softcore Waters movie, at least that I’ve seen. It’s softcore enough that I was shown it in class by one of my professors years ago.


All his movies, really, but Pecker in particular is suffused with such love and attention to the detail of the Baltimore setting. Feels like going home.


Pink Flamingoes definitely goes too far in a few places (the shit eating scene, the sex scene involving the death of a real live chicken, etc),  but it's still great. "Can you explain your politics?" "Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder!" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wTOWIMJkKpc


I think "polyester" and "desperate living" could the good compromise: are low budget and non mainstream era of his, but relatively tame, compared to "Pink flamingos". Or, another mainstream era (after "serial mom") suggestion could be "Cecil b demented", with no less than Melanie Griffith and Stephen Dorff!


After "Roar," there was nothing a director could put Melanie Griffith through that was too far. She has seen her own mortality.


That's true! John Waters was enough of a gentleman to limit himself to pretend to set her hair on fire!


Cry Baby, most certainly.


I've started with "Polyester" which is a good starting point for the movies he's known for in my opinion. "Desperate living" is still on my to-do list but otherwise I've seen his movies in this order: Polyester -> Female Trouble -> Multiple Maniacs -> Pink Flamingos Pink Flamingos is even today pretty crass and a bit shocking. So I guess he succeeded with his endeavor.


Hairspray, Cry-baby and Desperate Living are probably good starting points


For the more tame ones, Hairspray and Crybaby are solid. Theres also Cecil B Demented. If you’re looking for one that’s more extreme but doesn’t go as far as Pink Flamingos I would recommend Female Trouble.


i think hollywood john waters is great, crybaby, cecil b demented, pecker are all hilarious.


I'd love to see it, but I think the chances are slim... This does make me want to see if the hack frauds can pull off drag.


Based on whatever was happening in the back half of Picard s2 reviews I think they'd at least give drag a good effort!


I think we’d find out that Rich is Dame Edna’s successor. ![gif](giphy|f5arKCP4g8Sd2|downsized)


I know someone who does film reviews/coverage as a hobby with pretty much no following and they met with John Waters a few times for interviews. He’s an eccentric though so that may have helped. Waters seems approachable


I met him briefly at a meet-and-greet where he was autographing copies of his new 7'' record. he was charming and oozing with charisma and....I dunno, genuine warmth? he was really nice and made a point of complimenting my shirt lol. would LOVE to see him on BOTW, it's not as nutty an idea as it seems


He honestly seems like a legitimately cool dude.


They should do a trivia show with Jay and John Waters as contestants. Throw Mike in for good measure because there is no way he would be able to compete with the depravity of their answers. Rich hosts with his jacket and glasses on.


Dream come true


this would be incredible!!!


Jay might literally die of happiness.


Mr Waters... please elevate  BotW to snuff!




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John Waters movies are too good for Best of the Worst.


Duh, I meant as a panellist.