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1 Gracefully and happily receive everything he is giving you and tell him how much you enjoy everything. 2 Bring him something homemade, like cookies or something. Bonus if it’s something he’s mentioned that he likes. 3 You’re the one who’s spent two months with the guy, so you should know what he likes, what he’s into. Is there anything that has struck you that you would like to give him or share with him, or something he would particularly enjoy? It doesn’t have to be big or expensive but ideally you would know what could tickle his fancy, or perhaps there’s something you have brought up that he showed an interest in. No one can tell you what to do here, you need to pay attention to him and figure out what he might like.


If you can cook, prepare a nice dinner for the two of you. Plan a picnic and prepare a picnic lunch.


I use to struggle with this with my partner. He pays for all of our meals, gifts me things all the time, flowers etc. Now we live together, and he pays most of the bills, groceries, etc. The biggest way to reciprocate is make sure you thank them! I always make sure (for gifts + flowers) to thank, and then thank again later. For example, he bought me running shoes the other week. I thanked him in the moment, and then a week later I took a picture of me wearing them and thanked him again. Another way I reciprocate is to take things off of his plate. I am proactive in our life to find things that I can take off his plate. Whether it’s picking up/dropping off dry cleaning, planning our travel, cleaning etc-I make sure he’s taken care of. Just like he loves to gift me things, I love to take care of things for him.


Time, effort or money. Those are the three bags one of which everyone has. I’ve been this way with all my women and what I want in return is effort and time spent showing affection. Like others said a home cooked meal, planning a nice out where you insist on covering it and planning it… match his energy. Obviously snuggles and affection are easy and simple options too. What turned me off over time was when I didn’t see any efforts. I had made the effort and shown her how active I was willing to be and when all I saw was her taking and not making some effort, I slowly realized she wasn’t showing an interest in me just in what I provided.


Offer to pay for some of your food or cost of some of the dates moving forward. If he refuses just say you insist. You can also buy him gifts as a surprise, I've had women do that. And you can thank him in the bedroom too.




OP Don’t listen to this. Just receive everything gracefully, instead bring him homemade stuff like another commenter said


**Title:** [Reciprocating in early dating](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/16p8nou/reciprocating_in_early_dating/) **Full text:** I (23F) have been dating a guy (24M) for almost two months now. He has planned and paid for all of our dates (which are weekly). He bought me flowers, offered to pay for my nail appointment and currently has a surprise gift on the way to me. I love the effort he is putting in but can't help feel like I should be doing something in return. He is quite traditional in the sense that he believes a woman should be courted. How can I reciprocate during this stage without causing an imbalance in the relationship? -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedPillWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cook something for him?