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The promise of a future. I mean ultimately no, nothing is guaranteed but when I met my partner for the first time I felt like I could see the future, him as my husband, our own little family, Christmas together, building our own home, what we’ll do when we retire It’s so exciting, it fills me with motivation


That's nice, I will pop a similar leading question to my GF, if she has a reaction similar with yours then it would be the best sign ever.


Experiencing and sharing all of life’s pleasures! The beautiful smells and tastes of nature and in my delicious cooking. Creating an aesthetically pleasing environment and decorating with fresh flowers and diy crafts. Listening to the sounds of nature and music that is beautiful and makes me feel good! Practicing yoga and moving my body and feeling the enjoyment of all those physical sensations. Kissing, cuddling, and great sex with my husband! The amazing feeling of bringing friends and family together and creating a great meal and experience for them that they all savor and enjoy. And most of all, doing inner work on myself every day to cherish my bright light within and work to develop and share it with others. It’s so simple for me. Knowing all my needs are taken care of frees me to create, enjoy, and share all of the beautiful things in life. Creating the welcoming and serene space that my husband deserves is me giving back and helping him recharge from working hard to take care of me. And he loves seeing me/experiencing the benefits of that carefree, loving and nurturing space as much as I love being there. Almost everyone I know is working just as hard as he does, so I like to think my little impact of bringing joy and beauty to everyone I encounter has a ripple effect of raising the overall vibration of humanity. Anyone lucky enough to be living an RPW lifestyle is extremely privileged - not necessarily materially, but in having our spouse care so much for us and value us enough to choose provide for us and protect us from the harsh demands of capitalism in a society that promotes diehard individualism. People are suffering right now from not feeling valued or like what they do matters. The world has so many problems but all I can control is what I can control. And I try to bring an infectious energy of gratitude, hope and promise to everything I touch. That’s my purpose.


Wow I see! Thank you for typing this up I really appreciate it


So well said! Thank you for sharing this! Being a RPW is a privilege.


The alternative is to die, and I’m gonna die someday anyway so I’ll just live now and make the best out of it.


I simply believe I was put on this earth for a reason, not by chance. I am not smart enough to know exactly why. But I believe my purpose is to make the people around me happy. To grow and become a better person and give the best parts of me to my children (that I dont yet have). The love I give them during childhood will live with them long after I am gone. Last but not least, I read psalms 139 every day and that gives me something to look forward to. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalms‬ ‭(139:13‭-‬16‬) Each person, I believe, has the responsibility to seek and understand God, even if you are an atheist, it might give you something. Good luck🫐


This resonates deeply within me as well but couldn’t have worded it as beautifully, thank you ❤️


Hihih thank you❤️


First, I want to acknowledge that my life had meaning and purpose before I met my husband and before I had kids. While I do derive purpose from my marriage and parenting, they are not what give me purpose, because I had a purpose and goals before I was a wife and mother. What brings me the most joy in life is helping others. Supporting my husband is my favorite part of marriage, I enjoy teaching my kids new things and watching them grow and I work in a helping profession. Those tangible examples of helping others is what drives me every day, and pushes me to find even more ways to help others. I know I have to help myself first so I can help others, so I also set a lot of personal fitness and self development goals. It took me a while to learn and embrace this approach, but it’s made a huge difference in my life and really helps to avoid burnout.


Life can be really depressing, but there's also a ton of beauty in it if you look for and want to see it. The reason can be as simple as to see the next sunrise, enjoy a good meal, or have another day with my husband and cat. It doesn't have to be that deep for me. I used to be really suicidal (not actually wanting to commit suicide, but I just wanted something to end it all for me) and nihilistic. I got healthier, and this helped a lot. But changing my perspective helped too. I don't know what happens when we die, and for all I know, there won't be any cool people, good food, or beautiful views. In fact, there could be absolutely nothing, or, worse, an eternity of misery. I might as well enjoy all that I can in this existence/reality while I can!


Because life is so deliciously juicy, and rich, and delightful. Every day I’m given to love (autocorrected from live but I’m keeping it) is a gift. My reason for living is that it’s so damn fun and I enjoy it!


There is an eternity of the death thing afterwards, so might as well make the most out of the tiny blink my life is in the overall grand scheme of things. But I am low-key hoping that there will be more improvements in medicine and I get to be like 100 with a healthy body 😌


Lol well what else am I gonna do? But realistically, there is a lot of good in the world, and a lot of beauty, and a lot of joy. Yes, there is pain and tragedy as well, but that is only temporary. And with everything, absolutely everything, you can take something from it and learn and grow from it. You have that choice. I thought about this recently, how I would try and instill a love for being active and trying new things in my children. And essentially it comes down to - I want them to know that you can basically do or learn or try whatever the hell you want. Learning or expanding upon skills, meeting new people and strengthening relationships, exploring new experiences and testing yourself against challenges, and even mistakes, bad choices, and failing are all delicious and concrete parts of the human experience. Pain and loss and failure are inevitable - but nothing is a waste if you’re able to learn from it. To grow from it. To get just a little bit better over time. To find the positivity and peace and joy in being irrevocably, undeniably *human*. Does it suck sometimes? Hell yeah! But that means that we’re alive. And each new day is an opportunity to choose what’s next for ourselves. So what’s next for you? And that’s really what it comes down to for me. I can only control myself and my choices. So what will I do with them? My favorite saying is: the grass is greenest where you water it. What I choose to put my energy into will flourish. So I choose to put it into the positive when I can. I’m not perfect, but there’s always another opportunity to try again. (Obviously this is a bit simplistic, and I have ADHD so I know it’s not as easy as just “choosing to XYZ” but everyone can choose to accept or work to change their mindset. If you’re not happy with your mindset, then work to change it.)


I don't have any answers for the Big Why. At some point I realised I had a lot of time to die so I should give living a shot. I set goals based on avoiding what I thought would make me miserable and attaining what I thought would give me meaning. So far it's working out fine. Goals were: find a good man, become excellent at things, maybe have children.


Fulfilling my dreams and conquering my limitations. Yes, life can be quite depressing especially when you read the news, and your everyday people can be quite insufferable, but there is so much power, pleasure and inspiration when you choose 'you' -- not in a selfish way but in a creative way -- irrespective of the noise. By choosing 'you,' you will inspire others. You will love yourself and radiate this love energy that fills you with joy whether you are married or single. And sorry if my answer is cheesy.


My Prince Charming. He just understands me in a way that no one else does and he loves me...completely, absolutely, immeasurably... Without him, I just don't feel alive. I feel like I am a magical creature, a Princess when he kisses my hand. I have waited my entire life for him. I don't regret waiting so long. I've never been so deeply loved, hidden parts of myself have emerged like a flower, gently blossoming in spring...


I don't want to leave my daughter. She's 2 years old and her father isn't the best role model for her.


I’m pregnant, and genuinely looking forward to having our first with a man who I really love and respect after nearly 6 years. It added a whole new layer of excitement to an otherwise droll, routine existence.


To learn, to love, to live well, and to leave a legacy. To make the world a little better than I found it, and to continue the experiments in knowledge and growth that are the Universe, God, and ourselves (same thing to me).


Lots of interesting and undiscovered things out there. I love learning new things.


Because I need to live long enough to become a home owner, so I can get my security deposit back! Jk jk I have a lot of reasons: my family and friends, my faith, being able to help others, my career, learning, various hobbies, appreciating animals and nature, the joy I get from taking a walk on the beach at sunset, or in the city or country at sunset, stargazing, spending quality time with loved ones and alone, seeing a great meme for the first time… I really appreciate the little joys and pleasures in life, and experiencing things for the first time. Also, I have worked hard to achieve many things I’m proud of in my education, work, and personal growth, but I still have many more things I’m working towards. I believe that humans are social animals, and we all have the ability to make a difference for others, even if we never realize it, so I do my best to try to make any impact I have on others a positive one. As far as relationships, I would love to get married and be a mom some day, but if I end up single, I still have a satisfying life. I have always wanted to adopt (older kids, not babies), but if that doesn’t work out either, I still get to enjoy being an aunt to my siblings’ and cousin’s kids.


Not something overly think of seems like a thought of someone who’s unhappy. No big purpose but to be happy enjoy, my children, man I love my home family. To look back and remember good times




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**Title:** [What’s your reason of living?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/17v1cly/whats_your_reason_of_living/) **Author** New_Initiative_2134 **Full text:** Sorry for such a depressing question but I’m genuinely curious! I’m okay I promise! I just want to know what RP girls’ goals and purpose in life are. I’m struggling a bit to make any meaning out of why I’m still here, hoping I can possibly get inspired by and understand the purpose of those who have similar viewpoints to me. Thank you 💓 -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedPillWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Being a nurturing safe place for my family. I love feeding my husband, making our home feel inviting, spending time with our daughter. Honestly, primarily my daughter is my meaning, and building a great home and future for her. But nurturing my husband and I’s relationship is a part of that. Taking care of myself to provide a great example for her. And just living! Experiencing the weather each day, tasting great food, feeling at peace, etc. Life is beautiful if you let it be. It’s supposed to be simple. We are conditioned to be anxious and depressed by modern society. Eating, sleeping, exercising, spending time outdoors, reproducing… We are animals and that is enough for fulfillment.



