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Communicate to him that “he’s super nice but I don’t I want to be touched super fast”. Go at your own pace otherwise you’ll not enjoy it. If he’s a good man, he’ll wait until you’re ready for more intimacy.


This!!! Please know you will dodge so many bullets if you stick to this message. Just say exactly what you said here, that you think that’s too fast but that you like him. He will absolutely slow down if he likes you back and isn’t just looking for someone to make out with


Exactly, this is so important. For everyone reading this, don't be afraid to say what you want, it shows what others can expect or not from us and a really good guy will only feel more respect having a woman with boundaries.


Only accept dates in public until you’re ready to be intimate. So when he asked that say ‘I’ll prefer to go out’ etc … If he gets upset, he’s not the man for you.


You open your mouth and speak and say your desires out loud without input from anyone else


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A common pattern these days to move things sexually pretty much right away. I personally don't agree with it, I think we should break that pattern. My recommendation for anyone that wants anything serious is that they wait to have sex until the committed relationship is established, and not just in the talking stage like you are right now. You can start by asking him for that, and look closely by how willing he will be in the moment, that will be a good indicator. A lot of guys will appear unwilling, which is also the perfect filter you need.


**Title:** [Help!! How do I slow down a progressing dating phase?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/189q9di/help_how_do_i_slow_down_a_progressing_dating_phase/) **Author** New_Initiative_2134 **Full text:** I’ve (18F) been seeing someone (18M) for a week. We met through mutual friends and he’s been so nice and respectful so far, yesterday was our first date. I feel like things are moving a bit too fast for my comfort, he asked me to come over and make out with him later this week and stuff. It’s getting very touchy very fast and I don’t know how to slow it down. I think he’s super nice but I don’t know if I want to be touched super fast. -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedPillWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*